• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 1,155 Views, 6 Comments

Pinkie Pie: Destroyer of Books - TheExhaustedBrony

Pinkie Pie from the mirror world becomes pen pals with her Equestrian self.

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Super PPPPP (Pinkie Pie Pony Pen Pal)

Pinkie Pie dropped her bag at the foot of her bed and literally did a swan dive into her bed covers. She rolled herself up so that her sheets became like a sleeping bag.

"Nothing says home sweet home like a nice bed." Pinkie sighed comfortably.

From her position, she reached over her foot board, reach into her bag, and swiftly retrieved Sunset Shimmer's magic book and her favorite ballpoint pen. With pink ink of course.

"Now, what to ask first." Pinkie scratched her head. Nobody would be surprised if Pinkie's desire to converse with her otherworldly self through a magic book was just an idea she thought up on a whim. She hadn't thought it through very well. She hadn't even considered if pony Pinkie would even get her messages. Meticulously planning things was not her forte, everyone at CHS knows that.

"I could ask her the examples I gave to Sunset..." Pinkie quickly rejected her idea. Those questions were the big ones. She couldn't possibly play her royal flush on the first hand of the game! She needed a way to break the ice, but how?"

Almost instinctively, as Pinkie pondered possible questions pony Ponkie could possibly answer, she began doodling on the first blank page she found.

On the vast blank canvas of endless creative possibility, she drew a crude drawing of herself and all her friends hugging pony versions of themselves, the pony versions showed a rather uncanny similarity to what they actually looked like. Just a hunch of hers.

"Oh! I know how to start!" Pinkie's eyes lit up and sparkled so much that if she cried, glitter would come pouring out. She cleared her throat and began writing, reading aloud each word.

"Dear Pony Pinkie Pie,

Hi! You probably know a lot about me since Twjlight must have told you all about her time in our world. Based on what Twilight said, if we're like, the same, then you'd know that I love cake, balloons, cute animals, cute animal shaped balloons, parties, birthday parties, friendship parties, surprise parties, wedding parties, anything sweet, candy parties, and apples... I feel like I could go on, but I think you get the idea. After all, you're me and I'm you. Ha ha! Hope to hear from you soon!

Your bestest friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"That should do it." Pinkie wiped her brow as if she had been doing manual labor, "now to just wait for-"

Before Pinkie could finish talking to herself, bright glowing words began forming on the space below where she had written. It was just like magic! New words would have to be invented to describe how happy Pinkie was to finally be in touch with her ponified self.

"OMYGOSH! Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi!!! I can't believe you I mean me is talking to me or myself I mean! Haha! This is like, so amazing. When Twilight came back and told us that there were versions of us that stood up on two legs and wore weird clothes, I was all NO WAY TWI! YOU CRAY! But now that I got your message through this magic book thingy, it's gotta be true! Are there no cutie marks, wings, horns, or magic in your world?! I can't contain how excited I am to be pen pals with you!

Your number one friend, Pinkamena Diane Pie."

Just as the last word was magically scrawled onto the page, Pinkie knew she wasn't going to get any of her homework done tonight. All the time she would spend on that would be completely devoted to her new best friend.

Sunset Shimmer sat at her desk, staring at her partially complete homework. She was distracted. No. Being distracted couldn't even begin to describe her feeling of dread she had having submitted her magic book to the mercy of her unpredictable pink friend.

Sunset Shimmer groaned as she rubbed her forehead, "I know it's not good to think badly of your friends," Sunset slouched in her chair and looked up at the ceiling, "but was it actually a good idea? I mean, who knows what could happen."

Sunset was in a bit of a predicament, she felt like a horrible friend for having such negative thoughts.

"I know! I'll ask Twilight for advice." Sunset's face lit up only to immediately lose its shine as she remembered that she'd be asking Twilight about a friendship problem that involves the book used to converse with ponies from Equestria. The very same book that was not currently in Sunset Shimmer's possession.

"What if I go to her and ask for the book back?" Suddenly things didn't seem as gloomy. "Yea! I'll ask for the book back real quick, consult with Twilight, get my answer, and give the book back to Pinkie. The issue will be resolved and I'll be able to finish my homework without anything to worry about." Sunset Shimmer looked at her purple desk clock. Five thirty. Still early enough for a quick trip to Pinkie's house.

The friendship-troubled teen left her room and dashed out the door. While there wasn't a need to rush, Sunset felt that it would be better to get there sooner rather than later. She just hoped to Celestia that Pinkie kept things under control.

After a quick ten minute run down the street, Sunset Shimmer arrived at Pinkie's house. Without hesitation, Sunset Shimmer cheerfully knocked on the door.

No answer.

She knocked on the door again, this time a little harder. Maybe nobody heard her the first time.

Still no answer.

Sunset decided to look through the window panes surrounding the door to check for signs of anyone being home. Normally she wouldn't do something like this since it was a little rude to peek in on privacy of someone in their home. However, this was rather important. She scanned the left side of the door and saw nothing, she shifted over to the right side window to come face to face with Maud Pie, nearly sending her heart flying out of her chest and into the sky. Wasn't the first time this has happened.

"Can I help you?" Maud's already monotone voice was made even quieter by the glass.

"Um, hi Maud. Uhh, is Pinkie around?"

Maud paused and continued to give Sunset her patented blank stare.

"She's upstairs."

"Oh, thank you." Sunset replied. However, the situation got awkward again and she realized that you have to be a bit more direct with Maud. "Can I come in and see her?"

"Sure." Maud moved away from the window and opened the door for her sister's friend.

Sunset thanked Maud and they both went their separate ways. Maud went into the kitchen and Sunset went upstairs to retrieve her book.

Once up the stairs, anyone would be able to recognize which room belonged to Pinkie Pie.

"There's no way that the bright pink door with streamers, confetti, and balloons attached could belong to Pinkie." Sunset chuckled sarcastically. All the other doors were some shade of a purplish grey that gave off no happy vibes. It's still strange to think that the most energetic person in the world came from a family of people that well... weren't energetic. Sunset couldn't really think of a nice way to put it.

Putting away her off-hand thought, she knocked on Pinkie's door.

"Pinkie, it's me, Sunset Shimmer, can I come in?"

"Uhhh. I'm not here right now! Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP!"

Sunset Shimmer's face went from her normal self to Maud Pie level of blankness in an instant. She raised an eyebrow thinking that, while this is Pinkie Pie, it's a little too crazy and a little too stupid for even her.

"Pinkie, come on. I came to ask for my book back."


"Don't worry. I need it just for a little bit and I'll give it back to you right after I'm done."

"A book? What book? I dunno of any book. What is this book you speak of, stranger?"

"Pinkie, it's painfully obvious that you're in your room and I know you have my book. If there's something bothering you, please let me come in and talk it out with you. We're friends, right?"

Slowly, the door opened to show Pinkie Pie sitting on her bed with the book on her lap. How the door opened while she was on her bed will be a secret that she'll probably take to the grave.

"Hi Sunset." Pinkie greeted, a little more anxious and timid than her usual self.

"Hiya Pinkie." Sunset sat down on the bed next to Pinkie Pie, "So what's the matter?"

Pinkie paused and looked down, almost as if she was afraid of making eye contact, "Well, it's about the book."

"Don't worry about that. I was just being unecesarrily cautious when I told you not to write too much. I know you have lots of questions for the Pinkie in Equestria, so it's okay if you filled up a few pages."

Pinkie broke out in a cold sweat, "Yea... about that... I think I may have written more that, uh, just a few pages. Ehehe..."

Sunset Shimmer raised an eyebrow in complexion. She reached for the book and when she opened it, was instantly swept over by a wave of shock and amazement. On the page right after her last message to Twilight, were endless paragraphs, written rather sloppily, countless doodles lined the margins and some were even incorporated into her writings. There were splotches of ink that bled through the pages and onto the ones behind them, and it wasn't until after flipping through the, literal bakers dozen worth of pages, did Sunset notice that the bottom right corner of the right page was actually part of a flip book drawing. Sunset flipped through to see two bakers kneading dough and then they start slapping each other with the dough and then the world explodes and turns into cake. For such a small drawing, it sure was detailed.

"Ehehe... I guess I went a little overboard, huh?" Pinkie timidly apologized, trying to play it off like a joke.

Sunset didn't really pay attention to what she said though. She was too busy being amazed that so much had been done to the book in such a short amount of time. She couldn't be angry. Not only was Pinkie Pie a good person at heart and never meant harm on purpose, but also that Sunset Shimmer was too busy being impressed to be angry at anything. After flipping through the pages a little more, Sunset reached the final page of Hurricane Pinkie and saw a little message in purple ink that read,

"For the love of all that is good in both our worlds, please stop.

Yours truly, Twilight Sparkle."

Comments ( 6 )

Lol. I love the touch of Twilight in the end

xD Brilliance. Utter brilliance.

Beautiful,Sheer Brilliance!:heart:

Well. Pinkie is screwed.


Pinkamena Diane Pie

Looks like this party ended with a spark.

Pretty good story, but it could use some editing.

Is this complete?

Haha, nicely done, mate! :D

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