• Published 17th Oct 2014
  • 4,421 Views, 69 Comments

The Sun Always Rises - jl7895

Sunset Shimmer is done with the students at CHS, but a young boy want to give her a second chance.

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Chapter 4: A Secret Among Friends

I think I’m in the clear. I told Sky I wasn’t feeling well, so he wouldn’t come knocking on my door. Coco has been working like crazy to make outfits for the fashion show, so she wanted to take today off. Rarity, on the other hand, making outfits is what she does to take a break. I’m just lucky I’m not her model. Fluttershy is volunteering at the animal shelter right now and I’m not scheduled to help until later. The only person that knows where I am is Derpy, but she promised to keep it a secret.

Since the day I went to Science Club, Derpy and I have become close friends. It might have been the fact that she opened up to me and I opened up to her, but I completely trusted her. Derpy had this way about her that always makes the people around her smile. That is if you got to know her. Not a lot of people really wanted to get to know Derpy, even though she’s an amazing person. There was this idea that you had to be a complete idiot to be friends with someone like Derpy. I wish there was something I could do, but who would listen to the former demon queen?

Just to be sure no one recognizes me, I put on a hoodie to hide my hair and sunglasses to hide my eyes. The only way someone would recognize me was by the color of my skin, which isn’t a unique color around here. Someone might realize it’s me by my red curl, but I doubt it. I wish this worked at school.

I had to walk across the town to get to the book store, so I was afraid of looking a little strange. However, I’ve walked there many times before and I learned a few shortcuts I can take. It’s mainly back allies, but it was way faster and I could stay out of sight. It is extremely important that no one sees me.

The bookstore I was going to wasn’t a big or flashy place. It barley had a café and all they really served was coffee. Authors never came here to have a book signing or a reading. What this place did have was a welcoming smile. They didn’t care who you were or what you did. All that really mattered to them was that you shared the same passion for books they did. They would even let you read without buying. I would go there on occasion, pick up a good book, and read it in a dark corner where no one could see. Today, however, was different.

“Good afternoon miss,” The man behind the front desk said as I walked in. I’ve been there enough times to be on a first name basis with most of the employees, but they also knew when I didn’t want to be recognized and would call me “miss”.

“Good afternoon,” I said back. “Do you have it?”

“I don’t know how many copies are left, but I’m sure there’s still one left.”

“Thanks,” I said putting money on the table so I could just grab what I needed and go.

I walked in the wrong direction at first. If I was going to get this book, I was going to be as sneaky as possible. I then made my way to the teen literature section and started searching the shelves. It took me some time, but I was in awe when I found it.

The book I was looking for was called Bloodlust. It’s the second book in newest series from A.K Yearling after she announced a break from the Daring Do series. At first, I didn’t think I would like it because I didn’t like Daring Do, but then someone here recommended Bloodmoon to me. I couldn’t put the book down. It wasn’t like other teen books. It still had that love interest thing, but that was more of a side story rather than the whole thing. It focused around themes of betrayal, loneliness, and true allegiances.

Bloodmoon is about a girl who moves to Manehatten City. She meets another girl and they become best friends. The friend turns out to be a vampire, but has an unquenchable bloodlust every full moon. The new girl isn’t afraid of her friend, until she learns that she comes from a long line of vampire hunter and the only reason she moved to Manehatten is so her parents could hunt a local cult. She is forced to join her parents one full moon, which doesn’t turn out well for her. The last book left off with the friend attacking the new girl leaving her for dead.

I have to get this book so I can find out what happened to her.

There were plenty of copies left on the shelf, but I was in awe of copy in particular. On the shelf was a signed copy of Bloodlust. A.K Yearling only signed 300 copies and most of them were sent to the big cities. I don’t know how they were able to get a signed copy, but I didn’t care.

I went to grab the book, but my hand bumped into another hand. I looked up to see a person just like me. They were also wearing a hoodie with the hood up and a pair of sunglasses. I saw something in her, something familiar. It was almost like I saw a part of myself in her.

The old me would have taken the book and ran. I did pay for it and I did see it first. That wasn’t me, however. In the few weeks since I met Sky, I began to remember who I was before I became power crazy. I cared about others they cared about me. There was a time when I would do anything for the ponies I loved. Then Princess Celestia taught me more powerful spells, which turned me into a power crazy demon. Spending time with Sky, Derpy, and everyone else reminded me that I actually liked caring about people.

I picked up the book and handed it to this person. They heisted at first, but eventually took it. This person looked around for something and then hugged me. I wasn’t prepared for it and they charged me a little, so I lost my footing and fell over. Their sunglasses fell off and I recognized the eyes.

“Rainbow Dash?” I said.

“Uh, no,” She said scrambling to her feet. “I’m…I’m…wait, Sunset Shimmer?” She asked.

“No,” I sad trying to disguise my voice. Without warning, Rainbow pulled my sunglasses off.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I’m…just here to make sure no one buys this dumb book.”

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here. The first book was so stupid, I don’t want anyone to read this one.”

“It wasn’t even good and talked about dumb thing, like vampires.”

“And friendship.”

“And betrayal.”

“And ancient traditions.”

“And horrifying monsters.”

“And awesome battles between blood thirsty vampires and well-armed hunters.”

“Who are we kidding?” I said. “Bloodmoon was a great book and we both want to read this one because we know it’s going to be great.”

“Alright,” she said. “Of course it’s going to be great. I haven’t read anything by A.K Yearling that wasn’t awesome.”

“You read Daring Do?” I asked. I just couldn’t see her reading anything besides a sports magazine or something. Not to say that she was dumb or anything, it’s just that she calls some people “Egg head”.

“Yeah. I started reading them when I broke my leg and I was stranded in the hospital. There was nothing for me to do, so I decided to start reading a book a nurse left behind. I got a little obsessed with the books. I was a little disappointed when A.K Yearling said she was taking a break from Daring Do, but I wanted to at least give this series a try. I read the whole thing in a night. What about you? How did you become a bloodling?”

“It was recommended to me by someone here. I picked the book up and thought this was the best book in the world. I loved the book so much that I did as much research as I could on this one.”

“Okay, so we both want this book,” Rainbow Dash said, “but there’s only one signed copy.”

“You take it,” I said after thinking it over. “You’ve been an A.K Yearling fan longer than I have. If anyone can truly appreciate it, it’s you.”

“No you take it,” she said. “I know you’ve been having a tough time at school and you could probably use a win.”

“How about this? We both take unsigned books and leave this one here so someone else can become a bloodling.”

“Fine,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. “I guess it’s the fairest thing to do. Plus it would be pretty awesome to talk about the book with someone else.”

“Well done girls,” some woman said behind me. I turned around to see a woman in a sunhat and sunglasses, as if she too was hiding her identity. “I have never seen two fans give up a signed copy of my book.”

“Your book?” I said, already knowing the answer.

The woman took off her hat and sunglasses to reveal herself. I was standing in front of A.K Yearling.

“You’re A.K Yearling…” I said in awe.

“This…is…so awesome!” Rainbow Dash said. “Can I ask you a few questions? Are you going to come out with a new Daring Do book? What about the Amulet of Ka’Tha? What did she do that that? And what about-”

“I see you’re a fan?” A.K Yearling said. “I can’t answer all of your questions right now. The paparazzi might catch me if I’m not careful. I’ve seen people fight over a book like this and you two are willing to leave it on the shelf to preserve your friendship. I don’t do this all the time, but I’m more than willing to do it for you.”

A.K took one of her books off the shelf and a pen from her pocket. She asked for my name and then wrote something in the book. She did the same for Rainbow and handed each of us a book. I opened it to see what she wrote.

To Sunset Shimmer, thank you for reading. A.K Yearling

I was speechless.

“This…I…You…” Apparently Rainbow Dash couldn’t think of anything to say either.

“Don’t mention it,” A.K Yearling said as she put her sunhat and sunglasses. “I’m sorry girls, I have to go. Au avoir.”

The two of us just stood there for a little while trying to process what happened. I would reread what she wrote in my book now and again. There was a part of me that thought it was all a dream and her words would change every time I looked at it. I wasn’t just holding a signed copy of Bloodlust, I was holding a personalized signed copy of Bloodlust.

“That was so awesome,” Rainbow Dash said. “And now I have a signed book that is signed by A.K Yearling herself. That makes the whole thing so much cooler.”

“I don’t know about you,” I said, “but I want to start reading this ASAP. Let’s get out of here.”

Rainbow Dash hadn’t paid for the book yet, so we made our way to the front. A.K Yearling signed the cover that also had the barcode, so the casher got a glimpse of her signature. He couldn’t believe that a famous author was in his store and he didn’t do anything about it. I’m sure he’ll be kicking himself about that for a while.

We started walking home and Rainbow remembered a story. It was just her taking about some impossible football maneuver that she did during a game last week. I’ve heard bits and parts of the story here and there when she was telling it to anyone that would listen, but I never in its entirety. I was too interested in the story, but I think I learned something new about Rainbow: she doesn’t like silence. In retrospect, it makes sense. She’s always been this high action girl who’s always doing something. I can understand why silence would make her crazy.

“That’s really cool,” I said when she finished.

“Thank,” she said. “You know Sunset, you’re a really good listener. I don’t understand why no one likes you. No offence.”

“None taken. What do you think about-”

Suddenly someone honked their horn behind us. We turned around to see two girls in a hoodless car. The passenger was stood up as the drier slowed the car so her friend wouldn’t fall out.

“Hey Rainbow Crash,” the passenger said, “who’s your loser friend?”

“Can you guys just please leave me alone?” Rainbow said.

“Aw, what wrong?” The driver said. “Did we hurt the little baby’s feelings?”

“Yeah,” the passenger said. “Are you going to go cry home to your mama or do we have to teach you a lesson again?”

“Who are these girls?” I asked.

“Yeah Rainbow Crash,” the driver said, “aren’t you going to introduce us?”

“Sunset,” Rainbow said with a sigh, “this is Lighting Dust and Gilda.”

“Is that it?” Gilda said. “Don’t your friends deserve more than that.”

“You’re not my friends!” Rainbow Dash said with some anger in her voice.

“Of course we are,” Lighting Dust said. “Who stood by you when no one else would? Who told people to fuck off when no one else would? Who risked their positions on the tack team so you could join late? Not this bitch.”

“What did you just say about me?” I asked.

“I called you a bitch,” Lighting Dust said. “What are you going to do? Turn into a demon queen?”

“Do you want to find out?” The two girls looked at each other with a little bit of fear. “Now, you’re going to leave Rainbow Dash alone or else you’re going to face my wrath.”

“Whatever,” Gilda said. “Get us out of here,”

“Sleep with one eye open,” Lightning Dust said to me as they drove off.

“Can you really turn back into that demon thing?”

“No, but they don’t know that.” Rainbow started laughing harder than I’ve ever seen her laugh. “So, what’s your deal with them?”

“I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. And not just any promise, a Pinkie Promise.”

“What’s a Pinkie Promise?”

“It’s a promise Pinkie made and no one breaks a Pinkie Promise.”

“What happens to anyone that breaks a Pinkie Promise?”

“Trust me, you don’t want to know what happens when you break a Pinkie Promise. That last guy who did it still won’t look Pinkie in the eye.”

“Okay, I Pinkie Promise.”

“Alright,” she said with a sigh, “The three of us grew up together and we were best friends, until middle school. They started getting a little more rebellious and they wanted me to join them. I didn’t really want to do anything them and that’s how I met Pinkie. Neither of them liked her, so they made me pick between them. Pinkie had already been a way better friend than both of them have ever been. They didn’t like my decision, so they did this…”

Rainbow Dash showed me her shoulder. I couldn’t believe what I saw. On her shoulder wasa big scar.

“What did they do to you?” I asked.

“They started hitting and kicking me. I’m just happy they stopped before there was brain damage or something. Since then, they’ve been bugging me every day. Today was the first time where they drove off. Thanks Sunset.”

“No problem. And they’re the real losers. They missed out on a loyal friend like you. I know you probably still don’t like me, but I’ve always admired how great you were to your friends.”

“Are you nuts?” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “You read A.K Yearling and you just told off two of the toughest girls in the city. You’re probably the second most awesome person ever.”

We continued walking until we had to part ways. I tried to hurry home as fast as I could. I really wanted to read this book. I started imagining how this one would even start off. The main character was almost dead for goodness sakes. How did A.K write herself out of that one? I was so close to my house when Sky came out of his.

“Sunset,” he said. “I see you’re feeling better.”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “I just needed to get some food in me and I was fine. If you excuse me-”

“There’s a blood moon out tonight. I hope no one gets attacked.”

“You read Bloodmoon?” I asked.

“No, but I saw it hanging out of your bag last Friday. I did a little research, found out the next book was coming out today, sent a message to Ms. Yearling, and picked up a copy myself.”

“Wait, you were the reason why A.K Yearling was at the bookstore?”

“I didn’t say that. I just told her that a fan of her’s would be at a local bookstore picking up her latest book and reminded her that she loves meeting fans in small towns.”

“You’re increasable. If there’s anything I could ever do for you, please just tell me. You have no idea what you did for me. Thank you so much.”

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Alright, good night Sky.”

“Good night Sunset.”

He smiled as he turned away and I smiled back at him. While all I really wanted was to read this book, it’s always nice talking with him.

“Sunset,” he said before we entered out respective houses.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

“If you’re not busy on Friday night do you think we could…”

“Could what?” I asked.

“Nothing. It’s dumb and just should be forgotten. Good night Sunset.” Sky quickly entered his house, leaving me a little confused.

I made myself something that I could slowly eat while I read. The book was everything I wanted it to be. It started with the main character in the hospital and her parents saying she was attacked by a wolf. When the friends reconvened, the main character said that she wasn’t going to hold anything against her friend. Her friend warned her to get as far away from Manehatten as possible. Her cult now has the main character’s blood and now either wants her to join or die. The book ends with another full moon, but the main character’s parents have her stay home. Because the cult had her blood, the vampires now know where the main character is. She ends up killing a vampire that came for her, but the vampire turned out to be her friend’s father.

The book was perfect. I almost immediately got on my computer to find someone to talk with. There was no way that I was the only one to not read the book in one sitting. I did some poking around and I found a blog post.

The Amazing Power of Friendship

I’ve always love small towns. There is something magical when an entire town knows each other so well. Generation is a new generation of friendship. There are coffee houses that give free pastries, clothing stores willing to give away a pair of shoes or two, book stores allow you to pay up front, there is something truly magical about a small city. Not only that, but you get away from major corporations. Every shop and diner in a small town is unique to that town. If you ever get the chance, please visit a small town.

The small town I am referring to in particular is Canterlot. A rather royal name for a small town, but it is a lovely town and they well deserve the name. There is a small bookstore that only a handful of people in the town know about. Most other people go to another store that has been around much longer, but there is enough people to keep this one afloat. It has a lovely café with the most delectable coffee. Even more incredible was the magic I witnessed.

The bookstore had obtained a signed copy of my latest book. As most of you know, there are only 300 signed copies. Of course someone was going to come for the book sooner or later. Unbeknownst to one another, two friends had come to claim the book at the same time. Neither of them could decide who should own the book, so they decided that neither of them should get it and leave it for someone else to discover. I’m sure most of you would kill just to hold the book (please don’t by the way) and these two girls were willing to give it to someone else. I couldn’t just sit by and let this act of friendship go unrewarded. I gave each of them a gift, which I hope they both greatly enjoy.

I will not give their names out of respect for their privacy, but they know who they are. To both of them I say, please allow your friendship to grow. You have a beautiful, fragile flower in your hands and I beg you do not destroy it. Should you let it to bloom, it will last thought out your life. Whatever you give this beauty, she will give back in tenfold.

Yours Truly


This is the most amazing woman alive.

Author's Note:

I really should list uotapo as an inspiration or something. As you can guess, this chapter as also inspired by another one of their pictures. This one is called Bad Influence and I wanted to write a story about this one for a while.

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. School started up and I've been trying to find time to write. I will try to get a new chapter as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. If you really want to know what's coming up I can't give you much but I can say Octavia and The Dazzlings. If you have any ideas or if you really want to see something in this story, leave it below or pm me. I'm always open to suggestion and nothing is set in stone.