• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 384 Views, 3 Comments

Mission Ignition; Rise of the Six - Freewing Alchemist P

One night comeing home form chorus Twilight and her fellow Elements of Harmony witnessed a strang Comet now their lives have change. But now they have to figuer out their new Van-pire selves if they are to fight the night.

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Chapter 1; Morning After

Twilight sat at the table, it an old wooden table that extended outwards and took up most of the old farmhouse kitchen. She played with her food. Her long violet hair helped to obscure the turmoil face. Pushing her scrambled eggs around with a fork, her stomach growled, wanting to be fed but Twilight did not want to eat. She hoped by not eating she would purge herself of... Of whatever affects her now. She looked around the old kitchen with an old electric / wood hybrid stove in one corner near an old metal sink and table. There were three windows allowing sunlight to pour in making it easy to see. There was a bathroom branching off the kitchen and another door that branched off to the outside porch. Fact and Analysis was what she needed...

“Twi,” A familiar twang broke her out of her thoughts and she looked at her friend. The farm girl was strong, she had long blond hair done up in a ponytail, her stetson hat still on her head. Her freckled face and green eyes looking back at her with concern. “I know how you feel but you need to eat. I know we’re running on empty.”


"Darling there is no getting around it you need to eat." A more polished voice assured her as the voices' owner sank her fork into a piece of cantaloupe. The lady-like fashionista had a slim figure with perfect style violet hair. Rarity's sapphire blue eyes blazed with concern.


"She's... Right... Twilight," Flutter Shy said hesitantly. Her petite frame sat on the chair perfectly her long pink hair framing her oval face. Twilight watched as Flutter Shy seemed to make her eyes unnaturally large and adorable. "You need to eat no matter what. Please?"

"Flutter Shy..."

Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began an eating contest as they scarfed down piles of pancakes. Rainbow Dash was her athletic friend with that strong and toned body topped with rainbow colored hair and her magenta eyes set on the goal of victory. Then Pinkie Pie was a thin, rounded face with blue eyes topped with spiraling cotton candy hair due. The sight of them eating she couldn't believe them. Twilight was getting sick she wanted this to be all a bad dream.

"How?!" Twilight yelled out. "How can you all eat, it's like last night didn't happen to you guys!"

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash looked up from their contest. Rarity, Flutter Shy and Applejack paused and looked at her. They looked at each other then it was quiet for a moment.

"Twilight," Rainbow Dash started. "I get that you're freaked, so am I but we're not the only ones that changed last night. Remember Vice Principal Luna and Mr. Rookwood did too."

"But Rainbow they seemed to know what they were doing..." She trailed off.

Twilight felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked down. It was Spike, her younger brother, he was now loading his plate with breakfast stuff. He was still wearing his purple hoodie and his long green spiky hair still stuck out everywhere. "Twilight, Please!" His green eyes pleading with her. Twilight looked over into a living room, on the sofa were three girls, The Crusaders. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and the last Sweetie Belle, The three of them were sleeping calmly as if nothing happened at all. Apple Bloom a young and strong farm girl with curly red hair and her big pink bow a top her head, she was resting on Scootaloo shoulder. Scootaloo had a messie magenta hair she too was build athletically, just like her hero Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo was resting her head on the last girls' shoulder, Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle was a petite young girl with magnificent quaffed hair of silver and a stripe of light lavender running down from one side.

"I know Twi, but what can we do? If they know then maybe they can kinda help us." Apple Jack said. "Listen we got siblings too and I am sure they would want us to eat too. So eat up, because when those girls do..."

"LUNA, HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS! WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU!" Ms. Celestia roared from behind a bedroom door causing all the girls to jump, cutting off Apple Jack and causing them all to turn their attention to the teachers in the other room.

Spike had flinched too, but he just kept piling on the food. Twilight looked into the living room and The Cutie Mark Crusaders were still asleep. Man those girls can sleep through anything. Twilight thought to herself. It made her smile slightly until she heard her teacher and Vice-Principal fighting again.

"Sister calm down!" Vice Principal Luna pleaded calmly. "I have been a Van-pire since I was in high school, same as Rookwood."

"AND YOU!" The girls could only guess that she was talking to Mr. Rookwood. "I should have you fired!"

"For what?" Rookwood asked. "We took care of all of the Gholens that were born and if you expose me you have to expose your sister, as well as your students." They heard Mr. Rookwood say calmly.

Celestia paused. "You have to be punished, you allowed this to happen. When I become the Principal..."

"Principle?" Vice Principal Luna paused. "How come I've never heard of this?"

"I am in line to become the new Principle when Mr. Star Swirl retires this year. "Ms. Celestia said to her sister.

"You can't be serious," She stammered. "Just so know, you are the one that ignored our warning and had your students at school that caused their rebirth." Vice Principal Luna shot back.

"You should have gone to the authorities..."

"And if we did then our world would have been in trouble, we've dealt with greater threats. But, the authorities won't see it that way... No... No... No... they'll see us as the threat because we are in control of our power while most Van-pires are just low intelligent beasts, heaven for bid we stop them from forcing Americans into buying new cars because the Van-pires destroyed there old ones."

"What are you talking about? Your not making sense Rookwood." Celestia snapped.

"But he is sister, the Gholens we fought would have just fed and fed and fed leaving a graveyard of wrecked vehicles in their wake. But what if a higher class Van-pier had been there to control them? Then that would have been a real fight and the girls may have powers I've never seen but they are still new to being van-pires. They could have been killed very simple." Luna said with a wave of her hand.

"What do you think the Authorities would have done with us? Answer, they would have treated us like lab rats while more dangerous van-pires would be able to run a muck." They all heard a pause as if realizing that the girls had finally woke up.

"Right now sister..." Vice Principal Luna started to say.

"Right now, our students need us," Mr. Rook wood broke in. "So we should be going back to talk to them so that they can have some peace."

The three teachers entered the room again. Ms. Celestia was tall and shapely, her long hair was streaked with aqua, magenta, and light blue. Her violet eyes looked down, avoiding even looking at them, her face locked in a frown. Vice Principal Luna was shorter but strongly built than her sister, and had long midnight blue hair. She had the same stern, yet caring look on her face, her blue eyes focused on them. The last was Mr. Rookwood, he was the same size of Vice Principal Luna, his darker skin was in amazing contrast to his short gray and white hair. The girls watched as he pushed his glasses up with the palm of his hand.

"Good morning everyone," Mr. Rookwood cheered at them. "Has everyone eaten yet?"

"We can't get Twilight to eat." Rarity confessed to him.

“And the CMC are still asleep,” Pinkie butted in. “Or they were.”

Mr. Rookwood let out a sigh. "Twilight, I understand how you feel, but if you don't eat. You could get hurt very seriously. You can't just stop using your car. You may need to drive at night and you might just transform, in a weakened state you could die."

"Twilight," Celestia said, putting her hand on her students shoulder. "Please eat, I am sure my sister and Mr. Rookwood will tell you all you need to know."

This didn't reassure her but her body told her that she needed to eat. Mechanically she began to shove some scrambled eggs into her mouth. She watched Celestia glare at the other two teachers in the room. But she lifted her head waiting for her explanation.

Twilight heard motion from the living room and the three crusaders came into the room. She could guess that the CMC just woke up and wanted to eat.

“I’m hungry, any food?” Scootaloo cheered. “Did we miss anything?”

“Not yet Squirt, take a seat and have some.” Rainbow Dash waived the fan-girl over to her.

“Apple Bloom, com’n and join your sister.” Applejack remarked to her sister.

“Sure thing sis.” Apple Bloom leaped to her sister's side.

“Hi Rarity,” Sweetie Belle shouted and joined her sister. “Crazy night, right?”

“I’ll say, it would do well that you girls not repeat what you’ve seen and heard last night or here.”

“OK.” The three nodded.

Luna took in a deep breath and smiled, she was happy to see that the families were together. "I guess we can begin. To put it simply, you are all no longer human, you are now Van-pires."

"We're/They’re vampires!" All the girls shouted in unison.

"VAN-pires are mechanical versions of VAM-pires." Vice Principal Luna explained. "As VAM-pires are an undead creature that would feed on the blood of living creatures to keep themselves alive. In similarity a VAN-pires are a broken down machine brought to an unreal life. Thus, it needs to feed on a working machine to keep itself operating."

Twilight still shifted in her seat. Information was always good to dispel fear especially if she could learn. "How is this even possible?"

"That comet that passed over the town last night was known as the comet Luko, it is named after a demon, Lukodites, he cursed humans to destruction by their own machines. As punishment for opposing God with their science.”

“But if he’s a demon then why should he care if man can oppose God?” Scootaloo asked.

“It seems like he should help man overcome God.” Sweetie Belle added.

Mr. Rookwood nodded and shrugged. “I am not sure why, that is just the story. Maybe he thought that if man can overcome his creator with reason then they could overcome evil as well.’

‘ As the description suggests, the comet gives life to machines but it's effects are most pronounced with damaged, wrecked or derelict vehicles. It was the comet that gave life to those wrecked cars in the automotive garage and it is what made you into hybrid machines. We are both humans and van-pires, our human selves need food and water but our van-pire selves need gas." Mr. RookWood explained.

"But our cars were working." Flutter shy whimpered.

"Yeah, how come we were turned into machine monsters." Rainbow Dash stated brashly.

"Right and what stops us from not changing again? I mean we just have to abandon our cars right?" Rarity mused aloud.

Twilight gave a half smile. Her friends all asked good questions that it made her feel a little better.

"Young Ms. Rarity, it is not as simple as that." Mr. Rookwood shook his head.

"Indeed," Vice Principal stated. "You and your cars are linked, they are your car-ffen, during the day it is your normal automobile, but at night it becomes immobile and it allows you to transform."

"Who's pay'en for that gas we use? And what about da' winter?" Apple Jack asked, looking at the two of them expecting an answer.

"We will help you with that before it come to it." Vice Principal Luna told her.

Pinkie froze and shot up from the table. "Wait!" She shouted. "Are you two an item?"

This caused both Vice Principal Luna and Mr. Rookwood to become startled.

"I don't see what that has to do..." Mr. Rook wood started.

Vice Principal Luna looked surprised at the question. She looked to Mr. Rookwood, but the girls were not being dissuaded from this question and Ms. Celestia looked at them with a raised eyebrow. She was hoping for the answer as well, at least to the last one.

"On and off, " Luna started. "We were on a date when we experienced our first change."

"Shoot," Apple jack exclaimed. "I lost the betting pool."

"Yeah hoo, I win it!" Rainbow Dash shouted

"What! When was this?" Ms. Celestia shouted.

"Remember that night when I said I was going to a friend's place to study?" Vice Principal Luna questioned. "It was only one of the things we did, after which we took a ride. He took his father's Harley Davidson, Shadow Rider and I took his father's Midnight Blue, Ford Mustang. It was the most fun I had in ages."

"Luna!" Ms. Celestia roared.

"What are you jealous?" Twilight watched as the younger sister gave her older a wicked smirk. It was a look of satisfaction just to make her older sister angry. "I wanted to be something more than just your gatekeeper.”

“If I am not mistaken there are a lots of boys that give up their left nut to go on a date with you!” Celestia shouted but stopped and realized that she said something a little more suggestive than she should have, she went silent.

“ Did you know that most, if not all of those boys only wanted you, they only saw me as some hurtled to get to you! Rookwood like me for me, I was not just some guard that he had to pass through to get to you! I was the one he wanted. He was intelligent and..."

Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, interrupting them. "Not that I don't like seeing teachers fight, and not that I don't think this relationship stuff isn't fascinating. I want to know more about the Van-pire stuff." Rainbow Dash stated a point for them.

Mr. Rookwood restarted. "Like I said we are all Van-pires, there are two types of van-pires," Mr. Rookwood followed up. "Sanguine type, then us the Hybrid types. That is where we fall, we are Motor-vaitors. Motor-vaitors can use regular gas pumps to fill our tanks.'

'The Sanguine type are the ones that were born from wrecked cars and feed off gasoline of working cars, like the traditional vampires. Sanguine branches of the Van-pires have three distinct branches in their kind and they have many weaknesses; The sun is lethal to them, they will burn in direct sunlight and in indirect sunlight they will become immobile, they can not move. They cannot cross running water, it will cause them to falter. Silver is also a weakness, a good thing to use as a weapon. Removing the heart, or rather the car's heart is also fatal to them."

Vice Principal Luna added. "Hybrid types are living creatures and machines melded as one. We are one of the branches known as Motor-vaitors. Motor-vaitors have only two weaknesses; The first is our car-ffen, the car we use to change, if they are destroyed we die. The second is sunlight, if we are caught out when the sun comes up we will die."

"All Van-pires have some common traits. Flight, Strength, Able to produce weapons from our bodies, Special abilities tailored to our characteristics. But you girls," Mr. Rookwood started shaking his head. "Your abilities were beyond what you're supposed to have at this current time. You even have abilities that I've never seen before from any Van-pire."

While Mr. Rookwood and Vice Principal Luna talk was informative, Twilight was losing interest in the conversation as she thought back to yesterday morning where this adventure all started. "It all started the morning before..." Twilight whispered to herself.