• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 13,315 Views, 538 Comments

The Dawn Of Dusk Shine - zakueins

Prince Dusk Shine wakes up in a Ponyville where all his friends are mares. Surely, that won't be a problem. Right?

  • ...


“Sub-optimal! Highly, highly sub-optimal!”

This was the muttered train of thought as Dusk Shine trotted back into Ponyville. After getting out of sight of Rainbow Dash, he immediately started to go for hooves over wings. His mind was filled with conflicting thoughts, naughty images, and general confusion after dealing with Rainbow Dash and her...offer.

Hey, you know where I live if you change your mind!

Dusk Shine had to stop and lean against a tree for a second. Thinking very hard, and very deep thoughts.

That was...I mean, I have heard come-ons before, but that is...blatant! I can not even see Rainbow Blitz doing that kind of thing, especially to somepony that is his friend. Could it be the gender difference? The female-to-male ratio is the exact opposite of home, and therefore...therefore what?

Dusk Shine took a long, deep breath, and settled back onto his hooves, trotting towards Ponyville again. The thoughts weren’t going away on their own, even with movement and exercise.

But, the sheer blatancy of the offer! What does it mean, other than that Rainbow Dash is...what? She had to have known how Twilight Sparkle would have responded to that kind of offer. As far as I can tell, it is only our gender that is different, so she had to know the response we had…

“A joke,” Dusk Shine whispered. “Could it be that...oh, my, Rainbow Dash,” he said admiringly. “You were pranking me!”

The little traitor’s voice started to whisper again in his head. Rainbow Blitz is not that good of an actor. You should know, you clean him out early on in every single poker game that you have ever played with him. Could he keep up a role this good for this long? And, if Rainbow Dash is the same, then she was not acting.

“Ah,” Dusk Shine said to the voice in his head. “But, we know just how far Rainbow Blitz will go to pull off a prank.”

You are trying to deny what happened. And, the little traitor’s voice continued, you wanted to do something with her, did you not? Or, why do you feel so oddly about the idea, wings open like they are now?

Dusk Shine looked back and...the full spread wings of a wing boner. He pulled the wings back down angrily, keeping his mind on his situation. “Rainbow Blitz...can be impulsive at times,” he said to the air. “This was just an impulse act on her part, like Rainbow Blitz buying out all the Daring Do books once he discovered he liked the stories.”

The little traitor’s voice had no rebuttal to that statement. Dusk Shine smiled, and started to trot again back to town, when he thought if I was going to be here longer, and I was responsible for being here...I might have taken her up on it.

It wasn’t the voice of the little traitor. It was something...deeper. A voice that stopped him in his tracks.

“Sub-optimal,” Dusk Shine sighed. “This whole day has started out sub-optimal and is getting worse.”

The temptation to just head back to the library, barricade the door, and pull up a red flag had just gone up significantly. That whole concept, that nervousness, that fear was at war with the unfinished checklist. “And,” Dusk Shine said to himself, “it is only one data point out of five friendships. Rainbow Blitz is impulsive and sometimes his mouth works before the brain catches up, out of breath. Assuming the brain can ever find him! Applejack is much more reliable and dependable.”

Dusk Shine smiled, took a deep breath, and started again to trot towards town. After all, he thought, it will be an interesting question to ask, from a sociological standpoint. How would ponies respond to a sudden gender flip in a member of the community? I should be taking notes-or, better yet, I will remember things and write them down first chance I get. Questions to be asked! Studies to be done! Maybe even a paper on the subject!

These thoughts kept Dusk Shine busy as he trotted into town.

Gossip can, in some circumstances, change scenery.

In the case of Dusk Shine, his hour and a half away from Ponyville meant that there was a sudden upswing in ponies getting...fancy. Mares were getting more...polished. Ribbons and flowers in their hair, more serious brushing and grooming done, teeth cleaning to a standard that Colgate would have been shocked to see. Hooves were cleaned, shined, and some of the more ambitious went for shoes. As Dusk Shine trotted through town, he could see the line that was around the block for the local beauty salon. His observations included more detailed cleaning and preparation of various parts of Ponyville, and there was something else he saw-and realized.

Makeup. More ponies were wearing makeup than earlier today-sometimes a big garish, sometimes requiring him to look to see the subtlety of how it was applied. Some of the pegasui were stretching out when they didn’t think he was looking, preparing to dance. Unicorns were getting their horns polished and out of the corner of his eye, he realized that the library had to be doing land-office business today. The line of ponies-almost entirely mares-stretched down the street.

Dush Shine stopped, and took a deep breath. Considered the visual evidence. Wished that he could start making a checklist. But, he could organize one in his mind, and he considered the issues involved. Sudden upsurge in preening and gender-specific mating behavior. I have no evidence of what happened yesterday, but from the time I left the library to now...vector transmission pattern?

He was now very curious as to how the local spa was doing. The question became, why? Why the sudden urge to preen and primp and look proper and attractive by the mares of Ponyville? It wasn’t because of tomorrow, because a lot of the work being done would have been undone by sleep and time. And, the Princes...Princesses?...are not swayed so much by purely physical beauty. They have seen so much of it over the years, in varying degrees. What has caused this sudden upsurge in preening behaviors? It is almost as if they are trying to attract a mate, but the gender ratio of Ponyville has not changed…

Dusk Shine realized what he was thinking about, then face-hoofed himself. (Twenty-two mares saw this, and wondered what he was thinking about, and hoped it might have been them.) The gender ratio has changed very slightly. By one pony-myself. And, I am...dear Helios and Faust. It has changed by a single very high status male that is unattached and single.

Dusk Shine very carefully sighed (ten mares thought it was a romantic sigh and at them), and considered the fastest route to Sweet Apple Acres that used major streets. The widest of the main streets, and...

“Excuse me!” An all-too-familiar voice said, holding up a pile of scrolls in her magic. The harp Cuite Mark proclaimed that this was going to be another headache generator. “Um, Twilight Sparkle? I’ve got some more notes and test results and ideas to work on and I was wondering….”

Dusk Shine took a long, slow deep breath, and smiled his best smile. It looked like he was trying not to wince in pain. “I promise, Harpsie…”

“Lyra,” she corrected.

“Lyra, yes,” Dusk Shine smiled even more painfully. With a careful touch of his magic, Dusk Shine lifted the scrolls out of Lyra's field and put them in his saddle bags. “I promise to take a look at notes when I have finished with all the preparations for the party tomorrow. Thank you.”

And, Dusk Shine felt his horn glow, magic flowing through his body, as he vanished immediately out of sight.

There was a pause as every mare that was in line of sight saw this.

The rumors had been confirmed. The information was correct.

The gossip went up another level…

In three short flashes of magical energy, Dusk Shine had teleported out of town and was on the dirt-and-stone path to Sweet Apple Acres. Dusk Shine was a city stallion, and the idea of liking the country caused him to look at a pony for serious mental issues. Oh, he understood that his food had to come from somewhere, that there were ponies that liked being out in the dirt and the bugs and all the other small annoying things that being outside meant. Dusk Shine didn’t like dirt (it made a mess of books), and bugs meant things that could potentially eat books. Both of which were not wanted around the very important books that were a part of Dusk Shine's life. But, for some reason that Dusk Shine could never adequately explain, Sweet Apple Acres-regular barn replacement raising and all-felt like a second home to him.

Part of it had to be Applejack-for however annoying and occasionally rock-stubborn the stallion could be, Applejack had always stood with him and was willing to listen. Of all the friends that had been changed by this event, Dusk Shine expected that Applejack would remain Applejack-unflappable in the chaos of pony life.

Even if there were plumbing changes.

The post-teleport walk to Sweet Apple Acres was just was Dusk Shine needed. It was quiet, without the threat of an amorous Rainbow Dash or the impending threat of other mares that were going to ask him out, a most unusual state for Dusk Shine. Oh, he had a definite upswing (from zero) after the Ascension-wings and horn in combination seemed to add more sex appeal to single mares. Dusk Shine was still getting used to the idea that he might actually be attractive to mares, and this sudden change in circumstances wasn’t helping with his ego. Which, of course, lead back to questions relating to the dream he had the previous night.

Could that be why this has happened? Dusk Shine considered. My magic is trying to tell me something and it is telling me by throwing me into a situation where my nominal data points are altered, and the alteration is making me consider things and issues in a way that I had not previously and…

“Well, hello there, handsome,” an oddly familiar voice from behind interrupted his thoughts. “What’s a city slicker like you doing this far out?”

Dusk Shine turned, and a mare came out from under the shade of the apple trees. Brown fur, blonde mane and tail, and a stetson were the first thing he noticed. This, the mare version of Applejack, was probably half a head shorter, but very well muscled. Red ribbons tied off her much longer mane and tail into sensible braids, and the hat rested firmly on her head, with an ever so slight cock to it. Her grooming was decent if practical-probably being assisted by Elusive (no, Dusk Shine reminded himself, Rarity) to look good without being assaulted by The Fancy. Same Cutie Mark-three apples-on her flanks. Same "salt of the Earth" appearance that suggested that mountains would fall before she did. Oh, and she was looking at him with a bit of a wicked smile. “So, what brings you around to Sweet Apple Acres?” Applejack asked, and started to trot towards the path.

“Ah, yes,” Dusk Shine shook himself and considered his next words. “My name is Dusk Shine, and I appear to have swapped places with your friend Twilight Sparkle for the day. Since we appear to both have the same schedule of tasks, I am here to help her out, presuming that she is doing the same back in my version of Ponyville.”

Applejack blinked, gave Dusk Shine a considering look, and face-hoofed. “Twilight, you goofed a spell again? Which one was it this time-some weird version of ‘Want It, Need It’? Something else? We gonna have to have Spike send the Princess a letter to get this fixed?”

Dusk Shine sighed in frustration, and let his magic field catch Applejack’s muzzle-just enough to hold her mouth gently shut. “I feel like I should write up a checklist for this,” Dusk Shine sighed. “My name is Dusk Shine. I am not Twilight Sparkle post-magic accident, I am from a version of Ponyville where everypony you know as a mare is a stallion and every stallion you know is a mare. For some unknown reason, I appear to have swapped places with Twilight Sparkle. Whom is probably trying to explain this to my version of Applejack as we speak. Since we appear to have the same checklist for the event tomorrow, I am helping out Twilight Sparkle by working through the checklist of chores she has for tomorrow.” He released the magic hold on Applejack’s muzzle. “Now, what did I just say?”

“T’at you’re...Dusk Shine, from another Ponyville that we’re all swapped around,” Applejack said slowly. “You’re helping out Twilight by doing her checklist. And, I reckon you’re here to help get the barn set up for Winter Wrap Up.”

“Bravo,” Dusk Shine said, smiling. “Yes, I am here to help with the barn setup for Winter Wrap Up next year. Are we ready to get to work?”

“Sure thing,” Applejack said, and she trotted off to where the barn had to be.

Dusk Shine smiled. Finally, he thought, something is going to go right today.

Applejack wasn’t exactly complaining about the barn, but she did have to ask-again-why they had chosen this barn. “Don’t got a problem with giving the barn up,” she said. “But, why this one? Couple of larger barns on the Acres, and might be easier to load all the stuff in there.”

“Because, it is the largest of the barns that is close to town,” Dusk Shine replied, looking over the loading list. “It is not perfect, but by centralizing all the supplies and materials we need, it will make Winter Wrap Up next year much easier to do. You remember all the problems we had last year when we tried to do Winter Wrap Up?”

“I’m assuming we had the same problems,” Applejack sighed. “Stuff scattered all over town, supplies where we didn't need 'em and problems getting 'em back and forth. Still, it’s a risk, ain’t it? Barns have a pretty short half-life around here, if you haven’t noticed. We lose the barn, we lose all the supplies for next year.”

As the trotted closer, they saw that all the large equipment-the plows and carts-had been just recently cleaned, repainted, and lubricated. “Just as if we were going to pull them out tomorrow to use them,” Dusk Shine had told Mayor Mayor, and he was glad to see that they were ready the way they should have been. Barrels of seeds and animal food, racks upon racks of ice skates, organized bundles of bird nest supplies, and a thousand and one other items were waiting as well. Dusk Shine smiled in joy, as it was even labeled in the proper organization and loading order that he (well, technically, Twilight Sparkle) had created for the barn loading.

“I am not worried about that,” Dusk Shine replied, pulling out the loading checklist. “There is a preservation spell that is used on really fragile books and such at the Royal Canterlotian Library. All I had to do was scale it up and add a timer to the spell so it shuts down automatically the day before Winter Wrap Up. Once it has been cast, we could have an invasion of parasprites, loose water tornadoes, and a full buffalo herd stomp through town and nothing in the barn will be disturbed or harmed.”

“Shucks,” Applejack smiled. “Sounds like you were ready for everything this time.”

“And, when am I not?” Dusk Shine said. “Well, more accurately, when is Twilight Sparkle not ready for anything?”

“Y’want the list in alphabetical or chronological order?” Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I am almost scared to ask now,” Dusk Shine replied.

Dusk Shine was justifiably impressed-Twilight Sparkle could really create a load plan. To get all the stuff loaded into the barn would have taken a team of all three pony races-pegasus to fly up with lighter items and rig block and tackle arrays, unicorns for fine manipulation, and Earth ponies for strength and lift. Or, you could get away with just one alicorn and one assistant, which is what Dusk Shine and Applejack were doing. And, at the same time, sharing the similarities-and differences-of their respective Ponyvilles.

“Shelf three, row two,” Dusk Shine said. “That is...small bird feed, yes?”

“Yep,” Applejack replied, as Dusk Shine’s magic field grabbed the bags of bird feed and loaded them carefully onto the shelves. “Y’got your own version of the Cutie Mark Crusaders there, or have those foals finally gotten their Cutie Marks?”

“You-or at least my version of you-came up with the theory that they already had their Cutie Marks, and that they were invisible ones. Believe me, I have looked through the archives and if there is such a thing as an invisible Cutie Mark...they would have had the first,” Dusk Shine noted. He looked around, and said, “Shelf four, row two?”

Applejack was deep in some kind of thought...then, suddenly shook her head and looked around a bit. “Oh, yea...that’s more small bird feed. We go to the larger bird feed in shelf five.”

“I have it,” Dusk Shine replied, and lifted up the next set of bags. “What about Red Gala, or...the name of your brother here?”

“Big Macintosh,” Applejack said, sounding distracted. “Wow...that’s got to be weird. I mean, he’s pretty big as a stallion...how is he as a mare?”

“Huge,” Dusk Shine replied. “Taller and probably stronger than most stallions. Wears her work collar everywhere, I do not think anypony but you has ever seen her with it off.”

“Sounds like Big Mac all right,” Applejack sighed. “Seems weird to me that I’ve got an older sister and a younger brother, and not the reverse.”

“Mine would probably say the same thing,” Dusk Shine replied. He flew over slightly to the next set of shelves. “Shelf seven, row two?”

Applejack had another one of those...pauses, then she shook herself and said, “Small animal biscuits, bag’s over here.”

Dusk Shine grabbed the bags in his magic, and lifted them up. “Got it,” and started to sort them onto the shelf. “And, honestly, what is really starting to throw me off is just how...well, I hate to use the term, but stereotypically mare some of the mares in town are acting now that I showed up. I suspect that Elusive...no, that is Rarity, right?”

A pause, then an audible shaking sound, “Ah, ayep, Rarity...now, that has to be weird, what a stallion version of Rarity would look like. Care to share that detail?”

“Fussy,” Dusk Shine said after a moment. “Very fashion oriented, with an accent that it seemed like he manufactured out of whole cloth. Occasionally able to be fascinated by the most petty of things, but he has been a good friend to us all. However, if he tries to get me into a waistcoat one more time…”

Applejack laughed, a deep, rolling sound from below. “Now, that I gotta see. Rarity has been really insisting that Twilight Sparkle put on the Fancy more often now that she’s a Princess and all. Wonder what she’ll do with you when she gets her hooves on you.”

“That is not the only thing that has worried me,” Dusk Shine admitted. “Oh, shelf eight, row three.”

Another one of those pauses, then Applejack saying, “‘Nother set of small animal biscuits. What does got you worried, sugar plum?”

“I am going to hurt the feelings of somepony, badly,” Dusk Shine admitted, then sighed. “Did you know that Rainbow Dash actually propositioned me after flight exercise today?”

“What did ya say?” Odd tone to Applejack’s voice, Dusk Shine nearly missed it if it wasn’t for the fact that he was looking around for the bags.

“Flew off before I could say something stupid,” Dusk Shine confessed. “It would have been wrong to have...used Twilight Sparkle’s friendship like that? Yes, I do admit that I did enjoy…,” and here, Dusk Shine’s voice trailed off.

A long pause, and then, “Enjoy what, sugar plum?”

“The fantasies,” Dusk Shine admitted. “Ever since I got here, I have been thinking more about, well…”

“Cuddling? Kissing? Hugging?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, very much so,” Dusk Shine said after a moment. “And, I know very much that...having friends here that I can think of that way makes it harder to be responsible.”

“What does responsibility have to do with a roll in the hay?” Applejack asked, an eyebrow raised.

“What happens in about ten months after a roll in the hay,” Dusk Shine added a raised eyebrow to the pot.

“Ah.” The raised eyebrow had a sister rise to the occasion.

“Never a foal of mine to be bastard born, I promised myself. I remember how much trouble Prince Bolero had just being an orphan, let alone a foal without a parent.” Dusk Shine sighed, and took a long, deep breath. “The temptation was there, and…”

Dusk Shine took a long, deep look at Applejack now, and realized that there was this interesting expression on her face. One that made little sense… “Y’wouldn’t abandon somepony that you loved,” Applejack said in wonder. “Y’wouldn’t give up on your friends, ever. T’at why you didn’t take up Rainbow Dash’s offer? If you left...you’d be abandoning us?”

Dusk Shine landed on the floor of the barn, and considered that for a minute. “Yes. I would be abandoning the results of my actions. And, I would never give up on my friends. Or my lovers. Or that special somepony. Ever.”

Applejack’s face broke out in a huge smile and she nuzzled Dusk Shine. His wings immediately sprang to full attention. “That’s probably the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard a stallion say, sugar cube,” Applejack said, looking at him with warm eyes.

Dusk Shine’s brain froze for a moment. Even the little traitor was silent. Then…

From the porch of the house, Granny Smith was working on her knitting. She’d heard the rumors, of course, but it was now a question of if Applejack had picked up the Apple family’s skill at teasing stallions and…

“WHAT?!?” came the very loud voice from the direction of the barn the family had loaned to the town. A very male voice.

Granny Smith smiled and resumed her knitting. Clearly, Applejack was properly blooming.