• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 637 Views, 24 Comments

Midieval Darkness - Lady Maria

the third dark souls mid evil darkness! my self and six others are pulled into this universe by a unknown entity and we intend to escape!

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Act 1 part 3 The Castle of Arch mage Gohran part 1

I was asleep for about 5 hours before I was woken up by Rainbow Dash kicking me in the head then she said, "Rise and shine dick head!" Rainbow Dash said as she gave my head a final kick.

I grabbed my skull as it was throbbing in pain and I slowly got up and tackled the rainbow mare and enunciated, "I-hope-this-hurts-you-rainbow-maned-cunt waffle!!!"I said in between breaths. Eventually she escaped me and both of us started to duel each other.

"You know Even If I die I can come back and you can't!" I said slowly circling her. Rainbow Dash scowled then said, "Well at least I..." She was cut off as a purple aura separated us both.

"What are you two doing!? We have more important things to do then beating the crap out of each other!" Twilight said as she glared at Rainbow Dash and I. I made a 'hmf' sound and crossed my arms. Rainbow Dash did the same as we both were released from her magical hold and could move our legs, and torso again. I went back pick up my weapon and shield and walked off down the streets calmly.

It was about 5 minutes of walking before we reached huge castle gates and I got a message in front of me with typical Dark Souls text saying

The Castle Of Arch Mage Gohran

I walked up to the gates and pushed against them slowly opening the gigantic iron doors. Feeling a gust of wind come from the inside that almost knocked me over I used my shield to cover my eyes from all the dust and sand rushing with the air out the iron doors. After the whole event settled I signaled for the six ponies to follow me. As we all walked through the gates I heard some armor clinking and slowly the sound got louder and louder before I saw a fatty holding a great hammer above his head ready to smash anything in his way.

"JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled as he brought down his hammer slow enough for me to roll out of the way safely. I quickly rose back up and Counter attacked as he was picking his hammer up. I use my newly acquired weapon to back stab him. The hollow slowly got up and faced me again. I put up my shield and charged him lunging my spear into his stomach killing him. I slowly regained my stamina and looked back at the body to check for a idem, sadly there was none.

The others went forward and came up next to me as we slowly walked through the halls. After about 3 minutes we came to a forked pathway, "Okay guys we need to vote on this. Who thinks we should go left?" I asked as I see 3 of them raise their hooves. "And to go right?" I say as the other three raise their hooves. Now I had to choose, my vote was the tie breaker. I looked at my options and neither if them looked promising. A feeling in my gut told me to go left but my mind said to go right. I remembered that my gut feeling has never let me down to date so I decided to go left.

We walked down the hall then we came across a large room with 10 different enemies surrounding us! I readied my sword and prepared to strike. "Look guys I want all of you to be ready to evacuate it this gets ugly." I said as the 10 iron golems surrounded us.

"Don't worry yourself Gabriel we won't need to! Ill just have to carry you through this!" Rainbow Dash said. I snarled at her as we all charged into battle.


"Arch Mage Gohran do you understand your orders?" A deep and blood chilling demonic voice asks from the crystal ball.

"Yes my Dark overlord I shall do as such!" Arch Mage Gohran says as he bows to the fiery eye in the crystal ball.

"Good and prepare they are in the castle now and are coming!" The demonic voice said as the eye in the crystal ball vanished.

"Do not worry master I shall kill these fools without a problem!" Gohran says as he marches out of his privet chambers and into the throne room where he awaited his challengers.


I jumped on the last golem and used my sword to behead it. I jumped off the golem and landed on my feet as the giant thing fell. I sighed as my body relaxed. We rested for a few moments. I pulled out my estus flask and drank out of it making me ready to fight again.

We all got up and marched towards the huge 20 foot fog wall. I put my hand into it and then entered at the same time the others did.

cut scene

*Gohran looks up the says, "Oh look who decided to show up! Finally it took you long enough to get here! Now sadly under orders of my dark overlord I must kill you!" Gohran says as he picks up his staff and ultra great sword, and jumps from the balcony then lands about 15 feet from us.*

End cut scene

Previously on Mid-evil Darkness...

"Arch Mage Gohran do you understand your orders?"

"Yes my Dark overlord I shall do as such!"

"Oh look who decided to show up! Finally it took you long enough to get here! Now sadly under orders of my dark overlord I must kill you!"

And now here we are a fight to the death 7 against 1 op arch mage!


Arch mage Gohran
hp 10000

I readied my weapon and shield and as I did that the others followed my actions. Little did I know that we all were being watched from the balcony above and no one knew except for Gohran.

We charged Gohran as he braced for the attack. As I went for his legs the others decided to hit his body. I hit his legs dealing about 700 damage. Twilight and the others let out a barrage of attacks taking 1/3 of his health down. Gohran decided to focus on the others because I wasn't much of a threat... Or was I? As Gohran attacked the others I used my blade to back stab him dealing about 1400 damage. As he fell to the ground after I pushed him off my blade, Gohran tried to get back up but was stopped when I used my blade to slash open his neck which dealt 2575 damage.

He had 2691 hp left, I was about to strike again but Gohran shape shifted into a dragon and used his tail to knock me across the room. Gohran then rose into the air and breathed his fire breath down onto us. The hit knocked the main six out as they were closest to the fire. Rage built up inside of me as I felt adrenalin rush through my blood vessels. The pain I felt seconds ago vanished as my rage made me tense up and extremely energized. I then got up and as soon as I did I bolted at Gohran at break neck speeds.

Gohran didn't expect this and was stunned as I kicked him square in the chest sending him out of his dragon form and down to the ground. I stood over Gohran then picked him up and with my bare hands I literally beat him to death. With each hit I could hear his bones snap and crack as my punches got more ferocious and stronger. I then threw him to the ground and used my spiked boot to crush his skull in. As I brought my foot down all you could hear was a wet and sickening crunch as I smashed Gohran's skull.

As soon as he died the main six's wounds were healed and they were in top shape. I looked at the body and I saw a drop. I picked it up and It turned out to be Gohran's ultra great sword and great shield. As I finished equipping my new prize a demonic cackle filled the room as I saw a dark mass jump down from the balcony.

The demon walked forward clapping his two of four hands. "Very good very good!" He said as I saw his body take shape. I could not believe at who was standing before me!


I backed up in horror as my own alter ego stood before me! I looked at the main six and It seems that they were pissed to see him. It was almost like they knew him.

"Oh don't give me those looks I know all of you have missed me!" Oblivion said as he cackled like a mad man.

"You!" Twilight said in a dark murderous voice. "Why are you here?!" She shouted.

Oblivion looked at her then his blank face turned into a demonic grin, "Oh! Sorry forgot about that! I made this little game to find some unfortunate souls to make friends with my other half! Gabriel here has always been lonely and depressed so I decided to make a game in the souls series that is only single player to get him to play it and suck six others into this universe I made. It just happened to be the six of you that's all!" Oblivion said as he smiled demonically then looked at me.

"Aww whats wrong Gabe? Aren't you glad to see me and even know that I exist?" Oblivion asked as he walked towards me slowly.

"H-how a-are you real and how do y-you even exist? I thought you were just a Idea that I made up out of pure rage, hate, and sorrow?" I asked afraid for my life as tears flowed down my face.

"Gabriel there is no need to be afraid! I was never a Idea I was real all along! I just implanted my design in your head and waited for you to bring me to life through your ideas, stories and drawings!" Oblivion said as He picked me up and looked me dead center in the eyes.

"Gabriel you are special you know that? You have a destiny to embrace! Not even a month from now you and I will be one at the day of your birth!" Oblivion said as his face broke into an insane grin. "Once we become one you will know everything you ever wanted to know! You will have everything that you ever wanted! You will become a elder god!" Oblivion said as he dropped me to the floor which was 15 feet below me.

As I hit the ground one of my ribs broke and as I screamed in pain Oblivion chuckled then said, "Oh suck it up you pussy!" Oblivion then turned around and said, "To all of you I wish the best of luck and I assure you we will meet again!" Oblivion said as he vanished into thin air.

I watch as he dispersal I faint and the last sound I hear was the sound of rushing hooves in my direction...