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Chapter 26: Burying the Past

Author’s note: You can thank Boolyboo and bucknorris for this chapter.

I have no clue what I’m doing.


“I need to see Celestia.” I said to Dash.

Dash was still in my lap as the sun began to set. She looked up at me with worried eyes.

“I guess there’s no way to talk you out of it, huh?”

“Not really.” I said as I picked her up and set her aside.

I dropped down from the H2’s hood and opened the door. I climbed in and started the engine up. Dash shot into the cabin over top of me.

“I’m coming too!” she said “Somepony has to make sure you keep yourself outta trouble and who better that me?”

“You can come with me to see Celestia but not to Youngstown.” I said with an annoyed tone.

“Why not?!” She said, taken back a bit.

“If I wanted you dead, I’d bring you, but I don’t, so you have to stay here.”

“You are no fun!” she said as she crossed her hooves and scowled.

“Whatever.” I said as I shifted into drive and started the drive to Canterlot.


I drove the familiar road to the city and found that it was getting dark by the time I reached the gates. I met the familiar guard, traded salutes, and pulled into the city. I kind of had an understanding of how the city was laid out at this point and found my way to the castle in no time at all. A small contingent of guards stood at the door as I pulled up and threw the H2 into park. I removed my rifle from my coat and tossed into the back. It would be hard to explain an assault rifle to a cop if I got caught.

I let the engine die and I climbed out of the truck. My sunglasses shaded me from the sun as I walked to the castle doors. Dash flew behind me as I walked forward towards the doors. All of the guards stepped aside and saluted me as I walked up. It was a little weird, but strangely satisfying to have this much respect. The last guard that stood at the door pulled it open for me as I gave him my two finger salute and strolled inside with Dash in tow.

“Are you sure about this?” Dash asked me.

“I’m sure enough.” I replied “Have I failed yet? Wait, don’t answer that.”

I strolled into the main hall and found that Celestia was addressing a few uppity ponies. It was a little funny to me to see them try and be serious. It was like watching toddlers conduct politics. Celestia saw me out of the corner of her eye and tried to usher the other ponies away. The uppity ponies seemed to realize the under tone of the situation and took their leave through a door behind them. I continued on my way towards Celestia as Dash got a little closer to me and set a hoof on my shoulder. She was close enough to the point where every time she flapped her wings, her feathers brushed the side of my face.

“I glad to see you’re in a better mood.” Celestia said as she walked towards me.

We met about halfway and gave her my trademark salute. She smiled a bit let her posture relax a bit.

“Hello Rainbow Dash,” Celestia said “I’m glad you finally found somepony.”

Dash was obviously biting her tongue but for whatever reason, I didn’t know.

I walked over to a nearby wall and leaned up against it with a devious smirk on my face.

“I need another favor.” I said as Dash dropped down to the ground and took position in-between me and Celestia.

“What would that favor be?” Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I need to head to Youngstown once again.” I pointed out.

“I see,” She said as she took a step forward “You realize that puts a lot of strain on me every time I send you there.”

“I know but I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t need to go.”

“May I ask why you need to go there?”

“I need to collect a few more things and settle a few… personal issues.” I said.

“I think a favor for a favor is in order.” Celestia said with a smirk similar to mine appearing on her face.

“Oh really? Depends on the favor.” I said as I crossed my arms in front of me.

Dash gave me a glance and shook her head at me. I just brushed it off.

“You seem to show up my guards at every turn. I want you to show a Shining Armor and a few others to fight the way you do.”

I rubbed my chin for a moment before letting my arm fall to my side “I think I can do that.”

“Wonderful.” Celestia said with a tone of excitement and appreciation “The job does come with the rank of Lieutenant General.”

“I’m not the military type. Will the rank interfere with my regular job?”

“I will make sure that it will not.”


Dash facehooved but I brushed it off as I stood up straight from the wall.

“I shall have the spell prepared by nightfall.” Celestia said “I shall take my leave to prepare it.”

I waved her off and she stepped outside of the room. Now that the room just consisted of Dash and me, she flew up to face height and locked her purple eyes with mine.

“Why would you agree to that?!” She said in hushed fury.

“Why wouldn’t I? I get to head back to Youngstown and show up Shinning again? Sign me up.”

Dash calmed down a bit after hearing my reasoning and said “I can see you point.”

“You want to help me out in training them?” I asked as I saw her face light up “I’m not exactly a good physical trainer but I think you could help with that bit.”

“Of course I’ll help! I’ve always wanted to put some smug guards in their place. I’ll show ‘em who’s the fastest now!”

“Great.” I said as I snatched her out of the air.

“Hey! Stop that!” she said with a coy giggle.

I adjusted her so that I cradled her in my arms “You know you like it.”

“You’re right, I do.” She said as she buried her face in-between my arm and chest playfully.

I took a few steps towards the exit before Dash popped her head out again with a more serious look on her face.

“Do you really have to go?” She asked.

I sighed before saying “Yes I do.”

“I hate it when you leave. The stories that you tell of that place make me worry about you.” She explained with worried eyes.

It killed me to see her like this. I never wanted to bring her pain and worry like this.

“I survived this long, a few more hours isn’t going to bring me down.”

“I want to come with you!” She exclaimed “I want to make sure you make it out in one piece.”

“You can’t. I don’t want you to see my world. Just trust me on this.”

Dash seemed to realize that arguing was useless and crossed her hooves.

“Don’t be like that.” I said.

Dash stuck her tongue out at me before burying her face in my chest again like it would convince me to stay.

I just shook my head and walked over to a corner of the room. I didn’t have anywhere I needed to be so I just pulled up a comfortable chair and plopped down in it with my little rainbow Pegasus in tow.


Dash was in the middle of a nap at this point as I watched the sun slowly work its way down from the sky through a large window. Night was approaching quickly and it would give me a better chance in Youngstown. I checked myself to ensure I was ready when the time came. My suit was in order and relatively clean, my handgun was ready to roll, and most of my injuries were manageable.

Dash was mumbling something incoherent in her sleep and began to toss and turn. It seemed like she was having a nightmare. The mumblings became more and more frantic before she shot awake. She looked around the room before looking at turning around to see me. She looked like she was on the verge of tears again.

“Same dream as the last?” I asked as I placed a hand in her mane to try and comfort her.

“Yeah.” She said as she fought back tears a bit.

“I’m still here.” I said as I pulled her in and hugged her.

I felt the bullet necklace dig into my chest as she pushed herself into me.

“D-do you have to go?” She said as she continued to fight back her worries.

“I do. I have to face my past.” I said in the most ‘I can do this’ tone I could muster.

“But do you have to go alone?” she said as a tear betrayed her and ran down her cheek.

I took my thumb and wiped away her tear “Please don’t cry for me.”

“Why?” She asked as she sucked back the rest of her tears.

“That’s a difficult question.” I said.

“Fine then.” She said as she craned her neck to look out at the sunset with me.

I didn’t want her to cry for me. I didn’t deserve the tears. I just wanted her to be happy but her happiness being tied to me was making it difficult for her. I just threw my arms around her neck and pulled her back to me as we watched the sun disappear.


It was a while longer before the moon appeared graced the sky with its majestic presence. Dash and I stared at it for a while longer before the door opened and Celestia walked in. She had a few books in tow with her as she walked over to my position. She set the books down on the floor and looked at me and Dash with gentle eyes.

“Are you ready?” She asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I shot back.

“Please don’t go.” Dash pleaded as she looked up at me.

“I have to. I’m so sorry but I just do.” I said as I ruffled her hair.

Celestia didn’t say a word as her horn lit up like before and casted down a ray of light onto the floor. She grimaced as the light opened up into a six foot tall doorway. The doorway showed a large street casted in shadows and garbage as the moon reflected off puddles of water from a recent rainstorm. Celestia’s horn stopped glowing as she shook her head to regain herself.

“I modified the spell so I will not be trapped in your thoughts.” Celestia explained.

“Hooray for small favors! How long will I have?”

“Roughly six hours.” She said flatly “Try to behave yourself.”

“Again, no promises.” I said.

I knelt down next to Dash and pulled her in tightly.

“I will be back.” I said.

I kissed her forehead before standing up and taking a deep breath. I had no thoughts as I stepped through the doorway. The road was barren and I could tell that this was this was a part of east side. The area was devoid of life and most of the houses were boarded up to prevent copper thieves. I turned around and looked at the doorway. I watched as Dash grimaced and shook her head. She wasn’t going to just let me leave. She unfurled her wings and bolted through the doorway as it swelled closed. She slammed dead center into my stomach before coming to a stop.

“I am not going to let you go alone!” She exclaimed.

“Shit! I didn’t want you to follow me!” I said as I checked the area for people “This place is dangerous for me and especially you! Most people would shoot at you before trying to ask questions!”

“Calm down! I have an idea.” She said as she motioned back at her wings “I’ll fly over you at a safe height.”

Fine! Get up there before someone sees you!”

She didn’t take much prompting before she shot up into the sky and leveled out at about 50ft. I peered around the area and tried to locate another set of wheels. The street looked like it hadn’t seen much activity in years and potholes lined the road. The night air blew briskly, signaling that the winter months were ahead. I looked up to see Dash wave at me before surveying the area with amazement. In the distance, you could see all the lights of the city and hear all the noise that came with it.

I stood there for a moment before I heard and engine rumble down the road. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. I had nowhere to hide as a shitty old Honda Civic barreled through the area with a seat bass thumping the air waves. The car sped past me before it skidded to a stop and the doors flew open to reveal three Hispanics and on white guy. Most of the group had various red bandanas that signaled their placement within a gang. My attire must have given them the impression that I had a lot of cash.

“What you doing out here esé?” One of the bangers said with a tone of irritation.

“Enjoying the lovely area. I’m even considering buying a house here.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

The bangers looked at one another and laughed.

“Looks like we got ourselves a funny man boys!” The white guy said as her brandished a small .32 caliber revolver.

“I aim to please.” I said crossing my arms.

The bangers came to about five feet from me before the white guy stopped and the rest of them made their way towards me. I sneaked a glance up and saw that Dash wasn’t very happy.

“What are you doin’ out here at this time of night, dressed like that?” one of the Hispanic bangers said as he ran his hand along the collar of my suit.

“Take a guess.” I said with a smirk.

“I don’t like your attitude.” One of the bangers said as he pulled out a small Glock “Maybe we should waste you right here and teach you some manners whitie.”

“Hey!” The white guy exclaimed for the back of the pack.

This was my chance. All of the bangers turned their heads and I grabbed the Glock from the one of them. They turned around and began to brandish small arms as I lifted the Glock to my first target’s stomach. I fired two rounds into him before he clutched his gut and fell. I swung the pistol and connected the butt with another target’s head, sending him reeling in pain. The white guy lifted his revolver sideways and fired three shots at me, missing every time. I watched as the bullets connected with the ground around me and send showers of sparks and concrete. The last Hispanic banger brandished a small switch blade and swung violently towards me. I stepped to the side to avoid the blow. With some new found distance, I raised the Glock to the banger’s head and fired sending brain matter and blood across the street.

The white guy fired another two shots at me as one grazed my ear. I felt a warm sensation run down the side of my head as I ran over to the last Hispanic gang member and kneed him in the face since he was hunched over. This sent him standing straight up and I wrapped my right hand across his neck and pulled him tight, choking him. With my new shield, I fired five rounds in quick succession at the white guy. Three of my shots missed and one grazed his arm before the second hit him dead center in the wind pipe. He gurgled at bit before grabbing his neck in a futile attempt to save himself.

Dash dropped down to ground level as I pushed my human shield forward and fired twice into his back nonchalantly.

“That is why I didn’t want you to come with me.” I said flatly.

Two of the gang members lay in pools of their own blood, dead as the last two withered on the ground in pain. I walked over to the banger that I had shot in the stomach and leveled the handgun with the back of his head. I fired once before blood spattered against my shoes. I looked over to Dash and saw that she was petrified.

“They’re going to die anyway. It is better to make it quick instead of letting them bleed out.”

I wanted to shield her from this but the more I tried, the more she saw. I felt like a monster once again as I casually walked over to the white banger and watched as he held his neck with one hand and tried to fire the revolver with the other. The revolver clicked.

“It seems you’re out of ammo, friend.” I said as I lifted the Glock to his face.

Blood pooled out from his hand as he struggled to breath.

“This game was rigged from the start.” I said as I watched his eyes slowly flutter close.

I fired once and watched as a clean hole appeared in-between his eyes. The slide came back on the Glock as I shoved in into my coat pocket. I knelt down next to the banger and snatched the revolver from him as I watched his blood flow into a nearby gutter.

“I-I’m sorry that you had to see that.” I said without looking at Dash “I try and try to protect you from these things but I only make them worse.”

I felt her presence near me as I ran my hands over the bangers open eyes. I retracted my hand and stared at his face. That could have been me. Maybe it should have been. What am I saying?! I have a responsibility to Dash now. These thoughts ran through my head as I felt her mane brush up against my face. I locked into a still position for a moment as I tried to calm myself.

“Let’s get a move on.” I said as I stood upright.

I turned my attention to the Civic that was still running and ran over to it. The interior smelled like pot but was cleaner that most of the cars I’ve owned.

“Climb in.” I called out to Dash.

She climbed into my lap as I closed the door behind her and shifted into drive. The car’s interior had seen some custom work because all of the dials were digital and were neon blue. I looked down at Dash and saw that she had her head buried in my stomach. I felt like an asshole of the highest degree. I placed a hand on her chin and lifted her face up to mine. I locked eyes with her for a moment.

“I never wanted to have you see that. Please forgive me.” I said as my voice was drenched in regret.

Her pushed forward and gave me a comforting kiss. She pulled back almost as soon as it began and kept her eyes locked with mine.

“You do what you have to.” She said before setting her head back down in my lap.

That made me feel somewhat better as I released the brake and accelerated forward. I still had places to be.


The night went on as I drove the barren streets of Youngstown’s apartment districts. I had to see Alex before I left again. Alex lived in the west side of town, that area was a bit more friendly than the east side. I past a few police patrols but they were too concerned with keeping the last safe area of Youngstown devoid of drug dealers. The streetlamps lit up the road as I obeyed the speed limit as to not attract attention to myself.

After another few minutes, I saw the building I was looking for. It was a nondescript brick building that once was a factory before some slumlord turned it into an apartment complex. It was one of those places that didn’t ask too many questions unless bodies started to appear in the trash. Even then they would only tell you to put them somewhere else.

I pulled into a parking space near the entrance and threw the car into park. I shut it off and removed the key before looking down at Dash.

“I’m going to try and see Alex. Do you want to come with me?” I asked, almost regretting my last question.

“Why do you want me to come with you? I thought this place was ‘dangerous’?” She said, making air quotes to mock me.

“I think my best friend deserves to know where I’ve been and what I’ve become.” I stated.

“I’d like that.” She said as I pushed the door open.

Dash climbed out and shook herself like a dog did to dry itself off. I stepped out behind her and closed the door behind me. I had the empty Glock and revolver in each of my coat pockets as I walked up to the door.

This was one of those places that you had to be buzzed into unless you had a key. I searched for Alex’s name and found that he lived in apartment 23C. I pressed the button and listened to the intercom spew a horrific buzz at me.

A familiar man’s voice said “Who is this?”

“It’s Ryan, Chris.”

“Ryan?! Holy shit man, we thought you were dead!” He exclaimed.

“I came back from the grave to haunt you.” I said sarcastically.

“Cut the shit man, I’ll buzz you in.”


The door hissed at me as I turned the heavy knob and let Dash inside. I walked in after her and found that the halls smelled like week old garbage.

“This place smells like Big Macintosh after cider season!” Dash said as she placed a hoof over her muzzle.

“Pleasant right?” I asked.

I walked up the first three flights as Dash flew behind me. I walked into the empty hallway that Alex’s apartment sat in. The fluorescent lights flickered as I heard arguing and crying emanate through the walls like the build was retelling all that had happened here. Dash flew over to me and wrapped a hoof around my right arm. It was obvious she was terrified of this world already but she wasn’t going to say it. I stealthily retrieved my handgun from my jacket. I wasn’t about to take any chances with Chris, especially since Dash was with me.

Chris was even more skittish than a meth addict and was just as unpredictable. As much as he wanted to be my friend, he was just too much of a fucking suck up to be one. He would complement me on random shit and reflect my personality to try and be more like me. It was almost like he wanted to be me.

I stepped in front of the door to 23C and beat the butt of my handgun on the door three times. I made sure that Dash was out of sight before the door opened. I was greeted by a skinny black kid in a Nike t-shirt and white baseball cap. This was Chris.

“Hey man! It’s been a long time!” he said, energetically.

“It’s been a week.” I corrected.

“It sure feels long. Come in and might I say that you’re looking sharp in the new suit.”

“Hang on.” I said as I motioned to the handgun in my hand “I have someone with me and if you scream or say anything, I will put a bullet through your skull.”

“No need to be so angry tough-man. Who is he?” He said as he took a step back.

“It’s a she and I will kill you if you say anything.” I said coldly.

“Ok, man, ok. I promise not to say a thing.” He said as he raised his right hand.

I stepped aside and let him see the light blue Pegasus that was still attached to my arm. He took a few steps back before I raised the handgun at him.

“Make my day.” I said quoting a favorite movie of mine.

“Ok! I’m cool now. I wasn’t expecting that.” He said as he clutched his chest “What’s her name?”

I looked over at Dash and nodded at her.

“Rainbow Dash.” She said.

“HOLY SHIT! IT TALKS!” Chris said before he slammed his hands over his mouth.

I stepped forward with the handgun.

“What the fuck did I just tell you?!” I said with the anger growing in my voice.

“Ok, shit! Come in and take a seat. Alex left something for you.” Chris said as he turned around and walked forward into the apartment.

“What is it?” I asked with eagerness in my voice.

“He left you a note two days ago and I haven’t seen him since.” Chris explained as he sifted through various pieces of mail that sat on the counter.

The apartment was a small two bedroom one bath that Alex and Chris had been sharing for the better part of two years. It was painted a tan-ish color and was remarkably cleaner than the rest of the apartment complex. I walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch. I rested the gun in my lap and Dash curled up next to me. I hoped what she saw wouldn’t cause permanent damage. She shuddered next to me as I placed my right arm over her. Chris walked into the living room and had an envelope in his hand. Chris wasn’t dumb and I think he picked up immediately on what was going on.

“Uhhh… is something going on betwee-“

I raised the handgun at him with a stern expression “Yes and you say a word and I plaster your brains against the wall.”

Chris smiled to himself as he tossed the envelope into my lap and walked out of the room. The envelope was still sealed as I read the cover ‘To Ryan Laney’. It was definitely Alex’s hand writing. I opened the letter and read it.

To Ryan.

I maybe dead right now and we both know it’s from the nature of my work. I just wanted to say I’m sorry I did not make it back. I need you to do a few things for me.

Number one: clean out my damn room. I can’t bear the thought of some assholes taking my things or Chris pawning it off. Two: Tell my mother, if she is still alive, the truth about me. Three: Cheer the hell up for once. Don’t need you taking your own life or something. I am gonna miss drinking, fighting, and shooting with you. Wherever my death takes me, I hope to see you again.


Alex Litivnova

That son-of-a-bitch. I swallowed my sorrow and shoved the note into my coat pocket with the revolver.

“What’d the note say?” Dash asked, picking up on my distress.

“Alex is dead.” I explained “Fuck!”

I beat my fist against the couch a few times before calming down for Dash’s sake. I’d have time to brood later.

“Let’s go. We don’t have a lot of time.” I said to Dash.

I stood up as Dash wrapped her hoof around my right arm again. I walked over to Alex’s room and opened the door. He didn’t have much due to his line of work. The only thing of note was a small Berretta automatic on the end table, a wired phone, and a LCD TV. I snatched the Berretta and stuffed it into my pocket and picked up the phone. I remember his mother’s phone number by heart because she never changed it since I was a kid. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.

She didn’t answer.

“Please leave your name and number after the beep.” The machine told me.


“Mrs. Litivnova, this is Ryan. I know I haven’t talked to you in a year and probably never will again but I just received word that Alex died in combat. I’m sorry and I know how you feel. I can’t talk much longer but… I’m sorry.”

I hung up the phone. It was time for me to go. I stepped out of the room and found Chris waiting for me.

“What the note say?” he asked with hopeful eyes.

“Alex is dead.” I said as I pushed past him with my gun still in my hands.

I shoved the handgun into its holster and walked out of the apartment without even checking Chris’ expression.


After I had left the apartment, I drove for a while before I found my next stop. The old cemetery off of Belmont Ave. the cemetery was standard at best and was never lit past the first few hours after dark. It was 11pm and night had fallen hours ago. I pulled into the cemetery as the headlights illuminated the area. I remembered my destination by heart; Section 13.

I pulled into the area and shifted into park. I stayed there for a moment and looked down at Dash. She was really the only reason I get up anymore. She looked up at me with caring eyes.

“I need you to stay here for a little while. I need to go alone.”

She just nodded and climbed over into the passenger’s seat. I rolled down the windows for her and stepped out of the car. I walked into the darkness to find what was lost. I walked the plots for a few minutes before I found what I was looking for. I let my eyes fall onto the ground and I saw the inscription.

Here lies Sriena Laney.

“Hello mother.” I said as I sat down in front of the grave “I’m not sure if you can hear this but I just wanted to say sorry for not coming to see you in a while.” I laughed a bit “I met a girl and found a good job while I was gone though. I think if you were here you might like her. She reminds me a lot of Sarah. Very hot headed.” I said as a smile erupted across my face “I’m sorry to say this but after I leave, I probably won’t be able to come back. I just wanted you to know that I love you and I want you to be proud.” I said as I stood up “Goodbye mom.”

I turned to see Dash staring at me with a smile on her face.

“I’m sure she’d be happy and of course she’d like me. Who wouldn’t?” She said with a smirk.

I knelt down in front of her and planted a kiss on Dash forehead.

“She’d be pissed that there’d be no grand-kids though.” I said before giving off a little laugh “Let’s go.”

“Yeah, let’s.” She said before we started our walk back to the car.

Dash flew in through the window and I opened the door. I climbed in and shifted to drive. I still had one last thing to do to make this trip worthwhile.


I killed a few hours until I only had one left. I drove into the downtown district and surveyed the area for cops. The area was mostly abandon at this time in favor for the university. I only saw the occasional hooker and/or dope pusher. The moon hung high as I drove along and stopped at a red light. A homeless man walked by and flashed a cardboard sign at me.

Starving to death in the land of the plenty. God bless.

God bless indeed.

I pulled through the red light and turned a corner. My target came into sight; Green Top Guns. I waited another twenty minutes before looking down at Dash.

“This is about to get dangerous. I’m gonna do a smash and grab.” I told her.

“Smash n’ grab?” She asked.

“I’m going to run the car through the building ahead of me and steal as much as the car can carry.”

Green Top Guns was a sad business. It was a place that actually wanted to get robbed. The almost never had a legit sale. The only way that the business stayed afloat was due to the fact that they had a good insurance policy and whenever someone like me stole something, the insurance company replaced it at retail price.

“You might want to get out of the car.” I told her as I rolled down her window.

Dash didn’t question me as she flew out the window. I rolled the window back up and floored the gas. The car shot forward as fast as the engine could push the car. The building shot past me at like a blur as I barrel toward the display window of the building. The car hit the window at 60mph sending glass and bricks flying over the windshield. I flew forward in my seat and hit my head off of the steering wheel. Pain flared up as I rubbed my wound and shifted into reverse. I pulled the car out of the hole and shifted into park. I climbed out of the car and pulled the back door open. I left the car running and jogged into the hole in the storefront. Guns, accessories, and ammo lined the walls and counters. It was a paradise to me.

I smiled as I ran over to a glass counter and sent my elbow through it. I was lucky that this place didn’t have an alarm as I grabbed an armload of revolvers and semi-autos and ran back to the car. I tossed the gun haphazardly into the back seat as I returned for a second trip. I ran over to the accessories count and browsed for a moment. I then found what I was looking for. I sent my elbow through more glass and grabbed a few silencers and flashed light attachments. I was going to need them. I stuffed them into my pocket and I jumped the counter and browsed the rifles and shotguns. I grabbed a chrome Remington 870 stockless, a Remington 700 with a decent sized scope, and a Bushmaster AR-15 with an adjustable stock.

This was going to have to do because I had already spent too much time here. I took my stole goods and hopped the counter. The broken glass crunched under my feet as I jogged towards the exit. I ran over to the Civic and tossed the guns into the backseat of the car.

“Come on Dash! We gotta move!” I exclaimed.

Dash dropped down from the sky and into the passenger’s seat. The front end of the car was fucked up from the crash and the windshield was cracked but other than that, the car could still move. I could hear sirens in the distance and I shifted into drive and sped off down the street.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Dash exclaimed over the roar of the engine.

“I said that I was full of surprises and I wasn’t lying.”

I cut the wheel and drifted around a corner before the familiar white light enveloped the car. It blinded me even though I had my sunglasses. I covered my eyes, not letting off of the accelerator. The light died down and I uncovered my face only to see the familiar streets of Canterlot and a pole approaching. There was no slowing down.

I slammed head long into the pole and listened as the engine block crumpled into a metal mess and the windshield shattered. The rear end of the car lifted off of the ground for a moment causing me to go into free fall before the car slammed down to the ground. The pole fell forward and smashed on the ground. My head connected with the windshield and I recoiled into my seat.

I was dazed for a moment before I felt my senses come back to me. I could hear thunder in the distance before rain began to pour outside of the car.

“Stupid foreign cars.” I mumbled as I looked over at Dash.

She must have been knocked out cold from the crash and had a few cuts but was still breathing. I counted my lucky stars and sat back in my seat. I could see my H2 sitting down the road and made a mental note to never go back to Youngstown.

I groaned a bit before looking over at Dash and brushed the glass off of her. I lifted her out of the seat and kicked my door open. My back hurt like someone ran a sledgehammer into it and I could feel blood trickling down my face. I remembered that I still had the emergency kit in the back of the H2. I lifted Dash in my arms as I stumbled down the street in the pouring rain. I was running on adrenaline as I limped towards the H2.

When I reached the H2, I pressed my hand against the door and it shot open, revealing all of my supplies. I brushed the area clear and set Dash down. I gentle set her head down and removed my jacket. I balled it up and tucked it under her head. I reached over her and grabbed the emergency medical kit. I opened the plastic latch and dumped the contents next to the unconscious Pegasus. I found a bottle of antiseptic and opened it. I leaned over to Dash and dumped a generous amount on her wounds. She grimaced in her sleep and I set the bottle down next to her. I grabbed a set of bandages and wrapped her wounds to the best of my abilities.

I had finally finished treating her wounds as I let myself have a little break. Every muscle in my body screamed at me as I stood over the trunk of the H2. The door created a nice haven from the rain. I still had one more thing to do. I rounded up all of the medical stuff and shoved it back into the box as I wiped away the blood from my face. I grabbed Dash and lifted her into my arms. I stepped back into the rain and walked around to the passenger’s side door and opened it. The rain drenched me as I set Dash in the cabin and closed the door behind her. I stopped for a moment before I brushed her mane a bit with my hand.

I never wanted her to see the shit I did but she just did and there was nothing I could do about it. I pushed the idea out of my head and closed the door. I exhaled in the rain and walked back to the crashed Civic. The car was totaled in the worst way. The front end was shoved aside where I connected with the pole and glass was scattered around the street. I could only imagine the look on whoever’s face when they would have to clean this. I climbed into the backseat of the car and retrieved the guns I had stolen. I slung all of the rifles and loaded the pistols into my arms. I grabbed everything I could and ran back to the open trunk of the H2.

I dumped all of the guns, silencers, and accessories and took inventory. I had stolen roughly five handguns, two rifles, and a shotgun from Green Top. My coat held a few silencers and flash lights that I hoped would fit my guns. I was too tired to deal with this shit now. I pushed all of the items further back into the trunk, grabbed my coat, and closed the door. I reached up to check if I was still bleeding and found that most of it had stopped. I was one lucky motherfucker.

I limped over to the driver’s seat, wounded and soaked. I climbed into the car as rain poured down around me and slumped in my seat. I looked over at Dash and set my jacket over top of her. I was beat both mentally and physically.

I’m not going to sugar-coat it this time. I passed the fuck out.

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