• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2012
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Admiral Biscuit

Virtually invisible to PaulAsaran


This story is a sequel to Twilight eats Sonata's Taco

The Dazzlings hope to sow some disharmony during gym class, but Sonata is hopelessly distracted by the the taco she lost, and her newest discovery: sweet, sweet peaches.

With a reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 91 )

My goodness! She grabbed Twilight by the shoulders!:twilightsheepish:

*dies from cuteness overload in relation to the image*


She grabbed Twilight by the shoulders!

....sure. The shoulders. Yup. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm not going to lie, I didn't expect that last part. Wow.

Millions of peaches, peaches for me.
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.

Well, that happened :rainbowlaugh: This was a hilarious sequel.

The cover art is very nice, too :rainbowkiss:

distracted by the taco she lost

That's it. I'm totally reading this later.


Introducing the new Twilight Shoulder figurine! Now 20% squishier!

I ship it. So hard it hurts.

You and your peaches. You're never gonna tired of them are you?

I love everything about this. You magnificent son of a bitch.

Sonata blinked, leaned forward, and kissed the librarian on the lips.

W-what was Miss Cheerilee doing in the students' locker room? :twilightoops: Doesn't this violate youth safety guidelines, or something?
Also, why is she making out with a teacher while holding Twilight's shoulders? :trollestia:

That ending! Brilliant.

I just had to do it. I was getting too predictable.


Millions of peaches, peaches for me.
Millions of peaches, peaches for free.

I wanted to work in Nicholas Cage's "I could eat a peach for hours," but I couldn't find the right spot.


Introducing the new Twilight Shoulder figurine! Now 20% squishier!

I'd buy one.

I'm getting tempted, myself.


You and your peaches.

I just can't control myself. At least I had Adagio getting offended.

Author Interviewer

You crossed the memes.

Never cross the memes.

Can't say I disapprove, tho. This is a series now, right? :V

5205378 That's for you to decide.

Well this story was *puts sunglasses on* peachy.


You crossed the memes.
Never cross the memes.


Can't say I disapprove, tho. This is a series now, right? :V

I dunno. I'll have to watch the movie first, to get some new material. Wikipedia can only help so much.

BTW, thanks for the review!

Adagio should be pleased, that's sure to throw Twilight off by at least a little bit! :pinkiesmile:

Author Interviewer

No, you really don't. Just keep on going, man, it's already tagged AU. :V I NEED MORE OF THIS, BISCUIT, DON'T FUCK IT UP

I do like peaches...

I loved it. Please continue this.

Oh goodness, just when I thought this couldn't possibly get any better, that last line blew my mind! You mad genius, you!



My feelings exactly. :rainbowlaugh:


Alternative tittle: Sonata gets all the bitches.

Mmm...Sweet Georgia Peaches..

5210337 And if that was you, exactly how long would you wait before stealing a kiss? You're already going to get slapped. Might as well earn it.

(Also, it might disrupt the anger long enough to let you get a head start.)

5210337 In for a penny, in for a pound!

Comment posted by The Narwhal Assassin deleted Nov 4th, 2014

Reaching for the sweetest sweetest peaches.

Huh. We just realized how long it's been since I've had peaches. Though we like pears as well.....
Keep going! ;)

Ha! It was both literal and metaphorical!

Sonata blinked, leaned forward, and kissed Twilight on the lips.


We'll see. I've already got a site blogger breathing down my neck for more...

Mad? Certainly. Genius? Meh, probably.

Very true, although it does run the risk of her losing 1/2 of her evil minions.


The HMS Sonata Sparkle has officially set sail!

It's certainly not the worst ship I've launched [Twirek, Tuna, Scootaloo and Celestia...].

Darn it! I knew that, too. My dad does that all the time.


You're already going to get slapped. Might as well earn it.

I'd risk it, that's for sure.

Technically his and the taco fic could be in one story. Since this is literally like 5 mins after the Taco fic. Also do you have / or is there planned a follow up of this? Seriously would be one of the few human fics that I'd like.

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