• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 18,711 Views, 1,666 Comments

Batmare Beyond - Tatsurou

After hanging up his cape and cowl for good, Bruce Wayne finds himself adopting an infant Rarity.

  • ...

Bat's Out of the Bag

Rarity sat calmly before the twin thrones of the Diarchs. She wasn't sure which thought in her mind she should focus on first: Nightmare's rueful pleasure at Luna's throne being returned to its proper place; the possible purpose of this interview she was summoned for; the various recent events that had crossed her path; or how Bruce and Terry were doing in Gotham. However, she quickly cleared her thoughts as Celestia and Luna entered the room, taking their places on the throne. Steady, she cautioned Nightmare in her mind.

You do remember what brought me into being, don't you? Nightmare snarled.

Of course I do now, Rarity replied. But nothing you do here is going to solve anything. Rarity bowed politely to the Diarchs. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, she greeted formally. "To what do I owe the honor of this interview?"

Celestia smiled lightly, but Rarity could see where the smile was somewhat strained. "Well, there are a few events that have happened recently that have...caused us some concern."

"We had thought to ignore them, as they seemed relatively minor," Luna added. "However, a much more significant event has occurred, and these events now seem connected. We felt it best to consult with you on the matter. You seemed best placed to give answers, given the nature of the incidents."

Rarity smiled softly, though inside she grew cautious. "I'll help in whatever way I can, though I'm not sure how much I can do."

Celestia smiled. "The first incident of concern regards your new assistant, specifically her former employer."

Rarity snorted disdainfully. "After what I've been able to interpret from bits and pieces regarding that...mare's behavior with poor Coco, I hope you're telling me she's in the hospital or in jail."

"A bit of both, actually," Luna replied curiously. "She's been placed in the mental ward of the Manehatten General Hospital. Apparently, she has gone for several weeks with barely any sleep, and what sleep she has gotten is filled with horrible nightmares. While sleeping, she screams out for somepony to 'leave her alone' or 'help her', sometimes apologizing profusely. While awake, she rants and raves. Since being confined, doctors have witnessed phantom injuries appearing on her body whilst she sleeps, only to vanish moments later."

Rarity tilted her head. "Well...from what I've managed to learn, I can't say she's getting more than she deserves," she replied. "But why ask me?"

"Do you recognize the spell that has been applied to her?" Celestia asked. "It's not a common one."

Rarity scratched her chin. "Well...I've been doing some obscure reading with Twilight in my free time...and it sounds a bit like the Karmic Reprisal. Isn't that the spell that makes someone experience the wrongs they've inflicted upon others from the perspectives of their victims? Twilight mentioned it was one aspect of a Reformation Spell she'd planned as a backup, before Fluttershy proved fully capable of handling Discord."

Celestia frowned briefly, but smoothed her features. "I believe you are correct about the spell."

"The matter of concern," Luna pointed out, "is that from what we've been able to determine, the spell was placed on her shortly after you hired Miss Pommel, and was placed in her dreamscape in such a way that I was unable to perceive that she was having a nightmare."

"Well, such a working is far beyond my abilities," Rarity pointed out. "I'm afraid all I was able to do for Coco was give her a room that locked from the inside, and enroll her in Iron Will's self defense and self assertion courses." After Fluttershy's lack of satisfaction from Iron Will's original seminars, the minotaur had completely reworked his system so that his clients could escape being victims without becoming bullies themselves. A balance between self defense lessons and a gradual increase in self confidence as a result worked well. ...he'd also eliminated his satisfaction guarantee from his business plan.

Oh yes, Nightmare muttered silently. That's all you did to help her.

Hush, Rarity scolded silently. "As far as why you weren't able to perceive it, Luna, I'm afraid that explores details of dream magic that are simply beyond my comprehension. Whoever did it must know your abilities nearly as well as you do."


I said hush.

"Well, as we've been unable to resolve that one," Celestia murmured, "perhaps you could answer a question regarding...your choice of the Ponyville aerial relay team's uniform design for the Equestria Games this year?"

Rarity smiled innocently. "That was actually a bit of a joke on Rainbow Dash, as well as a bit of encouragement for the team as a whole. See, Rainbow had been going on and on about how Cloudsdale was the team to beat, and Cloudsdale was sending the Wonderbolt's...so I thought dressing the Ponyville team as the Shadowbolts was thematically appropriate." She turned to Luna. "I hope you did not find it offensive. I admit in hindsight it might have been insensitive, given how Rainbow first came across the design..."

"That's quite alright," Luna replied. "Personally, I found it rather amusing, and a good point with which to argue with Celestia." She turned her eyes towards her sister. "The Wonderbolts were founded to serve you in many matters after my banishment. I don't fault you for having your own elite team dedicated to your service...but it is only fair I get one as well, and the uniform design already exists..."

Celestia sighed. "We'll talk about it another time, sister," she relented. "However, Rarity...perhaps you could explain your choice of theme for the Ponyville Days festival?"

"Which part?" Rarity asked curiously. "Gothic chic, or the comic book supers theme?"

"Why you thought they went together," Luna replied.

"Well, that's why I was Batmare, after all," Rarity pointed out. "It certainly received excellent reviews." And Spike certainly enjoyed dressing up, she thought happily, remembering how adorable he looked in the Robin outfit.

Slash fiction, Nightmare teased silently.

Hush! Rarity snapped back, suppressing a blush.

"And...then you dressed up Fluttershy as Batmare so she could fill in for Big Mac in the Ponytones anonymously under the influence of Poison Joke?" Celestia asked.

"It worked out rather well, I must admit," Rarity pointed out. "Dear Fluttershy got to experience what it was like to perform in front of a crowd without the sense of everyone watching her. She quite enjoyed it, considering how many repeat performances she requested."

"There's another matter of concern of mine," Luna added. "Recently, I assisted Sweetie Belle with a certain...nightmare of hers, and she spoke of certain bedtime stories you'd been telling her? She wouldn't tell me what they were, but mentioned waking up one night to discover you had...bat wings?"

Celestia had been sipping her tea at that point. Rarity's reflexes deflected the spray of tea with her wings, flipping them in front of her as a shield before the liquid touched her, and then shaking them dry. "Oh, these things?" she asked deprecatingly. "I just woke up with them one night. Since neither of you showed up and made a fuss like you did when Twilight sprouted wings, I figured they weren't important like hers were, so I didn't make a fuss either. Besides, Twilight was having such a hard time adjusting to being a Princess, I didn't want to add another headache to her plate if they did signify something."

Celestia and Luna exchanged glances, and Luna then spoke up. "We'll get to that," she said finally. "There is another matter that I feel we must address. ...recently, I received a premonition that an old enemy of ours, Tirek, had escaped Tartarus and was once again stealing magic."

Rarity gasped. "That's terrible! But...shouldn't you be informing Twilight?"

"I would...except that not minutes after I witnessed him draining magic from a pony in the vision, I witnessed him slain by a creature resembling Nightmare Moon."

Rarity was glad her coat was white, as her paling was not visible. "Oh? Do tell."

"She approached and drove a dagger into his skull right between his horns, and the magic he had stolen returned to the ponies it was stolen from."

You didn't tell me you killed him! Rarity hissed internally.

I was operating completely independent of you, and he eats magic! Nightmare hissed back. If I hadn't, he would have eaten me!

...fair enough.

Luna levitated out Tirek's corpse. "This dagger was found embedded in his skull when he was found," Luna replied, gesturing to the blade. "Perhaps, Rarity, you could explain why it was enchanted so that only a specific magical wavelength could pull the hilt from the wound...your magical wavelength?"

You might have mentioned that before I went after a magic eating demon, Nightmare scolded.

Well, cat's out of the bag now, Rarity thought silently. She sighed. "It's a long story, your highness. But the dagger is mine. A gift from a friend in another world." She cast a light spell. When the light faded, she had donned her true bat suit. "The hilt is keyed to my magical signature, so it can't be used against me. The crossgaurd is null alloy, which prevents the magical nature of the hilt from influencing or being influenced by the blade. The blade is nth metal, a special alloy that neutralizes magical fields. That's why it sent all the stolen magic back."

Celestia gaped. "Who could you have gotten such an artifact from?" she demanded.

"It was a gift from an adoptive older brother, one Richard Grayson," Rarity explained. "And...there's someone else who should speak up here." Talk.

Nightmare let out a sigh through Rarity's lips. "Not how I expected this meeting to go," Nightmare replied. "It's...something to see you both again."

Celestia and Luna both gasped. "Nightmare?" Celestia whispered.

"But how?" Luna demanded. "You were purged-"

"Actually, I was just sealed away deep in Rarity's psyche," Nightmare replied. "One night, I wished I could be free of that prison. The present situation is the result of Discord granting that wish."

"Discord," Celestia muttered. "I might have known. If you'll both excuse me..." Getting to her hooves, she left the throne room.

Luna walked forward. "And...the bat wings? And...the rest of the situation?"

"I believe Bruce Wayne would be better off explaining these things," Nightmare replied. "The portal back to Gotham is in Rarity's basement. Just be sure to tell Bruce Rarity gave you permission to visit. He's a brilliant detective, a determined fighter, and has the strongest will of anyone I've ever encountered. You'll like him."

Luna tilted her head. "You're probably right. I just might. Do I have that permission, Rarity?"

"Certainly," Rarity replied. "But...what about...all this?"

Luna drew in her magic and cast a spell over Rarity, examining her magical aura. "Well, this is just my opinion, but considering your magic is that of a recently ascended alicorn, that makes you the Princess of Gotham City by Equestrian standards...so I'm pretty sure you have diplomatic immunity." With a smile, she turned to head off. "Keep a tighter leash on Nightmare, and I don't believe we'll need to speak of any of this ever again." She vanished in a teleport spell.

Rarity stared. "That was...unexpected."

She's certainly changed. Still think she'll like Bruce. I hope you like calling Luna Mom.

Wait, what?