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Chapter 9: Hard Facts

Author’s note: Here I am with a little free time and a copy of Silent Hill HD, writing this for you guys. Oh well, at least it is a reason to keep me from scaring the shit out of myself.

Me playing Silent Hill 2 for the first time:

<Kills first monster>

“Not very scary.”

<1 hour later, sees Pyramid Head for the first time>


<Shits pants and runs like a bitch>

“Can you let go of my leg?” I asked Twilight with Ulik still in my arms “This kid is heavy.”

“Kid?” she replies with a puzzled look on her face.

Without skipping a beat, I kneel down and let her look upon Ulik as he sleeps his troubles away.

“This is a part of that long story I mentioned.”

As she looked at him, she switched between looks of astonishment and horror. Without saying anything, she turned around and walked up to her front door. When she reached it, she motioned for me to follow. One-handing Ulik, I place a hand on my knee for leverage and pull myself upright. As gracefully as I could manage, I walked up to the door and pushed it open. The room was dark and I could see a table with one chair in the middle of the room.

Puzzled, I bent down and laid Ulik on the floor. I hoisted myself back up and walked over to the chair. I placed one hand on the chair studied the table for a moment. It was odd because it wasn’t here last time.

“Twilight?” I called out in the dark room.

I received no response. I knew something was up as I placed my hand on my holster. I drew the handgun and wrapped my free hand around it for extra stability.

“Twilight?!” I yelled.

Ulik suddenly woke up and began to panic. He climbed to his feet, ran over to me, and grabbed my shirt for comfort.

“It’s gonna be fine little man.” I said trying to comfort him.

Without warning, the door slammed shut behind me and I swung wide, leveling the handgun with the door. Two guards in dark grey armor stood at both sides of the door.

“Try me motherfuckers. I killed three of your friends the other day and I’m not afraid to kill two more.” I said with my malice emanating from my words.

The guards didn’t flinch as I switched back and forth between targets. Hell, they didn’t even move.

“Please Ryan, take a seat.” A familiar voice called out to me.

I spun around and leveled the .45 with Celestia’s head. She gave me a look of disapproval as she took a step towards the table. In response, I took on a more aggressive stance and lowered one hand on to Ulik. I could feel Ulik shivering in fear as my free hand patted the back of his head.

“You are really fucking lucky he is here,” I said motioning to Ulik “or I would have killed everyone in this room by now.”

I watched as he eyes narrowed in fury before returning to their graceful demeanor “There is no need for any more violence!”

“Tell that to the guards that raided this place yesterday.”

“They acted against my orders!” she shot back, stomping a hoof against the floor.

“I don’t fucking care. How do I know that shit-stain and dumb-fuck over there won’t try to take me down the moment I sit down?!”

I took my free hand from Ulik and brought it to my handgun once again. Without warning, Twilight stepped into the room and set three mugs onto the table.

“Please, just give the Princess a chance.” She said with the familiar look of sympathy on her face.

“No, and fuck you!” I said in a blind fury before switching targets to her “I trusted you and now you rat me out?! You know what happened to snitches back where I’m from? They would be taken to the outskirts of town, forced to dig their own grave, shot in the back of the head, and buried in an unmarked grave!”

A look of sadness and horror came across both Twilight and Celestia’s faces. Just like I predicted, one guard stepped forward and I spun around and smacked him upside the head with my handgun. The guard fell face first onto the floor and groaned in pain. At lightning speed, I turned around and locked the 1911 back onto Celestia.

“Can we just talk? Please…” she begged with every ounce of mental willpower she had.

“Not until he leaves.” I said motioning toward the last guard.

“Fine.” She said before flicking her head at the guard.

The guard gave a nod, trotted over to his fallen friend, and dragged him out of the door. As soon as the door slammed shut, I walked over to the table with Ulik in tow, and sat down. I rested my hand, with the 1911 still in it, on the table and kept it locked onto Celestia.

“Don’t bullshit me like you’ve been doing. I am not in the damn mood. I had been chased, kicked, attacked, and forced to kill here and I don’t want to add assassination to the list.”

While I was talking, Ulik jumped into my lap and sat on my lap and locked his eyes on my handgun. I watched as he held out his claw and pointed his finger like a make believe gun. I couldn’t help but give a small smile as looked at me as if trying to find approval in my eyes.

“Like father, like… eh… son.” I said giving him a smile of reissuance.

Seemingly satisfied with the answer, he turned back around and gave Celestia an angry scowl. Celestia looked at Ulik before bringing her eyes back to me.

“Where did you find him?” She asked in an almost scared tone.

“I was scouting the woods and was attacked. I shot the attacker a few times before he spoke to me. With his dying breath, he pushed Ulik into my arms before…” I paused as the memory came flying back to me “he asked me to end him.”

“I’m sorry…” Twilight mumbled from the corner of the table.

“I don’t need your fucking sympathy. If those guards had not come to town, I would have never needed to put down Ulik’s father!”

Celestia lowered her head “I’m sorry. They wouldn’t listen and they came here on their own.”

“And now they’re worm food.” I said tightening my grip on the handgun.

“I don’t have any other way to apologize to you other than saying sorry.” Celestia said looking almost defeated.

“You can start apologizing by sending me home.”

Celestia’s head sunk even lower before she said “I can’t.”

Those words killed me. My rage suddenly burst from its cage and began to overtake my mind. Without even thinking, I shot straight up to my feet, throwing Ulik off of me, sending my chair against the wall, and I grabbed the edge of the table and flipped it over. The three mugs that sat on the table flew across the room and smashed on the ground.

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!” I yelled at her with my handgun leveled at her.

“I CAN’T SEND YOU BACK!” she shot back as soon as I finished. Celestia took deep breath before making eye contact and saying “When I pulled you into this world, I practically revoked your citizenship in that universe. If I did send you there, it would only be a matter of time before the universe shipped you right back here.”

I felt my eye twitch and my handgun fall limp at my side. With that little explanation, I was broken. I turned my back to Celestia and Twilight and walked over to the wall. I leaned against it and sat down. I brought my handgun before my eyes and I saw Celestia back away in horror. I brought the barrel to my head and watched her throw a hoof out. We sat there and locked eye for a moment.

“What’s to stop me this time?” I asked her with all the emotion drained from my voice.

WHAT?!” Twilight yelled from the corner of the room “What do you mean ‘to stop me this time’?”

“Oh, so King Shit here didn’t tell you how I got here?” I said to Twilight before turning my head to Celestia “Why don’t you enlighten her?”

All of the color drained from Celestia’s face as she looked between Twilight and myself.

“I knew that this day would come. Twilight,” she said with an authoritative tone “take a seat.”

Twilight could only nod in horror and she sat down and looked at Celestia for guidance.

“A few years ago, I was working on a spell to allow anypony to talk to one another from any part of Equestria. Not long after the spell was complete, something went wrong and I met Ryan. For a long time, we talked to each other and I noticed that he treated me as if I was a hallucination.” She explained before taking a deep breath and sigh “I watched Ryan turn to alcohol for his problems and watched as he steadily became depressed. One day, he snapped and attempted…” she paused for a moment to steel herself “… he attempted to kill himself.”

Twilight’s fear full demeanor turned to one of sorrow and she immediately got to her feet and walked over to me. I pulled the handgun from my head and pointed it at her.

Back. The. Fuck. Off.” I venomously spat. I turned the handgun from her and pointed it back at Celestia “You had no FUCKING right to stop me.”

Out of nowhere, Ulik ran over to me and hugged me. My anger slowly melted into pity and regret as he squeezed harder and harder. Once again, I felt my grip on my handgun weaken and I returned it to my holster. I wrapped my arms around Ulik and squeezed with all my might as he began to cry into my shoulder. I felt my eyes begin to well up to and I placed my face into Ulik’s shoulder. His scales were nice and cool as I placed the bridge of my nose on his shoulder and cried into it. I now realized that, however fucked up this situation was, Ulik was the one thing I had left. He NEEDED me as much as I NEEDED him. He had nothing, just like me. His parents are dead, just like mine. He had no friends, just like…

I felt Ulik curl up in my lap as he hugged me and Twilight ran over. She ran over to my right hand side and clung to my arm. As soon as Twilight made contact, the door busted in and Rarity and Dash ran in. I lifted my eyes and caught a blurred image of Dash and Rarity running over to me. Rarity claimed a foot and Dash took my other arm. I wiped my tears on Ulik’s shoulder.

“How much do you know?”

In unison, Dash and Rarity answered “All of it.”

I lifted my head and saw Celestia walk up to me “I’ll be back in the morning.”

As if by the grace of god, she opened the door, expanded her wings and took to the skies.

Just like a guardian angel.


I felt my eyes flutter open and found that everyone but Ulik had left. I pried Ulik’s arms from me and laid him down on the floor. With a smile, I removed my white baseball cap and placed it on his head. With my short hair freed from the tyranny of the hat, I felt a small draft flow through my hair. With both hands, I ruffled my hair and pushed myself onto my feet. I walked over to the bathroom and admired the single beam of radiant sunlight coming through the window. I walked over the mirror and stared at my reflection. In the mirror stood a man with dirty brown hair, a scarred face, dead eyes, and a black Smith & Wesson t-shirt with a long diagonal slash of blood across it.

It was me.

I felt my anger rise once again and my fists wanted to lash out in anger. The only problem was, I had no anger left. I was emotionally drained. I pulled off my shirt and tossed it on the ground. I examined my chest and found that I had a large bruise over my stomach; no doubt it was from the kick I had received from the guard right before I ended him. I ran my fingers across it and found that it stung like hell.

Defeated, I removed the rest of my clothes and trudged into the shower.


After my shower was finished, I dressed back up minus the shirt since the blood stains wouldn’t make a good impression. I strapped my holster onto my bare torso and walked back into the book room. I wasn’t the most respectable human specimen, but I showed signs of thinning out and muscles began to develop under my skin. I should have been in crippling pain at this point but it seemed that only my stomach bruise gave me any trouble. I walked over to Ulik and sat down next to him. I watched as his chest would rise and fall and I subconsciously matched his rhythm. I felt at peace for a fleeting moment before a hoof touched my back. I spun round and grabbed my knife in the process. I brought the knife up to the creature’s throat and found that it was Celestia. One small part of my mind wanted to end her here and now but I calmed down and dropped my arm to my side.

“Sorry. That was instinctive.” I said sheathing my knife.

“I understand.” She replied running a hoof over where my knife met her skin, undoubtedly counting her lucky stars.

“What do you want?” I said turning my attention back to Ulik.

“To make you an offer.” She responded flatly.

“What kind of offer because I don’t swing that way lady.” I shot back sarcastically.

“Luna told me to watch out for your sarcasm. I must say that it is refreshing to see somepon-“

“Somebody.” I corrected.

“Somebody, treat me like I’m not royalty.”

“I don’t care about small talk,” I said flatly, running a hand over Ulik’s arm.

“I’ll cut to the chase. I want you to be the Elements’ guard. You’ve proven yourself more than up to the task.”

“Elements?” I asked.


After receiving a long winded retelling of the Elements’ history and status, I was puzzled.

“Why chose me? I tried to kill one of them after all. I’m a monster by Equestrian standards.”

“That is why they need you. I can tell you’re not the monster you claim to be or else you would have killed Ulik when you found him in the forest.” She said placing a hoof on my shoulder.

I brushed the hoof off “Keep Ulik out of this. Why do they even need me? They sound more than capable of protecting themselves.”

“Times are changing here.”

“Sure it is. What is the pay?”

“ẞ1,600 per week.” She spoke in a soft business voice.

“Alright on one condition.”

“Name it.”

“I need to go back to my world and gather a few things.”

“Like what?”

“You’ll know them when you see them.”

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