• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 4,115 Views, 58 Comments

Becoming Twilight - Lucky Stars 0135

I suddenly woke up as the fictional character Twilight Sparkle. Is this the best dream ever or something much more.

  • ...

Chapter one: waking up

Chapter 1

I rolled around in my sheets, feeling more tired than I have ever felt in my whole life.

I couldn't remember entering my bed last night when it all came back to me.

I remembered the pain and falling to the floor; I immediately sat up in bed, looking around.

my blurred vision came into focus, and for an odd moment I thought I was looking into my computer screen. Yet then I realized that, in fact, my laptop was no where to be seen.

Thinking back on the ordeal now, it's funny to think that not having my laptop was what freaked me out the most when I was half asleep and finding myself in a small room overlooking the city of Canterlot.

I stumble out of the bed on all fours, stumbling more as I made my way to a wide window the made up most of the wall across from the bed I had been lying in moments before.

In awe I stared out across the tops of buildings and castles.

I had no idea what was going on, much less how I had ended up here.

Suddenly, I heard a voice from outside the door.

"Hey Twilight, are you up yet? I made breakfast if you want any..." Called the voice.

Oh God, I knew that voice! it was Spike!

Instantly freaking out, I jumped back into the bed and hid under the covers.

Oh no, he's looking for Twilight... what's he going to do when he finds me instead?

I imagined myself being dragged away by the royal guard.

I have to admit that the thought was both scary and embarrassing at the same time.

That's when I noticed my hooves; I had noticed that I had them, but had been too preoccupied with looking out of the window. My hooves were purple! I quickly threw off the blankets and looked back at my body. Sure enough, I saw Twilight's cutie mark.

Spikes voice came again, Twilight? We need to get going soon.

This has got to be a dream, I thought as, once again, I got out of the bed and trotted to the door.

I stood at the door for a moment before gathering enough courage to speak. "I'm awake Spike!" I said as my new voice filled the air. Dazed, I shook head to get myself focused.

The door opened as Spike entered, full of energy. He looked me up and down, and he commented "Wow Twilight! Did you get any sleep last night? You're an absolute mess!" He then grabbed me by the hoof and pulled me out of the room. He spoke again: "Don't you remember what the princess said in her letter? We have to get going soon. Yet, I suppose we might have time for cereal..."

I hardly listened to him, it was all going so fast for me. All I could really do was look around, dazed and confused.

Down a small flight of stairs was a small kitchen, where a fire crackled merrily in the hearth. I didn't realize how cold I had been until I felt its warmth. That being said, it was a welcome change from the bedroom which had been cool from the wind that had made its way into the tower window.

Slowly, I went to the table and looked down at the bowl of cereal. I thought of how Twilight would most likely use magic to make the spoon feed her. I, however, wasn't used to that luxury.

I concentrated for a moment, sparks flying from my horn. Unfortunately, the spoon remained still. I glanced over at Spike, hoping he hadn't seen that. Fortunately, he was still on the other side of the room, pouring himself a bowl of cereal as he talked vaguely about his plans for the day.

He must genuinely like to hear himself talk, that is, if he hadn't noticed that I was ignoring all of that! I thought, taking the spoon in my mouth. I put it aside and dove into it face first, gulping down the food greedily and lapping up the milk. Laughing, Spike sat beside me. "That's the spirit, Twilight!" he said, smiling.

I laughed with him in spite of myself. I must look ridiculous! I thought to myself.

We sat in silence for a while we ate. All the while, my mind became a bundle of questions.

I've read fan fictions like this before, where a brony gets trapped in the “My Little Pony” universe, but this seemed 'off' somehow...

I looked around the kitchen, wondering about the view from the window which had so obviously been Canterlot. I must have become Twilight from before the show started! Well, that's the only way I can think to explain why I'm here in Canterlot and not Ponyville... But why, though? why here? why now? I guess it would be a little rude to look a gift horse in the mouth... Or should I say pony? Oh God, I'm dead to me now... Heh, I spend too much time onli-

I stopped my self in mid thought. "Where is that letter, Spike?" I demanded.

Suddenly, I felt weirdly happy as Spike retrieved the letter from inside a cabinet.

That feeling of happiness didn't last as he approached and held it out to me.

I already tried making my spoon levitate moments before; luckily Spike hadn't seen, but I just foolishly put myself in a position where I would need to use magic to do something.

Smiling nervously, I looked around the room.

"Um... Spike, you wouldn't mind just reading that to me while I eat, would you? I'm sort of hungry..." I silently congratulated myself as he unrolled the scroll and began reading.

The letter had been about the Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville. Suddenly, I was happy again.

Though this time, I was sure to stay in character as Twilight. This may have been a dream, but I was going to try to be to true to the story. "What about my studies?" I asked, Looking down in my bowl with a hidden smile playing on my lips.

"The princess thinks this could be an opportunity to socialize with other ponies, Twilight." Responds Spike.

With an exasperated sigh, I agreed. Before I knew it, we were back upstairs packing.

I couldn't help watching Spike pack his comics into his basket.

He was too cute, but I knew I had books to pack. I had always loved to read, which was one of the reasons I related to Twilight so much. I like learning about history as well as different cultures, and being a Wiccan I had always loved magic, even though real world magic would never really compare to kind shown in the My Little Pony universe. I looked through all the titles, wondering which I should bring. They all caught my attention and were begging to be read. Finally, I decided to grab some random books, it would be easier than picking them based on content, since I would want to take them all anyways.

I made sure that that Spike wasn't paying attention as I grabbed them with my hooves and placed them in my saddle bag.

After Spike was finished, somepony was called to carry our luggage, and we headed to the edge Canterlot, where a chariot awaited us. Taking off in a chariot pulled by Pegasus was obviously nerve-racking, yet the ride after was rather smooth and somewhat relaxing. As I sat with Spike on the way to Ponyville it dawned on me again: Everything about this felt real, all too real. I thought about all that I had read about lucid dreaming, and how we dream every night even if we don't remember most of them. Could this, perhaps, be a lucid dream? Looking over the landscape, I watched the scenery passing by in a colorful blur as another thought dawned on me. What if we dream like this every night, but don't remember it? I don't want to wake up and forget coming here... Apparently time folds in dreams and, if I'm lucky, I could spend years here before I wake up. My mind suddenly went back to the first season trying to find anything that could be scary enough to wake me up.

One such thing came to mind: Nightmare Moon. I suddenly remembered the Summer Sun Celebration was the day of her return. What was I going to do? She wasn't so bad when this was just a cartoon, but the thought of actually have to face her was terrifying. It had been so long since I watched season one, and I didn't even remember where the elements of harmony were. What am I going to do? I thought, groaning inwardly and laying my head against the warm golden sides of the carriage.

The flight went slowly as I pondered my predicament, and all too soon our ride ended with a loud thud. My heart was hammering away in my chest, and I sat sat still for a moment before finally getting up and climbing to the ground, with one thought buzzing through my mind:

Bring it on.

The confidence gave way to confusion as I watched the team of pegasus set off for Canterlot. I knew what I needed to do. I was here to to help with the preparation of the Summer Sun Celebration. The question of where to start was the question I needed answered. "What should we do first Spike?" I asked, leaning over his shoulder and giving the letter another glance.

"It says here that a pony by the name Applejack will be doing the catering. Perhaps we should stop by?"

My brain nearly exploded. Applejack had always been one of my favorite ponies.

Nudging him playfully with my hoof, I replied with, "You just want to get some food, don't you Spike?"

"Well, what's wrong that?" He retaliated, following me as I trotted off towards town.

I knew that I wouldn't be able to find Sweet Apple Acres on my own, so the best solution would be to find somepony to ask for directions.

Walking in the crowd, I glanced around for somepony I recognized. Just as I rounded a corner, I spotted Mrs Cake.

I immediately started walking towards her, trying to figure out what I should say. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of bouncing pink coming at me.

Suddenly, I was tackled and rolling on the ground. I found myself lying flat on my back looking up at the face of none other than Pinkie Pie. I was at a loss for words as I stared into her smiling face. She was obviously waiting for me to say something, but I honestly had no words for this situation.

Thankfully, Spike broke the silence. Running around to face me, he asked if I was okay.

I nodded as Pinkie got off of me, holding out a hoof to help me up.

"Sorry!" she said quickly, "I just excited when I see a new friend!"

"Friend..." I repeated, open mouthed.

I hadn't quite gotten over the shock, and was starting to think I would ever get used to meeting ponies like this. It hadn't been so bad with the other ponies, but this was one of the Mane Six standing before me.

"Sure!" She replied, "Everypony is my friend! Are you new here in Ponyville? Do you need directions? Or maybe a tour!?" She squeaked, jumping madly to a fro she went before us and stopping.

I looked down at Spike, who seemed to be enjoying himself as he looked back up at me.

"Actually, we're looking for Sweet Apple Acres. Could you show us the way?" He asks.

She jumped up and down excitedly. "Could I? Of course I can! Applejack just happens to be a good friend of mine!" She replies with glee.

With that, she turned and started bouncing toward the edge of the town with us giving chase.

She bounced along, rattling on about the citizens of Ponyville. I was transfixed; it certainly wasn't an everyday occurrence.

She told about Mr and Mrs Cake, who made all the sweet things this town had to offer.

She was just starting to tell a story involving a cider cannon when she stopped and turned around to face us once again.

"Oh darn..." She said, disappointment in her voice. "We're here already, and I hadn't even gotten to the best part! Oh well, I promised to help Rainbow Dash with something, so I really should get going before she notices I'm not there..." She says.

Before we could thank her, she had already bounced away into the distance.