• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 448 Views, 7 Comments

The Adventures of Doodle and Savant. - Tofazz

Short stories about Doodle Heart and Savant, following their life as partners.

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A Lazy Day

Savant knocked carefully at the door.

He remained calmly in front of the door he just had tapped and waited while he listened to the rummaging going on inside. He knew that Doodle wouldn’t expect him just now, just as he knew not to knock hard on the door in fear of scaring her in midst of work. Taking a deep breath he tried to calm himself. It had been two months now since he last saw her. They had of course spoken with letters but it was far from what either of them wished for.

He shifted in place from side to side longing to hold her close again. He allowed his gaze to wander over the small building. It nestled underneath the shade of a large oak, the tree so large it was easily visible from the center of Ponyville, even if her house was situated in the outskirts of the land. Still the large tree towered over like a guardian with its green crowned shield. Casting its shadow over the fresh green grass and the white walls of her house. Savant knew the tiles on her roof were crisp red in color, but the shade gave a deep and dark look to them.

His heart skipped a beat hearing Doodle’s voice from inside drawing nearer, murmuring to no one in particular. No, he would be the last pony she expected to see here, his trip was not to be over for one more week. However, he managed to finish his tasks early he decided to come here rather than head straight back to Canterlot. A week together, just the two of them, he had longed for this and he hoped she had as well.

He made sure to adjust his pose once more, standing rigid with a straight back, almost like a guard at the castle. He kicked with his grey hoofs to rid himself of some water from the cold grass and adjusted the bracer catalyst again. Then ruffled his silvery mane a bit more so it was just as she liked it. His jaw was covered in a thick stubble from a week of hard work, he didn’t bother to shave before arriving though for he knew how she adored running her hoofs over it. He flapped his large wings and folded them neatly over the mark on his thigh, the brown book with a magic aura hid almost perfectly underneath his feathers. He, as many others, had laughed at the irony of his wings, much larger than normal pegasi wings, and given to him which hated to fly. As the handle of the door clicked from a touch his ice blue eyes froze upon it.

“Yes, how may I…” Doodle froze as the door swung open, mouth agape and her voice fading into a squeak. “Savant!” she blurted out after almost a minute of silence.

“Hey!” He said, feeling his heart almost jump out of his chest while looking at her. It was so long between the times they saw each other that it felt like he fell in love anew each time he returned.

His plans of romantically embracing her got cut short the moment Doodle regained her wits and pounced around his neck. Sending both of them tumbling backwards upon the grass. His wings flared out to dampen the fall he felt the cool grass touch him, lending him more of their wetness no matter how he would object. Even landing upon the rich soil his breath got knocked out of him once Doodle crashed on him rather than the ground.

“I missed you!” she cooed, still holding him tightly.

Struggling with breath he smiled and allowed his hoofs to go around her chest, returning her embrace, just much softer. One could perhaps think he thought of her as a delicate crystal figurine, for he never dared to hug tightly. For him it was not that, he was certain a soft touch said more to her than he could ever say himself. He would never dare to use strength with her, lest he might unknowingly hurt her, that he would never forgive.

Doodle let go of his neck and lifted her head just a little bit, just enough so that their noses touched and their gazes met. He finally saw the wonderful brown eyes he had longed for, the tender lips that beckoned him closer as they just took in each other. The way her brown mane flowed over them both, creating a little tent where the world was gone, the darkness of it only broken by the deep blue strands in between. And her green coat, always having drops of paint here and there, how her cheeks painted it with a tint of red every time they lay like this. He wished to say it, he loved every little bit of her, but he needed to wait for the right time, if not he would look a fool, he was sure. He did love her no doubt, a fact only strengthened as they lips touched, her soft feminine ones upon his own.

Neither of them said anything. They let their actions speak for them, the house being far from town made them forget the odds of somepony even coming close to them. He listened intently to her breath, feeling how it made her body rise and fall together with him. They alternated between letting each other nestle in the grove of their necks and kissing each other tenderly. In the blackness of her mane the time stood still for them just this moment, at least it felt like that for Savant. He had missed her tremendously, as he did each time he was away at work. For some reason it was different now, it was something more he felt laying there together, something new and unknown for him. A rush coursed through his veins, his heart gave to a strong slow beating rhythm, and each time he looked at her it felt like he could fly again. He was still terrified of flying, deathly so, but with her it felt like he could do anything. As she kissed him once more and smiled the feeling strengthened, and he welcomed it; perhaps it was the question he needed to ask that did it?

“I thought you worked for one more week?” She whispered and let a satisfied sigh escape her lips.

“I managed to get done earlier than planned.” He answered and touched her mane carefully, he knew how jumpy she was with other ponies touching it. The moment she got used to his touch he let his hoof play through her mane, making sure to massage the tense muscles in her neck she always had from long days of work.

“I’m glad.” She said and kissed his cheek. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I missed you as well.” Savant cooed back.

From far away a gust reached them rustling the leaves in the green crown above, the leaves sending whispers at the intrusion. As the whispers reached them together with the wind they both shuddered, bumping noses rather hard into each other. Doodle jumped back and held a hoof over her nose, looking at him in surprise, and he returned that surprise as he felt his nose becoming warmer. Then she broke out in a giggle and he joined in.

“Maybe we should go inside before we hurt each other more?” Doodle suggested while kissing his neck as if she wanted to mend his hurt.

Savant smiled, “That does sound like a good idea.” then shuddered again as her lips hit the groove of his neck, a beautifully tender touch.

She stretched out above him, looking down barely able to contain her mirth. “Ticklish are you?” then her smile turned into a small frown, “I have to finish the piece though, you can go into town if you want.” She suggested and regret began to show in her features.

Savant began to rise, making sure he lifted her along. “I’d rather sit and watch you work, I don’t need to mingle with anypony else right now.”

He knew how she worried about boring him with her work at times, but he didn’t mind. He might have a mind for magic and literature but he loved watching her working on something she loves so deeply as to paint and draw. It became even better every time she beamed up when he settled down next to her while she worked on various projects.

Doodle led the way inside and guided him towards the only clean place inside her work room, a small purple couch. She kissed him once more then jumped over to the canvas she currently was working at. It seemed like some painting resembling abstract art with a lot of dark colors. A commission, Savant thought, for he knew that she often preferred to work with brighter colors.

He let his eyes wander. Everywhere on the floor it was something scattered about, pieces of a broken canvas, or empty paint tubes. In several places he also saw hoof marks in different colors, figuring the mess often stumbled her. The walls were white and surprisingly clean, only finished work hung there, if it was to make sure the mess didn’t reach it, or she just wanted something on the walls he didn’t know. It did give the whole room, along with the large windows giving plenty of light and fresh air, a feeling that a true eccentric artist lived here. Now, as all other times he had watched her work, he marveled over how she managed to keep her mane out of the mess she created.

Her kitchen, if one could call it that, was stashed in a corner of the room, kept somewhat clean of all the mess, kept perfectly good to create meals on. Then his eyes landed on her again, following the gentle lines of her back, watching as it swayed beautifully with the motions of her head as she painted. Her wings spread out above her and arched forward, the largest feathers on the tip had been dipped in paint and with impressive muscle control she used them to paint beautiful lines with. Then he smiled, no doubt he loved her, no doubt at all. He rose and made to the kitchen, preparing a beverage of hot choocaa to both of them. He knew how she loved relaxing with it after a long day. He watched the herbs disperse in the hot water till it was gone and gave the water a grass green color.

Soon he carried two large cups of the beverage, that rich smell filling up the room as he walked. The smell was tantalizing, almost irresistible. The moment he placed them down she turned a smile to him before returning to her work, hopefully adding the finishing touches. He didn’t touch his own, he preferred to wait for her. While he waited he began to speculate how he should bring up his idea to her. All kinds of doubt came to him, perhaps it was too early? Perhaps she preferred to have this small room to work in rather than somewhere else?

He had reached a new milestone in his research, one that allowed him to get a huge grant from the crown to continue his work where he pleased. How he would love to do just that together with her, he thought and smiled at her as she did to him.

She seemed quite happy today, he concluded. Much like she always did when he was around, there was of course some exceptions when she was too exhausted to keep up her peppy personality, but who could blame her? After all, she worked hard to achieve what she wanted. His attention got pulled towards her again as she stepped back and looked on the canvas with a pleased smile.

Doodle began to stash away the items used for her work, brushes and colored paint placed in their respective places. Savant often considered to help out in these cases, but he learned fast that he was more in the way than anything, she had a system in the chaos he saw. Rather he was content to sit back further into the back of the couch while holding the choocaa close, taking in the wonderful smell of it while he very much enjoyed the view of Doodle rummaging between piles of equipment. At times he was certain that she purposely wiggled her butt his way, for it happened more than he could imagine was natural. Not that he complained, for he quite enjoyed it. Likewise as he enjoyed the little game they had, she would pretend for it all to be accidental, while he would pretend to not see it. This time he noticed that the feathers dipped in paint left a half-moon mark upon her thighs, almost touching the heart shaped cutie mark as well. This of course made him stare just a little bit too long and made him blush as she giggled at him.

At last she came to where he sat and picked up the cup he had made for her. As she sat down she took a deep breath, relishing in the smell that rose from it. She took the cup to her lips, as did he, and they shared the first tasteful sip together. With eyes closed she tilted to the side, nestling as close to him as possible, once comfortably snuggled under his hoof with head resting on his chest she sighed satisfied.

The sun shone into the room, striking upon the mess around them. Both stayed silent and watched the light moving upon the floor as time passed. The only sound breaking through the illusion once in a while was when either of them took a sip of their drink. Savant did so, managing to create an abnormal sound between his lips and the now lukewarm beverage. Doodle looked at him and smiled before giggling at his behalf. He blushed ever so little because of that, but he didn’t mind. And he was never sure if he blushed for his embarrassment or because the loving smile Doodle gave him as she giggled. The tender lips he so often wished to kiss split into a smile, as he regarded it, the most beautiful thing he could imagine. Her cheeks splattered with abundant colors from her work, looking almost like cute freckles upon her green coat. Savant leaned closer to her, feeling her scent tingle in his nostrils, he could stay like this forever, he was sure. Doodle leaned even closer and let her lips touch his, he gladly returned the gesture and closed his eyes. They broke apart and she sighed once more and returned her head to his chest. And as she did the bun she had tied her mane up in loosened allowing her mane to flow freely like a waterfall over his legs, eventually covering him like a blanket.

He had long lost track of time, perhaps it had merely been an hour, or perhaps the day was almost long gone. He only knew that the choocaa was no more and Doodle had fallen asleep in his embrace. His hoof carefully stroked over her mane and stopped at her midsection, feeling her chest rise and fall with each breath. A fly decided to make her nose its perch, causing her to let out a tiny snore. At this Savant smiled, he considered removing the fly but decided against it the moment he saw Doodle unconsciously wiggle her cute muzzle in an attempt to rid herself of the intruder.

At last she sneezed, sending the fly away in what could only be considered hyper-speed for the small thing. Doodle sniffled and looked up at him, “How long was I gone? I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” She squeaked.

Savant nuzzled her mane, “You probably needed it, don’t worry about it.” He answered her in a hushed voice, as if she was still asleep. He found himself meaning every single word of it, as long as he was close to her he was happy.

“You sure?” she asked as a tired but concerned frown made itself apparent over her face.

“Yeah,” He assured her and let his chin rest between her ears.

She snuggled even closer to him and again closed her eyes. Just then his mind was made up, he needed to say two things, and he was certain now, more than he ever was before. Merely the thought of it however made his heart race, and Doodle noticed, for she opened her eyes again and looked at him, her face saying all she needed. She furrowed her brows slightly. Surely Savant’s cheeks and ears were blooming red at this moment, and the heat coming from him made him sweat. He became unsure, not of his feelings for her, but how easily he showed the feelings of this kind. She began to rise and looked at him intently, worry riddled over her brows and forehead. He had to say it now before worry did in fact overcome her, and he knew the question would come very soon.

He cleared his throat, “Hey…” he tried to start, swallowing hard as he looked into her pristine brown eyes. “I love you, you know that, right?” He swallowed and his eyes never left her.

Doodle’s eyes welled up with moisture, glimmering in the fading sunlight. She kissed him quickly and embraced his neck tightly, “I love you too,” she cooed.

He took her out at hoof's length, “I want to ask you something, and I want you to answer me honestly, alright?” She nodded in response, giving him a go ahead to ask. “This trip I had to take, it was more than just a research trip, it was also about putting forth my case for a large research grant, which luckily the crown accepted.”

She blinked at him, “That’s wonderful, but why didn’t you tell me this at the start?” she wondered.

He scratched the back of his head, “Because I wanted it to be a surprise,” he took her hoof and clenched it tightly. “Doodle, do you want to move in together?”

Her jaw fell open, and if she tried to speak it came out only as a small wheeze. Then she blinked and gathered her wits again, then her ears flopped back and her gaze turned away from him. “You know I would love to… but you also know that I would never be able to live in Canterlot…” she explained and he clearly saw the frustration of her answer manifested in her.

He took her jaw and pulled her gaze back to him, careful not to use any strength. “I know that, I wouldn’t ask you to move in with me in Canterlot. I can study wherever I want now, I don’t need assistants any more. I want to build a house together with you, somewhere we both can be happy, and a place where you will have plenty of space to work.” He smiled and kissed her softly, “Would you like that?” he asked.

Her ears shot up instantly, and her mouth split into a wide grin, one of the wider he had seen on her. Her lower lip began to tremble ever so little and as she blinked the moisture built up in her eyes ran down her cheek. She kissed him deeply, “Yes, of course I will.” She responded with a crackle in her voice. Her hoofs grabbed hold of his neck and she pulled herself closer to him, burrowing her muzzle into his coat. “I love you…” she whispered.

“As I do you,” Savant responded, returning her embrace.

To be continued…

Comments ( 7 )

Truly a beautiful story about these two
The sequel is as good as the first one.Keep going

Of course all artists should have a clean couch in their studio, in case they need to draw prench fillies.

...as they lips touched, her soft feminine upon his own.

This part reads weird for me.

Savant smiled, “that does sound like a good idea.”

Can his part of the dialogue start with lowercase? I'm still new to the written conversation part of english grammar.


Can't find what that is in google. I need an explanation.

Soon he carried to large cups of the beverage

Should it be "two large cups"?

He took her out on hoofs length

Again, I am still new to most of the english language, but "at hoof's length" seems to be better.

Her hoofs grabbed hold of his neck


5222726 Choocaa is a herb tea, mostly made up for the sake of this story, but the influence is from Terrerre, a cold tea they drink in Paraguay.

You caught a few typos, gonna fix those right away.

As for Hoofs, that is correct in plural form.
Everyone assumes it is hooves due to all other words ending in 'f' are that in plural, hoofs being the exception.

Thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated!


5222871 I looked it up, and apparently, both hoofs and hooves are correct.
I know about terere, I am from that crater too.

All I have to say is on some points where there were no commas to separate each event, confused me a bit but it was understandable.

Toffaz, it's in your plans continue it?

6554212 Hi, no, not likely that I will.
My focus is on other things than ponyfiction right now.

I'm glad you enjoy my stories though. :twilightsmile:


Yes I know... But it would be great if someday in the future you do it.
Anyway thanks for the story, I really love these characters, I wish you the best friend.

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