• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 1,156 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie Pie: Destroyer of Books - TheExhaustedBrony

Pinkie Pie from the mirror world becomes pen pals with her Equestrian self.

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Pinkie Pie: Destroyer of Books

Author's Note:

It's been a long time since I've written anything. I feel so newbie for saying this, but please bear in mind that it has been over a year since I've written a story and I am definitely rusty. Whether or not people like this story isn't really my focus. I mainly wrote this story because my conscience knew that there was a partially complete story that has been sitting around since sometime last year. I'm not completely done with it yet, but I feel like this is a good point for me.

"When I was Princess Celestia's student back in Equestria, she gave me this." Sunset Shimmer brushed the dust off of an old tome she had stored away in her locker for who knows how long.

"Even after I abandoned my studies, I still held onto it. Deep down I guess I knew I was making a big mistake and I wanted a way to reach out to her." Sunset opened the book and began flipping through its yellowed pages. "Maybe it still works."

"That's a book darling. What do you mean, 'maybe it still works?'" Rarity scoffed, completely unaware of its magical properties.

Sunset Shimmer explained to the group that anything she wrote down in this book would be magically transcribed onto the pages of another book in Equestria. The girls all knew that this was truly the best, and only, way of reaching Twilight. However, Pinkie Pie had a candy-filled plan hatch in her head. Lately she's been curious about Equestria. When Sunset Shimmer said that the portal lead to a mirror world that contained everyone except in equine form, Pinkie wanted nothing more than to see it for herself.

Pinkie Pie is what one would call a visual learner. Explanations bore her and when her focus shifts to something she deems more interesting, she's gone. Solving a jigsaw puzzle is best explained by showing more than telling and Pinkie Pie wanted to see that book more than ever. Just hearing the fact that there was another Pinkie Pie somewhere was enough to get her wheels spinning faster than a hamster on a five day sugar high.

"So what are you waiting for?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed holding out a pen, "Get to writing!"

The girls watched the words being scrawled onto the blank pages glow a vibrant pink.

"There you have it," Sunset Shimmer said, closing the book, "Now we just wait for Twilight to get the message and figure out some way to help us."

After a bit of waiting and almost losing hope, Twilight Sparkle came crashing through the portal. Over the next few days, they did the typical routine of solving friendship problems and defeating the enemy, in this case, The Dazzlings. They were a trio of sirens who were banished from Equestria and tried to steal Equestrian magic by plunging the school into a great big mess of distrust and manipulation. Of course, in the end, it turned out just fine and we all learned a valuable lesson, Twilight returned to Equestria. Now that their adventure was over, Pinkie found this to be the right time to reach out to her equine counterpart.

"Sunset Shimmer!" Pinkie squeaked, "You still have that magical book?"

"Yea, of course I do. I still use it to keep in touch with Twilight and the other princesses every week to let them know how things are going here in this world. Also for them to let me know how things are going over in Equestria too."

"I'll make this quick." Pinkie's tone changed from her typical self to something more akin a movie where two spies meeting up undercover and exchanging sensitive information.

Tensions got noticeably higher for Sunset Shimmer as the unexpected change in Pinkie's attitude caught her completely off guard.

"W-What's wrong?" Sunset gulped.

Pinkie glared into her cyan eyes with an unreadable expression. Was she mad? Did something happen that Sunset wasn't aware of? Was she not being a good friend?

"Can I use that book to write a letter?" Pinkie's glare snapped into a smile and all the tension seemingly melted away. However, Sunset Shimmer was more confused as to what events just transpired than relieved.

"A letter? To who?" Sunset Shimmer shook off her remaining confusion.

"Well, you said that everyone in Twilight's world aren't like us. They're all ponies, except they're not actually different because they're just like us only not us but they really are and omigosh i wanna talk to PPP!"


"Pony Pinkie Pie, duuuh!"

"Oh. Of course, how silly of me." Sunset said under her breath as she rolled her eyes.

"It's just that I want to talk with her because it'd be like talking to myself but not me." Pinkie continued explaining her situation in circles.

"Pinkie, look, this book is very important to me and I'm not sure that I'm really comfortable putting it in anyone else's possession." Sunset was expecting Pinkie to be understanding and react to her dismissal as if nothing had ever happened like she usually did. However, instead of hearing, "Okie dokie lokie," Sunset heard a long heavy sigh and saw Pinkie Pie walking away with her head hung low.

"Okay then. See you later Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset Shimmer was torn. She knew that sometimes you need to stick up for yourself and put your needs before others, but at the same time, Pinkie Pie is such a nice person and it was quite obvious that there was no ill will with her request.

"Pinkie! Wait!" Sinset Shummer called out, having made up her mind, "You can write your letter."

"Really?!" Pinkie Pie immediately perked up, "You'll let me?"

"Yea. I've already written my letters to Celestia and Twilight for the week and I guess it would mean more to you to learn about Equestria than it would be for me since I've already been there."

Before Sunset Shimmer knew what was going on, Pinkie Pie had already wrapped her arms around her.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're the best friend anyone could ask for!"

"You're... quite welcome..." Sunset Shimmer was starting to feel the full effect of Pinkie's patented, 'Fantabulous-friendship hug,' and the amount of friendship she was receiving was rather suffocating. As well as rib crushing.

"I'll meet you at your locker after class is out. You can give it to me then."

Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie went their separate ways and continued the day as they normally would. Sunset Shimmer knew she could trust Pinkie, but due to the high sentimental value of the item she was entrusting to her, she couldn't help but feel just a little uneasy. After all, this was a gift from Princess Celestia during a very happy time of her life too. Sunset found herself in a little back-and-forth tug-of-war battle with herself over this matter, constantly switching between feeling worried and feeling assured of her decision.

Three fifteen. Sunset Shimmer opened her locker and put everything she needed for the rest of the day in her bag. Sunset Shimmer took the magic book out of her locker and scanned over it. Her heart told her that she shouldn't worry so much. After all, Pinkie Pie is a good friend. However, she couldn't help but feel a little bit worried. After all, this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about here.

Realizing that she's overthinking the situation, Sunset Shimmer dismissed her doubts and shut her locker, only to find Pinkie Pie right behind it.


"Waah!" Sunset yelped.

"It's after class o'clock. Time to go home." Pinkie Pie held out her hands ready to receive her much sought after tome.

"Before I give this to you, promise me one thing, Pinkie."

"Anything for a friend." Pinkie smiled.

"You need to promise me that you wont use up too many pages. I know there are a lot of blank spaces, but don't go too overboard, okay?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie Pie said as she went through the motions of a Pinkie Promise.

Satisfied, Sunset Shimmer placed the book in Pinkie's hands and waved goodbye before turning for the exit.

Even though it wasn't right to think such thoughts, especially of friends, Sunset Shimmer still couldn't shake the fear of something crazy happening that would make her regret trusting her only means of communication to the princesses to someone else.

Pinkie on the other hand, couldn't wait to get home and start writing. She had so many questions to ask. Things like, what do ponies in Equestria eat? What clothes do they wear? Do they even wear clothes? And if a deaf pony sneezes in the forest and nobody is around to hear it, who gave them cake that morning?

Pinkie skipped her way home, making sure to say hi to everyone along the way. Thankfully there weren't too many people to talk to. She wanted to get home as soon as possible so she could start writing.

When she finally arrived, her sister Maud was outside in the lawn with Boulder. She didn't really pay her too much mind though since her goal was within her grasp. All she had to do was open the front door and go to her room. Pinkie was just about to turn the knob when the soft monotonous voice of her sister called from behind her.

"Boulder was wondering how your day at school was."

Pinkie turned and smiled, "It was great. Sunset Shimmer lent me a book."

Maud looked down at her pet and back at Pinkie Pie, "Boulder says that's nice."

"Anyway, I gotta go. Bye bye!" Pinkie Pie waved at Maud and Boulder and quickly threw open the front door. Her eyes darted left and right, as if she was making sure she wasn't being tailed by anyone suspicious and then proceeded to head up to her room and softly shut the door behind her.