• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 637 Views, 24 Comments

Midieval Darkness - Lady Maria

the third dark souls mid evil darkness! my self and six others are pulled into this universe by a unknown entity and we intend to escape!

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Act 1 part 2 The heroes Vs The Lone Knight and The undead city Vancielan

"A fog wall..." I say loud enough for everyone to hear. "A fog what now?" Aj asks with her head cocked in confusion. "A fog wall that means there is a very formidable opponent behind it that is Specifically referred to as a boss." I say facing the six others then spoke again, "Get ready because we are gonna have to kill this thing before it kills us!" I say as I turned around an put my hand into the fog. Then I went through with the others and we got a cut scene.

*At the opposite side of the stadium was a 7 foot tall knight in chard white iron armor lifts his head and picks up a great lance. Then he stands up and jumps in the air doing 6 to 7 front flips and landed 20 feet from us. Then he roared and the fight begun!*

The Lone Knight
hp 5000

"What is that?!" Rainbow Dash yelled as the boss heath appeared in front of me with the name The Lone Knight.

"That there Rainbow Dash is the first boss of the game THE LONE KNIGHT!" I yelled as I charged him with my shield up. I circled around him before preforming a back stab sending blood exploding out of his armor. I then twisted my blade and kicking him off my sword. I looked at the others still standing there then I yelled, "Come on guys help me you have weapons too!" As I said this they snapped back to reality and charged the Lone Knight except Fluttershy who was on the ground covering her eyes.

Rainbow Dash rammed into the Lone Knight with her spear dealing a good chunk of damage to the Lone Knight. Twilight started casting a barrage of soul arrows and dealing about 100 damage at a time. Rarity used her rapier to do quick and powerful damage. Apple Jack took her sword and slashed the Lone Knight across the chest several times as Pinkie Pie did the same. I then rammed into the Lone Knight sending him skidding across the stadium floor about 25 feet away.

The Lone Knight got up and jumped a good 20 feet above us and landed in front of Fluttershy. He raised his spear and thrusted downward not hitting Fluttershy but Rainbow Dash who took a huge blow to her left breast. Fluttershy opened her eyes to see the Lone Knight strike down Rainbow Dash and see that Rainbow Dash was now dying. Fluttershy started crying then her sadness built up into rage.

"Y-you... YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS YOU MONSTER!!!" Fluttershy screamed as she took her estoc out and rapidly thrusted it into the Lone Knight. I watched the Lone Knights heath bar go down at unbelievable rates from 80% health to 0% in a matter of 60 seconds!. My jaw dropped as she dealt the final blow to the Lone Knight as her final thrust blew the Lone Knight into the stadium walls leaving a crater.

At this point the wounds on all of us healed bringing Dash back to life. I was speechless Fluttershy of all ponies wiped out the boss in 1 minute exactly! "Wow..." Those were my only words as Fluttershy's rage melted away and she turned back to normal. "Oh i-is the battle over?" Fluttershy asked as she lowered her head and put her blood soaked estoc away. "HELL YEAH! Fluttershy how did you do that?!" I asked in amazement.

"Oh that big meanie hurt Rainbow Dash and I just became angry that's all..." Fluttershy said as she smiled and moved on out the other side of the stadium. I then gestured to the others and they followed pursuit...


The undead city Vabcielan part 1-2

As we all exited the stadium I heard the familiar sound when you enter a new area in Dark souls one and two. I read the text that said, 'The Undead city Vancielan.' We walked through the gate to the wrecked city and proceeded to walk forward looking at the city and imagining what it looked like at its golden days. Suddenly I heard the familiar growl of a hollow solider and quickly reacted. I parried its spear thrust and used my blade to stab him cutting off most of his health. I then dealt the finishing blow by smashing his skull in.
I sighed as I looked back at the others as they stared at me in horror. "What?!" I asked as I wiped the blood off of my blade.
"Did you have to be so brutal Sir Gabriel?" Fluttershy asked. I gave her a blank stare then said, "Fluttershy did you even see what you did to the lone knight?" I asked her looking straight into her eyes. "Oh okay I guess it wasn't too bad then.." Fluttershy said as she blushed.

"Come we must keep moving and find the next bonfire guys." I said as I slowly walked away scanning my surroundings. After about a minute I heard creaking of wooden boards and then quickly looked to the left in time to see another hollowed solider creeping towards us. Before I could strike a rainbow streak tackled the thing and sent it barreling through a wall.
As I went to peak through the wall I saw that the solider had exploded all over the second wall. I grimaced as I saw what Rainbow Dash had done and looked back at her as she had a smug grin on her face and said, "Okay Dash if you want to play who gets the most kills game I'll play it. But be warned I am a souls war veteran!"

"Oh bring it on!" Rainbow Dash said as mine and her eyes connected as the others could see lightning coming from our eyes connecting in the middle of our death stares. As I scoffed at her and looked away I saw that the hollowed solider dropped something. I quickly scrambled for it and looted its body. surprisingly it dropped its whole set including its weapon and shield. I put the armor and weapons on sense it was obviously better then my crap.

I moved my shoulders around to test how freely I could move. The armor was better then mine and allowed more breathing room. As I got up and walked to their general direction I saw Rainbow Dash scowling at me then I said, "Finders keepers losers weepers. You should have grabbed it first hon!" I said as I walked away laughing.
We all walked for about ten minutes before we came across the bonfire. We walked over to it as I put my hand over the blade as the flames bursted into life.
"Well Guys I think its break time! We will continue this at night fall! I said as I sat down against the wall and drifted off to sleep...

Author's Note:

That's one boss down 19 to go. And they haven't even entered the real hell of Mid-evil Darkness!!!