• Published 12th Oct 2014
  • 13,315 Views, 538 Comments

The Dawn Of Dusk Shine - zakueins

Prince Dusk Shine wakes up in a Ponyville where all his friends are mares. Surely, that won't be a problem. Right?

  • ...


When Dusk Shine woke up early the next morning, he twitched as his magic turned off the alarm clock. “Still here,” he sighed, looking around the room, and noting that sleep didn’t seem to be a part of the method of returning back to his universe. The bed and pillow still smelled of mare, and the room was still Twilight Sparkle’s. He climbed out of bed, and found the shower. Washing up, Dusk noticed a few shampoos--mostly sample items--for stallions. He tried one out, smiled, and murmured a “Thank you, Spike,” as he washed up.

Cleansed, fur brushed, mane and tail groomed, Dusk Shine came down the stairs to confront the day. Spike emerged from his basket, rubbing his eyes. “I’ve got to stop reading comic books so late,” Spike muttered. “Breakfast...um, Dusk Shine?”

“Yes,” Dusk replied. “I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle is not back yet. But, I have been thinking and I will figure out how to bring her back.”

“Okay...I hope she’s okay over there,” Spike said, walking toward the kitchen.

“My friends are good ponies,” Dusk said, stopping Spike before he could enter. “They will help her, I know it.”

“Like you were helped yesterday?” Spike replied, raising an eyebrow.

Dusk blushed, sighed, and shook his head. “Hopefully better, as yesterday was very sub-optimal. And, with the possible exception of Rainbow Blitz, my friends are gentlestallions.”

Spike thought about this for a moment, and nodded. “I believe you, and think you’re right. Thank you, Dusk.”

Dusk listened to hear the rest of the treehouse beginning to wake up. Assuming that Cadence and Shining Armor were like Gleaming Shield and Bolero...they’d be sleeping in a while longer. Spike began working on breakfast, and Dusk found Twilight’s “start of festival” checklist. “First things first,” Dusk read off the list, “Princess Celestia and Luna need to be here…”

There was a knock at the door, and Dusk tilted his head. “Too early,” he whispered. “Who is knocking so early…”

He trotted over to the door and opened it with his magic. Standing before the door was Rarity and Fluttershy, both looking like they had not slept well. Rarity was carrying something in her magic, and wearing her saddle bags. “Um, Dusk Shine,” Fluttershy spoke first, hiding behind her curls. “I...I just wanted to tell you that the bird chorus is ready,” she whispered, trying to keep her wings in check. “When the Princesses get here, we’ll be ready.”

“And,” Rarity said, stepping carefully in front of Fluttershy, “I spent most of the night getting your jacket ready. If it doesn’t fit right,” and she waggled her hips to show off her saddle bags, “I brought what I would need to make sure it does.”

“Thank you, both,” Dusk said, a bit surprised, as he took the package from Rarity’s magic and opened it up. Inside was a brocaded vest in purple, one shade darker than his fur, that had holes perfect for both his front legs and his wings. Carefully slipping into the jacket with his magic, he settled the jacket onto his frame and buttoned it shut. He moved around a little bit, and said, “It fits...perfectly. Thank you, Rarity.”

“You are very welcome, Dusk Shine,” Rarity smiled. “Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you today.”

Fluttershy gave Rarity a gentle nudge, another pony’s firm hip slam. “Both of us,” Rarity said, realizing what she had done and blushing at her foolishness. “If you need any help today, Fluttershy and I are more than willing to help.”

“Thank you,” Dusk replied, and looked around. “Have either of you eaten yet?”

“Um...yes,” Fluttershy said softly, blushing.

“I did eat breakfast before I left the boutique,” Rarity sighed. “I expect that it will be a long day today.”

“Oh,” Dusk said, considering. “Spike was cooking breakfast for me, and if you were hungry, I would ask if he could make some more…”

Fluttershy squeaked, and Rarity blushed. “Dusk Shine, thank you. I wouldn’t impose upon you, especially after what we both did yesterday. However, if you are willing, we would love to meet you for lunch--all of the Elements, together.”

It was Dusk’s turn to blush and he smiled shyly, “I would be honored, Rarity. I do need to get back to work before the Princesses get here, but I will meet you all for lunch.”

“Thank you,” Fluttershy said in a soft but clear voice, and the two of them left for their other tasks. Dusk Shine closed the door, and took a long, slow deep breath from behind it. Sighing, he trotted towards the kitchen, where he could smell breakfast beginning to cook. Spike was clearly making something delicious, and Dusk knew that today was going to be a long day. That meant that his breakfast had to be very filling.

Half-way to the kitchen, another knock hit the front door.. Dusk sighed, turned around, and trotted back. Opening it with his magic, he was greeted by Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. “Ah, Dusk Shine,” Applejack started. “Sorry to bother you this early…”

“But, we’ve got to tell you that we’re ready to go for today,” Pinkie Pie interrupted.

“Hey, we are,” Rainbow Dash said, looking around a bit. “I’ve got all the weather teams ready to go, to make this day perfect, we’ll be making sure the cloud cover is right, and everypony is as ready to go as we are.”

“And, my part in the events?” Dusk asked, carefully.

“Ready for you at eleven,” Rainbow Dash nodded. “It’ll be awesome to see you flying with us all.”

Dusk smiled, and felt his stomach rumble. “Thank you for telling me, but I really need to get breakfast now. Would you like to come in…”

Applejack blushed, and interrupted, “We’re fine, sugar cube. Ate before we got here, didn’t we,” as she glared at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash looked embarrassed and nodded, “Yea, we did, and I’m getting something to eat with the team before we go up. We’ll let you get your breakfast.”

Pinkie Pie looked at her friends, and nodded. “Got a lot of cakes to move! I’ll be busy all morning!”

Dusk nodded, and said, “Thank you all, and I will see you all soon. We are meeting for lunch, yes?”

“That we are,” Applejack smiled. “See ya then.”

Dusk smiled, closed the door with his magic, and took a long, deep breath. His stomach rumbled again, and he sighed. “I need to get something to eat, now,” he said softly, and trotted towards the kitchen. Before he could make it more than two body lengths away from the door, there was yet another knock. Dusk shook his head in frustration, and turned around, ready to speak his mind about the interruptions. “This had better be important,” he said, opening the door, “I am missing breakfast and…,” his voice trailed off at the appearance of his latest guests at the door.

Surrounded by the Royal Guard were none other than Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“Hello, Prince Dusk Shine,” Celestia said calmly, her wings twitching slightly.

Dusk looked at the two Princesses, and felt extremely faint. It wasn’t just the height, or how they looked so alike-yet-different to Prince Helios and Artemis. It wasn’t the fact that they were two of the loveliest mares he had ever met. And, it wasn’t even the fact that they were talking to him. It was the simple fact that the little traitor and his wings decided that now was the perfect time for them fully stand up and salute the Princesses of Equestria.

“Um…,” Dusk tried to think, turning his head as he blushed and realized that his wings were showing for all the world to see exactly what he thought. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” he finally said, dragging his wings down as hard as he could and getting them settled onto his body. “You are early,” he said, feeling just how stupid that comment was. “According to the checklist of Twilight Sparkle, you have another fifteen minutes before you get here.”

“We managed to catch a good tailwind flying here,” Princess Celestia replied, and smiled gently. “May we come in?”

“Oh, oh, yes!” Dusk nodded as his words bounced around his mouth, and he stepped away from the door. “I was in the middle of having breakfast,” he continued, trotting carefully towards the kitchen. “May you join me there?”

“‘Tis a shame,” Luna replied, looking around the library carefully. “We had eaten before we left the castle. Had we known, we would have waited.”

“Dusk Shine,” Celestia said, nodding towards the kitchen. “We can wait a few minutes. Go and eat, we’ll be here when you are done.”

Dusk tried to keep a normal walking pace, but was trapped between the urge to gallop so he could get away from the conflicting emotions and the urge to find a reason why he just had to miss breakfast and speak with the two Princesses.

His stomach growled, and Dusk trotted faster for the kitchen, tripping over his hooves as he went.

Breakfast was eaten in a most incredible haste, as Dusk Shine’s brain churned with conflicting emotions and thoughts.

Are they...attracted to me? Dusk thought, taking another large bite of the pancakes. I know that so many mares are, because of who I am. But, these are the Princesses. After all, they had to have seen so many other, more attractive stallions over the centuries.

They have not seen the student they have raised from a foal to an adult, the little traitor replied, sardonically, the unicorn that saved them from being the Nightmare Moon, the scholar that figured out Starswirl the Long Maned’s Final Spell, the youngest of all the alicorns. And, now, you are a stallion when they were expecting to live forever with a mare. They are just as attracted to you as you are to them.

Dusk’s wings threatened to open up again, and he dragged them back into position. But, this is not where I belong, he thought in reply. It does not matter how much Celestia has such a fine curve of her bow coverts--only better than Rainbow Dash’s because they are larger. Or that Luna has such an engaging smile when she is fascinated by something, much like when Rarity has something that makes her smile when fashion is involved. Or even Pinkie Pie when she is thinking about pastries. Nor does it matter that Luna’s croup is almost as beautiful as Applejack’s. And, while Fluttershy has the more sexy mane, Celestia’s flows so perfectly together…

Dusk paused for a moment, fork holding a bite of pancake in mid-air via his magic. Spike looked at him and said, “Dusk, are you all right?”

Dusk shook his head to clear the thoughts that was filling up behind his eyes and smiled. “I am...just thinking about things.”

“You sure?” Spike asked, eyebrow raised. “Last time I saw Twilight Sparkle get that kind of look in her eyes was when she didn’t get a Friendship Report in and…”

Dusk shook his head again, and smiled tightly. “I promise, Spike, I will not cast another version of ‘Want It, Need It’ on anypony or anything. It is not that kind of problem...I think.”

It is much worse than that, Dusk, he thought to himself with a melancholy anger. You are genuinely attracted to all of them. Even Celestia, despite how it should feel like you were attracted to Prince Helios. But, you cannot act on that feeling, because in exchange for that, Twilight Sparkle cannot come home and…

The fork froze again, and for a minute Dusk Shine did not move. He was barely even breathing, and Spike carefully shook Dusk’s shoulder. “Um, Dusk Shine,” he asked, looking as Dusk’s eyes were wide open.

Suddenly, they closed, and Dusk broke out in a huge smile. “That has to be it,” he said loudly. “It is so simple, I have to wonder why I did not think of it before. Equivalent exchange! That has to be what happened!”

Dusk dashed out of the kitchen, to see Celestia and Luna talking with each other. “Princess Celestia! I figured out the possibility of how Twilight Sparkle and I exchanged places!”

“Dusk Shine, that is wonderful news,” Celestia replied, her wings twitching open even more. “What could have caused the two of you to switch?”

“We had a magical event that caused an equivalent exchange,” Dusk spoke confidently, pacing on the floor. “The only difference between the two of us is gender, and that might have been the positional axis on which the exchange happened. Spike! I need to get a letter off to the Royal Canterlotian Library, we need every book they have on equivalent exchange--we will probably empty out the entire alchemy wing--and if I am right…”



Dusk Shine turned, and his eyes widened in horror at what he saw.

The two Princesses were lying on their sides, their wings fully opened and their bodies frozen. They both looked at Dusk Shine with wide, adoring eyes. He took a horrified step back, and asked in a hoarse whisper, “Princess Celestia? Princess Luna?”

Princess Celestia recovered first, and somehow managed to roll onto her legs, and stand back up again. “This is…,” she began to speak, took a deep breath and gathered her wits again. “This is embarrassing. I shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like that.”

“What kind of thoughts?” Dusk asked, carefully.

“The ones that have you stay here,” Princess Luna replied. Her face broke out in a huge blush, and she turned her head away sheepishly. “You are a very handsome stallion, Dusk Shine. ‘Tis been a long time since I have seen one that has appealed to me.”

“Luna,” Celestia chided. “You’ve been attracted before.”

“More often than you have, dear sister,” Luna replied tartly. “My passions are more open than yours, but yours are deeper. And, we both have fallen for Dusk Shine, have we not?”

“Luna,” Celestia blushed again, and shook her head. “That was just...a reflexive response,” she replied, as her wings began to twitch again.

“‘Tia, your wings are telegraphing everything you’re thinking,” Luna replied sardonically, looking at her sister.

“And yours aren’t?” Celestia teased back, looking at Luna.

Dusk Shine fell onto his haunches, wings opened, and his brain stuck. His eyes were wide open and he just...sat there.

Luna sighed, and shook her head. “Yes...and, oh dear,” she stopped her argument with Celestia and waved her hoof in front of Dusk Shine’s eyes. “I think we broke his brain.”

Celestia looked at Dusk and sighed. “Woona, watch the doors for me, because this would make for perfect comedy if it happens the way I think it would.”

Celestia trotted over to Dusk Shine and noted that he still was unresponsive. She sighed, and said, “I am going to enjoy this much more than I should.” With a swift, single motion she stuck the full length of her tongue in Dusk’s ear, and licked.

Dusk’s head rocked with the shock, his wings popping open to full, and he rolled onto his back, looking around in panic. He began to gasp, “What...what...what happened?”, his breaths coming out ragged and sharp.

Celestia shook her head in amusement at the reaction, and sat down a full body’s length away from Dusk. “This happened to Twilight Sparkle on too many occasions,” Celestia said calmly. “She would sometimes have so many thoughts running through her brain that she didn’t know what to think. Mind you, I would have used a bucket of cold water, but that might have damaged the books.”

Dusk shook his head, and started to get his breathing under control. “I...remember Prince Helios doing the same thing with a bucket of water, but he would have never…”

“Needs must as Tirak drives,” Celestia sighed sadly. “Your circumstances and what has happened to you...we are all in the situation of learning what it means. If it means anything other than reminding us that we can love.”

Dusk considered that and sighed. “I…,” Dusk hung his head, and said softly, “I must admit that I am attracted. That I can think of you, and the other Element bearers, that way. I do not know what I can or must do with that knowledge. What if I cannot go home? What if I can go home? What if…”

Celestia slid across the floor enough to put a hoof on Dusk Shine’s muzzle. “Dusk Shine, ‘if’ is one of the most treacherous words in the Equestrian language. Do you respect my opinion?”

Dusk nodded. “Here is my opinion--let it happen. Let love happen if you can stay, let the knowledge that you can love go with you if you can go home. And, know this first and foremost. Whatever else happens, Dusk, I will respect your decisions.”

Dusk nodded again, and took a long, deep breath. “Thank you, Princess Celestia,” he said in a much stronger voice. “And, thank you, Princess Luna. I think...I think we need to get ready for the Festival. And...if I were to stay, I would want to know my friends and mentors better.”

“That’s all I can ask for, Dusk Shine,” Celestia nodded and got back onto her hooves. “Shall we get ready for the Festival?”

“Yes,” Dusk replied. “I will need to brush my mane, but that will take a minute. I will be right back.”

As Dusk trotted off to the bathroom, Celestia looked at Luna and her carefully constructed face of concern fell apart. Luna came up to her sister, sheltering her under her wing, wicking away the tears from her eyes with her magic.

Nopony should have to see their Princesses have to break their own hearts again.

Author's Note:

Once again, thank to Door Matt for putting up with my double spaces and my various writing quirks.

Comments ( 77 )

Yes.... it updates...

And through this update, shall even more viewers find my own fic...

Muahaha... the circle is complete.

But in seriousness, I can see why you were having a bit of trouble with it.

Well, off to break some immortal hearts!

"So, teacher, what caused the great downfall of the Alicorns that shattered the pony race?"

"One of their apprentices changed into a stallion."


*twitch* *twitch*.....
:rainbowderp: MUST
:pinkiecrazy: HAVE...
:flutterrage: MOAR!

5940212 And, this is even before her morning coffee... :raritystarry:

I've always thought that Cadence would be plotting to figure out how to make the most ponies genuinely happy with each other, with as much love as possible. (Mostly because it satisfies the octopus that lives in her brain.)

5979433 Yesssss....it updates! It updates! It's alive, alive! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

But seriously, I had to toss out one whole version of the scene because it would have done better for an Estee fanfic (which is not a complaint and more trying to write light humor vs. pitch black irony). If you're at all curious, this is what the scene would have begun with originally. Which would have been fun...but, it's not funny.

5979480 *whistles* Yeah, reading through that I can definitely see what you mean.

I honestly prefer the unused version (this one kind of feels a little... empty in comparison) but I can certainly see why you didn't go with it.

Glad to see this chapter be finally uploaded. I really laughed with the way Celestia and Luna confessed their attraction to Dusk, how he got paralyzed, and the way Celestia broke off his trance. Hope to see the next one soon.

Wow. I admire Celestia and Luna. Great job with there resolve.

Come on Dusk just screw them already

No one will blame you

5979565 I'm reminded of something I read (probably in the Teenagers From Outer Space RPG) about sex. "Sex isn't funny. Even if you're wearing clown costumes. Frustration, on the other hand..."

I never said it was funny

I will say it's sacred

Three of my most favorite stories update in one day after a long dry spell. Happy day!

This chapter went from seriously silly to really sad very quickly. I hope for a happy ending.

Hee another example of problem of attraction and gender flipped universes, poor Alicorns can't help being attracted to each other, the same primitive part of the pony brain that tells normal ponies "mate with the alicorn" tells Alicorns to mate with each other too. With a little more thought I think the princesses will realize they don't love Dusk "that way", it's just instinct compelling them to mate with a male alicorn.

Excellent dialogue this chapter. All three of their reactions/responses are excellent.

I'm kind of wondering what everyone's reaction will be when Dusk and Twilight switch back. I'm kind of worried that they will all be mad at her for taking Dusk away from them and Twilight would be hurt that everyone wants Dusk more than her, who is their real friend.

Personally I think it would be better if they stayed switched.

I mean yeah it would be bad in one sense, but the pros far outweigh the cons.

The only thing I would do is may be have a way for Dusk and Twilight to come to terms with a more permanent switch. Some way of conversing with one another.

Heck you can even take the route that the elements needed to put an Alicorn of a different gender in their respective world's.

There really is no true happy ending now, but by keeping the switch (at least for now) let's there be a happy ending of a sort.

Plus if the writer ever wanted to do a sequel it could be done by another switch, and Dusk doing his best to get back to his foals and family.

lol I love how nobody actually cares where Twilight's gone. I wonder if everything that has happened to Dusk has happened to Twilight.

I honestly thought you had given up on this story, pleasantly surprised to find you didn't. Please continue it would greatly please me, and thank you.

Hooray an update! Things are getting interesting.

To be fair, they probably don't seem so concerned because, for all intents and purposes, they are settled in the idea that she is simply in a mirror version of their Equestria where she's the only mare out of all the Elements of Harmony. Much like what Dusk's going through right now, Twilight's probably going through a similar 'ordeal'.

Nopony should have to see their Princesses have to break their own hearts again.

Trade Twilight for spare penis.

Most....p-please? :fluttershysad:

Yay, an update! And a great one at that :twilightsmile:

It was fun seeing how Dusk got excited, Celestia and Luna reacted the way they did, and Dusk's brain just went "can not compute" :rainbowlaugh:

But that ending.... I has a sad nao.

Heh, another good chapter.

Maybe he should just give it a shot...I mean, they are all ready to...get to know him better, so why not do just that...?

Nopony should have to see their Princesses have to break their own hearts again.


Quick, someone call the Elric Brothers!

There's some things you may want to edit.

“I spent most of the night getting your jacket ready. If if doesn’t fit right,”

That should be "it".

Half-way to the kitchen, another knock hit the front door..

You should delete the second period.

“Um…,” Dusk tried to think, turning his head as he blushed and realized that his wings were showing for all the world to see exactly what he thought. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,” he finally said, dragging his wings down as hard as he could and getting them settled onto his body. “You are early,” he said, feeling just how stupid that comment was. “According to the checklist of Twilight Sparkle, you have another fifteen minutes before you get here.”

“Oh, oh, yes!” Dusk nodded as his words bounced around his mouth, and he stepped away from the door. “I was in the middle of having breakfast,” he continued, trotting carefully towards the kitchen. “May you join me there?”

And there's some to be a paragraph missing between these two.

zakueins isn't kidding by the way. He really does double space pretty much everything, to the extent I can no longer tell if he's doing it just to troll me...

5980256 There shall be more. Much, much more...

5981157 Fixed, and thank you.

5982168 Force of habit (I learned how to type on typewriters, which says something about me...), and now staring at the possibility of using the Find function to find all of these double spaces and make them single spaces...


Had a horrid thought going the other direction, what Twilight may be worrying about:
1) Same, of foal without a father
2) on top of that, what may happen if they were to switch back while she was pregnant?

Would the child come with? Be erased by the void between worlds? Get torn in half to the genetic level when only the Sparkle half of it could pass through? Or get left behind to bleed out, perhaps tangled in Dusk's intestines?

Celestia trotted over to Dusk Shine and noted that he still was unresponsive. She sighed, and said, “I am going to enjoy this much more than I should.”

Couldn't help but notice the familiar wording


I blame the developers of BBcode renderers and WYSIWYG HTML editors.

The browser already collapses spans of whitespace. If double-spacing or multiple sequential presses of the Enter key have an effect in the resulting document, it's because the renderer/editor abused HTML markup to counteract the browser's attempt to do the right thing.

(When you press Enter twice in a WYSIWYG browser editor, the most common reaction is to start inserting "this is a paragraph" markup with no content inside. When you press Space twice, it switches to inserting non-breaking spaces since they're exempt from whitespace collapsing.)

If you're curious about how a proper GUI editor for a semantic markup language behaves, the LyX editor for LaTeX works beautifully.

I don't understand something.

Nopony should have to see their Princesses have to break their own hearts again.

Why Tia and Luna are crying? There is no definite "NO" for the romance from Dusk, he even starts to open for the possibility he'll stay there forever, and he'll have a mare/s in his life, so why they're crying?

Make him Stay...
Make HIM Stay...

Plot twist or not, MAKE HIM STAY!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Maybe they think that it would cause a problem with the Elements of Harmony if Dusk chose Celestia (or Luna).

I think Dusk should stop worrying about the future and live in the moment.

I liked both versions of this chapter, but like you said the other version didn't fit the tone of the rest of the story.

5989497 The other version of the chapter doesn't fit the tone but I think that is what makes it better. It is from the perspective of milenia old rulers looking at a chance for love they never thought they would have. The fact that is a calmer more somber tone is perfect because it shows that the situation is more than wacky hijinks.

equivalent exchange
If she got pregnant they can not switch back until the child is gone a un-pregnant Twilight Sparkle is equal to a Dusk Shine a pregnant Twilight Sparkle is not. so a equivalent exchange would be impossible.

I have a question for Dusk. If you came back to your world and found that Twilight did get pregnant and carried the child, meaning you are the other parent of the child what would you do would you raise it as your own or ...? and what would you do to Twilight? Yes, it would be raised without a mother but that does not matter it would still have two loving fathers and a tonne of caring uncles. (ignoring the fact that you are not in love with whatever friend she ...) whatever your answer I ensure you she would do the same. I am positive you will be able to create a stable portal between the worlds.

6001800 Nit-picking over-technical version of "why equivalent exchange must have wiggle room, or it would be impossible to replicate":
(eg: food in their gut, 'other body fluids', ahem~ LIKE SEMEN)
...BUCKETS of horse-cum.

And there's been enough gore in FMA to more than show that transfters aren't always clean, and... well, "telefrag" comes to mind.

Everyone's hot for Dusk!

I have the solution! Just cast a grow male genetalia on females spell!

Everyone will be happy.

Oh and I noticed that this story doesn't exactly follow it's counterpart, considering the other story, with twilight, had dusk shine all excited to meet the princesses in the end, which was the reason why he came back to mareland equestria. Here though, he already meet them.

I find it adorable how Fluttershy becomes a sex machine when she finds her perfect mate, or at least one she is very interested in.

She just want's to do it with him... and then do it again... then again and again and so on.:pinkiehappy:

In all honesty though, fluttershy would be the most gentle mother.

6001800 Yeah his whole worries get kind of pointless in the end. In the other story, with twilight in stallion equestria, it was actually a spell they could replicate in order to switch dimensions. If he can do that, he could just come and go whenever he wants, or Twilight allows it...

Then again, I don't know how Twilight would react if he knocked up all her close friends and even the princesses.

In her version, she even speculated and fantasized on the possibility that dusk shine would have HIS way with all the mares, since the stallions hit on her as well, just more gently and subtle then the mares did with Dusk. But the truth that her own friends were the ones going after the stallion, and not very lightly, not the other way around, left her shocked when she came back and they admitted that.

I can understand that. She was worried about her friends getting seduced somewhat aggressively by her stallion version, but in reality it was the other way around? Her friends trying to pounce him? Out of 5, 3 actually did try to have their way with him quite eagerly. Pinkie pie pounced him, Rarity tied him up and told all about her future plans of going pregnant to the altar, and Fluttershy? She went after him like a wild beast.

That totally destroyed the image of her friend's innocence for Twilight.

5989497 Dusk should not chose anyone.

If they really are all that crazy for him, he should just make one big herd. After Tirek, they are gonna have one big castle anyway, so he could just move in with everyone together.

I really mean it with the herd thing, he has no choice. It doesn't matter if he chooses Luna or Celestia, who are crying already anyway, if he just takes one of the mares, all this bullshit(pardon me) about the elments of harmony still connecting them is gonna go down the drain. If he just takes one, then he can say goodby to loyalty, or kindness, or generosity for example. Break fluttershy's heart and she ain't gonna be a friend of yours no more, left out rarity is gonna make her all envious and greedy. That would eat her up from the inside out. Rainbow would feel betrayed, fuck loyalty he hasn't been loyal to her.

All those emotions would influence the bond and the elements, in a disruptive way.

So either he takes all the mares, or he takes none, I'm usally against overly filled harems or herds, while I still tolerate them. But thus situation leaves him with practically no other choice since it would influence the safety of Equestria. So he should just take them all.


yes she would want to kill him for doing that faint then panic when she gets the whole story, but she would take care of them once everything cooled down, or she will if he would.

Luna came up to her sister, sheltering her under her wing, wicking away the tears from her eyes with her magic.

Nopony should have to see their Princesses have to break their own hearts again.

Need backstory, plz.

Please continue, I love this story

well i really like the story so far and i cant wait for the next chapter to come out hope its soon, and i also hope that dussk shine stays in twilights version of equestria and starts a heard with the rest of the main six and both the princessess

Thoroughly enjoying this, can't wait for the rest of the story.

6655184 Blame Estee, it was their idea, but it makes so much sense...



For some reason, in my mind, Dusk Shine sounds like David Tennant. Still don't know why...

Suddenly, they closed, and Dusk broke out in a huge smile. “That has to be it,” he said loudly. “It is so simple, I have to wonder why I did not think of it before. Equivalent exchange! That has to be what happened!”


“We had a magical event that caused an equivalent exchange,” Dusk spoke confidently, pacing on the floor. “The only difference between the two of us is gender, and that might have been the positional axis on which the exchange happened. Spike! I need to get a letter off to the Royal Canterlotian Library, we need every book they have on equivalent exchange--we will probably empty out the entire alchemy wing--and if I am right…”

If you're right, what?

Princess Celestia recovered first, and somehow managed to roll onto her legs, and stand back up again. “This is…,” she began to speak, took a deep breath and gathered her wits again. “This is embarrassing. I shouldn’t be thinking thoughts like that.”


Luna sighed, and shook her head. “Yes...and, oh dear,” she stopped her argument with Celestia and waved her hoof in front of Dusk Shine’s eyes. “I think we broke his brain.”


Celestia looked at Dusk and sighed. “Woona, watch the doors for me, because this would make for perfect comedy if it happens the way I think it would.”

What do you mean by that?

Dusk nodded. “Here is my opinion--let it happen. Let love happen if you can stay, let the knowledge that you can love go with you if you can go home. And, know this first and foremost. Whatever else happens, Dusk, I will respect your decisions.”



No kidding, it makes so much sense it's SCARY.


Simple. David Tennant is hilarious. Apparently, he had had to tone it down to play the 10th Doctor.


Ah the Find function, it really is a wonder, especially for my commentaries. You would not believe how much easier it makes writing them.


Ah yes, telefragging, the one danger always associated with teleporting. Not always said so directly, but most of the time, at least possible enough for it to warrant some concern.

6657864 Headcannon for Celestia has always had a LOT boiling under that calm, placid surface. It rarely, rarely gets out. But, when it does...

6657342 Cadence angry is not screaming in my mind. It is quiet. The voice gets lower, and more quiet. Her body language grows more stiff and precise. The calmness gets more and more unnaturally so until either things are resolved or something explodes.

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