• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,708 Views, 32 Comments

Twilight Discovers Comics - nyycuh

Twilight Sparkle, who doesn't like comics, reads some of Spike's comics out of curiosity.

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Chapter 6 - Golden Oak Library's New Additions

A week later, Twilight Sparkle surprised visitors to her library when she unveiled a small section dedicated solely to comic books.

“Twilight, I thought you've said you'll never stock comic books in the library,” Spike said, surprised.

“Yes, what made you change your mind?” Cheerilee added. She was bringing her entire class to visit the library for the day when Twilight made the surprise announcement.

“Well, foals being foals, they'll be naturally drawn to comic books. So why not use them to attract more foals to the library? That way, we'll have more opportunities to nurture in them a love for reading,” Twilight explained.

“Wow, I've never read comics myself since I was a filly. Are all the comics appropriate for them?”

“I've personally read and picked them myself.” Twilight had carefully reviewed the comic books, making sure that those that were in the library were for all ages. The nursery comic books with Bunny and Friends took up one shelf. The League of Heroes books and Star Storm's solo series filled the second shelf.

“You know Twilight, maybe the library should have more comics other than Star Storm and talking animals,” Spike suggested. “Captain Equestria isn't bad too, and Beautrix just got her own solo series.”

“Yes Spike, I'll look into it.”

“Alright, I finally got to read another issue of Star Storm!” Rumble said happily as he grabbed the latest issue of Star Storm's comics. His classmates were also starting to crowd around the comic section, jostling to see what other comics were available.

“I want the ones with the bunny!” a filly said excitedly.

“I want Star Storm!” said another.

“Remember, you've to borrow a novel for every comic you borrow,” Twilight reminded the foals.

“Then I shall take another Daring Do's book! She's just as awesome as Star Storm!” Rumble said eagerly.

"Here you go. Have fun reading!" Twilight handed the second volume of Daring Do to Rumble.

When Rumble left, Cheerilee approached Twilight. “Twilight, can I ask you something about the comic books? I've no idea why my students are suddenly so obsessed with this 'Star Storm' superhero character. Surprisingly, it's the fillies who talked about her the most. What's so special about her?”

Twilight shrugged with a knowing smile. “I guess they just want to have heroes to look up to, even if they're fictional.”

Comments ( 16 )

Cap understands:

If there was maybe some editing out of the Avengers scenes and and some more focus on Twilight, this would make an okay short episode.

As a comic fan, I am so very grateful for this fic. Thank you.


Not really... I was thinking more along this:


Yeah, you're right. I think I should have shorten the Avengers parody. Thanks for pointing it out.

And I thought up of Ruby Heart's name on the go; I didn't put much thought into it, and I wasn't referencing MvC 2 either.


I've made changes to chapter 3 and 4 thanks to feedback from Banana Prince. I've just realized that the Avengers parody bit have went a bit overboard, so I cut down the longer bits and added a new scene with, you know, the actual protagonist. :twilightsheepish:

5189252 Okay I thought so and thanks. I want to get it changed if I can get someone to draw my OC.

5190819 Hey Knighty! When's the next chapter of Crusade's End coming out?


>> Twilight seems a bit too quick to jump to the "clearance sale on comic books = greed = hoarding" train of logic.
Well, I want to give Twilight a reason to read comic books, and also give her a reason to separate Spike from his comic books. I was thinking even if Spike wasn't letting his dragon greed taking over again, she just assumed the worst and jumped the gun. It's a bit of a jump of logic, I agree, and maybe I could have make it a bit more believable.

>> Also, I'm not sure I think very highly of the setup for this premise...I can't see Twilight being this judgmental about comics.
Thinking back, I guess you're right that Twilight doesn't need to be so judgmental in this story. I was just thinking it'll be funny if her worst prejudice against comics appeared to be confirmed when she read some truly awful ones first. Maybe toning down the her inner diatribe would have helped.

I also imagine she hasn't heard of MLP version of truly great graphic novels like Watchmen or Maus*.

Anyway, thank you for your feedback. Really appreciate it. :raritywink:

* I've yet to read both in full. Maybe someday.

I've finished reading this.

Honestly? It's entirely too preachy. I mean, even the show isn't this preachy at its worst.


Okay, but how so?

5213555 Everything about this story reads like an author tract on how some comics are deplorable, sexist, and excessively violent, while other comics are okay in moderation but children should be encouraged to abandon comics in favor of "real" literature as quickly as possible.

There is no subtlety to the message of this story. It's like being hit with a sledgehammer.


Thank you for your valuable feedback, I appreciate that you took the time to give your constructive criticisms. :twilightsmile:


I might have been listening to AT4W while writing it...

Eh, I just saw it as Twilight learning that not all comics are bad, as well as broadening her horizons.
But to each their own.

Welcome to Atop the Fourth Waaaall,
Where bad comics Buuurrrnn!
Linker's here to teach you all
A lesson you should leeaarrrn!!!!

Twilight learns comics just like any other kind of book can be good or bad, that medium is not a measure of quality. Just wait till she discovers trades and graphic novels. Like what ever the Pony version of Watchmen is.

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