• Published 30th Oct 2014
  • 3,868 Views, 91 Comments

Sonata grabs Twilight's Peaches - Admiral Biscuit

The Dazzlings hope to sow some disharmony during gym class, but Sonata is hopelessly distracted by the the taco she lost, and her newest discovery: sweet, sweet peaches.

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Obligatory Locker Room Scene

Sonata Grabs Twilight's Peaches
Admiral Biscuit

“Okay, that wasn't so bad.” Adagio walked down the school halls, followed by her two co-conspirators. “Obviously, the music competition is where we're going to steal their magic, but any discord we can sow during . . . other school activities can only help our cause.”

“Like making them fight over lunch,” Aria suggested.


“Or Twilight taking my taco.”

“Not so much.” Adagio kept up a brisk pace as they headed towards the locker room, easily dodging the students crowding the halls between classes. Gym, for some reason known only to cruel school superintendents, took place right after lunch, guaranteeing that every student would be performing at less than their best.

“And giving me her peaches instead.”

“Now, gym class is another good opportunity to spread discontent. The whole setting is a competition—students against students, athletes against nerds, hot girls against fat girls—“

“Although they're not that bad, really.”

“Will you shut up already about the damn peaches?” Adagio spun to face the cutest, albeit dumbest, member of the Dazzlings. “Nobody gives a crap about peaches anymore. It's over. Let's move on already.”

“Yeah.” Aria crossed her arms. “We won't be here much longer.”


“No! No more! I'm sick and tired of it.” Adagio grabbed the half-empty bowl out of Sonata's hand and tossed it in a wastebasket. “Focus on the plan. In Equestria, there are millions of peaches. But we have to get there first.”

“Sorry.” Sonata hung her head and tugged awkwardly at the strings for her hoodie.

Adagio gave her a withering glare, before continuing down the hallway towards the girl's locker room. With a determined look on her face, she pushed the door open and led the girls over to their lockers. “All right—I’ll tell you the plan while we change.” She motioned for the other two to move closer, and they did. “I heard Snips complaining that today's a dodgeball day. That's going to be a perfect opportunity for us. If there's a more unfair gym sport, I don't know what it is. I'm going to get close to the more popular girls in the class—take their side, help them win; you know the drill. Aria, your mission is to keep the boys distracted. Can you do that?”

“Like, duh.” Aria flicked her ponytails back with a practiced motion. “They won't know what hit them.”

“Good.” Adagio held her hand out for silence as the Rainbooms passed them in a cluster, headed for the showers. Once she heard the water start up, she grinned, and pulled off her jacket. “Now they won’t hear us over that racket.”

She hooked her jacket over the peg in her locker. “Sonata, you're on fat kids.” She pulled her blouse over her head and hung it up, grabbing a t-shirt and pulling it on. “Target them only—I don't care if someone else is standing there with . . . well, with a target on her chest.” She sat down to pull her boots off, then stood back up. “Only fat kids.” She pulled on a pair of shorts, making sure they were properly seated before sliding her skirt down her legs. “You got it?


Aria pulled her T-shirt over her head and looked around. Their erstwhile companion was nowhere to be seen. She gave a small shrug to Adagio as she tugged her pigtails free from her shirt.

“I swear.” Adagio dropped heavily to the bench, before kicking her locker for good measure. “That girl is as dumb as a bag of hammers. Why is it that I'm saddled with her? Who did I offend in a past life?”

“You've still got me,” Aria said brightly.

“Yes . . . yes, I do.” Adagio kicked the locker again. “I swear on all that is holy, if she went back to the cafeteria in the hopes of getting a taco that somehow got overlooked, I will strangle her. I don't care who's watching. I'll just wrap my hands around her neck, and choke the life right out of her.”

“Me, too.” Aria shoved her feet into her shoes—first left, and then right. “She—“

“Sorry!” Sonata rounded the end of the row of lockers. Both Adagio and Aria looked at her in shocked disbelief. She'd only dressed halfway before leaving—she was wearing her shorts and shoes, but nothing else..

“What are you doing?

“Well . . . I had to change into my sports bra, and I was going to do that, but I got distracted.” She looked down at her bare chest. “It's not like anybody cares.”

“They do.” Adagio gave her a death stare. “I do. Put a shirt on, or something.”

“Yeah, put a shirt on,” Aria echoed.

“I don't—what's up with you girls? This is a locker room—a room whose sole purpose is to take off your street clothes and put on gym clothes. I can't imagine how much more basic you could get. And it’s not like—”

“Whatever.” Adagio gave a dismissive hand-wave.

“Oh . . . you'll never guess what I found in Twilight’s locker.”

Adagio gave her a hopeful look. “Her personal diary, filled with embarrassing secrets we can exploit?”


“A magical, wish-granting leprechaun?” Aria tucked her shirt into her waistband, and began lightly bouncing on her heels to limber up.

Sonata frowned. “Leprechauns aren’t real.”

“Her clothes.” Adagio leaned down and laced up her shoes. “You stole them all, or hid them in another girl’s locker, so Twilight will have to do gym class naked, or in her school clothes, or skip class entirely, any of which would put her in a bad mood for the rest of the day, and impact her performance later.”

“Noo. . . .”

“A pot of gold?”

Adagio bent over to touch her toes, her mind already on the drubbing they were about the give the dodge-ballers. “Just tell us already!”

Sonata proudly held up a plastic container. “Her peaches!”

“I am so going to murder you.” Adagio laced her fingers behind her head and stretched, her knuckles cracking menacingly. “One more word about peaches, and I will rip your head off.”

“It would have been nicer to find a taco.” Sonata tore the foil off the top of the package, crumpled it, and tossed it into a wastebasket. “But these—“

“That's it,” Adagio growled. She jumped off the bench and stood next to Sonata. “One more word—one more—and I'll do something I'll regret.”

“Yeah.” Aria began rolling up her sleeves.

“Sorry.” Sonata pulled a t-shirt out of her locker. “I just thought she’d be mad . . . and you threw away my lunch. My beautiful peaches.”

“We are so done.” Adagio backhanded the peaches out of Sonata’s hand, sending them spraying in a syrupy shower against a locker.

Sonata turned, just in time to see the crescent slivers slide down the steel door and splatter against the tiles. She halfway turned back towards Adagio, before the eldest of the Dazzlings gave her a firm shove between the shoulder blades.

Sonata stumbled forward, her arms windmilling for balance. When she’d reached the point of no return, she squinted her eyes shut and instinctively held her hands up to brace herself for an impact with the floor—an impact which did not come.

Instead, her hands pressed into something soft and squishable, the rest of her body coming up just short. She breathed a sigh of relief, slowly opened her eyes, and turned her head back, to see if Adagio was moving in for a second attack.

Much to her surprise, both Adagio and Aria were looking just beyond her, mouths agape. Sonata twisted her head back around, and found herself staring into the beautiful lavender eyes of Twilight Sparkle—who had a slightly miffed look on her face.

Whether by defensive instinct or primal urge, Sonata squeezed her hands just before looking down to see what she was grasping, the realization striking her a moment later. She looked back up. Violet eyes met, and just looked into each other, the stare deafening in the sudden silence of the locker room. Finally, Twilight spoke.

“You can let go, you know.”

Sonata blinked, leaned forward, and kissed Twilight on the lips.

Author's Note:

A One-Shot-Ober fic
reader request

Comments ( 82 )

My goodness! She grabbed Twilight by the shoulders!:twilightsheepish:

*dies from cuteness overload in relation to the image*


She grabbed Twilight by the shoulders!

....sure. The shoulders. Yup. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm not going to lie, I didn't expect that last part. Wow.

Millions of peaches, peaches for me.
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.

Well, that happened :rainbowlaugh: This was a hilarious sequel.

The cover art is very nice, too :rainbowkiss:

distracted by the taco she lost

That's it. I'm totally reading this later.


Introducing the new Twilight Shoulder figurine! Now 20% squishier!

I ship it. So hard it hurts.

You and your peaches. You're never gonna tired of them are you?

I love everything about this. You magnificent son of a bitch.

Sonata blinked, leaned forward, and kissed the librarian on the lips.

W-what was Miss Cheerilee doing in the students' locker room? :twilightoops: Doesn't this violate youth safety guidelines, or something?
Also, why is she making out with a teacher while holding Twilight's shoulders? :trollestia:

That ending! Brilliant.

I just had to do it. I was getting too predictable.


Millions of peaches, peaches for me.
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.

I wanted to work in Nicholas Cage's "I could eat a peach for hours," but I couldn't find the right spot.


Introducing the new Twilight Shoulder figurine! Now 20% squishier!

I'd buy one.

I'm getting tempted, myself.


You and your peaches.

I just can't control myself. At least I had Adagio getting offended.

Author Interviewer

You crossed the memes.

Never cross the memes.

Can't say I disapprove, tho. This is a series now, right? :V

5205378 That's for you to decide.

Well this story was *puts sunglasses on* peachy.


You crossed the memes.
Never cross the memes.


Can't say I disapprove, tho. This is a series now, right? :V

I dunno. I'll have to watch the movie first, to get some new material. Wikipedia can only help so much.

BTW, thanks for the review!

Adagio should be pleased, that's sure to throw Twilight off by at least a little bit! :pinkiesmile:

Author Interviewer

No, you really don't. Just keep on going, man, it's already tagged AU. :V I NEED MORE OF THIS, BISCUIT, DON'T FUCK IT UP

I do like peaches...

I loved it. Please continue this.

Oh goodness, just when I thought this couldn't possibly get any better, that last line blew my mind! You mad genius, you!



My feelings exactly. :rainbowlaugh:


Alternative tittle: Sonata gets all the bitches.

Mmm...Sweet Georgia Peaches..

5210337 And if that was you, exactly how long would you wait before stealing a kiss? You're already going to get slapped. Might as well earn it.

(Also, it might disrupt the anger long enough to let you get a head start.)

5210337 In for a penny, in for a pound!

Comment posted by The Narwhal Assassin deleted Nov 4th, 2014

Reaching for the sweetest sweetest peaches.

Huh. We just realized how long it's been since I've had peaches. Though we like pears as well.....
Keep going! ;)

Ha! It was both literal and metaphorical!

Sonata blinked, leaned forward, and kissed Twilight on the lips.


We'll see. I've already got a site blogger breathing down my neck for more...

Mad? Certainly. Genius? Meh, probably.

Very true, although it does run the risk of her losing 1/2 of her evil minions.


The HMS Sonata Sparkle has officially set sail!

It's certainly not the worst ship I've launched [Twirek, Tuna, Scootaloo and Celestia...].

Darn it! I knew that, too. My dad does that all the time.


You're already going to get slapped. Might as well earn it.

I'd risk it, that's for sure.

Technically his and the taco fic could be in one story. Since this is literally like 5 mins after the Taco fic. Also do you have / or is there planned a follow up of this? Seriously would be one of the few human fics that I'd like.

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