• Published 18th Oct 2014
  • 1,471 Views, 19 Comments

Nothing Ever Changes - Arctic Inferno

A Changeling is being put to death from Canterlot imprisonment, and shares his thoughts and feelings mere hours before he is killed by a unicorn executioner.

  • ...

A Night in the Cell

Perhaps, someday, they'll see their mistake.

The Changeling sat on the bed in his cell. It was hardly comfortable, little more than just a metal grate suspended from the wall with a lumpy mattress and thin blanket thrown on top, but lying on it and observing the night sky through the barred window on the nearby wall made him feel somewhat peaceful. Everypony who had been involved with the incident was outside, and although he couldn't see them, he could hear them dancing and singing to the songs being played in the street. He didn't know what they were celebrating or why but he would have loved to be involved.

Thinking about it, I honestly can't decide whether or not I deserve what I'm getting.

He sighed, his voice a raspy sort of hiss that converged in the back of his throat and fluctuated around his mouth like a rattlesnake. A guard directly outside his cell hushed him and he frowned, turning his attention back to the window. Sometimes he would see an insect buzz past or some woodland creature skitter along and be able to convince himself that it was one of his kin coming to save him and bring him home, but he knew it was futile. Changelings were the exact polar opposites of loyal and the hive was little more than just another burden he was forced to protect. He had no kin or home, though in equal measure he deserved neither.

... Did I really do all that wrong? Are ponies punished for talking to strangers?

The Changeling hadn't wanted it to be like this. He had fled from his hive, away from his fellow Changelings and his warm home, and come here. Canterlot had been so interesting at the time of the invasion, he simply had to return. And now here he was, balancing on a fine line between his dreams and his nightmares. He lay his back down on the bed and tried to get comfortable, but never took his eyes off of the cell window in the blind hope that another should come to his rescue. As he tried to allow sleep embrace him and pull him through the night he reflected on how he had managed to kill himself.

Approaching the city had been easy after burrowing out from the hive thanks to his wings, but in a foolish hope that ponies held empathy for other creatures had forgotten to transform before approaching the first one he saw. It had been a mare, he remembered, with gorgeous eyes and an admirable flowing mane. He had trotted up to her and extended a hoof in friendship, but she just screamed and called for help. The Changeling recalled that he had tried to reassure her but had been subdued and hoofcuffed by guards within moments of her distress call, and now here he was.

I... I suppose my species are all monsters at heart. Even me, whether I like it or not.

For a moment he considered that the ponies might forgive him, welcome him with open arms, let him walk amongst them even. But that was impossible; he was a hunter and they were the hunted, and no amount of willpower could change that. Nothing ever changes, he considered, merely deceives. Changelings could change forms, but underneath they were all still monsters, creatures hell-bent on consuming the weak and converting the strong. With a slight whimper he looked down at the wounds left on his body from the guards attack, still bruised and moist with blood. They told him everything he needed to know.

I didn't even fight back. How could they think it was fair to do this?

He knew what he could do. He could easily transform into a rabbit or something to get through the cell gates, turn back and kill the guards and be out in a matter of minutes. But he knew that he couldn't bring himself to. The invasion on Canterlot by his race had not only led him to respect ponies but almost love them as his own, to such an extent that he was somewhat glad his Queen had failed. He wanted so desperately to be loved by them in his heart, but his mind knew that the idea of a Changeling being accepted was absurd.

I'm a monster, same as all the others. I never deserved friendship.

A single tear escaped the Changeling's eye as his eyelids drifted shut and the night closed around his mind, carrying him off to a world in which he could be accepted. A world in which he could be loved for who he had become, not who he was.

Wasn't that what all ponies did?


The following morning he was awoken from his slumber and dragged out onto a stage outside, led forward and stood just above crowds of pegasi, unicorns and earth ponies of all colours and breeds. He looked amongst all of them and smiled for the first time in his life. Oh, ponies, such a diverse and interesting race. A twinge of emotion flickered deep down within him and he couldn't help but picture himself standing amongst them, one with them. The executioner, a unicorn donned in a black hood concealing his face, nudged him towards a block.

They stood him directly in front of the block before the executioner spoke suddenly and sharply.
"So, scum," He positively spat, "Any final words?"
The Changeling nodded after a moment and spoke up, trying to ignore his raspy tone. He had been born with it, yet he was hated for it.
"I... Just want to say..." He said simply, "... That I'm sorry."
Of course, nopony knew what it had meant as he was placed down on the block and took in his very last breath of air.

... The sky sure is beautiful today.

The axe fell with a sharp thud and suddenly his heart didn't throb so much anymore.

Comments ( 18 )

Meh. I feel like always, uncryable.

5154131 I appreciate that for many it will be hard to find emotional. I'm getting better every day, though, so hopefully that will soon change fix itself. :pinkiesmile:

We're all mosnters inside, some people just hide it better than others.

This is one of those stories that really get to me for some reason, though I can't discern why.

5154522 actually, it's more that sad stories never make me cry. :trollestia:

Meh. Sorry, friend, this isn't a personal attack against you, but I've read this kind of story a million times already and this one doesn't offer anything new either. It's just more Changeling Angst, a fanfic genre itself that's grown incredibly tiring. You've got the OC Changeling who is the caricature of every other changeling OC - a self-loathing, misunderstood woobie whose sole existence is for us to feel sorry for him, who is the typical victim of persecuted by the demonized text-book 'brutish, oppressive' ponies.

I don't feel shocked or saddened by the events of this story, because I know everything that's gonna happen and how it's gonna happen. The OC isn't interesting and it's very difficult to be emotionally invested in him, because he's both pretty much every other Changeling OC I've read about and he's solely written for the purpose of us feeling sorry for him. Hell, even the villainous ponies or pon-Y don't offer anything beyond what's expected of them. As I said, it's been done a million times in this fandom and by now I just find it, as harsh it may sound and I'm sorry, boring. It was written for a purpose, to make the readers feel sorry for the changeling and feel revulsion at the ponies, and judging by the reaction so far, it did its job. But for me, I don't feel anything.

Sorry, mate, nothing personal.

5156199 OK, I understand it's been done before. I just happen to love that genre. :pinkiesad2:
I'm also incredibly stuck for ideas right about now, so I may not have anything too revolutionary or original any time soon.

Also, if you feel like it's worth a chance, I'm doing another Changeling story where the ponies are presented as what they are- not ruthless maniacs- and the Changeling actually experiences emotions outside of self-pity as he journeys along the path to acceptance.
Here, if you're interested; http://www.fimfiction.net/story/218353/we-arent-all-monsters

Love the profile picture, by the way.

WHHHHYYY?!!!?!? :pinkiesad2: :fluttershbad: :fluttercry: :raritycry: SOO SAD

Hm, I suppose incompetent, misguided justice will remain forever what compels me to kill. Well done. They have been presented believably to the extent of having angered me.:twilightsmile:

For the illusion of kindness shatters this night.
Your love brings you apart,
and the dream of bliss shall soon be destroyed!
Already have you lost your light.
shout to no avail,
despair over the inevitable retribution,
then die for that sin this night.

Excellent work, dear Author!:pinkiehappy:
Changeling angst is a curious taste.

5187376 Thank you for that, it really means a lot! :raritywink:

Changeling angst is a curious taste.

If you think about it, isn't this entire fandom built on some very curious tastes? :rainbowhuh:

You're very welcome.:raritywink:

I was referring to how changeling angst tastes. I figuratively devour fiction, and they inspire certain emotions in me, which I taste. Divine Path is a changeling an emotivore. :rainbowkiss:
That is rather subjective. Ponies are awesome, that much we can establish.

5193108 Changeling angst is definitely one of the most unusual genres and is seemingly met with some very mixed emotions, but I just happen to like it. I'm not particularly pleased with the shortstories I made from it, though, so I've been working on a longer one instead. :rainbowdetermined2:

That being said, you seem to like it, and you seem like a person pony with a lot of experience. From that much I can tell it wasn't too bad. :twilightblush:

I don't mind those kind of scenarios too much if it is executed properly.
Thank you for thinking so. Your story was certainly not bad. It inspired many thoughts, which I always appreciate when reading. Tenko and I must be able to perform our routine.:raritydespair:
I suppose being a bookworm helps.:twistnerd:

Wow, almost 300 views on this! :rainbowderp:

Thanks, everybody!

I am depressed now

I'm not really a fan of sadfics. I read this and I think, "What was the point of this story?" No status quo was changed, no arc other than "Changeling is executed." It just seems sad for the sake of being sad. The story said nothing that we didn't know from the description and the general conventions of the genre.

I read that a good sadfic is sad because it's exploring a sad subject matter, not because it's trying to be sad.

On the off chance that I just don't get this story . . . What is this purpose of a story like this? Why do you and others like them?

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