• Published 7th Dec 2014
  • 917 Views, 16 Comments

WWC: Chrysalis's Revenge - Chris-Cross13

The Mane Six and Christian thought they had seen the last of Chrysalis. Oh, how wrong they were...

  • ...

Chapter Five

“Okay, now if I can go the next FIVE MINUTES without some sort of interruption, maybe some progress can be made!” Chrysalis shouts while walking back to ‘her’ throne. Her patience has become thinned by the two recent escapes. With Celestia still not budging about the whereabouts of her newly found Element of Conflict; she wants her next move to be quick, effective, and painful… like a booster shot.

“Sssssshall we go and retrieve Princessssss Luna and her little friend, dear Chryssssssalissssss?” A changeling asks while motioning toward four others behind him. Chrysalis puts a hoof on her chin as she ponders the question. The last two times she tried to bring out Luna as a means of breaking Celestia, it got stopped just short of the act. She doesn’t want to risk another attempted escape; she’ll need a closer resource. Chrysalis scans the row of cocooned mares until another idea clicks in her brain: Celestia’s OTHER breaking point.

“No,” Chrysalis answers. “I have a much more… creative idea. Changelings! Bring forth Celestia’s star student. Bring me Twilight Sparkle!” The room fills with a collective gasp. Chrysalis glances at the sun deity, whose pupils just shrunk to the size of a pea. A hum of drone wings replace the silent sound of shock as they collectively move to the other side of the room. Twilight looks up at the swarm and gulps.

“D-Don’t c-come a-any c-closer!” She stutters in defense. Chrysalis laughs at the futile threat.

“That’s just adorable! She thinks she’s a threat.” The queen says. The bugs grab hold of her cocoon and yank it away from the wall. Moments later, it’s dropped in front of Celestia and the bug queen. Twilight starts panting and writhing as Chrysalis starts to step toward her, struggling to break free like Vague and Christian. “I have no worries of you escaping, Sparkle.” Chrysalis meets Twilight’s face a few inches away. “Without your precious magic, you’re as trapped as an insect in a spider’s web.” The queen taunts. Twilight tries not to show fear at the queen as she tries to muster up a sentence.

“What’s your ploy, Chrysalis? Why choose me?” Twilight snaps at her. Chrysalis smirks, and leans in a bit further.

“Because you’re the key to MY element.” She backs away and turns her head to Celestia, who is softly growling at this new plan Chrysalis has created. “Now Celestia…” She starts. “You will tell me where your new Element of Conflict is!” The queen sounds sure of her words this time; deadset on getting the answer she craved for. Celestia frowns further. Has she not gotten the message yet? Why is she so certain that she will succeed this time?

“My response still stands, Chrysalis; I AM NOT telling you its location!” She yells to make sure Chrysalis hears her loud and clear. Unfortunately for her, Chrysalis did.

“That’s a shame, Celestia.” She moves behind the immobile Twilight. “I didn’t know you hated Twilight that much.” Her horn lowers toward Twilight’s own, making Twilight shiver with fear.

“Celestia!” She screams at her approach.

“Don’t you DARE hurt her or any of the other Elements of Harmony, Chrysalis!” The queen laughs at her demand.

“Oh Celestia, i’m not going to hurt her… I’m going to help her!" Celestia and Twilight’s looks morph into confusion. What is her plan here?

“Then what are you…” Celestia goes to say something, but Chrysalis continues with her previous sentence.

“I’m going to help her…” She jumps into Twilight’s point of view. “By making her MY new student!” Another collective gasp is heard.

“WHAT?!” Everypony exclaims. Chrysalis nods.

“That’s right, Celestia. Either you tell me where the Element of Conflict is…” She aims her horn at Twilight’s head again. “Or I will turn Twilight Sparkle into my own changeling student!” Twilight feels her heart stop for a few seconds, as do the rest of the ponies in the room.

“You… You can’t be serious.” The solar princess gasps.

“Oh, I’ve never been more serious in my life, Celestia.” Chrysalis approaches Celestia’s prison again with a sort of swagger as she trots forward. “And I will do the same thing to the rest of Twilight’s friends until you comply. Every. Last. One. Until I break you like a twig.” She says fiercely to her face before backing away. “Now, make your choice.” Chrysalis finishes her statement. Celestia stares blankly forward as replays the threat in her head on loop. Then a horrifying thought strikes her mind: She is now balancing The Elements of Conflict with The Elements of Harmony. Chrysalis had put her in a stalemate; either way is a loss. She does not want to see Twilight become one of her… disgusting bugs. But she can not let Chrysalis know where The Element of Conflict is. Meanwhile, as Celestia tries to sort this out and think of a solution; Twilight is sweating profusely from the choices her teacher is given.

“Surely, Celestia will think of a way out of this!” Twilight whispers to herself, confident in her teacher’s abilities.

“I… I…” Celestia can’t speak. She was given an impossible choice, and Chrysalis’s patience has run out.

“So be it.” She hisses through clenched fangs and turns back to Twilight. The pony snaps back to the current situation as Chrysalis marches toward her, seething with rage.

“Celestia! Do something!” She yells as Chrysalis’s horn glows green once more. Celestia only stares at her student as her mind continues to feud with her decisions. Finally, her thoughts settle on a conclusion.

“I’m sorry, Twilight…” She mutters loud enough for the others to hear. Twilight couldn’t believe her teacher’s answer, yet she understood it. If those elements were to get in Chrysalis’s filthy hooves… Twilight dares not to think what would happen. Then again, staring down a horn charging with a spell to turn you into a disgusting insect isn’t a great alternative.

“Say goodbye to your old life, Twilight Sparkle!” Chrysalis shouts as her horn glows even brighter. The unicorn tries to turn around to see her friend’s faces, to try and form a sort of farewell. But all she could see out of the corner of her vision is her other friend’s closing their eyes; waiting for the deed to be done. With a sorrow sigh, Twilight turns back around and closes her eyes as the spell reaches full power.

“WAIT!” A voice breaks the silence. Twilight’s eyes bolt open to see Celestia shedding a few tears at the sight of her somewhat valiant (and forced) sacrifice. “You win, Chrysalis. I’ll… I’ll tell you.” Chrysalis stops the spell instantly and her fangs curve into a smile. She has finally broken her. The ponies are speechless, especially Twilight, at the sudden change of her decision. Then Twilight remembers what happened when Trixie hypnotized Christian, and everything made sense.

“You slimy bug.” Twilight hisses through her gritted teeth. Chrysalis used her and the threat as a way to make her teacher give in; just as Trixie did. Chrysalis smiles at the mulberry unicorn’s little comment and flips back to Celestia, still cringing at the choice she made.

“Well, out with it Celestia.” She wraps a hoof around Twilight and brings her cocoon near her, the green horn pointing at her head. “Or else.” Celestia gulps again. She knows that it would hurt even more to keep her waiting. A short sigh, with mixed emotions of anger and depression is heard escaping her mouth.

“The Element of Conflict… Is still in the castle.”

“Where?!” Chrysalis pulls Twilight closer as the princess hesitates to give her the crucial information. On the other side of the castle, five ponies continue to watch helplessly at the ordeal. Suddenly, they all hear some sort of faint whooshing sound from outside…

“...Its location is-”



“Now what?!” Chrysalis growls.

*Flap Flap Flap*

“Celestia, don’t say another word!” A voice shouts from behind the queen. Everypony gasps at the sudden turn of events. Chrysalis, meanwhile, is trying not to break a blood vessel in her eye at the amount of rage from another interruption… and the source of the voice.

“Last time I checked, I pushed you out of a window and you fell into a lake.” She hisses.

“You should check again,” Chrysalis does a swift half-revolution and sees the impossible before her: Vague Blaze, alive and flying, who just burst through the front doors of the castle. The ponies above cheer at their friend’s well being. Especially Dash, who can’t help but tear up at her stallionfriend once more.

“How are you still alive?” The insect asks while throwing Twilight to the side.

“It’s quite simple actually.” Vague smirks. “I had some help.”

“From who?” She hisses. Just then, another flapping is sound is heard from outside the wide open doors of the castle. A blue pegasus enters the interior, landing next to Vague. Chrysalis sighs in relief, it’s Frostbite. She will be able to take care of things, Chrysalis thinks to herself.

“Ahh, Frostbite; my dear, dear granddaughter. Dispose of this pest, if you please.” Frostbite looks over at Vague, who looks back at her. They both nod simultaneously.

“Like how you disposed of my father?” She turns back to Chrysalis with an angry frown. Chrysalis reels for a second at her comeback statement; blindsided by her words.

“E-Excuse me?” She stutters. “I haven’t the slightest clue of what-”

“DON’T YOU LIE TO ME!” Her scream explodes around the entirety of the castle’s walls. “I heard every last detail when you were talking earlier! Your takeover, The Element of Conflict that Candance sent you, and what you did to my father!” She stomps a forehoof. “So, I am here to put a stop to your plans… and avenge my family!” Chrysalis is speechless at her granddaughter’s words. She can’t believe that Frostbite broke out of her trance. But it didn’t matter to her; her goals would be reached one way or another.

“You… you traitorous little pony! You’re just like your father before you! Getting in my way and trying to stop me!” She takes a few aggravated deep breaths. “Only this time…” She points a forehoof at the duo. “You will NOT ruin my plans! Changelings! Seize them!” A flood of bugs rushes at the two, but it only makes Vague and Frostbite smile even wider.

“Bad move, grandmother!” Frostbite exclaims as she reveals a peculiar looking necklace from behind her and straps it onto her neck. With the changelings still coming at them at a rapid pace, Frostbite simply goes to touch Vague’s fiery fur. Chrysalis looks onward at Frostbite’s actions and tilts her head in confusion.

“What is she doing?” She says under her breath.

“Smart pegasus.” Celestia says with a smile. Chrysalis whips around to face Celestia.

“What was that, Celestia?” She snaps. Celestia laughs and nods toward the front of castle. Turning around, Chrysalis sees two bright orange pegasi instead of one. Confunded at the cause; Chrysalis stares at the necklace on her neck, and every thought in her brain simultaneously clicks all at once. “No… NO! IMPOSSIBLE!” Frostbite sees her grandmother panic in the distance and smirks. Her next move is going to blow her grandmother's mind.

“Vague, let’s light it up!” She shouts as she zips around the front of the room, creating an inferno of heavy flames in her wake. Vague smiles and follows her immediately after, helping to create a burning barrier between themselves, Chrysalis’s prisoners, and the changelings. The army screeches to a halt midair in front of the blaze, shocked at what the pegasi did. Chrysalis growls with a powerful anger.

“Don’t just gawk, you imbeciles! Put it out and get them before they free the prisoners! AND GET THAT ELEMENT!” The changelings immediately start conjuring green slime from their horns and lobbing it at the inferno to put it out. On the other side, Vague and Frostbite finish putting up their literal firewall, happy at their element of surprise. Which fades as they see the changeling horde on the other side start dousing the flames in green gel.

“We need to act quick! Free the others! We’ll need the help!” Frostbite shouts as she goes to relight the wall in front of them. Vague nods and soars upward toward the remaining captives. Dash can’t help but smile at her stallionfriend.

“VAGUE! You’re alive!” She booms

“Heh; I’m glad to see you too, Dashie!” He beams. “Now, hold still so I can-”

“Vague! Don’t bother with us!” Rarity pleads. Vague gives her a confused look. Has she lost it? He thinks to himself.

“Umm… Why?” He asks while scratching his head.

“Help Christian! He needs it more than us!” She nods her head toward the bigger cocoon hanging above them. Vague’s pupils dilate at the thing. It's as big as a small car!

“The hay happened to him?!” He shouts.

“No time to explain! Just get him out of that disgusting prison!” She hollers back at him. Vague moves in flash toward the cocoon flying up and around its exterior. He’s surprised he can’t even see Christian inside!

“Hope I don’t burn you, dude.” He says as he merely touches the goop with his forehoof and it lights up faster than a bonfire in a volcano. The outer layers of the chrysalis become cinders; making its center, Christian, fall out from underneath the burning wrap and slowly descending to the castle’s floor by a few green and slimy strands of what remains of his enclosure. Hanging a mere few feet above the tile, the puppet-like strands that are suspending him snap from the fire brought about by Vague. Christian hits the ground somewhat hard; an audible groan is heard from his body as a result.

“Yup, his fine.” Vague concludes.

Meanwhile, Christian starts regaining his vision and looks at the green pool underneath him… then at the diminishing fire in front of him. He struggles to get back up to his own two feet as he tries to comprehend what the heck is going on around him.

“Well… Vague’s alive. Need to thank him later.” He says as he manages to balance himself while standing. “Probably missed a lot though. Whatever, not in the mood right now.”

“Christian!” A voice shouts from behind him. He turns and sees Rarity looking either angry or scared; he can’t tell as his eyesight is still less than perfect from his detainment. “Christian! Look out!” The voice shouts again.

“Mmm... Wha?” He says in response before realizing the swarm in front of him has breached the wall of flames.

“Chrisssssstian issssss freed! CAPTURE HIM ONCE MORE!” One of the bugs orders.

“Oh…” He pauses for a second as his brain catches up to the urgency of the situation. “SNAP!” Christian yells, shaking off his daze. “Alright then, you insects!” He presents one of his hands. “EAT MAGIC!” He flicks to cast an orange orb into his palm… which fizzles out into nothingness. Surprised by the fail, he goes to cast another one, yet nothing appears this time. Christian becomes frightened at the result of his only OTHER form of attack now somehow not working. “What the heck?! Why can’t I-” Christian memory snaps back to what Celestia said back in the hospital room after Area 51:

“You will develop a much higher magic stamina…”

“Guess that hasn’t happened yet.” He says as he starts backing away from the insects as they encroach onto him. “Somebody… HELP ME!” He screams in dismay. Rarity looks down at the human’s display. She knows he’s in trouble, and there is only one thing he can do.

“Christian! Look up here!” Christian glances up at the white unicorn. “You’re on your own here, Christian! You’ll need to fend them off yourself!” Christian grows even more scared at her solution.

“ARE YOU CRAZY, RARITY?!” He responds as his back touches the castle's front wall. “I can’t fight hand to… hoof! I can barely do so when i’m mad and-”

“Christian, darling; listen to me!” She cuts him off. “Celestia said that you are supposed to get an attribute from all of us sooner or later. The little ‘reaction’ back in The Badlands was no reaction. You have my fighting moves, you just have to realize that you can use them!” Rarity says this with sheer determination and confidence in her voice. Yet Christian still looks at her like some sort of deranged lunatic.

“What are you, nuts?!” He shouts back to her.

“Either you do that, or you’ll become stuck in another disgusting pinata!” She counters. The bugs approach Christian further. Rarity knows that she is running out of time. “You must fight, Christian!” She shouts again.

“I’m telling you, Rarity; I can’t fight!” He continues to protest.

“Christian, fight!”

“But I-”

“FIGHT!!!” Christian blinks and sees a lone changeling coming at him full force, fangs and all, as Rarity’s words continue to echo within his skull.

Then something clicks inside of Christian’s brian.

A flow of a new knowledge suddenly comes to him. Time seems to slow down for Christian as he takes in all of these new thoughts: Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Jujitsu, Kick Boxing, Mixed Martial Arts, every fighting moving imaginable hits Christian like a bullet train. A sort of clarity forms over him as this knowledge is absorbed into his mind. He takes a deep breath, exhales, and smirks.

Time starts to speed back up as Christian reers up his right arm and readies himself. As the changeling is about to tackle him, he thrusts his hand forward and delivers a shattering palm strike to the changeling’s muzzle. The insect gets launched backward into the swarm behind him from the sheer force of the hit. The rest of the swarm falls down as their fellow bug falls on top of them. Chrysalis looks at Christian’s act and gawks in astonishment; while Celestia smiles at his new skill. The rest of the swarm quickly gets back into the air, though a bit frightened at the human’s new power. Christian looks back at Rarity and smiles.

“I told you, darling!” She winks at him. Christian nods and looks back at the swarm; staring at the bugs with a menacing stare.

“I know way more than Kung Fu, you stupid bugs.” He says before motioning the rest of the swarm to come at him. Irked by his demeanor, the rest of the insects fly toward him only to be swiftly dispatched. Christian takes care of the first few with some well-timed kicks and punches before knocking out two more with a perfect split kick. He lands down on one knee and lifts his head up to stare at Chrysalis. “That the best you got?” He says with another smirk.

“You’re new tricks show nothing! Changelings, get him!” Another swarm of changelings come out from the shadows. Christian looks up and smiles.

“Bring it on!” He says while getting into a crane pose. Changelings veer to his position, which makes him leap out of his pose and slam one of them to the floor with a chop. The next two dive toward him, which makes Christian roundhouse kick one into the other, causing a spectacular collision and knocking them both out. Rarity watches the human fight from above, approving every move he uses.

“Nicely done, Christian.” She says to herself. She then turns her attention to the rest of the swarm coming for him. She frowns in worry. “Looks like he’ll need some help.” She looks up at Vague. “Vague, darling; if you wouldn’t mind, can you free the others and I from our binds?” Vague glances over from his position.

“Oh! Uh, of course! Yes! Sorry, just got distracted because i’ve never seen Christian do… well, THIS! It’s awesome!” He says will gently descending toward the other captives and lighting their respective cocoons aflame. The first to be freed, Rarity leaps down toward Christian’s general area. While he’s busy flip kicking another changeling, Rarity comes crashing down on another bug that was about to creep up behind him. Christian turns his head around to see the defeated insect.

“Thanks for the save!” He says with a wave from behind his back. Rarity nods and jumps behind him and gets into a fighting stance. Christian does the same and jumps behind her. The changelings surround the two of them at all sides. Christian glances left to right as the two of them rotate around to see that they are surrounded. “Well, this should be fun.” Christian states.

“Indeed.” Rarity responds. “Are you ready for another test with your new moves, dear?”

“Better believe it, Rarity.” He prepares for the rush of insects. “Let’s party!” The changelings engulf the pair, but they jump out kicking and punching like karate masters.

Meanwhile, Vague frees Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy from their individual cocoons. Rainbow Dash takes no time in smothering her stallionfriend with a hug once freed from the goop and off the wall.

“Ohhhhh, Vague! I’m so happy to see that you’re alive!” She screams in joy once more. Vague starts rapidly patting her on the back, ensuring her of his health and trying to tell him that he needs air. He shoves her off, gasping for a breath.

“Heh, it’s nice to see you too, Dashie.” He repeats himself, but he doesn’t care. He is glad to hug his marefriend again. Just then, a lit-up Frostbite descends toward the two lovers. The sheer look of disgust on Dash’s face said every one of her thoughts for the other pegasus.

“Dash…” She starts. The rainbow pony puts a hoof up. Her face changing to a look of regret and deep thought in seconds

“Look, I don’t need an apology from you, Frost.” She says, softly. “Even though you basically handed us over to Chrysalis, you were somewhat misled by your crazy granny.” She looks at Vague and nuzzles his coat. “And, well, you did save Vague’s life.” She looks back up into Vague’s eyes. Frostbite gives a small smile as she returns to her frosty self once more.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash. That means a lot.” Dash shrugs at the compliment.

“Aw, it’s no problem. But I think persuading the others will be way tougher.” She explains. Frostbite nods as she grabs a nearby changeling with a forehoof and throws it to the ground; still maintaining eye contact with Dash and Vague.

“Oh, don’t worry about that.” She says, cocking an eyebrow. “I think I have a way of gaining their trust again.” She peers down toward Chrysalis, looking fierce as her drones fail to the ponies around her. “But i’ll need the two of you to help me make it work.”

Down below, Christian and Rarity are destroying insect swarms left and right. Their combined martial arts is easily dispatching anything that comes near them. Christian grabs a changeling trying to sneak up behind him and, while still staring at the horde in front of him, uses it as a projectile to knock out half of the bugs in front of him. Rarity on the other hand, is backing the human up with her own style of knocking changelings unconscious with a forehoof and the occasional spin kick.

“Could this be any easier?” Christian shouts while elbowing a changeling behind him.

“Well, they could be flying at us a bit slower.” Rarity comments while flipping a changeling over and slamming him into another drone with a kick. “But this is quite fun nonetheless!” She shouts with glee. As the fight goes on, three changelings wise up and manage to get around Rarity and Christian by flying up high and out of their sight. Landing behind the white unicorn, they prepare themselves for a sneak attack. Christian gets a quick glance at the three of them and quickly thinks up a strategy to take them out.

“Rarity! DUCK!” He shouts as he motions toward her. Rarity complies, though is confused by the human’s words. Acting quick, Christian uses Rarity as a literal pommel horse as he side flips over her and lands in front of the three changelings. As he lands, he kicks the changeling in the middle and sends him flying; leaving the other two not only startled by what just occurred, but now trembling in fear at the human’s new moves. “HIYA!” He shouts as he flip kicks one of the bugs and punches the other right in the jaw. The two remaining changelings land flat on their backs in defeat, making Rarity smirk at his skills.

“Excellent form, Christian!” She says as she clobbers another changeling in the muzzle. Meanwhile, Pinkie and Fluttershy watch the two of them from off to the side, bugs zipping past them and then flying backward seconds later.

“Should… Should we help?” Fluttershy squeaks. Pinkie Pie shakes her head quite rapidly.

“Nah, they should be fine!” She says as she ducks and another insect’s defeated body gets thrown over her.

“Actually you two,” Christian says, overhearing their conversation. “Could you both go down to the dungeon and check on Dee-Dee for me?” He karate chops a changeling and flip kicks one behind him. “Luna and Supernova are probably keeping an eye on her, but please check just in case.” The other two ponies nod.

“Sure thing, Christian! C’mon Fluttershy!” Pinkie bounces toward the stairs.

“Umm… Okay.” She says and quietly follows her friend. Christian keeps an eye out for any changelings that wanted to go after the pink and yellow ponies. Luckily, Christian and Rarity were the main targets.

“Hey,” Christian turns to Rarity while simultaneously grabbing a changeling’s forehoof. “Where’s Applejack?” He asks, throwing the changeling at Rarity so she could kick it into the wall. Almost as if on cue, three changelings crumble to the floor next to the duo seemingly out of nowhere. The two turn to see the orange earth pony on top of the pile of defeated bugs.

“Ah’m right here, Christian.” She says with a smirk. “Ya didn’t think I wouldn’t be fightin’ too?” She says with a cocky smirk. Christian smiles back.

“It’s not that, AJ.” He says as the fight continues with him drop kicking a changeling. “I just thought you were still stuck to the wall.”

On the far side of the room, Chrysalis grows more and more annoyed by the second. Her prisoners are free, her changeling army is falling, and to top it off; her granddaughter is an Element of Conflict who turned against her! She stares unwavering in a silent rage as Christian and the ponies pummel changeling after changeling.

“This is unbelieveable!” She growls to herself. "Everything was planned perfectly! This shouldn't be happening!"

“Yet you underestimated your granddaughter.” Celestia points out. Chrysalis does a swift turn around.

“What was that, Celestia?!”

“You never thought of the idea of Frostbite turning against you or being an Element of Conflict.” She says calmly. “Your own recklessness, small mindedness, and lack of foresight has put you in your current situation.” Chrysalis gains the most aggravated look on her face from Celestia’s words. “You are going to fail again, Chrysalis.” The princess finishes. Chrysalis growls quite loudly at her in response. Who is she to tell her what will happen? All she needs is a way to fix this mess. Quickly, Chrysalis scans the room to find some sort of advantage… and she grins at her answer.

“It’s not over yet, Celestia!” She snickers as she glances to her left. “Not by a long shot!” Celestia sees her look over her to her side and, urged by curiosity alone, follows her eyes to what she is looking at. Celestia gasps as she sees a knocked down Twilight still encased in her green prison, struggling to shake loose. Chrysalis’s horn glows green in mere seconds as she levitates Twilight’s cocoon over to her and by her side in the blink of an eye. Twilight has barely anytime to react to the chain of events. In the blink of her eye, she is carried right to Chrysalis’s hooves. Once again scared at her motives, she tries with all her might to escape her cocoon and Chrysalis’s grasp. It is no use however, she remains held fast to both entities.

“EVERYPONY! STOP NOW!” Chrysalis shrikes to her drones and enemies alike. Every fight within the castle ceases. Everyone looks toward Queen Chrysalis, who is holding Twilight in one forehoof against her, and looking as enraged as ever.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen: Christian and the ponies are going to surrender to my changelings and be captured once more, Frostbite will grant me her Element of Conflict, and Celestia shall tell me where her Element of Conflict is; OR SO HELP ME, I WILL TURN TWILIGHT INTO A CHANGELING RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” Celestia remains fixated on The Queen’s threat. She is no longer kidding around. And what were the others supposed to do? There is no other option!

“Whoa… C-Chrysalis, just… just chill out, okay?” Christian says, scared out of his mind at the hand she dealt. “You got us. We’ll give up; let’s not do anything rash here.” He says while throwing his hands up in surrender.

“Christian, you can’t be serious?!” Rarity proclaims. Suddenly, Dash and Vague land in front of them, looking just as scared as Christian.

“No, no, Rarity.” Dash starts, “I agree with Christian. Chrysalis means business this time.” Dash and Vague both move to where Christian is standing.

“Yea, she’s nuts! And she has Twilight! It’s not worth it!” Vague exclaims. The other ponies can not believe their friend’s responses to their predicament. Chrysalis sneers at how quickly the tables have turned in her favor. Twilight is in awe; shocked at how quickly Christian and her friends surrendered. Celestia simply looks down in total defeat.

“Excellent!” Chrysalis laughs. “Now, all I need is that Element of…” Chrysalis takes a second to scan her enemies encircled by her changelings. She does not see a cobalt pegasus among them. “Wait a second...” Chrysalis says, confused. “Where is Frost-”

“CHRYSALIS!!!” A voice echoes from the ceiling of the castle. Startled, Chrysalis looks up to see the cause. To her surprise, she sees nothing. Suddenly, a swift and chilling wind blasts in front of her. Chrysalis braces herself as the wind gets fiercer and colder. After a few seconds, the wind passes her, leaving her there in the middle of the corridor. She blinks a bit after the ordeal, and quickly notices something different.

“What the?!” She screams. “Where did Sparkle go?!” Just then, the voice calls out again.

“Christian! Catch!” Frostbite yells as she carries Twilight’s cocoon above everyone else. With a slow but strong throw, she heaves the chrysalis toward the surrounded group.

“Oh snap!” Christian shouts, stunned by her action. Acting as fast as he can, he dispatches the two changelings in front of him with a few quick punches before hopping over their defeated bodies and running to where Twilight is falling. Taking a few steps, Christian hits the ground with a slide directly underneath where Twilight’s shadow is falling. Twilight gasps as she is caught by the human. “Gotcha!” Christian shouts in success. He starts to get back up onto his feet. “Nice throw, Frost!” He yells to her as she hovers down toward the window a few feet away from him.

“Frostbite!” Chrysalis stares at her granddaughter. “I’ve had it with your attitude toda-”


In seconds, Frostbite, fed up with Chrysalis for everything that she has done; swoops from her position and sucker punches the queen square in the jaw. Chrysalis flies to the other side of the castle, landing right in front of a stained-glass window on the opposite side of the room. Dazed by the blow, Chrysalis holds her head as she tries to make everything stop spinning. As her vision clears, she focuses on Frostbite on the opposite side of where she is. Frostbite stares back with a look of disdain and rage frozen on her face.

Then, Frostbite closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Her fur and tail start turning into a gray-black marble like mix, almost like the color of slate. Her mane remains its black sheen and her eyes stay light blue. she opens her eyes once more.
“You will face my stone-cold fury quite literally, dear grandmother!” She yells. Chrysalis growls at the threat.

“You shall not defeat me, Frostbite! I WILL get that Element!” She demands. Frostbite smirks.

“Not today.” She grimaces and looks toward the ponies. “Vague! Dash! NOW!” Her voice prompts the two pegasi to spring into the air and rush toward the stone pony at lightning speed. The two of them go on each side of Frostbite and lift her with ease before racing forward, right toward Chrysalis’s face.

“No…” Chrysalis murmurs with a frown. She tries to get back up onto her forehooves, but her body is still racked with pain after Frostbite’s first hit. “I will not… be beaten… again!” She says as she tries to move.

“Hey Chrysalis!” Chrysalis stops her struggle to get up and looks toward the three pegasi coming at her full force. Time seems to slow down for Frostbite and Chrysalis alike. Though seemingly a blur to her, she can still see a smirk on Frostbite’s face. Chrysalis growls at her granddaughter’s attitude. How dare she be happy at her traitorous acts! Frostbite stares at Chrysalis with malice, yet also a sort of peace is also on her mind. Her task given to her is about to be complete. Within a few yards of each other, Frostbite makes her last comment to her grandmother: “This is for my father.”

Chrysalis hears this sentence and before she can even react to what she said, Frostbite’s rocky hoof connects with Chrysalis’s head. Combined with the speed from both Vague and Rainbow Dash, Chrysalis gets the equivalent of a wrecking ball going Mach two hitting her square in the face. The sheer force of the impact launches the queen out of the window; shattering the glass into fragments as she soars onward and upward toward the horizon. The ponies do some quick loop-de-loops to slow themselves down and simultaneously drop the somewhat bulky Frostbite. Frostbite falls back down to the floor and turns back into her blue and cold self once more. Out the destroyed window, she sees the small, green speck that is Chrysalis ascending over the clouds and into the distance. The changelings look toward the broken window and are immediately overcome with fear and distress over their queen’s loss.

“Queen Chryssssssalissssss!” One of them shouts. “Quickly! After her!” The bugs surrounding the other ponies quickly scatter and zip toward the window and after their queen. The battered changelings on the ground here the cry and get slowly get back up into the air and haphazardly follow. Frostbite smirks as the swarm of changelings fly from behind her and toward the horizon line. Vague and Dash land behind her as the last of insects scramble out of the castle. Dash can’t help but laugh at how the tough insects just start fleeing after their queen has been beaten.

“Yea, you better fly!” She yells at the last bugs as they fly away, sore and scared. Meanwhile, Christian is using a bit of his magic to try and unwrap Twilight and Celestia from their cocoons. Surprisingly, he is able to free them.

“You two okay?” He asks as he throws away the last of the sticky green goo. Twilight and Celestia nod in unison.

“We are now, Christian. Thanks.” Celestia says. Christian shrugs at the comment.

“No problem. I’m just glad i’m getting this magic thing somewhat down.”

“Well, magic isn’t the only thing.” Christian turns around to see Rarity behind him. She has a confident smirk on her face as she trots up next to Christian. Christian smiles, scratching his head in flattery.

“Yea, I guess you were right about the fighting thing back there. Thanks for the save, Rarity.” He says. Rarity shrugs at the compliment.

“Why, don’t thank me, darling. That fighting was all you. The only thing I did was encourage it.”

“Well, to be fair; it is your skill that I got from The Elements of Harmony.” Rarity nods with a laugh.

“Fair enough.” She says with a laugh. Christian laughs a bit too with her. Then, the group looks toward Frostbite, who is still staring out the window next to Vague and Dash. “I can’t believe what happened with Frostbite though.” Christian says in astonishment.

“Well, she’s not the only one, Christian.” Twilight states. “Today has been full of turmoil for all of us!”

“Yea, no kidding!” Christian responds with a snicker. “Anyway, i’m going to go thank her for what she’s done. Without her, well; we would still be on that wall.” Christian starts walking over to Frostbite, leaving Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Celestia behind.

“We should do the same.” Applejack states aloud.

“I agree Applejack. Frostbite deserves it, as does Vague and Dash of course!” The two of them follow Christian toward the three other pegasi. Celestia simply stares at Frostbite, her expression unwavering from her look of deep thought. Twilight looks up at her teacher, a bit concerned at this behavior.

“Umm… Princess Celestia?” She questions. Celestia immediately snaps out of her trance.

“Huh? Hmm?”

“Uh, are you alright; Princess Celestia?” She asks. Celestia nods and looks back at Frostbite.

“Yes, Twilight. I’m fine; I’m just.. thinking.” She returns to her former, mutual expression; which makes Twilight shrug. Celestia is such an enigma.

“Alright then! I’m going with the others.” She says as she starts toward the group by the window. Celestia continues to watch the blue pegasus, curious about how she acted today. She then looks toward the broken window where Chrysalis had been defeated; the horizon where the changelings have all flown towards.

And Celestia cracks a small smile.

At the same time, Frostbite feels a wave of new and different emotions wash over her as she receives praise from everyone and starts to take in the defeat of her grandmother by her hoof. To her, it felt good to help out these ponies. Well, way better than hating them at the very least.

“Frostbite, that was EPIC!” Christian shouts up to the sky.

“Indeed! The way to took control of that situation was well done!” Rarity says with a grin and a nod.

“Speakin’ of situation, that element of yours is quite impressive!” Applejack compliments.

“I agree!” Twilight continues. “The way you can harness those elements is spectacular!” Frostbite doesn’t even know how to respond to all of this. She is too overwhelmed by a hot feeling of satisfaction and gratitude. All she can help to do is smile, her pointed teeth shining in the sun.

“It was a well orchestrated plan, Frostbite.” Vague adds with a smile. “Nice job, Element of Situation.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you two.” Frostbite says to the two other pegasi.

“It was awesome to kick changeling hide like that! It felt SO good!” Dash adds, yet it falls on deaf ears for Frostbite, who turns her attention back to the horizon as the others keep talking. Looking onward at what she had caused: Chrysalis failure. She can’t help but smile at that thought.

“Frosssssstbite…” Frostbite’s ears suddenly perk up. Her eyes dart around the outside of the castle. She swears she just heard a voice calling out her name. She leans outside the broken window and peers around the exterior for anypony; yet no one is seen. “Frosssssstbite…” The voice softly echoes again, though it is now clearer to her. Frostbite is certain that she hears somepony this time… and the voice sounds somewhat... familiar. “Thank you, Frosssssstbite.” The voice praises to the pegasus. Frostbite goes wide-eyed; she knows whose voice is calling out to her.

“F-Father?” She says quietly while looking up to the heavens.

“Chryssssssalissssss hassssss been dealt with, and our family hassssss been avenged.” The voice continues. “I can finally resssssst in peace…” The voice seems to sigh in relief at his statement. “I’ll be watching you… My dearesssssst daughter.” The voice fades from her ears, yet Frostbite continues to look up at the sky, hoping to hear from the voice again.

“Hey, Frostbite?” Another voice snaps her back to her senses. She does a quick turn around to see everypony looking quite concerned at what just happened, Vague especially. “You okay there, Frostbite?” He continues with a somewhat concerned smirk. “You see a bit… shaken.” Frostbite smiles a bit as his worry for her well-being.

“No Vague, I’m fine.” She states with another smile. “i’m… happy.” She turns and looks up at the sky once more, taking in a deep breath and sighing in relief. This moment, right now, was the first time she felt at peace with herself; with the world. And she knows she’s not the only pony who feels like this right now. “We’re both… happy.”