• Member Since 12th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I am a girl who got into My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 7 years ago. And I've finally decided to try and write fanfics, so...yeah. That's about it. If you ever want to talk feel free to PM me.


Octavia knows she is dying, and, rather than dwell on how young she still is, she chooses to think back on her life. Chooses to remember and reflect on all that she can; the bad, as well as the good. A single realization comes to mind as she does so. As hard as it might be to believe, is it truly the time we live that matters most? Or is it the quality of whatever time we had with those who touched our hearts the most?

Dedicated to DemonFyre. We'll all be here for you, I promise. We love you.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 103 )

This is a sad story... To me knowing that life is slipping it is a sad aspect.:fluttershysad:

5541272 It was supposed to be sad...

5541285 I know and it may just be m but if I found out I was to die. I would want to know happiness to be left in my wake not sadness. That is why I want a Irish wake. The body is left in the house. Beer and snacks ad music. A party to celebrate the pass into better horizons.

5541309 I....I'd just want to not wind up hurting people.....

5541321 You are a god person at heart... I can tell.

5541328 I wish I was a good person....but I'm not, so....

5541333 You can lie o me all you like I know what I know to be the truth. I have had my eye on you for a while. Watching listen it is what I do.

5541345 Maybe they're lies to you, but not to me.....I....uh....that's kind of disturbing....

5541354 Well how else are you going to see the truth. Anyone can tell you lies but in not all the time is the truth so easy to hide. I see something in you either you can't see or you don't want to see.

5541372 Probably both can't and don't want to.....

5541375 Then I am going to remind you... I am going to get it through if I have to manually drill it into your head. I am tired of see good people go to waste. Like DemonFyre there is nothing wrong she di nothing to deserve this shit. The worst crap happens to the best people and it pisses me off.

5541395 You won't be able to get me to believe whatever it is you see in me......

5541402 That's fine I set myself up to fail everyday. I just wont stop trying and the day I die you will know that up to that point I am the one who never gave up.

5541415 I'm sure I'll die before you......

5541417 Not at the rate I am going... Sometimes I wonder just how long I got left.

5541420 I doubt I'll live another year.......if even another 6 months.....

5541424 What makes you say that?

5541452 I don't want to live anymore......I haven't for a long time.....the only reason I'm still here is because I don't want to hurt anyone else.....

5541457 Then we have something in common. Neither of us can call it quits solely we don't wish to hurt others. I don't want you to hurt either though.

5541536 It's alright if you do.....I'm used to it.....

5541569 It is besides he point I care about you if you cannot tell.

5541645 I've noticed.....I don't get why so many people online do, but no one in real life cares at all....

5541656 Well I am real and if I could meet you I would prove it.

5541679 I know you're real.....I meant anyone I see face to face....

5541684 Lie I said I wish we could talk face to face I will show you just how wrong you are.

I agree with Helios, everyone's lives mean something.

5541722 You would be if you met me... I care for everyone. Especially the ones who don't care for themselves.

5541742 Mine doesn't.....everyone else's does though....

5541743 I.....I.....Im sorry.....

5541746 Y'know I talked about something similar to this last night; with my friend.

Wow, this is some deep stuff here...

5541752 Real life friend or online friend?

5541754 Is that a bad thing...?

5541804 Do you mind me asking why you were talking about that?

5541809 She felt bad about how she treated me and my parents when she was trying to take care of her dad.

I see there is a very serious theme so I will put some words here. Life is too beautiful to thinking like that But who am I? I' just a vegetable loosing feeling in my legs. Without any friends, without a support from my family. But I have never thought about suicide. I often smile and I don't worry about anything. Why? Because I know, that life is too short to be depressed. I enjoy in every step I've made, because I know that one day I'll make the last one. Even then I won't stop smiling and enjoying in every morning sunshine or every my dog's jump, when he pleased with my view. Life... so short and so beautiful...

5541816 Oh....I'm sorry....

5541819 I wish I could think like that....

5541840 I know what you think might be the right thing to do, but not when you've got the friends who care about you and try to make you happy; whether online or in real life.

5541844 This is no doubt a stupid question that you're probably sick and tired of answering, but are you alright?

5541854 No, I'm not.....not at all....

5541851 I can't be happy.....

5541831 It isn't so hard. Just don't think about mistakes or unpleasantness. If you wan't talk about it -> send me PM.

5541859 You can if you allow yourself to be and not think about what's bringing you down.

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