• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran

Comments ( 113 )

Huh. Poor Abe. Maybe next time...next...errr....Maybe next life, you'll remember to avoid ponies! :pinkiecrazy:

This one was very strange. Yet at the same time, a strange I want to see more of even though I know I won't.

Well. . . that happened.

Ahh good old greek mythology ^^


5115538 NEVER MIND ABORT!!! ABORT!!! wait a tic, DEAD RINGER!!!!

I am consumed with the urge to go break some unicorn horns.

:rainbowhuh: I'm confused by the sheer amount of "nope" in the comments.
The writing is fairly good, here, and the character actions are well done.

Also the eating of human flesh by other beings is nothing new, nor strange. Even ritualistically.
And of course, I was expecting that ending just from the title, but it's still awesome to see it done so well.
Good job. Have a green thumb. (Please don't eat the green thumb, though.) :eeyup:
Edit: Bah. Have the gold star too. It's even better with the reference to Heracle's companion, as well as the original horses, now I actually read that again.

(Also, for everyone linking to Warhammer 40K things. Greek Mythology is where the basis of this story is found. Which is even more awesome than 40K things. Because the greeks were fucking badass.)


On one hand, I see your point. It's not really anything 'new', and we were warned beforehand. It certainly was well written, but it's an Admiral Biscuit fic, so that's par for the course.

On the other hand, dude got ate alive. While he was conscious. Begging for his life.

That's pretty fucking brutal.

5116330 I... honestly didn't notice. Well. Either I'm dangerously unbalanced, or just that use to messed up stuff. :moustache:
... Eh. I enjoyed it.

I'm actually crying right now!

I am going to have to kill something now.

Seeing how the response to this seems to have been mostly negative, I'm just going to put it out there that I thought this was great. A really chilling look at a different mythological background for the ponies. Of course, didn't stop it from from being seriously creepy - but that's what made it good.

Pinkie produced her copy of To Serve Man

That Twilight Zone reference. At least that's where I got that from, it could be from something even older. :applejackunsure:

Anyways, don't mind me, I'm just going to be over here, in the corner, sick, while hiding behind my Canadian friends.
(Normal Sherman, Sherman Firefly, normal Sherman, Sherman Firefly, normal Sherman, Sherman Firefly, normal Sherman, Sherman Firefly, normal Sherman...etc)

The only version of Equestria where I'd have little problem killing Octavia. After all, I imagine she'd be more interested in eating me than going on a date, unless she used it as a ruse, in which oral sex would go very badly. :fluttershbad:

Hmm, these ponies, against... the French. After taking away their morals about eating a sapient being. Basically putting them into "horse meat is still horse meat" mode. :trollestia:

Don't know to upvote or not. I mean, I knew what I was getting into, but man, that was thoroughly disturbing. Hm... I guess since it was well written, and was meant to be disturbing and did its job, it can get an upvote.


It's even better with the reference to Heracle's companion, as well as the original horses, now I actually read that again.

Can you guess which pony is which mare? I picked them specifically (although one's a bit of a stretch).:pinkiehappy:

For a while this felt like a clopfic ,and I was like, 'the tags say.... Wait...." then that happened. Yep!


For a while this felt like a clopfic ,and I was like, 'the tags say.... Wait...."

That was absolutely intentional.


Can you guess which pony is which mare?

Rainbow = Podargos ?
Twilight = Lampon ?
Pinkie = Deinos ?
Applejack = Xanthos ?

Also, is the. . . uh. . . victim a reference to Heracles' favored champion?

Correct on all four! I thought Deinos fit Pinkie especially well. And yes, the poor human is a reference to Heracles' favored companion, and the choice of publishing on the 8th was in reference to it being the 8th labor (that was my pre-reader's idea).


Whoo!! :rainbowdetermined2:

And I fully agree with the Pinkie/Deinos connection. That pink demon is scary even without murderous urges. :twilightoops:

At this moment in time, the story has exactly 50 ratings, 25 green thumbs and 25 red ones!
OCD is very pleased.

On another note, this makes the ponies out to be very, very cunning and casually murderous. I love it!

5117910 Yeah, Data Expunged got it before I could, but you weren't exactly subtle.
The first time I read it, I vaguely remembered the Mares of Diomedes were flesh eating horses, and pretty much expected it to end like it did. Then I went and refreshed myself by looking up the lore surrounding them, and was like :rainbowderp:"... waaaait a second."
So, yes. I saw what you did there, you cunning linguist you.
Which is, in fact, why you got that gold star. The story was well written and clever, it had decent flow, and built up well. And also it was an amazing shout out to some ancient mythology that I really love. :heart:
(As an aside; for half a second I was thinking "why is Pinkie Deinos?" and then I was like "no, wait. Pinkie". Though AJ as Xanthos was a bit of a stretch, I agree. Flutters might have been better.)


At this moment in time, the story has exactly 50 ratings, 25 green thumbs and 25 red ones!
OCD is very pleased.

It should be CDO. That way the letters are in the correct order.
I think this one's going to be stuck about 50/50 ratings-wise.

On another note, this makes the ponies out to be very, very cunning and casually murderous. I love it!



The story was well written and clever, it had decent flow, and built up well. And also it was an amazing shout out to some ancient mythology that I really love

I am sadly not as up to speed on my Greek mythology as I ought to be, especially since so much in the show is based on it. Someone mentioned the Mares on one of my blog posts (I think it was the meat-eating one), and I thought, Huh. I need to write that.

As an aside; for half a second I was thinking "why is Pinkie Deinos?"

I had the same thought when I was looking at the names, and then, like you, I was like, "of course Pinkie."

Though AJ as Xanthos was a bit of a stretch, I agree. Flutters might have been better.

Well, she's got a yellow mane and a coat color (gamboge) which can be interpreted as either a yellow or an orange. My own head says 'yellow,' but there's a long story behind that. From a storytelling point of view, Fluttershy just didn't work. I'd already matched FS to Xanthos, and Rarity to Lampon, as different possibilities, but when I plotted out the story, it made the most sense for RD to find him first, and then to ask AJ for help.


That's good ol' Greek mythology for ya'. :pinkiecrazy:

Now in technicolor. :twilightoops:

To be fair, we were warned. Those who did not heed the warning have no one to blame but ourselves.

Lets see them try that with a United States Marine. Betcha anything the Marine would turn the tables and eat them. :trollestia:

Pinkie produced her copy of To Serve Man

Why Pinkie's copy? They're in the library, which is Twilight's zone. :pinkiehappy:

On that topic, now that Twilight is a princess, she really should have her own contingent of guards. The head of said contingent should be called Sterling Scepter. "But you can call me Rod. Everypony does." :coolphoto: (I give everyone permission to use this, up to and including Hasbro.)

I'm just glad it was the joke and not the grimdark/gore that triggered my gag reflex. :moustache:


Why Pinkie's copy? They're in the library, which is Twilight's zone

I see what you did there.:trixieshiftleft:

The head of said contingent should be called Sterling Scepter. "But you can call me Rod. Everypony does."

And that just whizzed over my head. I've got a nagging feeling I ought to know it, but I've got nothing.

I'm just glad it was the joke and not the grimdark/gore that triggered my gag reflex.

Good, I guess?

5117575 Pinkie... You're just terrible. :pinkiecrazy:


Seriously though, there is an AMAZING story with a similar bent called "Unnatural Selection". Dude needs to freakin' update man! Sadly, he hasn't updated the story in a year, but it is pretty far in. Basically, it's an alt universe where ponies RAVENOUSLY eat ALL non pony flesh, though no humans (and not by consumption either :rainbowlaugh: ). It's dark as fuck sometimes, and Celestia is bucking scary as tartarus!

Spike is a boss in that fic though! :moustache:


Basically, it's an alt universe where ponies RAVENOUSLY eat ALL non pony flesh, though no humans (and not by consumption either :rainbowlaugh: ). It's dark as fuck sometimes, and Celestia is bucking scary as tartarus!

Eh... that's okay. I'm not normally a very gory grimdark story fan. Even this one I had to give a read mainly because PT posted it in a group thread.

Read the description though, Spike's got this. :moustache:


I think this one's going to be stuck about 50/50 ratings-wise.

Well... to be fair, this is pretty much a gore for the sake of gore story, and those don't really go down well. The only major thing really that sets it apart is that this one has historical mythological context to it.


Well... to be fair, this is pretty much a gore for the sake of gore story, and those don't really go down well. The only major thing really that sets it apart is that this one has historical mythological context to it.

Yeah . . . I wasn't expecting great things from this one. Didn't help that it was linked on what's basically an anti-what-this-story-is thread.

Well, no matter. I liked the historical tie-in, and I went with the gore because I've never written gore before, and I hoped that people would critique the writing. I also suspect it'll age well, but I guess we'll see. (after all, the original story's over 2000 years old :derpytongue2:)

Thinking back, I noticed that you said humans had only been pushed to the brink of extinction. They still exist in that world.

That opens up interesting story possibilities. . .


You are correct; humans aren't totally extinct.

5123055 Maybe not, but I'm betting that this is why the ponies consider this a rare "treat".

And the idea that Equestrian ponies are descended from the Mares of Diomedes (one of my faves from Greek Mythology) is a really interesting one.

Scary after you got into it, but a good read all the same. Consider it faved, upvoted, and yourself added to my Watch list, my friend. Looking forward to see more of your fics.

Much as I hate reaction faces, this sums mine up pretty good

Fair enough.

I won't deny it's a horrible view of Equestria . . . but it's based on a Greek myth, and the show itself is steeped in Greek myths. I couldn't not do it.

Well, it was quite tough to find this. It doesn't even show up on your page with the mature filter on. Considering the first Pegasus was supposedly born from the beheaded neck of his mother, who was a pretty woman turned super ugly/monstrous because she got raped in a temple, I guess it's not too bizarre. In that vein, next up could be a story about a brony going around chopping off the heads of ugly women, and expecting Rainbow Dash to fly out. Who knows?


Well, it was quite tough to find this. It doesn't even show up on your page with the mature filter on

Huh. That's kind of weird.

Considering the first Pegasus was supposedly born from the beheaded neck of his mother, ...

If memory serves, a lot of the Greek myths were rather bloody.

next up could be a story about a brony going around chopping off the heads of ugly women, and expecting Rainbow Dash to fly out.

That would be an interesting story to write . . . especially if it winds up happening at the end. I don't think it's really my cup of tea, unless I can think of a way to do it tastefully.

There are a few things I find issue with here. Although I can accept the idea of flesh-eating ponies, the eating of sentient beings is a marked cry from just being carnivorous. Even that can be excused to an extent by them being carnivorous (which they aren't, as you pointed out their omnivorous nature with that sentence with the grass) but, as intelligent beings with a sense of empathy that have acknowledged Abe as another intelligent being (capable of speech), eating him while he's alive and conscious is cruelly out of character. Another blow to the head wouldn't kill him for several minutes.

From what I gathered from the original Greek myth, the mares were driven to a frenzy by human flesh. Since our ponies are sapient, I figured that they could delay gratification--but only to a point. And maybe when it comes to human flesh, the screaming of the victim makes the meat that much better.

Is it horrible, brutal, and completely OOC from what we see in the show? Without a doubt. Were both my pre-readers and myself vaguely repulsed by the story? Yes. It is, without a doubt, one of the most awful versions of Equestria imaginable.

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