• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 4,002 Views, 61 Comments

The Break-up - DawningAegis

After the Rainbooms were victorious over the Dazzlings, the three sirens have to find a way to fit in to the world around them.

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Chapter 6

Aria's hands- or lack thereof, felt crushed together, but were unable to move. She tried to stand on two legs, but it was too difficult. She resorted to just propping herself up on her hooves, which she was surprised to see. Her Siren form was now gone, replaced by a pony. It felt odd, and made her feel out of place. She looked down her purple coat to her cutie-mark, which seemed to be some musical symbol with a purple star in the center of it. It seemed fitting to her, even though she never really had a cutie-mark. It seemed to make her happy, that she had some place in this unfamiliar world. She then noticed she still had her twin pony tails, fitting for her new form. Her tail was styled like her mane, but not split. She was almost thankful for that.

She looked up to see Sunset Shimmer and Twilight in a hug, both of them smiling.

"I'm so glad to see you Twilight!"

"Me too, Sunset," They both unentangled themselves from each other, looking at Aria,"Seems like this is the mystery visiter."

"Aria?" She looked up at the call of her own name, looking into the face of Sonata, dumbfounded.

"Hey Sonata."

"What're you doing here?" Sonata asked, confused on why Aria wanted to see her.

"To say I'm sorry. For everything."

"I think we should let these two catch up. Me and Twilight are going to talk for a bit." Sunset called out, giving them their privacy.

"What do you mean everything?" Sonata asked, confused by Aria's unexpected words.

"For making fun of you and Adagio, for being a jerk, for not being there whenever you needed me, for all those times I would be mean or anything at all. I am sorry for all of this. I only wish that you could accept my apology."

Sonata sighed, and thought for several minutes, looking back at Aria. She noticed the little pouch around her hoof, as well as something else, something equine...

"What's that?" Sonata asked, pointing at the little equine doll Aria had.

"Weird, she wasn't a pony when I found her back there..." Sonata lifted it with her unicorn magic, seeing that the doll looked like her. It had a little taco on it's side. Her smile was comforting, making Sonata think if that is how people really saw her.

"Where'd you find this?"

"In the alley where I fought Adagio. It was a little thing I found. It wasn't a pony, the portal must have changed it. I kept it as a thing to keep me happy. It seemed childish, but it gave me hope."

Sonata sighed,"It's okay, Aria. I feel like having this doll was a great idea, and I hope you hold onto her," Sonata floated the little doll over to her,"And right now, I want to figure out how we can get our singing voices back, without returning to our old selves."

Aria brightened up,"Really? I had an idea like that, where we had these cyan jewels instead of the red ones. I feel like the color might have an effect on it."

"Really? Then we can totally make this work!" Sonata cheered, jumping up in the air with a smile on her face.

"It's not going to be that easy." Aria reluctantly said, Sonata suddenly going back to a standing form, a questioning look on her face.

"Adagio is out there, and if we wanted to have a full reformation, we should include her. She's been having a hard time, we should give her some hope."

"So, do you have a plan?"

Aria did the best indication of biting her lip, then said, "I think that one of us staying here isn't that good of an idea. I think I can ask Sunset to help Twilight with figuring out how to create new necklaces, and go over our idea. If they like it, we can both go back to Canterlot High and hope for the best."

Sonata smiled,"Then let's get to that!" They both trotted outside, to where Twilight and Sunset now started walking down the long hallway, laughing and exchanging stories.

"Sunset, Twilight, we have a plan." Aria mustered, trying to make it seem official.

"Sonata and I are going to go back to Canterlot High to look for Adagio. We wanted you guys to research and see about this idea we have."

"Which is?" Twilight asked, wondering what 'idea' this could be.

"We wanted to reforge our necklaces, but in a different way." Sonata answered, doubting that Twilight was going to go long with that.

"Why should we do this? Won't you be like your old selves?"

"We wouldn't, because normally Sirens at birth have red crystals, and we had an idea that if creating the pendants in a different color gem and perhaps enchanting them with a more positive tone would change the outcome."

Twilight gritted her teeth,"I doubt that it will work, but we will do what we can. What if it fails, and there is no way to make you use your music for positivity?"

"Then we become three, harmless teenage girls." Sonata said, words cutting deep into Twilight, making her frown.

"Well, we can keep in touch with you guys. You can get my book I use to talk to Twilight with from my locker. I can write down the pass code for you if you want." Sunset offered

"That would be great. Thanks Sunset."

"No problem."

"Well, we should get going. I think it's time we go and find Adagio." Sonata cheered, excited to finally get the band back together.

"Yeah, but there is something...I need to do first," said Aria sleepily,"is there anywhere with a bed?"

"Of course. Feel free to use one of the guest rooms over there." Twilight pointed to a room, and Aria thanked her and got into the bed, taking a nap.

"Aria? Are you awake?" the voice of Sonata was the first thing Aria noticed, then she opened her eyes, seeing the light blue pony bouncing excitedly.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm awake." She threw off the blankets that covered her, and rolled out of the bed onto her hooves.

"Twilight's got the portal ready, let's go!" Sonata galloped in the direction of the portal, Aria trotting behind her, glad to get some rest. In the room with the portal was Twilight and Sunset Shimmer, who were waiting for Aria and Sonata to go back to the mirror universe.

"Good luck in there Sonata and Aria." said Sunset Shimmer, waving a hoof. Sonata jumped right into the portal, while Aria waited a moment, looking at her reflection. She noticed the horn coming out of her head, making her wonder what kind of things she could do with unicorn magic. Closing that from her mind, she stepped through the portal.

On the other side was Sonata, sitting down and smiling. Aria got up, happy to feel her fingers and toes. She got up, and noticed Sonata was in her dress from the finals in the Battle of the Bands. This thought made her uncomfortable.

"Sonata, I think I know where your normal stuff is."

"Where? This dress has been making me think of...that night." She said worriedly, afraid of even mentioning it around Aria.

"C'mon, just follow me." Aria noted that it was somewhere in the afternoon, which meant that school would be out soon, and they didn't want people to notice two of the people who nearly took them over. They began to navigate to where the Rainbooms played, which, thankfully, was not occupied. In the corner was Sonata's old stuff, which she grabbed and started to put on. Aria looked outside to make sure nobody would come. She estimated that the bell would go off in 5 minutes, so they had little time to get what they needed. Sonata tapped Aria on the shoulder when she was done, which left them around a minute of time. She ran to Sunset's locker, in which when they opened, the bells went off. No classrooms were around, leaving some extra time before people would find them. Aria finished the combo-lock, and then dug into her locker, looking for the book. The problem was that Aria didn't know which one it was. There were three books that didn't look like textbooks. One was green, another was brown, and another one was brown with Sunset's Cutie-mark on it. Aria remembered seeing the brown book, so she pushed aside the green book, and suddenly the brown book with Sunset's cutie-mark started to glow and vibrate. Aria took it, and it opened to the newest page.

"Dear Aria and Sonata. In case if you were having trouble, this is the book you are looking for. From Sunset Shimmer. Well that was useful." Aria closed the locker and put the lock back on. She stood up to see Rainbow Dash and Applejack, the former crossing her arms.

"What are you doing?" Rainbow Dash questioned, then realization crossed her face when she saw the faces of Aria and Sonata.

"Why you rummaging through Sunset's stuff!?" Rainbow Dash demanded, while Applejack just stared.

"I-I...she asked me to get it..." Aria didn't know what to do, Rainbow Dash was stomping her way up to them.

"She's been absent all day, and why would she ask you?" cut in Applejack, the more reasonable voice, called out.

Aria and Sonata started to take steps back, fearing that they could not outrun Rainbow Dash.

"What are you doing here?" Rainbow Dash asked, right next to their faces. Aria gritted her teeth, when she saw Sonata's hand go to her face. She heard the sound of crying coming from Sonata.

Applejack got between Rainbow Dash and the two Dazzlings,"Rainbow, stop! You're making one of them cry. We ain't letting these ones run off, but we are NOT going to threaten them!"

"They could be pulling something off! This could be a trick!"

Aria grabbed Sonata's shoulder, who then looked up at her. She motioned her head back, noting the exit. Sonata nodded her head, and they both got up and ran for the exit, using Applejack to stop Rainbow Dash for a few seconds.

"GET BACK HERE!" cried Rainbow Dash, almost catching up to them. They hit the doors, which slightly slowed their pace. Rainbow Dash had to stop or she would risk damaging the door, buying Sonata and Aria a few seconds. They didn't stop running until they put a good three blocks between them and the school. They hid in an alley, in case if the over-zealous Rainbow Dash goes searching for them.

"Why are we even doing this Witch Hunt? They probably meant no harm!" The accented voice of Applejack came from around the corner, before she was in view.

"Why? They could be pulling something by stealing Sunset Shimmer's book!" A vibration came from Aria's arms, making the sound of a cell phone.

Oh no.

Aria flipped open the book until she found the newest page, a report on their latest findings in Equestria. This didn't please Aria at the moment, because they have fast pursuers. Straight out running on the open sidewalk would have Rainbow Dash on them in no time, so they had to keep their heads down until Rainbow Dash passes by.

"Did you hear something?" Rainbow Dash asked Applejack, who just shrugged. She began to advance through the alley, making Aria and Sonata scoot closer in together against the dumpster to avoid the detection of Rainbow Dash. She walked right past them, not noticing the three ponytails coming from behind the Dumpster. She looked to either side, and started running in one direction. Applejack trailed behind her at a walking pace. Applejack did notice the duo hiding, and motioned for them to go.

Aria gave Applejack a quick "Thank you," and quickly left the area, now focusing on finding Adagio.


Adagio was playing a song she had partially learned, playing it over and over, fixing one mistake after another. She was practicing with this, working on individual parts until she had gotten good enough with them, and then tried them together, then went back to fixing her mistakes. She was getting good with this, and was starting to add the parts of the song together, making the next piece of the bridge as she went.

She had some tacos earlier, but she had ordered a bit too much. She had two left, sitting there covered in the paper they came with in order to have them later. She was now working on the next part of the song. She had been sitting there, playing the song over and over again. It was something that kept her busy. Often someone would come around to see who was playing the guitar, and leave if they recognized her. This only happened once or twice. If they didn't recognize her, they would stay for a few minutes, and have a little chat, then leave. She was alright with people listening, but she didn't want to talk to anyone. They would usually bother her, and she wanted to practice.

"Ooo! Can we get some tacos?" came a familiar voice.

Is that...

"Sure, after we find Adagio." No way. That had to be them. She ran outside the alley onto the sidewalk. There they were, walking down the sidewalk. Aria's twin pony tails bouncing up and down, while Sonata's single pony tail followed suit. Adagio felt dumbfounded. She didn't know that they would come looking for her before she would for them.

"Hey guys! Over here!" cried Adagio, and on Sonata's face was a look of pure delight and Aria's held a smile.

Author's Note:

I couldn't describe Aria's cutie-mark that well, so here's the picture of it.
