• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 4,423 Views, 69 Comments

The Sun Always Rises - jl7895

Sunset Shimmer is done with the students at CHS, but a young boy want to give her a second chance.

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Chapter 1: It's Come to This

I can’t believe it’s come to this. I’ve tried and tried, but nothing works. No one believes a word I say and there is nothing I could do to gain anyone’s trust. Flash won’t even look in my general direction. Snips and Snails haven’t said two words to me since we finished repairing the school entrance. Even Princess Twilight’s Friends act differently around me. They try to include me, but they’re not trying very hard, except for Fluttershy. She’s a sweetheart. I bet she’ll be the only one that will miss me.

So, here I am. Standing on the edge of a bridge, looking down at my watery grave. It took me all day to realize that this is the right thing to do. Taking in one last deep breath, I started to think about how I got here. It’s a pretty depressing series of events that started when Princess Twilight returned to Equestria. Snips, Snails, and I were told to fix the entrance to the school.


“C’mon girls,” Applejack said as she and her friends came up to me, “let’s help our new friend.”

“What?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “Why do we have to help? We didn’t make this mess!”

“Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said with a disappointed tone, “Sunset Shimmer is our friend. And I do not know about you, but I help my friends with difficult tasks.”

“Thanks guys,” I said, “but I made this mess and I have to clean it up.”

“Nonsense, Darling.”

“But Rarity, won’t that ruin your dresses?” Fluttershy said.

“Yes, but Pinkie Pie is already half way done, so there is no need to get dirty.”

I looked over to the entry way and saw that Rarity was right. Pinkie Pie had already finished about half the job and was already working on the other half. Snips and Snails were standing off to the side scratching their heads, just as confused as I was.

“How did she…” I asked.

“We don’t even know,” Applejack said.

The eight of us finished the job, but Snips and Snails didn’t really do anything. I didn't mind because I didn’t really want them to help. They weren’t in their right minds when they helped me get the crown. I promised them unimaginable power and who could resist that? By the time we finished, the dance was over the girls walked me home.

Home was just a building for me. Before I waked through the mirror, I used some magic to give myself an identity here. Everyone thinks I have a home, parents, a life before CHS, but it’s all fake. The only thing real was the house and everything in it. I said good-bye to my new friends and went inside.

I woke up the next morning just lying in my bed. I didn’t want to go to school. Why would I? I’m going to be a complete outcast. It might be better if I just never leave my house again. That was my plan until the doorbell rang. I thought about just staying in bed and hoping that they would just go away, but then it rang again and again and again.

“Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!” Pinkie Pie said as I opened the door.

“What are you doing here?” I said.

“Duh,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re want to walk to school with you.”

“Oh…” I said with a depressed look on my face.

“What’s wrong, sugar cube?” Applejack asked as she threw her arm around me.

“It’s just that…”

“You don’t think the other students will like you after years of spreading lies and rumors and break up friendship and then becoming a big red scary monster thingy and enslaved every student at CHS?” Pinkie Pie said in one breath.

“Pinkie Pie!” Rarity said.

“No,” I said after a sigh, “she’s right. It’s better if I just stay away from everyone.”

“Don’t be silly,” Rarity said. “You need to fix your reputation and you certainly cannot do that from your bed.”

I gave one more sigh and then walked back up to my room. It would be so easy to just climb into my bed and wait them out. There is no way that any of them would miss school for me. On the other hand, they were trying. The least I can do is entertain them. I got dressed, grabbed my school stuff, and the six of us walked to school.

The walk to school wasn’t that bad. Besides the others reminding me of my past “boo-boos”, as Rarity put it, the girls tried to include me. I say “tried” because they would start talking about something, realize that I’ve been silent, and then try to include me. At least they tried.

When we got to the front of the school, I could feel their stares. With every single step, it seemed like they were silently judging me. It felt like every word said, was something bad about me. At least Princess Twilight’s friends were there for me, or they tried to be. As we walked into the school, I got the feeling that the others students weren’t just talking about me, they were talking about the other girls as well.

The first bell rang, which means it would be the first time I would be alone in public since last night. Unfortunately, I don't have any classes with Princess Twilight’s friends. There was a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that no one will accept me, and I was right. Everyone stayed at least one desk away from me and I again heard people talking about me. It even felt like the teacher was giving me a cold stare. This trend continued through my next two classes, but lunch was coming up and I could at least vent to Princess Twilight’s friends.

To my dismay, every girl had an excuse on why they couldn’t be there. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were helping Granny Smith in the cafeteria, Fluttershy was spending her time washing dogs at the animal shelter, Rarity was planning a fashion club meeting, and Rainbow Dash was running the soccer team though drills. I felt like they were all telling the truth, but I could see why they would lie. Needless to say, I was alone and the later it gets, the more bold teenagers are. This time, they weren’t even hiding their jokes and insults. I could clearly hear the rumors and every little thing said about me.

Things got worse as the school day went on. Within the first ten minutes of my fourth class, someone threw a note at the back of my head. The note told me that I should just stop showing up. I was a little used to it by now, so I crumpled it up and threw it aside. I wish I could say this was a rare occurrence, but I got a similar note in every class. It got a little harder to shrug it off, but the fact that I could put my feet up and keep my bag off the ground helped.

When the final bell rang, I tried to make my way to the front of the school without drawing attention to myself. Lucky for me, the school clears out pretty quickly, so I didn’t have to sneak around or anything. When I got to the front, Fluttershy was the only one waiting for me.

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked

“Oh well, Applejack had to run home to do chores and Rainbow Dash-”

“I get it,” I interrupted, “they all have excuses. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”

“It’s alright. How was your day?” She asked me as we started walking.


“Oh my.”

“All day they were talking about me and someone threw this at the back of my head.” I handed Fluttershy one of the notes someone threw at me. She read it and a look of horror came over her face.

“I’m so sorry,” she said as she gave me a hug.

“Thanks, but it’s not your fault. I did this to myself and I have to take my medicine.”

“That’s mature of you. But, if you ever need anything I’ll give you my number.”

“This is going to be a long process isn’t it?"

“Yes, but don’t worry Sunset Shimmer. Things will get better.”

But things didn’t get better. Every day was the same thing. Princess Twilight’s friends would convince me to go to school, students give me death glares, I would vent to the two or three girls I sat with at lunch, worse and worse notes were thrown at the back of my head. I tried to look on the bright side, but it was getting harder and harder for each day. Fluttershy was always there for me, however. She would always tell me that she was there for me and things will get better over time.

A few weeks later, it had come to the point where I didn’t want to get out of bed anymore. Not even Pinkie Pie ringing my doorbell a thousand times could get me of bed. On the bright side, I was right. If I waited long enough, then they would leave. It hurt a little that not even Fluttershy was willing to wait for me. That’s when I realized it. No one wants me. I’m just taking up space and getting in everyone’s way. I’m just a problem that needs to go away.


Standing on the ledge of the bridge, I thought about how happy everyone will be when I’m gone. They won’t have to remember what I did or if I would do it again or if I’m planning something. I can finally solve a problem instead of causing one. I looked down at the running river below and smiled. Finally, I closed my eyes and took one step forward.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Someone shouted as they grabbed me and pulled me back. I opened my eyes and to find that I fell back into a boy with his arms warped around my stomach.

“What’s your problem?” I asked as I fought to free myself. He did let go and we both stood up. “You think it’s funny to just grab girls like that?”

“You think it’s funny to play with your life like that? What would your family and friends think?”

“I…I don’t have any family and friends.” I grabbed my right arm and looked at the ground.

“That’s not true. What about those five girls that walk with you to school?”

“They’re not my…wait, how did you know I was hanging around Princess Twilight’s friends?”

“I go to CHS too.”


“Look, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think any less of you for what you did. You were probably just influenced by that crown.”

“Thanks for your concern, but it didn’t. I was consumed by power.”

“But, you’re not anymore right?”


“Then leave the past in the past. Who you are now shouldn’t be overshadowed by the person you used to be.”

“Look, it doesn’t matter who I am now. I was a problem and I still am. All I was trying to do was solve a problem and you stopped me. And why? Why didn’t you let me do one thing right for once?”

“Because I-”

“I know why. It’s because you wanted to be my knight and shining armor. You were hoping that if you saved me, then I would get weak in the knees. If you saved me, then you wanted me to jump into your arms, wrap my legs around you, and give you the biggest kiss of your life.”

“Sunset, I-”

“If it's not that then I guess it’s because you wanted to make fun of me.”

“I told you I don’t care about that.”

“Then why? Why would you ever save me?”

“Because Princess Celestia asked me to!” What he said stunned me. Princess Celestia sent him to save me? “I worked for the royal guard when you went through the mirror. She knew what you were doing and asked me to follow you. It’s my job to make sure that you were okay and help you if you ever wanted to go back.”

“Who are you?” I asked after a moment of silence.

“Sky Light.”

I thought back to my time with Princess Celestia. Sky Light was only in training when I first met him and we didn’t really say much to each other. After that, I would only see him in passing talking and smiling with his friends.

“Are you going to be okay?” He asked me.

“I…I don’t think so. Everyone still hates and there’s nothing I can do about it. I tried being nice and helping them, I tried staying out of people’s way, there is nothing I can do to change their minds.”

“There’s nothing you can do, but what if you didn’t have to do it alone?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I can help you fix your relationship with everyone at the school. They won’t listen to you, but they might listen to me.”

“I don’t want you to waste your time.”

“I want to help you Sunset. I’ve seen who you’ve become and I like this girl. I know that if everyone got the chance to meet you, then they would like you too.” I started to smile and blush. No one has ever said anything like that to me before.

“Come on,” he said, “I’ll walk you home.”

“How do you know where I live?”

“Because Princess Celestia used a spell to give me a life here. She put my house right next to yours so I can keep a close eye on you. I’ve been living next to you for years.”

“Why haven’t I noticed you?”

“Just one of those faces I guess.”

The two of us walked next to each other in silence. I didn’t want to bring up what happened today and I felt like Sky wanted to forget it too. I spent most of the walking thinking of the impossible task he had just taken on. I don’t know how he was going to do it and I’m sure there is no way he could. He seems confident, however, and I don’t think he’s going to take no for an answer.

“See you tomorrow,” he said as we got to my doorstep. He gave me a smile and then started to walk off.

“Wait!” I said before he could get too far away. “Thank you for saving me.”

“I was just doing my job,” he said with another smile. “But I would have done it even if no one told me to.”

“Good night,” I said.

“Good night, Sunset.” I watched him walk over to his house and through the door. I stood at my front door thinking how it would be easy to walk back to the bridge and finish the job. A voice in my head told me to go back there and just jump, but I couldn’t. I realized that I now have someone fighting for me. And I’m not going to give that up.

Author's Note:

I've had this idea for about a year now, but I just couldn't figure out how to write it. After seeing Rainbow Rocks and making a joke to one of my friends, I finally got the inspiration to start writing it. Ironically, however, this story will conflict with Rainbow Rocks, so don't expect me to reference the movie at all.

Thank you guys for reading. If you liked it, then I'm glad that you did and get ready for more. If you didn't, then don't be afraid to tell me what's wrong with it. I am always open to suggestion and who know, maybe something you told me could make it into the story.