• Published 15th Oct 2014
  • 4,115 Views, 58 Comments

Becoming Twilight - Lucky Stars 0135

I suddenly woke up as the fictional character Twilight Sparkle. Is this the best dream ever or something much more.

  • ...

Chapter four: Flutter's And Pain

Fluttershy was standing by an old bird filled tree, whose leaves had long fallen.
We quietly approached as we listened to the sound of her bird choir. Oh, what beautiful sounds they had made, I only wish that you had been there to hear it.

Apart, these birds had twittered cutely, but together with the training of Fluttershy, they had become a symphony as their twittering voices merged.

It was no wonder how she had been put in charge of the musical entertainment.

The excitement was too much for me as I trotted forward leaving Spike behind.
Just as the song was reaching it end, I called out.

“Hello there!” I said, continuing as the birds flew off.

“That music is amazing! however did you manage it?”

Fluttershy turned to me, a sudden look of panic had spread across her previously peaceful face.

“Well... I....” the rest of what she said faded into mumbles as her talking ceased.

“What's your name?” I asked, trying to break the silence that had fallen.

“Um... my name is Flutter” again her words had trailed off into mumbles.

“Fluttershy?” I asked even though she hadn't finished it, if anything she would think that I had good hearing.

Fluttershy nodded.

“Well anyways, my name is Twilight and we came to see how the music is coming along.”

“We?” she asked looking around and suddenly seeing Spike.”

“Oh my!” she said excitedly as she flew over to him.

“I've never met a baby dragon before! What's his name?”

“The names Spike,” he said with a smile.

“Oh, a talking dragon,” said Fluttershy with a voice of sugar, “and what do dragons talk about?”

“Lots of things,” Spike answered, “what would you like to know?”

“Everything,” said Fluttershy is awe.

This meeting with Fluttershy had not gone the way I had always imagined it, spike was being such a glory hog.

After a few minutes of hearing them talk I grew annoyed and got spike onto my back and headed towards the library where we would be staying.

Even with all that was going on, I couldn't suppress my excitement to see the place up close!

Fluttershy followed closely behind as she continued to question Spike about the ins and outs of a dragons life.

“And what do dragon's eat?” she asked.

“Treasure,” answered Spike, “Mostly gems and crystals. It's the main reason why the bigger dragons hoard the stuff.”

“Oh, I didn't know that,” commented Fluttershy with a sigh.

As we approached the front door of golden oak library, I stopped and turned back to Fluttershy as Spiked jumped down from my back to stand beside me.

“Oh that's too bad, we're already here,” said Fluttershy who was visibly disappointed by the fact.

Feeling badly for her I asked if she would like to come in, it would make a good distraction for Spike while I looked for the right book to help with my magic.

At the mention of staying, a small smile spread across her face.

“I would like that very much, yay!” said Fluttershy quietly.

Only Fluttershy could say the word yay in her normal speaking voice and still make it sound genuine.

She had also spoken directly to me, she must have grown used to my presence while she talked to Spike.

Thank you Spike, I thought happily!

I couldn't help but smile at this as the three of us turned to the door and entered.

I reached out with a hoof and pushed the door open, when much to my surprise I heard the shouts of


How could I forget that this was going to happen?

After we got in, Fluttershy and Spike went away to get some punch leaving me to greet the awaiting ponies.

I quickly found that I recognized a fair few of them as background ponies and supporting characters.

I easily spotted my favorites from the throng, Derpy, Miss Cheerilee, Mr' and Mrs' Cake were the first I noticed before seeing that familiar ball of pink bouncing towards me.

“Hey! Remember me from earlier? It's me Pinkie Pie! I thought I should throw a party for you, since you're new in town! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya?” said Pinkie pie in excitement as she continued bouncing in place.

“Um, yes I was surprised, Pinkie,” I replied with apparent distaste.

Pinkie however did not notice it and continued on showing me all that had been say out for the guests to eat.

I however was still feeling sick from the feast at Sweet Apple acres, and had declined the offer of cupcakes.

I was so nervous, I was never good with crowds, I wanted to look for the book I needed but could not with all the ponies crowding around the bookshelves, where they all stood passing idle chit chat and gossip.

It was apparent that most of them had simply come because of Pinkie Pie's partying know how, since beyond shouting surprise and welcoming me in, they hadn't paid much attention to me.

Which was a good thing, don't get me wrong.

I would simply have to wait for the party to die out a little bit before I gave the library a proper search.

I sighed as I headed over to a nearby table for a beverage and was startled and I felt a hoof slap my back hard.

“Nice ta see ya again, Miss Twilight! How are you enjoying the party?”

“Applejack? I didn't know that you were here, “I said smiling, it was a relief to see her.

“Yeah, I heard that Pinkie was throwing you a welcome shindig and decided to stop by for a bit.
Applebloom sure was happy that you decided to stay for brunch,” said Applejack as she walked with me over to the punch bowl.

“I was happy to stay, all that food was delicious, and Applebloom is such a little cutie," I said grabbing a bottle of juice and pouring myself a glass,

“She sure is,” said Applejack with pride, “she's got smart's too, she our little Pride and joy over at Sweet Apple Acres.”

I smiled and nodded my head in agreement as I brought the glass to my lips and took a swig.

It was like liquid fire sliding across my tongue, chocking I ran from the room with Applejack calling out after me.

Author's Note:

HAHA somepony forgot about the Hot sauce :facehoof: