• Published 20th Oct 2014
  • 23,631 Views, 708 Comments

The Human And The Well - Zandar13

Just a normal day for our human Adrian when his curiosity leads him astray to a shimmering well. After falling into the well he finds himself in another world filled with strange multicolored ponies! What shall he do next?

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The Human And His Nightly Guardian

Hmmm, I hope that she does not think too hard on that riddle since there is no official answer by Lewis. Maybe I should send her a letter later when I am back in Ponyville. But anyway, once I get back to my room I need to start packing. No, actually I need to put a band-aid on that paper cut first.

I looked down at my right finger to inspect the wound but when I held it up to my face I saw that it was already closed and healed, almost like it had never happened. Gosh magic is so great! And thanks to that dragon magic I lost that little bit of weight I had been working off and even gained some muscles! I sure mom would be proud to see me like this. Mom.

My body froze as I said her name in my head and the little bit of joy I had slipped away and turned into sadness. I hunched over as the guilt seemed to crawl its way back over me and my fast stride became a slow step by step walk. I gripped my new book to make sure it was still there as I made my way to my room though any previous thoughts as to way I was, was now lost to me. So with no goal in mind I shambled through the empty halls to my room, lost in a haze while my mind is in a daze. Heh, Zecora might like that one.

Time seemed to slip away from me as my mind dredged up that scene earlier again and again. But eventually I found myself in a familiar hallway and finally looking around I saw that my room was just up ahead. But as I drew closer I saw that my door was slightly ajar and I felt my heart spike thinking that somehow Artemis had gotten out! I ran the rest of the way and threw open the door “Artemis!” I shouted hoping that she was still here.

“She is here with me, have no worries Adrian” I heard a familiar voice say and after I took a few calming breaths I saw that sitting on my bed was indeed Artemis who was curled up in a ball, taking a nap with short little breaths. Sitting next to her was a gray mare with messy red hair and shining emerald eyes that watched me very closely but I did not notice since I was feeling very happy at finally seeing her again.

“Nightingale!” I shouted in excitement while I rushed over to hug her. But much to my surprise I saw her raise a hoof to stop me as her stare started to bore into me. “Nightingale? Whats wrong?”

Once I asked this question her stiff body seemed to loosen up but she still sat at the edge of the bed and looked at me “Adrian. I am not here for a pleasant visit, I am here on behalf of Princess Luna and the Night Guards. I am here to formally apologize to you for personally failing you on multiple accounts and for that I am sincerely sorry” she said with a very serious tone as she bowed.

“Failed me? Nightingale, how in the world did you fail me?” I asked her.

“Do not play the innocent fool Adrian, you know exactly what I did. My first offense was failing to properly guide you back out of the Everfree Forest, therefore allowing you to get lost and be attacked by a Timberwolf pack and leaving you half dead” Nightingale explained.

“That was not your fault! I was the one-” I tried to protest.

“Secondly after failing you the first time I failed in my duty to protect your dreams from nightmares and allowed you to fully experience the horror it brought upon you and did not even show up to talk you through it. I have failed you” She said in a stern manner that could of turned water into stone.

“Nightingale, that was not your fault! I was the one who-” I once again tried to protest but was cut short.

“It was and is my fault you stupid fool! I was in charge of Ponyville and all of its residents, including you! And while under my charge I allowed the same citizen to not only be harmed physically but also harmed in your dreams! I failed my duty!” She loudly stated which roused Artemis from her sleep and upon seeing the gray bat pony started to growl.

“And since I failed I have put in the proper paperwork to have myself transferred to a different town or city to atone for my sins. As such I will no longer be able to see you and wanted to apologize to you and wish you farewell” Nightingale said to me with no emotion in her tone but she became agitated when she saw and heard Artemis growling and taking a defensive stance “Be silent you fowl beast!” she shouted and made Artemis flinch and back up a few steps but she continued to growl.

“Wait a moment Nightingale! You don't have to do that! Really, I am fine! There was no way you could of known any of this would happen! You don't have to blame yourself and bear all this weight! Please, lets just sit and talk about this” I offered her my hand but she smacked it away.

“Don't. Please, just don't Adrian. I am not your friend. I was your guard and I failed and as such I must face punishment. I had just learned that you had arrived and I thought the least I could do was explain myself and apologize. Now if you excuse me, I must be heading back to see if my new assignment is ready” Nightingale coldly said as she hopped off the bed and began to head to the open window but I rushed in front of her.

“Nightingale, please! Please don't do this! I don't want to lose you too!” I pleaded as tears began to form but she simply brushed past me and calmly walked onto the balcony.

“I hope the next Ponyville guard takes good care of you Adrian. Goodbye” was all she said before she took flight and disappeared into the sky, leaving me alone in my room. I stood frozen in time as I let everything that just happened in that short instance hit me in my gut over and over again. As the pain welled up inside me I felt my knees weaken under me and I began to stumble forward and sway. My erratic movements caused me to fall against the front end of my bed, eventually sliding down to sit.

I felt so alone and hurt at this moment. Perhaps I really am a monster like my nightmare said I was. Because of me my friends and family on Earth think I am dead while my body is lost. Because of me I killed my own mother due to this infernal magic I inherited. Because of me I caused Nightingale to lose her job and our friendship. I have caused nothing but trouble since I got here. I even killed an entire pack of animals.

My body shuddered as I felt the cold air waft through the open balcony doors and the more I shivered the worst I felt my body become, so I brought my legs up to my chest and rested my arms on my knees so I could use them to rest my head on. Also because of this stupid magic in my body my tear ducts have already healed up and all the tears I spent have come back. My heart felt even heavier as I weaped into my arms and I could not feel Artemis paw at my legs while she sadly whined.

Seeing the open door the small timberwolf pup darted away from me and began to search the castle for someone.

---------- 30 Minutes Later, Throne Room ----------

“-and did you see his face when he left? Oh it was so cute! We are most gracious to have a younger brother such as he! What do you think Twilight?” Luna asked me.

“Well it was pretty adorable but I think we should make it up to him later, it might have been a bit much with everything else that has happened” I explained to her.

“Yes, we suppose you are right Twilight. To hear about ones own death then the truth about his mother to hearing he can procreate with mares of this world would be overwhelming. But for now we think we should leave him be until he is ready” she said with caring words.

“True, true though when the payback comes I think you Gilda should be the first” Dr. Feathers said to a now very surprised Gilda.

“Wha?! Why should I be the first!” she questioned.

“Well you were the one who said and I quote 'Oh ho! Thinking about making babies already? Who's the lucky mare, stud?'” he said while trying to impersonate her, rather badly though. But he made his point clear and I saw Gilda glare at him.

“We were all thinking it! I was just the first to say anything out loud! And besides, he knows I was just joking....... right?” she nervously asked.

“I am sure he does but I do think it would be best to apologize to him later” Celestia said as she graced us with her wisdom. Oh I really love how she can always be so calm and smart.

With a loud sigh Gilda took a moment before she said “Yeah, I suppose your right....whoa. Who is that?” Gilda pointed in front of her and when we all turned around to see I saw a gray bat pony with a red colored mane flying towards Luna. Oh! Nightingale! I have not seen her around for a while, I wonder what she is doing here?

“Ah! Nightingale! She is the Night Guard in charge of Ponyville. She was temporary leave after she blamed herself for what happened to Adrian in the Everfree Woods. I hope she is feeling better now” Luna explained to us.

“Good evening Princess Luna, Princess Celestia, and Princess Twilight Sparkle” she said as she greeted the three of us.

“Good evening Nightingale, I hope that your leave has treated you well?” Luna asked.

“Yes, it has Princess and has made come to realize something important” she replied back.

“Oh? And what is that?” Luna asked again.

“That I am unfit to be Ponyvilles Night Guard again and that I must be assigned to a new town immediately” she boldly stated which caught us all off guard. “I have already put in the paperwork and only need your permission to transfer. I have also said my goodbyes to Adrian as well and explained everything”

“Nightingale! What is the meaning of this?!” Luna loudly said which caused us all to flinch and back up a step. Though Nightingale was even more surprised at Lunas reaction.

“Pr-Princess Luna, I failed not only you but I failed Adrian as well. For such critical failures it is only natural for me to be punished” she stated.

“And you think that running away will solve everything? But more importantly how exactly did you explain yourself to Adrian? We must know..... no we must see exactly what happened” Luna said. She began charging her magic and her horn began to glow in a light blue color. She quickly walked up to Nightingale and rested her horn upon Nightingales head for only a moment before a small spot glowed blue. From the small spot a projection shined out of her head and then I realized that she used the Memory Projection spell.

So for the next few minutes we replayed the memory from her waiting on his bed to the moment she left his room. Once the memory was done the spell faded and the room returned to normal but now I stared at Nightingale in anger. How could she be so cold and cruel to him! I know she does not know about the delicate state he is in but still! She could plainly see the pain in his eyes when he pleaded for her not to go!

But before anything else I saw Luna move closer to Nightingale again and quicker than any of us could react Luna smacked her across the face with her hoof. I let out a surprised gasp along with Pinkie but none of us dared move while Luna was angry. “We will deal with your incompetence later you foolish girl” she declared in a foul tone that made me shudder. Before anyone else could move Luna sprinted out of the throne room and most likely towards Adrians room.

Pinkie and Dr. Feathers followed her while Celestia, Gilda, and myself remained behind with Nightingale who was trembling in place. Suddenly Gilda flew up in front of her, grabbed her, and stared into her eyes. “Do you have any idea what damage you just caused!” she yelled.

“I know that I was a bit cold but in the end this was the right thing to do” Nightingale said in a low tone but Gilda shook her a bit as her grip tightened.

“A bit? A BIT?! You didn't just hurt him, you stabbed him right through his heart you stupid dingbat!” Gilda shouted again. “Adrian is in a very fragile state right now and you just made it worse!”

“I knew it, he really does blame me for that day in the forest doesn't he?” was all Nightingale replied back with,

“You really are stupid aren't you? Thinking Adrian revolves all around you, you, you! Your not that important sweetheart!” Gilda continued to shout.

“Then what else could it be?!” Nightingale said in a slightly louder voice.

“If you actually cared and didn't chicken out and have yourself a stupid little pity party for yourself you could of known that in these past few days he found a temporary way back home! But what awaited for him was the fact that he was declared dead! All his friends and family back home think he is dead!”

“And whats worse is that when he comes back here to Equestria we learned that his grandmother was a pony from our world and he had inherited her magic but that very same magic poisoned and killed his own mother! AND after that he blacked out and had another nightmare! Thankfully Princess Luna was able to help him this time but when he came out he was broken inside and we were hoping he was starting to heal, it might of only been a little bit but it was something!”

“And then here you come! Waltzing back into his life and shattering his heart again by rejecting him! He is probably blaming himself for all of this you know! Bah!” Gilda finished her speech by slightly throwing Nightingale across the floor in disgust. “I don't know why I am even talking to you, you probably don't even care”

“Gilda, that is enough. You have said your peace. Now let us be on our way. Adrian needs all the support he needs right now during this time. Come along Twilight, Nightingale needs time to reflect” Celestia calmly said and though Gilda hovered by the bat pony for a moment she eventually caught up to the two of us who were already leaving. Gilda and Celestia had left and just as I began to close the doors I saw Nightingale sitting exactly where we left her but she was sulking with her back hunched over. But I ignored her for now and closed the doors.

---------- Outside Adrians Room ----------

We hope we are not too late to help our dear little brother! He must be in great pain for even Artemis to come seek us out! It was quite a surprise to see the little thing run past us at first and thinking it would be better for Adrian not to worry about her being missing we decided to chase her down. She gave us quite the chase before she realized we were following her, thankfully it was us she was searching for in the first place. Though we wasted a bit of time we all headed back to his room and also to our surprise we saw my sister, Twilight, and Gilda just arriving.

“Hello again sister, I am surprise that your group was not already here since you left first” Celestia asked of me.

“We were heading here when we saw Artemis searching the castle for somepony and not wanting him to worry about her we decided to catch her, though as luck would have it we were who she was searching for. So then she lead the way back here and here we are” I explained. I searched behind my sisters group and saw no sign of the little wench who hurt Adrian.

“If you are looking for Nightingale sister, we left her in the throne room to ponder after Gilda..... talked to her” Celestia said to me.

I nodded my head and was going to praise Gilda but then I heard the small, defeated cries coming from behind the door and I felt my heart sink at every breath he took. But while I felt my heart grow heavy, I also felt something else in the air, something was wrong. With great caution I slowly walked up to the closed door and very gently opened the door as to not make much sound and once I looked inside I felt tears of my own starting to swell as I saw Adrian curled up against the bed.

I just wanted to throw myself over to him and wrap him up in a hug so I could warm him up and let him know that I was here for him. I attempted to move closer but my body was blocked and shocked my electricity, so I quickly backed up to avoid further damage.

“Sister! What is wrong?” Celestia asked.

“It seems that Adrian has placed an electric barrier around himself so that nopony will be able to get close to him” I explained.

“Oh no, this is not good. Luna, do you think we will be able to break through?” she asked.

“We can try but I do don't know the full extent of his magic or how much he is putting into the spell. If we do it too hard the rebound might hit him harder then if we fail to break through and it hits us instead” I explained again.

“How about we use something non-conductive to make a hole in the barrier to Adrian and once one of us gets inside we can cancel it from the inside or talk him out of it” Twilight said. That is actually a brilliant idea! I am constantly amazed and thankful that Twilight is turning out to be a wonderful Princess.

“I think that is the best option but lets save that for last and try to talk to him first” Celestia suggested.

“I concur” I said as I took a few steps forward but stopping right beside the edge of the barrier. “Adrian? Can you hear us? It is I, your big sister Luna” I said in a kind voice.

“Please go away Luna. Everyone needs to leave me alone” Adrian replied in a hurtful tone. I could hear how much pain he was in and I can hardly bear it.

“Please, let us in. I know everything. We looked at Ni-...... at her memories and saw what she did and said. I know that you are hurt but please, let us in and help” I pleaded.

“NO!” he suddenly shouted and we felt the force of his voice go through us all. His magic is reacting to his emotional state, this is becoming much worse. “I don't want any help! I just want to be left alone! Before I hurt anyone or anything else”

“Adrian, we know that you would never hurt any of us on purpose and Nightingale was only taking her duties much too seriously. Please come on out?” Celestia spoke up next to me.

“Yeah and if you are still feeling sad I can always go downstairs to the royal bakery and whip up some super yummy cupcakes to turn that frown upside down!” Pinkie suddenly said as she popped up on my other side.

“I SAID NO!” he loudly shouted again and making us feel his voice flow through us again. “All I have ever done since coming here is cause trouble and death! I am a monster in two worlds and have killed in both as well. I am nothing but a monster and a monster does not deserve any of you”

“My boy, none of those deaths were your fault. You were simply dealt a bad hand but don't focus on the negative and focus on the positive!” Dr. Feathers spoke up behind me.

“How could anything good come out of murder and death doc?” Adrian asked.

“While it is regrettable that those timberwolves did die you only did that to not only protect and save anothers life but yourself as well. To sacrifice yourself for another is quite a heroic deed and not many would of taken that choice!” Dr. Feathers said.

“But what about my mother? How can I see the positive about ME KILLING HER?! With my own magic that I got from my grandmother who was from your world!” Adrian said and this time he finally lifted his head to look at us with red eyes that still had tears pouring down a conflicted and painful face. We were silent as we knew not what to say in reply.

“You say that now my magic is safe for the inhabitants of his world but what if later my magic gets worse and starts to affect ponies and poisons them too! Am I suppose to just sit and watch as my friends in another world slowly die around me?! Am I suppose to wait and see if nothing bad happens to the ones I love? And what if.... and what if...” he tried to speak but his emotions were too strong and he took a few moments to cry.

“What if I marry her and have a child to only see them both die because of me? Just like my mom?” He quietly asked us and the question struck us hard, so much so that I had to take a step back. I hate to admit it but what if it is true? We could never ask him to go through such pain. We could offer him advice due to me and my sisters longevity but simply outliving a pony is not the same pain as watching them suffer and die due to your own power.

“Then will you just live your life in fear then?” we heard a voice say behind us and upon turning around we discovered it belonged to Nightingale. Adrian also noticed this but did not seem to care any more than he already was. “Will you live the rest of your days in solitude and reject all your friends simply out of fear?”

She walked past us to stand in front “Could you really bear to know that for the rest of your life you would be making all your friends sad because of what ifs?” she asked him.

“If it means making sure they are safe and live their lives” He quietly responded back.

“That is no way to live, especially for a silly human like you” Nightingale said and even let out a small giggle. “I know that you could never go through with it and let ponies like Pinkie Pie always be sad”

“But I have made her sad, I have made all my friends sad. Even you, because of me you are losing your job and moving away. All because of me” he replied.

She shook her head “No, not because of you. Because of me” she said, which greatly surprised me. “I was the one who was living in fear. I have always taken my job as night guard seriously and when I heard that you were attacked and almost died right after I left you alone, I cried the entire night and passed out due to exhaustion”

“I was so afraid that you and everypony else would hate me for leaving you alone and letting you get hurt. And then I saw you had another nightmare and I was not there to comfort you. I felt horrible and began living in fear of your words. That is really why I want to move away, I am running. Running from you and the pain I caused”

“But you have a good heart and should not live your life in fear. I know that feeling and it continues to hurt me everytime I wake up and go to bed, knowing that I am living with that fear swelling up inside. You have ponies that love you for who you are and are wanting and willing to help you. Please don't push them away because of me and my cowardly words” Nightingale concluded and was left in silence.

But again she broke it with another giggle “And besides, I think you would make a great father. So don't deny some future foal the experience of having an amazing father like you, ok?” she simply stated and even though it was quiet I felt the air begin to return to normal and the gut feeling I had vanished. Reaching out with her front hoof, Nightingale placed it where the barrier was and found nothing. Taking another step she reached out and tested the air to find no barrier shocking her.

Just before she took another step we heard Adrian give out a few more sobs before saying “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry” in a weak and squeaky voice. That was the final straw for us and without wasting any time we charged forward and wrapped him up in a hug, using both our front hooves and wings. This caused a chain reaction as the rest of the group closed in and hug him and bathed him in love and warmth. I was not sure if it was working until I felt a pair of arms go around my neck.

Looking down I saw him bury his head in my chest and crying soft, gentle sobs. But he surprised me when he craned his neck up and whispered something in my ear. When he was done he rested against me again but now I looked behind me and saw Nightingale slowly exit the room “Nightingale, my dear Adrian has requested that you stay in the room. He wishes to speak to you when he is ready” I calmly told her but I put a bit of magic behind it so she could feel it as well. She did not reply instead she stopped, turned around, and sat where she was and waited.

---------- 5 Minutes Later ----------

I think this time I finally cried as much as I possibly could and though my mind was still heavy my body felt a little lighter, especially after confessing the few things that had started to plague my mind. Even though my body did not listen, inside my mind I was smiling and felt happy knowing that I had all of them here with me.

Though I could tell that doc was slightly irritated by the amount of time the hug was taking but he tried his best not to show it. It took me a few moments of deep breaths to collect myself but eventually I straightened myself out and thankfully the others took it as a sign to get off. Once I was free, well after I got Pinkie to let go of her death grip, I stood up and stretched my body before I slowly made my way over to Nightingale and kneeled in front of her.

“I think I know what you are going to do but I do not mind. I deserve everything you do to me” she grimly said before shutting her eyes in anticipation. I waited a few moment but I slowly moved my hands up to her, she flinched when she heard my arms shuffle, but did nothing as I slid my arms around her and pulled her in for a hug. I heard her gasp in surprise and she wiggled a big in my arms but thankfully due to me being huge she was not able to escape.

“What are you doing? Are you not going to punish me or yell at me or hit me? You cannot just hug me after all this! No normal pony would do anything this......this....” she tried to finish her sentence but could not find the right word.

“Silly?” I said and when I finished her she seemed stunned at my choice of word but she actually began to giggle as she rested her head against my chest. “And in case you forgot, I am no pony. I'm a human”

She giggled some more “Yes, I remember. You really are just a silly, silly human” she somberly said.

“And your friend” I replied back with.

“Are you sure? Even after everything I said and did?” she asked me.

“I am sure and besides! I have friends who are Princesses, librarians, a baker, a fashionista, animal handler, wonderbolts, apple farmers, a DJ, a violinist, spa ponies, gryphons, and a mail mare. None of them are a cool and pretty bat pony Night guard!” I happily exclaimed as I felt the small spark of joy start to light inside of me.

I could not see it but she blushed at the compliment but laughed it off as she snuggled against my chest a bit before flying up face to face “You really are a silly thing, thank you Adrian” she said just before kissing me on the forehead. “Now if you excuse me, I have some paperwork to get rid off”

“So I guess that means I will be seeing you again once I am back in Ponyville?” I asked.

“Pft, in your dreams” she playfully said with a wink before she flew away. I raised my hand as I tried to say something back but found myself speechless due to the ambiguousness of what she just said. No wonder I like her. I finally cracked a smile and let out a silent laugh to myself. I stayed there for a minute or so before I felt a hoof tap my leg and saw Pinkie looking up at me with a compassionate smile.

So naturally I picked her up and hugged her, her happily squeaking when I did so. “You going to be alright Adrian?” she softly asked.

“Yeah, though it was not how I wanted to do it, I had gotten something that was on my mind out in the open” I said to her.

“Was it about having a child?” Twilight gently said. I only nodded yes as I did not want to say it.

I felt a claw gently grip my shoulder as Gilda came around to talk “Adrian, I just wanted to say that I am sorry if I accidentally pushed the wrong button when I joked about that before” she said.

I shook my head and smiled “Your fine Gilda, it was something that I had been thinking about for a while then when doc said that it was actually possible my mind went off on its own with the new knowledge about my mom and stuff. Just one too many things happening all at once I suppose” I explained with a nervous chuckle.

“So basically its all my uncles fault” she playfully sneered and I heard doc try to say something but it only came out as caws and mumbles. I found myself starting to snicker and soon it erupted into full out laughter that was soon joined by the others. Oh goodness I needed a good laugh.

“Oh man, thanks Gilda. I definably needed a good laugh” I thanked her which made her grin. She took her arm off my shoulder and gave it a soft punch.

“No problem, anything for a friend” she replied.

“Well, now that our little brother is feeling better why don't we grab something sweet to eat!” Luna suggested. With Pinkie still in my arms I readjusted her so I could easily bite her mane in a few seconds.

“I already have something sweet to eat” I quickly said before chomping down on the pink poofy mane and began to softly chew on her cotton candy mane. “Mhmmmhmmmhmm” I mumbled while Pinkie began her adorable giggle-snorts.

Celestia was giggling at our silliness before clearing her throat “I think that is an excellent idea Luna, why don't you all head down to the kitchen and bring back up some sweets for us all. I wish to speak in private with Adrian for a short moment” she said.

“Pass on the sweets for now Princess. I need to get back to the lab. Gilda...... you can stay with Adrian for the moment if you wish. You would be more useful as a friend than a lab assistant right now anyway” Doc said nonchalantly.

“Excellent! The more the merrier! Now, TO THE KITCHEN!” Luna declared as she charged out in a battle stance and strangely the others who followed adopted the same kinda pose and attitude. Not sure if that was magic or just plain goofiness. Doc waved goodbye and left normally in the opposite direction.

The moment they were all gone I felt Celestia wrap her hooves around me in order to pull me in to a hug and for a moment I thought she was going to start to cry “Adrian, I am sorry that you have been forced to deal with all this weight alone. I feel so useless at times like these” she sadly said. I don't know what it was but I felt a heavier meaning behind those words. With her being so sad it was making me feel sad in return.

So I wrapped my arms under her front hooves and lifted her up as I stood up and I got a surprisingly cute sounding squeak from Celestia who was very surprised by my action. But once she was lifted up I gently spun her around in a circle, almost like what you would do with a child and in a few short moments Celestia was giggling and had a fun smile plastered on her face.

So with a few more twirls and a laugh I finally slowed to a stop and gently set her on her four hooves while she was still giggling away. Seeing her like this made me feel warm inside, knowing that I was able to briefly help her take away her sadness, so without thinking I leaned down and kissed her forehead and the new blush on her face made her look adorable.

“And what was that all about, hmmmm?” Celestia nicely asked.

“I don't really know, just seeing and hearing you so sad made me feel sad and I sort of felt like there was a deeper meaning behind those words. And since you have been helping me out so much, I simply wanted to do something in return. And I think it worked” I explained with a carefree smile.

“You would be right, I know this may sound silly but just for a moment I felt like a little filly again when you spun me around and gave me that little kiss on my forehead. It was a very nice feeling and one I have not felt for a very, very long time. So thank you Adrian, thank you for making me feel young again” Celestia said with a warm smile.

“Anything for you Celestia, now what was the thing you wanted to talk to me about?” I curiously asked. She did no say anything but while she was looking at me she lit up her horn and on my desk I saw her light glowing around a book I had not seen before and in a few moments I was holding it in my hands. The book was very strange as the cover seemed to be made of a foggy glass with a shiny metal trim and in the middle was a polished golden symbol that reminded me of the crimson book.

I looked up at Celestia in confusion but she gestured to the book again, so I opened it up and like the crimson book the inside and cover page were blank but when I flipped to the next page there was bold lettering already emblazoned upon the old page that read 'The Element Within: Spirit Of Air'. My eyes widened when I read that and I realized that this was exactly like the crimson book but was probably the next book in the series.

With a slight cough Celestia gathered my attention back to her before she said “Well, it appears you have indeed found the second book. So, lets have a little talk about these books”

Author's Note:

Hello once again! First off sorry that this chapter came out a little later than usual, had a busy week and was conflicted between writing this chapter, writing more of my new story, or start writing another new story for Kilala97's fanfic contest!

But now to the story! Also apologizing cause I said that there would not be any real heavy stuff again for a while and here I go dropping another one! -laughs- But this time I think it was very good and interesting. I hope the character POV transition was good between Adrian - Twilight - Luna - Adrian.

But as for Adrian, his life is just ups and downs lately but thankfully his friends have pulled through for him! I really liked the Celestia scene where he twirls her around, it really stuck to me when I wrote that bit out. Thank goodness he is super, duper tall!

The Element Within: Spirit Of Air, what will this mean for Adrian and what secrets truly lie within the pages of these books and the one who wrote them? Will Celestia finally reveal them or will something completely random interrupt them and we never find out? Stay tuned and find out!

P.S: Once again thanking StephDragonness for her interesting artwork! Here is another link as to show all credit belongs to her and her alone.

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