• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,711 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

  • ...

The Joke's On You

Bruce glanced up as the new Batmobile coasted easily into the Cave, setting down easily in its proper parking spot. As Terry hopped out, discarding his mask, Bruce smiled softly. "So how did it go with the Jokerz?" he asked.

Terry shrugged. "I broke up the robbery, but it was weird," Terry admitted. "Third time this month that particular gang was trying to intercept high tech machinery."

Bruce nodded. "Rarity mentioned bumping into them on her last run. They're probably fencing it." A frown crossed his face.

"What's bugging you, sensei?" he asked, falling habitually back into the form of address he had used back when he only knew Bruce as his martial arts instructor, a friend of the family, and Rarity's father.

"Rarity had a different theory, but it was a bit difficult to believe," Bruce explained.

"What theory?"

Bruce shrugged. "She postulated someone with bigger aims than the gang's usual goals had somehow attained some sort of control over this particular gang, which is why they're engaging in these particular robberies. This would also explain why none of what they've stolen has shown up anywhere else."

"Sounds plausible," Terry agreed. "Why do you doubt it?"

"Because there's only one person any Jokerz gang would allow to take that much control...and I saw him die with my own eyes." Bruce shook his head. "While I've seen many old foes come back when I thought they were dead, there's no doubt he's dead."

Terry nodded. While Bruce had started to be a bit more open with Terry regarding his experience as Batman - at Rarity's insistence - Terry knew when not to ask questions. "Wouldn't stop someone from claiming to be him and riding on his rep," Terry pointed out.

"I had considered that possibility, too," Bruce admitted. "But it merely creates the same problems in a different way. At least a fake would be predictable, though."

"So where is the silly filly?" Terry asked, glancing around as he changed out of the suit, folding it up in his backpack.

"Writing her speech," Bruce replied with a wide smirk.

Terry chuckled. "I'm still surprised you didn't drop it on her as a birthday present."

Bruce smiled. "I did at the breakfast table. The big ceremony is just the formal investiture. She's 18 now, after all. She's ready to run the company all on her own." He chuckled softly. "Actually, she has been for several years, despite my name still being on the CEO's office." As Terry started to head out, Bruce remembered something. "Oh, and Rarity wants you to bring Dana with you to the soiree. Your invitation is marked plus one."

"I'm not entirely sure it would be Dana's scene," Terry admitted.

"I don't believe Rarity considered whether it would be her scene or not," Bruce admitted. "I think she just wants to finally meet her in a scenario where there won't be too much social awkwardness."

Terry chuckled. "I suppose so." He slung his backpack onto his back. "Speaking of, Dana's waiting for me."

Bruce chuckled as he watched Terry head out. "Young people," he mused softly. "Was I ever like that?"

Bruce sighed to himself as he glanced around at the gathered members of the company. While on the one hand he was pleased that passing the reigns of the company over to Rarity wouldn't cause many ripples, he felt that they didn't need to be so obviously excited about it. The atmosphere was festive and joyful.

Admittedly, there were a few faces around he wasn't certain how to feel about. He had spotted an inky shadow flickering back and forth between tables and peoples' shadows, plainly indicative that Miss Clay was taking her role as Head of Security seriously tonight. He wasn't sure whether to be concerned that someone felt such security was necessary or pleased with himself that he was able to spot her. He had also spotted Walter Shreeve - whom Rarity had mentioned regarding the accident that had placed him briefly in the psych ward - working by the sound stage, helping set something up. The one that would really take getting used to was Akira Frieza, the new head of the medical research division, specializing in cryogenics. He used to pity Victor Fries, while seeing Mr. Freeze as an irredeemable threat. Seeing him now laughing and smiling as he chatted with various coworkers left him feeling somewhat out of place.

He was startled out of his musing as Rarity approached him. "Wool gathering, Father?" she asked softly.

He chuckled. "After today, I'll be officially retired. Not sure what I'll be doing with my future from now on. Only natural my mind turns to the past."

Rarity chuckled. "Father, now that I'll be officially in charge of Wayne Enterprises, I won't have nearly as much time to lend a hoof at home." While her tone was casual, the slight flex of her bat wings over her dress made it plain what she was talking about. "Terry does his best, but his training isn't anywhere near complete."

Bruce smiled. "I suppose getting him into shape will be entertaining for a time." He glanced up. "And I won't be the only one with my hands full."

Rarity smiled as she glanced up. Terry looked somewhat uncomfortable in the suit he was wearing for the occasion, though his discomfort might have been due to the stares his girlfriend was getting on his arm. The white formal dress she was wearing, while of the modern fashion, went slightly beyond what most of the party would consider proper...or at least modest.

Terry managed a smile as he walked her up to Bruce and Rarity. "Dana, this is Mr. Wayne, and Rarity Wayne. Bruce, Rarity, this is my girlfriend, Dana."

Dana smiled warmly. "It's a pleasure to meet you both," she said formally, shaking hands with Bruce.

"A pleasure to meet the girl who takes up so much of such a gifted mind's focus," Bruce teased gently.

Dana hesitated only briefly before extending her hand to Rarity, unsure whether she should try to shake hands or pet her. She started to kneel down to Rarity's level.

With a smile, Rarity levitated herself up to place her hoof in Dana's hand without making her bend too far. "It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Miss Tan," Rarity replied formally but affectionately. "Terry talks about you all the time. Only good things, I assure you."

Dana smiled. "Terry's mentioned you quite a bit over the time I've known him, too," she replied. "You two seem pretty close."

Rarity chuckled as she lowered herself back to the ground. "Yes. With how long he's been training with me under Father, and how close our families have become...he's like the little brother I never had."

Dana glanced back and forth between Terry and Rarity. "Little brother?" she asked incredulously.

Both Rarity and Terry chuckled. "Yes," Rarity clarified, "despite appearances, I'm the older sibling."

Bruce smiled. "Terry, help me up to the stage?" he asked.

"Of course, Mr. Wayne," Terry replied hastily. "Be right back," he added to Dana.

As they walked towards the podium, Rarity and Bruce exchanged a knowing glance, followed by a shared nod. When Terry glanced between them for confirmation, Bruce smiled. "Terry...when you feel your relationship with Dana has gotten serious enough...you can tell her a bit more about your night job."

At Terry's shocked look, Rarity smiled. "Part of why we wanted to meet her, darling," she replied archly.

Terry shook his head with a chuckle. "Thanks for the reassurance," he said with a smile.

As Bruce Wayne was announced, he approached the podium. "I'm not sure how to feel about tonight," he began. "On the one hand, it's a genuine pleasure to hand the reigns of the company to the next generation of the Wayne family. I never thought I would actually get that chance." He paused as the audience applauded. "On the other hand, the rest of you don't need to look so happy about getting rid of me." This was greeted by startled laughter from the entire gathered throng.

Bruce started to speak again, but the microphone let out a sudden high pitched whine. Bruce frowned at it in concern...concern that rapidly climbed when he saw Walter Shreeve frowning, pulling out one of his handheld sonic generators and tinkering with it in concentration. Obviously, Shreeve's work with sound meant that the microphone shouldn't be doing that, and that it doing so was a more serious concern than he first thought.

Without warning, a splicer who had been blended with a hyena lunged over the outer wall, racing towards the stage. As several members of the crowd scattered, Shreeve rushed forward. Twisting something on his hand held sonic amplifier, he pointed it at the criminal - who Bruce now recognized from Terry and Rarity's descriptions of the Jokerz Gang as the one called Woof - and triggered it. An intense, focused pulse of sound surrounded Woof, attuned to affect a hyena's hearing in the same way a dog whistle affected a dog. Woof collapsed to the ground under the sonic barrage, whimpering.

A pair of scantily clad female Jokerz attempted to grab hold of Bruce, but a touch on their bare shoulders left them both shivering. Akira smiled kindly at them. "I think you should go sit with Commissioner Gordon over there," he said gently, gesturing to where Barbara already had her cuffs out. "I doubt her reception of you will be as chilly as mine."

The two female Jokerz - now unable to do anything but shiver, hug themselves tight, and chatter their teeth - staggered over to where they were quickly arrested.

Pink smoke poured out of a trap door in the floor, and a frighteningly familiar figure appeared in the smoke. Short cropped green hair, white skin, chillingly clownish smile, dark purple bodysuit... "It's just so hard to get good help these days," the Joker complained as he stepped out of the smoke. "If you want something done right...guess who's back, Gotham!" He threw his arms wide on the last words. As the crowd fled in fear, he spoke into his watch. "Ghoul, Chucko, at least tell me you're on the job!"

"Sorry," Inque replied over his communicator in the echoey voice that showed she was mid shapeshift, "they can't come to the phone right now. Please leave a message after they and the bombs you had scattered around the party area are in the hands of the police. Beep."

Joker snarled in frustration. He turned as he saw one who was somewhat familiar to him approach. "Didn't expect to see you here, Freeze," he grated. "What's with the monkey suit?"

Akira smiled. "Care to play a game, Joker? I heard you like games."

Joker grinned. "What did you have in mind?"

"You know paint ball?" Akira asked, holding one hand low as he focused his new ice powers.


"Remove the T."

Joker scratched his head. "I don't get it-" He let out an explosive gasp of air as a hailstone the size of a hen's egg slammed into his solar plexus like it had been shot from a cannon. "Now I get it," he whimpered from his sudden doubled over position.

Akira was right beside him. "You need to cool off," he said, putting his fingers to the Joker's forehead and using his ice powers to slow the Joker's brain activity.

Joker chuckled as he started to doze. "When did you learn...to tell a joke?" He slumped into unconsciousness.

Smiling, Akira slung the unconscious Joker over his shoulder. "Everything's under control!" he called out to the formerly panicked crowd.

Seeing that Bruce was still shaken, Rarity stepped up to the podium. "Well, Father, it does seem like life is rather exciting these days, doesn't it?" she said, both to Bruce and to the crowd. Nervous chuckles showed that the employees, at least, were starting to calm down. Rarity then did her best to adapt her acceptance speech to the situation.

Deep inside Rarity's mind, Nightmare sighed fitfully. "This has gotten boring," she mused to herself. "It was one thing when things started. She was still learning, still developing. But she's gotten too good at this. And she doesn't do everything herself. She asks for help! What kind of Batman asks for help?" She rolled her eyes in frustration. "She just has too much to work with here, and the criminals too little. I didn't even get to fight the Joker through her!" Nightmare thought about that for a bit, then sighed. "Then again, it actually hurt me to see Bruce in such a state when he saw the Joker returned. What has happened to me?"

Sitting back, she thought for a time, then smiled. "Still...I won't have to stay here too much longer. I wonder how she'll handle going home?"