• Member Since 1st Apr, 2012
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pony-writer/pornographer looking for work. old stories undeleted. i'm sorry. Patreon here

Comments ( 64 )

Read it later, ready for epic.

As soon as I saw the word "Changing" in my notifications I immediately thought; Chrysalis.

Saw this on /r/ clopclop, looked good, WAS good and now the wait for more

also a note to all people reading; if you comment or favorite without clicking the like button you are literally worse than hitler

In my defence, I hadn't read it yet.


That was glorious, Leg-hole fucking is a little weird but still very good.


I see much potential here, Shall I say how? I think I will. Your use of words and phrases are unique, you take your time to build every moment to it fullest. I'm not sure how you intend to continue this; but, I have full confidence you will. Good luck. :raritywink:

i like this i dont know why but i do

Oh this is absolutely amazing
I hope you make a lot more


You figure even as some kind of weird sex slave she could at least offer the dude some kind of cot or proper bedding, hell maybe a book or something. Also that guy must have the stamina of a f#@king rhino.

Edit: This is one of the more smartly written clops out there. The protagonist is a slave or a puppet. He doesn't really have free will of his own. I don't know maybe I'm over analyzing things but this is actually a fairly sad/miserable tale. In society we use often the term "love" to mean hope, peace, kindness, and understanding. If you look at this fic in from an objective view point, it turns that convention of its head and the idea is "love" is nothing more than food, desire and lust. The other partner in the relationship feels like she is incapable of expressing those emotions in their positive and true sense.

I like a happy ending (no pun intended) and see the hell spawn change for the better but anyway this fic unfurls is great.


Peace out.


I never thought it was possible to really enjoy a creature like Chrysalis but...


Now I enjoy. :pinkiehappy:


Can I comment and push the dislike button?

Wow. Cue the interminable applause. Checked the first chapter out the other night and then saw there was another that I didn't notice. Then I look back through your stories to find other titles that have stuck with me.

You have talent. I wish I could type one-handed as well as you do. (LOL JK)

But in all seriousness: any non-clop you do would be a shoe-in on EqD; I'll damn near guarantee it. With the way you delve into the mentality of the sex slave, you prove his devotion; you proved his love through his thoughts alone—before you proved them twice over again with his actions.


This could be argued as true consummate love as per Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_theory_of_love)

In some rather twisted ways, you do have the three vertices of the triangle: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment.

Though not exactly reciprocated consistently or in full strength, the Intimacy is present in the slave's desire to not only bring his master physical relief but emotional relief, and that he has Commitment in his sense of duty to provide this relief for his master. The passion is self-evident in sexual attraction, but more subtly in a sense of limerence, in that the slave is always silently asking for his love ("love") to be reciprocated. And I think that with the resolution of the chapter, the feelings are quite reciprocated, making this a very twisted form of Consummate Love.

I'm not going to bother to check if that makes sense or not. I'm tired and I was just happy to find some intelligent literature in the less reputable corner of FiMFiction, so that I could give my oh so professional literary and psychological analysis of it. Long story short, I just wanted to sound smart one last time today.


Leg Hole fucking....::applejackconfused:

....Ok my mind is officially FUBAR. This is awesome. I have shifted from laughing after reading clop, to reading it in Alan Wake's voice. Wutdafuq is wit my errything.

497178 Baffling, simply baffling. During the first chapter I had the belief this man suffered from some extreme case of Stockholm Syndrome, along with some kinky fetishes, but this chapter crumbled that theory. I will have to look into this Triangular Love Theory...

Although I also side a bit with 492512 about Chrysalis turning into less of a dominatrix, and more of a lover. And he could really use a bed. Just saying.:unsuresweetie:

The story of a prisoner who is used by the queen of a parasitic race as a personal source of nourishment, and is so broken that he does love her in a warped way... Disturbing as hell.

Well, alright. The partial analysis I did before can very well be thrown out a window with me having read this.
But will this apparently one-sided affection really change? Sure hope so.


I hadn't considered Stockholm Syndrome, but it may or may not apply, depending on how you look at it. As far as I know, there is no known neuro-chemical root for SS, so it has to be traced in a more behaviorist/humanist way: I think SS stems from the victim sub/unconsciously protecting himself from the feeling of vulnerability that comes with one being at the mercy of another, in that the victim's psyche and perception of the situation alters itself so that the victim thinks that he/she is fine or enjoys being captured, so that it's as if they still have some sort of free will or control over the situation and simply choose not to exercise it; this is implied in the victim's displayed affection or defense of their captor, as if they like being held captive or whatnot. The key is that the victim is theoretically still only concerned for his or her own well-being, either internally or externally.

I think this scenario diverges from the textbook definition of SS because the victim clearly is not thinking of himself, even unconsciously. As far as the narrative is concerned, he only worries for the emotional, psychological and physical health and satisfaction of his captor. His concern for his own well-being is even quantified and subsequently trivialized at points; this is exemplified when the protagonist observes that he is hungry in the second chapter:

"This is going to make the waiting harder. There's only so much I can distract myself from the growing anxiety that's welling up in my stomach. It's a reminder though, that I need to eat at some point. There's food, around. Water too. They're inconsequential, most of the time."

Syntax and word choice in the first chapter do imply some remnants of Stockholm Syndrome, in that the victim is aware of and sincerely acknowledges his discomfort, but this does seem to wane as the chapter progresses, and is all but completely absent in the second chapter.

On a side note, I wonder what the author thinks of all this over-analysis, and if I'm getting warm or not.

"the pressure is viscous"
You mean vicious.

You're not admitting different ways of expressing love besides the vanilla lovey-dovey mainstream stuff, thus invalidating huge portions of the human population on the kinky side of things. You absolutely can and should be allowed to be exploited if that is your independent, consensual decision, and nobody else can strip you of that right in the name of some magical notion of what is "proper" or "sane". The difficulty is of course in ascertaining whether the decision is, in fact, made willingly and independently; but as long as it is, anything(*) goes. Case in point: I'm certainly not under any kind of spell or physical or psychological coercion from Chrysalis (on the account of there being no real Chrysalis), yet I'd gladly trade places with the guy. And I'm clearly not the only one, judging by the number of fics in a similar style. She's just that great and love-worthy.

Please also don't mix kink with stockholm syndrome, as 522680 does, as that again implies you cannot be of sound mind and kinky, which is downright insulting.

(*) And I mean anything. Provided it's between (any number of) consenting parties and doesn't harm outsiders, you can make a cannibalistic sex slave ring, and I'll wish you the best of luck. I don't get to judge and neither should anyone else.

If the impression I gave off was that SS was kink, I apologize, as that was not my intent. I was just stating a possibility at the fore-front of my mind. While I personally don't participate in the kink stuff (I have a very low tolerance for pain) I don't want to stand in anyone's way or stomp on any toes. Much like Moon Leaves, I firmly believe in a person's right to be as weird and kinky as they want as long as it is all consensual and voluntary. I won't be there, but go ahead and orgy your little hearts out.:scootangel:

Do I have an erection? I think I do....

Oh my god.
I think your writing style is the most immersive I had to read until now.
This is just GODLIKE.
The whole slave/queen thing is so... Wow.
If I had 20% of that awesomeness of yours, I think I would become a true writer ;D
You got yourself a fan :rainbowkiss:

Now the character is in control. Niiiiiice:moustache:

Never before have I seen erotica spark an intellectual debate on the prospect of 'love' in this story.

Darf, you are a true wonder of the writing world. I'll have to check this out sometime, currently coming down from reading a past fic...

Very sexy. Is there any plan in the future to explore why he feels so devoted to her? :duck:

YES! This is great stuff, slimy sex is best sex.

that's internet nomenclature for 'hot'


Ohhkay. Anyway I suggest u go to clopfics and read more of thses cause I am getting really unf.:twilightblush::twilightblush:

It was extremely well written and I'm desperately wanting for more from you...We don't see very much well written Chrysalis Clop...

524504 yet also highly addictive
strange isn't it?

Very nice :) keep up the awesome stories :)

2301196 HEY we got lasers man LASERS! and our ships dont look like a sex toy:pinkiegasp: or a boneyard relic:facehoof: or whatever Caldari ship are suppose to be:derpyderp2: (sure we got the whole slave thing but i only beat mine once a week) well the Ishtar is a lot of fun

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