• Published 7th Dec 2014
  • 917 Views, 16 Comments

WWC: Chrysalis's Revenge - Chris-Cross13

The Mane Six and Christian thought they had seen the last of Chrysalis. Oh, how wrong they were...

  • ...

Chapter Six

Canterlot Castle’s interior is racked with suspense in the aftermath of Queen Chrysalis’s defeat. The guards are just fixing the giant hole in the stained glass window where the queen was sent flying out of courtesy of Frostbite, Rainbow Dash, and Vague Blaze. Behind the guards, the air is racked with uncertainty as Frostbite stands before Princess Celestia’s throne, a scared expression stuck on her face. Princess Celestia reclines in her throne, giving the pegasus a menacing glare. Christian and the ponies are off to the side, a tad worried at the iexpression Celestia is giving to Frostbite. The room itself is bathed in a quiet but tense aura as Celestia prepares to speak what is on her mind.

“Frostbite,” She states, sternly. The pegasus’s legs tremble a bit at the words.

“Y-yes?” A nervous Frostbite whispers with a gulp.

“Because of your actions, all of Equestria was put into immediate danger from Queen Chrysalis’s possible rule.” She states. Frostbite glances down in shame at her words. “Not only that, but Chrysalis also almost got her hooves on The Elements of Conflict. With these artifacts, she would have been unstoppable.” Frostbite now tilts her head down at this, acknowledging that she could have caused complete chaos because of her betrayal. The others look onward at the two of them, scared at the fate Frostbite is going to get sentenced to.

“However…” Celestia shows a small smirk at this, completely confusing the bystanders. “Not only were you manipulated by Chrysalis from the start, saved Vague’s life; and came back to put a stop to Chrysalis and her changeling’s wrath... You saved me, my sister, The Elements of Harmony, and our human ambassador; and lastly... You are also an Element of Conflict.” Frostbite looks up and smiles at the princess, she knows where this is going. “Because of these factors,” Celestia continues, “I hereby pardon you of your past transgressions.” The crowd behind Frostbite cheers at Celestia’s announcement; happy that their new friend isn’t going to spend her life in the dungeon. Frostbite couldn’t be happier.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia.” She says with a bow.

“There is, however, one thing that I ask of you, Frostbite.” The princess suddenly states. The crowd’s cheering comes to an immediate halt, stunned and worried by what Celestia is going to say next. Frostbite also grows a bit uneasy.

“What is it, Princess?” She asks. Celestia smiles at her thought.

“I would like to keep a close eye on you and your element, Frostbite. There is no doubt in my mind that Chrysalis will be after you because of your element and your betrayal. That being said, I realize that you have no place to stay...”

“You don’t mean-” Frostbite doesn’t even get to finish her statement; Celestia is already a step ahead of her.

“How do you feel about staying here, in the castle?” Everyone’s jaw drops at Celestia’s question. Seconds ago, she looked as if she was ready to lock Frostbite away for good; but now, she is offering that the cold pony stays in the castle with her?! Everyone cannot believe the princess’s words, not even Frostbite!

“I… I… I would love to, Your Highness!” She exclaims with joy.

“Then it’s settled. Effective immediately, you are to move into Canterlot Castle, Frostbite.” The princess dictates with a smile. Frostbite can barely contain her joy for her new home; her wings involuntarily flutter and lift the pegasus off the ground. Dash and Vague can’t help but laugh a little at her reaction.

“Alright. Chill out there, Frost.” Dash says, bringing her back down to the ground.

“Oh come on, Dashie; let her enjoy herself. She’s had a rough day; she needs a bit of good news.” Vague comments.

“Rough day?!” Dash hollers while flipping back around to her stallionfriend. “You’re kidding, right? She just found out a few hours ago that she is part of some legend with awesome powers! How is that a rough day?!”

“Well maybe it wasn’t rough for her, Dash…” A new but familiar voice echos within the room; making everyone become struck with an unnerving silence. In the celebration of Chrysalis’s defeat, everyone had forgot about the damage the queen had dealt before she was stopped.

Everyone except for Christian, that is.

“Dee-Dee...” His voice shakes as the gray pony slowly trots into the center of the room. Her eyes tell her entire thought process: Confusion, anger, sadness, worry; all reflected in the tears trickling down her face. Christian rushes to meet her; to comfort her in any way he can. He kneels down to meet her at eye level, but she does not acknowledge him and continues to look down at the floor. “Dee-Dee,” He says again while taking one of her forehooves. “I know what’s going on in your head right now. I know that you know what Chrysalis did to you can never be changed.” He says, softly. Dee-Dee nods slightly at his words. “And although you can never truly live a normal, human life again; know this:” She tilts her head up and meets her eyes with his. “You and I are now closer than ever.” Dee-Dee gives him a small smirk.

“Thanks Christian” She says while wiping the tears from her eyes. “But… I can’t be… me again.” She frowns again.

“We’ll see about that.” Christian gets to his feet. “Celestia, you can make her like me, right?” He asks. The princess ponders the thought.

“Well, I would have to use a different spell… But, yes. I can make her similar to you, Christian.” She says with a nod. Christian turns back to Dee-Dee, a smile now forming on her face.

“What do you say, Dee-Dee?” He asks.

“I say let’s do it!” She leaps into a hug for Christian, who embraces her right back.

“I’ll make the preparations then.” Celestia says, grabbing a few books from next to her. “The spell should be ready within a few hours, once I do a bit of reading that is.”

“Sounds good!” Dee-Dee says, letting go of Christian. The pony rushes up the stairs toward Celestia’s room. “I’ll be waiting!” She hollers as she vanishes from sight. Meanwhile, the rest of the ponies who witnessed the event in silence, sigh collectively in relief that their other human friend would be cured of her curse.

“Well, I’m glad Dee-Dee will be okay.” Vague announces.

“Indeed.” Rarity agrees. “But why must you use a different spell for Dee-Dee, Celestia? Why not use the same spell you used on Christian?” She ponders to the princess.

“Well Rarity, the spell I used on Christian was very specific and I could not use any other at the time. The spell I will use for Dee-Dee will allow me to have more resources on hoof.”

“Makes sense to me.” Christian shrugs.

“Yet before I get to that,” Celestia says, plucking another book from the pile next to her. She stares at the tome with a agitated and concerned look as she narrows her eyes on its cover “I must do more research on The Elements of Conflict.” She drops the book in front of her, revealing its cover to the others: Equestria Legends. Everyone moves in to see the object up close and get a better look. Twilight starts eyeing the cover with confusion; until she realizes what this book really is.

“Is this the book Chrysalis used to find out about The Elements of Conflict?” She asks anxiously.

“Indeed it is, my star pupil.” The princess answers. Celestia surrounds the book in a faint white glow as it levitates in front of the group before her and opens its pages. “What Chrysalis read in this book… What she made me reveal… Is all found in here.” She lectures while flipping through the pages. “The Elements of Conflict were created by Discord, Luna, and I. They were indeed meant to maintain Discord’s chaos while we sealed him in stone for a thousand years.” The book flips to a page depicting the two princesses and the spirit of chaos in a circle, with four objects in the center. “The elements were supposed to be hidden away, only to be revealed to the four ponies that are destined to wield them.”

“But Chrysalis said that anypony can use them.” Applejack points out.

“Yes, but only a small amount of their power.” Celestia turns the pages again to show another illustration; this one featuring the silhouette of a pony wearing some sort of necklace or amulet with a pillar of light being cast upon them. “The true wielders of the Elements of Conflict can tap into their true power!”

“Like Frostbite?” Pinkie says, pointing to her with a forehoof. Celestia nods.

“Yes, Pinkie. Each element was designed for each type of pony: An alicorn, an earth pony, a unicorn, and a pegasus. Frostbite being the pegasus in question.” The pages turn again to yet another illustration, yet this one is vastly different. The ponies gasp in awe at the two page depiction of the silhouettes of an alicorn, unicorn, and earth pony; all empty spaces. However, in the space of the pegasus is a picture of Frostbite herself, wearing her elemental amulet on her neck.

“Whoa! Check it out! Frostbite’s in the book!” Dash points out. A look of surprise flashes across Celestia’s face for a split second. She turns the book around and is astonished to see Frostbite’s picture among the empty images.

“Interesting.” She says to herself. “It seems that the book must have updated itself when Frostbite discovered her elemental power. It even has a new description for her!”

“What does it say, Celestia?” Twilight asks. Celestia scans the summary next to Frostbite’s picture.

“The Element of Situation, being born from a drone of betrayal and a pony of the north, has the ability to use any natural elements around her to change her form and equip her with newfound powers and assets. She can wield such elements as the flame of an inferno, the rush of a river, the fury of a whirlwind, and the strength of stone.”

“Wow, that’s amazing!” Twilight gasps.

“Yes, but now we must find the others.” Celestia says, closing the book and placing it next to her. A serious look has taken over her face. The ponies worry at what she is currently thinking.

“What do you mean, PC?” Christian questions.

“Now that Chrysalis is aware of their existence, I am certain that it is only a matter of time before Paradox and Trixie discover their existence as well. If those two manage to get even one of the remaining Elements of Conflict…” Celestia noticeably shivers from fear at the very thought. “Equestria and Earth would be under a threat that would be nearly unstoppable.” The ponies gasp once more at Celestia’s answer.

“Then we find those amulets before Paradork and Ditzy nab them!” Christian suddenly exclaims.

“It’s not that simple, Christian.” Celestia shuts down his idea. “The rest of the elements are hidden in areas where no pony would ever look. Not only that, but we must also find the true wielders of the elements if we are to keep their power safe.”

“What about Discord’s element? Didn’t you say you still have it?” Twilight mentions. Celestia smiles at her pupil’s memory.

“Yes Twilight, I do still have it. In fact, you all know what element I still have; even Chrysalis unknowingly knew!”

“WHAT?!” Everyone explodes in unison. How would they know what element was still in Celestia’s possession? They all take a second to think of what Celestia could be talking about. Then, a light bulb goes off in Twilight’s head as she remembers Chrysalis conversation.

“Of course! The Alicorn Amulet!” She shouts her answer aloud. Everyone looks at her as they start piecing together her answer. After a second, multiple “A ha’s!” ripple among the ponies as they realize Twilight’s answer.

“Correct Twilight, The Alicorn Amulet is actually The Element of Structure. Trixie managed to tap into its magical properties; yet this is not its true purpose. Once we find the true Element of Structure, the amulet’s power shall be revealed!”

“So,” Twilight starts to recap. “On top of trying to stop Paradox and Trixie with whatever they are planning to do to take over Equestria; we need to find the two other Elements of Conflict and the ponies that can wield them AND the pony who can use the element that we already have?” She takes a breath. “Sounds like a fun time to me! What do you say, girls?” The other Elements of Harmony talk amongst each other for a few seconds in group huddle before revealing their answers.

“Sound likes an awesome adventure to me!” Dash shouts with a flip “I’m in!”

“Count me in, darling!” Rarity says.

“OHHH! It’ll be like one of those “Find the Object” books that I like! ONLY REAL!” Pinkie squeals excitedly.

“Umm… I’ll help, Twilight.” Fluttershy mutters.

“You know you can always count on me to help, Twi.” Applejack tips her hat to Twilight. Twilight smiles at her friend’s call to adventure. She looks to Christian, who is leaning against a marble column.

“What about you, Christian? Do you want to help?” The human snickers at her question. The answer should be obvious to everyone.

“Are you kidding?” He smiles and starts walking toward the ponies. “Let’s see: You want me to find a bunch of ponies who can use amazing abilities with the power of legendary amulets and help them out in order to stop evil from taking over?” He stops short of the group; getting into a thinking stance as he ponders the obvious question. “Hmm, now why does that sound familiar to me?” He smiles. “You better believe i’m in, Twitty!”

“Speaking of abilities,” Rarity jumps in. “Christian, you and I must schedule some time to hone your new fighting ability along with your magic tutoring with Twilight. After all, you are without your crossbow.” Christian gains an irritated look on his face.

“Don’t remind me.” He growls, still remembering Chrysalis crushing his favored crossbow into pieces.

“That’s right!” Vague exclaims. “Chrysalis destroyed it! Oh dude, what will John say?” He ponders, worried that John may be mad at him somehow.

“Actually, I already spoke to John about the matter.” Celestia says, which surprises Christian. When did she have time to speak with his uncle after the mess that occurred a few hours ago?

“What did he say, PC?” He snaps.

“He said that he get right onto making you a replacement, but it will take a while.” She states.

“Fantastic.” Christian sigh with a roll of his eyes.

“On the bright side, I don’t have to worry about being tranquilized for a while!” Twilight says with glee. Christian gives her a piercing glare from behind his back.

“Whoop de doo for you.” Christian mocks while twirling his pointer finger in annoyance. “Next chance I get, i’m researching a sleeping spell… Or learning pressure points from Rarity.” He mutters to himself.

“Alright! Enough of the chit-chat!” Dash shouts while soaring into the air. “C’mon Vague! Let’s go help Frostbite move into the castle!” She jets out of an open window. Vague and Frostbite laugh at her antics.

“It’s best not to keep her waiting. Let’s go, Frost.” Frostbite nods as the two of them fly up into the air and after Dash. Frostbite soon leads the way as they head for her old, mountain home. The rest of the ponies remain in the castle, watching the trio leave.

“I’m glad Frostbite did what she did.” Twilight comments as she sees the three dots vanish into the distance.

“Indeed, my star student.” Celestia comments. “I just hope the other Elements of Conflict follow suit.”

“I have a question!” Christian interrupts. “How are we supposed to know who is an Element of Conflict? How do we know that Dee-Dee isn’t an Element or something?” Celestia smirks at Christian’s questions.

“Time will tell who is able to posses an Element of Conflict. As for Dee-Dee, well... humans weren’t in mind for wielding such artifacts when they were created.”

“So, no humans? Awww…” Christian pouts. He hoped that Dee-Dee would be able to gain some ability to defend herself while she was here as well. That, and he was hoping that he may have a chance at possibly be an element. Seeing Frostbite getting new powers from the world around her was mind blowing to say the least.

“Why are you so bummed out?” Twilight breaks Christian's thought process. “You are getting new powers every other week! You already have three of the six you will get!” This makes Christian forget about getting an element. He had three untapped powers just waiting to appear any day now!

“Fair enough.” Christian says with a shrug as he heads to the door. The ponies look at him, confused as to what he is doing.

“Umm, where are you going, dear?” Rarity ponders while scratching her head in confusion. Christian turns back around to address her.

“Well, I feel like it should be a tradition that whenever we kick some evil being to the curb; we should celebrate appropriately!” Pinkie's eyes suddenly light up like a pair of headlights

“That sounds like the invitation to a party!” Pinkie bounds toward him like a kangaroo on a sugar high. “C’mon! C’mon! Let’s get started!” She grabs the human and starts dragging him along.

“Alright! Whoa! Slow down a bit there, Pink.” The command falls on deaf ears as the pink pony continues to prattle on about the details of the soon to be bash.

“This is going to be such a fantastic party! We need to tell Frostbite and Vague and Dash- OH! We should make it all cold and icy themed for Frostbite for beating her granny! Pinkie continues to talk as she drags Christian down the hallway and out of the castle doors; her voice still on rapid fire as it starts to leave the vicinity. “We’ll prepare everything at Sugarcube Corner! I know exactly what to set up, and bake, and decorate, and design, and...” The others watch as the doors close behind the two of them. Twilight stands there with a single question hovering over her head.

“How can he deal with her yet still put me to sleep if I say one thing?!” She shouts, and then sighs. There is no point in trying to reason with it, she thinks to herself.

“We better go help those two,” He says to Rarity. “Fluttershy, you mind helpin’?”

“Not at all.” She says, softly. Applejack leads the two of them toward the doors. However, before getting even halfway, she turns back around.

“You comin’, Twi?” The orange pony asks. Twilight nods at her friend.

“Of course, i’ll be right there!” She says as the three of them leave. After the doors shut once more, Twilight turns to address her teacher. Celestia smiles, as she expected as much for her. “Princess Celestia, about The Elements of Conflict.”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“How long do you think it will take for Paradox and Trixie to find out they exist?” The question had plagued her mind ever since Chrysalis was launched from the castle. Knowing the Queen, she was most likely on her way to the two of them right now. Celestia stares out the window for a few seconds, watching the sun start to get low.

“They will know by midnight.” Twilight gasps.

“But… Then how will we…” Celestia cuts her student off before her thought is complete.

“However, I know they will not act in a manner to find their locations.” She states, still focused on the sun's brilliant colors outside.

“Why not?” The unicorn questions. Celestia does not move from her position.

“Because they want us to find them first; do their work for them. And even still…” She turns back toward Twilight. “Paradox is planning something, something big.” Twilight gulps at the news. “The blueprints he got from Area 51, one of them is the design of a weapon so powerful, it will allow Paradox to claim the throne.” Twilight cannot believe what she is hearing! No wonder he needed those prints! She thinks to herself.

“How do you know this, Princess Celestia?” She asks, curiously.

“John told me; but do not worry Twilight. John also said that most likely the designs that Paradox and Trixie stole are actually failed prototypes. Paradox and Trixie will just be wasting their time with their findings.”

“That’s a relief." Twilight sighs. "So, we should be fine?” Celestia snickers at Twilight's conclusion.

“Nothing is ever easy, Twilight. Now, go enjoy yourself!” Twilight sighs, but also smiles at her mentor’s words.

“No problem, Celestia!” She turns to leave her teacher and join her friends.

“Oh!” Celestia suddenly remembers something rather important. “And Twilight?” She hollers.

“Hmm? Yes, Princess Celestia?”

“Don’t worry about your friendship with Christian.” Celestia says with a smile. Twilight blinks at her teacher and gains a perplexed stare, curious at why she would mention this subject.

“Why?” Is all that she can respond with. Celestia laughs again, her reactions to odd questions are always a joy to her.

“One day soon, you two will become great friends. I can sense it.” Twilight can’t help but laugh at the statement.

“I’ll believe it when I see it.” She turns to leave the castle. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Princess Celestia! She waves from behind her back. Celestia smiles and waves back.

“Good bye, Twilight!” She says as she waves her off and the large doors close a third time. Celestia lays back in her throne, a sort of clarity almost makes her mind clear of any worries in the near future.


One thought was still on her mind, a thought that did in fact worry her of the near future. She remembers the conversation that she had with John earlier, an hour after Chrysalis’s defeat. She took a short trip to Earth to talk to John about Christian’s crossbow, which he said was “Not a problem.” Then, John brought up the events at Area 51 that happened a few weeks back. That’s when he said something that made her fur now crawl with nervousness.

“So, the blueprints that were stolen are worthless?” Celestia questions as she stands among the agents and scientists of The Pentagon. John walks over from the desk he was standing by and starts reading off the latest report that was given to him.

“Yes Celestia, the lab boys here say that they know for a fact that one of those blueprints is a failed prototype.” John reads off of the clipboard in his hand.

“What about the other one?” Celestia asks. The question makes John and the scientists go dead silent. All typing ceases and all conversations come to a halt. John gains a grave stare that pierces Celestia’s look of concern.

“We… Uh… We still don’t know what that last blueprint really was. But… The lab boys say that some signs point to… It being a possible threat. A threat that we thought was gone forever.” Celestia keeps a blank stare on her face as she tries to muster a sentence.

“W-what t-threat?” The two words fall out of her mouth. John takes a deep breath as he remembers the information.

“Well… There is a ten percent chance that he took a classified weapon that, if operation, could be used to take over Equestria and Earth.” Celestia brakes out of her chance. Only ten percent? They seem so nervous over it. She thinks to herself.

“And the other ninety percent?” She asks.

“Oh, it’s absolutely nothing and Paradox is an idiot.” John snickers at his comment. “Yea, most likely, that’s what it is. The classified stuff never leaves The Pentagon, so we should be okay. I’ll make sure to call you if anything comes up though.” Celestia nods with a smile and proceeds to leave.

It is this thought that is making Celestia rethink her reaction a few hours ago; making her rethink about what could happen now… What may happen. Yet as Celestia gets up from her throne and goes toward her room to perform the spell for Dee-Dee, she assures herself that John said it’s only a ten percent chance, and it’s most likely nothing… Yet that question remains embedded within her subconscious, resting and toying with her in the back of her brain:

What if it is that other ten percent?

Up at the Far North, Rainbow Dash and Vague are carrying the last bit of Frostbite’s things out from her old, mountain home. Luckily for the two of them, Frostbite does not have a lot of personal belongings in her freezer of a home. Dash wipes some sweat off her forehead as she re-enters the mountain home.

“Whew!” She exclaims. “All right, Frost! I think that’s the last of everything!” She yells toward the back of the home. Frostbite pokes her head out from one of the rooms in the long hallway in the back.

“Not everything, Dash.” She says, while looking back into the room she is in. “There are still a few more things in here.” Dash hangs her head with a sigh.

“Ugh! Fine!” She floats over to her friend. Meanwhile, Vague zips in from behind Rainbow, back from another drop-off of Frostbite’s things at the castle.

“Are we almost done, you two?” He asks as he lands in the middle of the two of the pegasi. “It’s starting to get dark out.”

“Yes, just a few more boxes in here and then we will be done.” She says, pointing to the final three boxes in the barren room.

“Oh, awesome! Let’s go, Dash.” He jumps into the room. Dash groans and peaks her head into the side room.

“Well, at least this is it.” Dash sighs as she enters the room where Frostbite is standing. “What room is this anyway?” She asks. Frostbite looks around the barren room and shrugs at the question.

“I don’t know.” She says while re-entering the room. “I think it belonged to my parents.” She says while scanning the room once more. Dash blinks a few times as she stares at her somewhat sad expression.

“Oh…” She glances toward the boxes in the corner. “So… Is this your parent’s stuff then?” She asks. Frostbite nods.

“I believe so.” She says while moving toward the three boxes. Vague picks up the box stacked on top of the other two and smiles.

“C’mon you two, let’s get these things out of-” Vague goes to fly out toward the door, yet one of his backhooves hits one of the boxes below him, causing the pegasus to tumble out of the air and onto the icy floor. The box he was holding flies into the air and lands with a powerful THUD! onto the floor. The contents of the box spill out and slide about onto the ice. Vague’s eyes light up in shock as he realizes his clumsiness. “Oh man! I’m sorry, Frost!” Dash glares at her stallionfriend.

“Yea, you should be, Vague! You might have broken something of Frostbite’s!” Frostbite pays no attention to the two of them as she gazes upon the mess of object that came out of the box. One of them in particular catches her eye: A beautifully jewelry box, encrusted with multiple gemstones. The box had opened when Vague dropped the box. Frostbite slowly walks over to the box, halting the two pegasi’s conversation. The two of them look at the cold pegasus as she picks up the box. Frostbite gasps in confusion; the only thing that was residing in the box was a piece of paper.

“What in Equestria?” She says aloud. “What is a scrap of paper doing in a jewelry box?” She picks up the piece of paper to see what exactly it is. “Hmm… Odd.” She says, noting the blank piece of paper. She flips it over to inspect the other side. With a gasp, she is shocked to see something written on the other side. The two pegasi crowd around her to see the note.

“What’s it say, Frost?” Rainbow Dash asks. Frostbite starts to scan the note’s writing and proceeds to read it aloud:

“My dearest Polar Wind,”

“I have betrayed the trust of Queen Chrysalis. I have taken from her something powerful that would have given her unimaginable power at the risk of destroying me and the other changelings. Now, they will be after me. I have hidden the object in the house, and I will do whatever it takes to protect our daughter. For the sake of our family, you must flee from this place for your own safety. Knowing the Queen, she will adopt our daughter and make her a part of the swarm. As for me… I am unsure of my fate… I hear the swarm outside, I may not have much time left. Be safe my dear, I love you.”

The note’s signature is illegible to the trio, yet it’s meaning hits Frostbite hard with a wave of emotions. A trickle of tears comes down her face. Dash and Vague look at each other and realize that the note they just heard was from Frostbite’s father, and most likely his last words. Frostbite collapses in sadness as she tries not to start bawling in front of her friends. The note falls out of her hoof and flutters down to the floor. Dash scoops up the note and scans over its contents. That’s when she realizes something.

“Wait a sec, Frost;” She says. “Do you know what this means?!” She says with astonishment. Frostbite nods her head between her small sobs.

“It’s… It’s my father’s final words.” She sniffles. Dash shakes her head.

“No… It means your mother may still be alive!” Frostbite’s soft crying stops instantly as she hears Dash’s conclusion. She quickly gets up from the floor and rushes over to Dash to read over the note again. Quickly reading over the note again, Frostbite gains a small smile.

“She’s alive?” She says quietly. “My mother is alive?!” She booms with excitement. Dash nods at her words.

“Most likely, I didn’t hear Chrysalis say anything about any other pony being in the house; just you and your father. She must’ve read the note and left this place as fast as possible.” Frostbite flips at the news, her family is not completely destroyed after all!

“This is wonderful news! I can’t believe this!” She shouts with glee. Vague looks at the note and scratches his head at it and Dash’s answer. While her thought process made sense, it left more questions than it answered.

“If what you’re saying is true, Dash; then… where is she?” He asks.

“It doesn’t matter.” Frostbite answers Vague’s question. Dash and Vague look at each other, confused as to why Frostbite answered in such a way. “My mother is alive, that is what is most important. I will find her… someday.” She gazes up toward the ceiling of the room, which makes the other two pegasi give her small smiles of joy. The fact that their friend now has another family member somewhere in the world is enough happiness to go around. Frostbite turns back around to her two friends. “C’mon you two, let’s get this stuff out of here!” The two pegasi nod.

“Right!” They say in unison as Vague picks up the rest of the contents of the spilled box and puts them back into their cardboard home. Each pegasus picks up a box and heads toward the front door. As Vague and Dash exit the mountain home, Frostbite glances back into the darkness of her old and cold house. With a smile, she remembers that she is leaving behind a life that left marks that may never be forgotten; yet it also brings to light a life full of opportunity.

“C’mon Frostbite!” Vague yells from outside. Frostbite glances over her shoulder.

“Coming!” She shouts back. Frostbite grabs the handle of the door and takes one last look inside. With a soft smile she closes the door and leaves her old home for the final time and flies into the night toward her new home and a new chapter on her life.

Author's Note:

All that's left now is to tie up a few loose ends...