• Published 2nd Nov 2014
  • 385 Views, 3 Comments

Mission Ignition; Rise of the Six - Freewing Alchemist P

One night comeing home form chorus Twilight and her fellow Elements of Harmony witnessed a strang Comet now their lives have change. But now they have to figuer out their new Van-pire selves if they are to fight the night.

  • ...

Chapter 2; The Night of the Comet

This is a work of fiction and My Little Pony Friendship is Magic is property of Hasbro. Keep in mind this is an AU and has some differences. This will have a mix of a different aspects MLP and Equestria Girls

It was the morning before; Twilight was driving herself and brother, Spike, to school. The front of the school was a three story blocky C-shape. Across the road from the school was a big, dilapidated building surrounded by a tall chain link fence, but most didn’t care about it. Twilight turned into the school drive, crawled along with her little, lavender and purple VW-beetle with a star patterns on the doors. Behind the main building was many other smaller buildings in various shapes and several playing fields. Twilight’s car dipped and bumped as it rolled over the broken parking lot of the school. Spike was fiddling with an electric planner when Twilight shifted her eyes over .

"Well?" She asked her little brother.

"Everything is on schedule Twilight." The Green haired boy answered.

"Good, I hope you and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders have a good time today. I’ll pick you up around five when practice is done"

"I wish the girls would pick a new name,” Spike muttered he looked at his older sister. “I still don't see why you stuck us together?"

"Your life can't just be about your gadgets and schooling." Twilight said firmly.

"Hello Pot," Spike started her with an extended a hand. "I'm the Kettle."

"Funny wise guy, but with all seriousness I think they like you. And you should know that Rarity has a thing for a guy called Blue blood. Besides Rarity will always think of you as her little assistant, her little Spike-Wikey" Twilight noticed that he was thinking, She hugged him tightly.

"I'll think about it." He told her.

"That's all I'm asking." Twilight said as the two departed the car.

Twilight heard the roar of an engine from a Motorcycle, a cyan Kawasaki motorcycle that had a storm cloud losing a rainbow colored lightning bolt came rolling up to her. There was a younger girl holding onto the older rider, both tomboys through an through. It was Rainbow Dash and her biggest fan and surrogate younger sister, Scootaloo.
Scootaloo dropped off and pulled her helmet off. “Thanks for the ride Rainbow Dash.”
Rainbow Dash mussed up the younger girls’ hair. “No problem quart. I told your mom I’d bring you back home after practice so wait for me here.”

“I told her that you’d be late because of course practice.”

“Hay Scootaloo.” Spike greeted her.

A Light yellow vespa scooter with pulled into a spot next to Rainbow Dash. “Morning Rainbow.” She said with a cheer in her cheery voice. Three pink butterfly painted on the two animal carries that were built into the side. Her backpack as well as a bow were held on back by a small rack. Fluttershy released her backpack form the scooter and tucked her helmet away. She opened one of the cages and let a white rabbit slip into her bag. “There you go Angel bunny.” She cooed.

“ Nice to see you Fluttershy.” Twilight called.

“Nice to see you too Twilight.” The shy girl smiled at her friend and replied.

A perfectly polished white Nissan Versa, with three blue diamonds painted on the side slowly came into the school yard and parked next to Twilight’s car. The car had a small diamond trio shaped hood ornament The passenger side door opened up and a young girl slid out and an older voice called out. “Sweetie Bell!”

“Come on Rarity I’ve got to go.” The young girl whined back.

“Not yet, you’ll look much better with a Cinnamon Ribbon.” The older girl called.

“It red, red is red, it’s all just red!” The younger girl snapped.

“All right, but do remember to be here so I can take you home after practice. It maybe later we have a upcoming competition.” Rarity said to her sister. Sweetie Bell was looked slightly annoyed as she left her older sister but smiled as she saw her friends and gave them a warm wave.

The roar of an old engine could be heard as an old, orange, gold Ford truck rumbled into the school. It’s front had a heavy metal plow while the bed of the truck had an old enormous, crane-like tow cable. The cab doors swung open and two girls dropped down and out. “Sorry Apple Bloom,” The older girl started. “City folks don’t like young en's working with chains an tow lines.”

“Ah, Applejack, I can work a tow cable better than most.” The younger girl told her sister she was pouting and swing her arms.

“Ah, know Apple bloom but, Granny is going ta’h help me get Mr. Doodle’s Packet out of the hole in the back of parking lot.” Applejack told, the two sibling glanced over in the far back of the parking lot to a hole where the back end of an old packet was sticking out.

“OK, but who’s picking me up?”

“That’ be me, Granny’s go’en to be busy getting her arthritis shot and Big Mac going to be out on a repo call. So, after practice I’m going to be the one ta’h to do it.”

“OK, I’m going to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, have a good day Applejack.” Apple bloom hugged her sister.

“You too little sis.” She ruffled her hair.

Apple Bloom joined the others and the CMC’ Plus Spike walked away towards the science building. Twilight and her friends looked at each other nervously.

“I really hope they are not going to do anything too dangerous.” Rarity commented.

“Come on, I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Rainbow Dash assured her friend.

“Yeah, mean like making chlorine gas in the Cem Lab?” Applejack added.

“That was an accident, the girls didn’t know that melting Chlorine crystals would instantly make Chlorine gas.”

“That was a bad, but I seem to remember a freshmen that cause a mercury spill?” Twilight stifled a giggle and nudge Applejack. “I’m sure that Spike will be able stop anything dangerous.”

“Has anyone see Pinkie Pie?” Fluttershy asked aloud.

Just then a strange upbeat song filled the air as a big, block y, pink, truck came pulling into the school. It looked like it was once an old Mr. Ding-Dong truck, it now looked like a mobile gingerbread house on one side of the van was a sliding metal door with a set of balloons, above it was a sign that read “Sugar Cube Corners’ Welcome Wagon” The girls could see their energetic girl at the wheel.

“Now who here didn’t see this happen? I mean honestly.” Applejack said aloud.

The big trucked came to a stop and Pinkie stuck her head out the driver side. Her cotton candy hair covered with sprinkles. “Hay guy! What do you think about the Cakes mobile snack truck?”

“Why would you drive something like that Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“When did you get the license TA-drive that monster?” Apple Jack asked.

“Funny story, I got my license to drive one of these before my car license.” Pinkie shouted to them. Before any of them could react, Pinkie was standing next to them. “Yup, I told them I would advertise their business. When they get everything up and running sell treats out of it too.”

“Well good luck tah’ yeah.” Applejack said with a tip of her head.

“Twilight, I know Ms. Celestia told us we have Choriest practice today, but where pray tell is it?” Rarity suddenly asked Twilight.

“Why would we need to know where to have practice?”

“Didn’t you know? Octavia and Vinyl have the music room for the week before the music competition.” Rainbow answered.

“But we’re in the competition too?” Twilight complained.
Pinkie tapped her chin with her index finger. “But the competition is a wide variety of different music. Why do you think it’s called; The Music Medley Competition? The music room is the only place with the sound proofing and the power needs for the two of them.”

Twilight sighed. “Then, I guess I’ll go to Ms. Celestia and ask, then I’ll TEXT the rest of you.”

“Sounds like a plan sugar-cube.” Applejack titled her hat to Twilight.

Twilight made her way to the teacher’s lounge, ‘The only place they could he this early’ Twilight thought. Outside the door to the teacher’s lounge were two younger student. She knew them both for vastly different reason they were both popular girls in school. One was a girl with expensive clothing with a fake diamond tier that sat on top of beautifully quaff hair, striped white and periwinkle, her crystal blue eyes shifted around board. The other one had simple, short, blond hair and her cloths where well worn and looked like they had been mended many times. She had warm, bright, yellow eyes that matched her smile. The two were holding hands both girls has smiles on their faces.

“Hello, Dinky, Diamond, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked the girls.

“Waiting for Mommy and Daddy.” Dinky answered.

“Daddy and Mommy were called in for a meeting about the parking lot.” Diamond said. Twilight could see that Diamond wanted to let go of Dinky’s hand and take on a more cool pose but Dinky had a tight grip on it.

“Oh, I need to talk to Ms. Celestia has she come in?”

Both girls shook their heads.

“Well, Dinky I heard your mom got remarried, congratulation. The same goes for you too Diamond. I’m glad that the two of you are getting along. I’m glad you two have the chance to be sisters.”

Diamond relaxed and just let their hands remained interlaced.

“There you two are,” A new voice came from behind Twilight. “Why are you waiting out here for? Is mom and dad in there?” Twilight knew who it was Dinky’s older sister, Sparkler, she had neon purple hair that was cut short and sporty her purple eyes had a warmth just like Dinky’s. She was dressed practically in old clothing.

“I’m waiting for Ms. Celestia too Sparkler.” Twilight added.

Sparkler seemed to understand She smiled and kissed Diamond then Dinky on their forehead.. “OK, I’ve got to see Ms. Celestia so I’ll tell them you said HI. OK.”
Both girls nodded and left together. When they out of ear shot Twilight felt safe to comment on her observation. “Wow, Diamond sure has changed. Sure she wasn’t taken over by The Pod People?”

“It was mom’s doing,” Sparkler told her. “When we moved into Riche’s home Dinky moved into Diamond's room. Diamond attacked Dinky and then mom took her into living room. She asked me to keep the seventies out and then she locked the door.” Sparkler sighed.
Twilight was waiting for her to elaborate but she never did. Twilight mustered her courage to speak. “What did she do to her?

“Same thing she did to me, she talked.”


“She told Diamond what she told me long ago. I’m your mother, I will always love you no matter what.”

“That’s it?” Twilight tilted her head.

Sparkler smiled sadly at her. “That’s it, it meant a lot to her just as it did me. Mom and Dinky just know unconditional love. Dinky even said she’d call Diamond big sister...” Sparkler smiled and shook her head. “She not suddenly better person, but now she wants to change. For mom and Dinky...” She paused. “Even for me too.”

“Twilight? Sparkler? What are you doing here?” A new voice broke in. The two girls turned to see the woman they were looking for Ms. Celestia.

Twilight fidgeted a bit. “Um, we need to know where chores practice is going to be to day, the music room is in use.”

“Oh, I’m not sure,” Ms. Celestia said and seemed to thinks for a moment. “I thinks Principal Star Swirl could help. Maybe you could help with a little debate we are having and then we can find out where our practices.

“Here we go!” Ms. Celestia shouted into the room. “We have two student right here we could help consult.” The two were ushered into the crowded room, the teachers lined every available space.

“Ah, thank you ladies for coming,” Principal Star Swirl greeted them, he sat in the most pronounce place he could, in a beat up old lazy boy chair. The older man had a long white beard and hair, he had a midnight color suit, a tie that looked like a stair night and a tie clip that had a small bell on it. “Though I am guessing that was not originally why you are here. I ask that you just listen and give us your opinion on what you think.” Twilight looked around the room.

She was immediately drawn to a finely dressed man with dark brown hair slicked back in a fine business suit his arm was around a blond hair woman in a mail uniform and the most unique that one eye was lazily lying near the bottom while the other was looking straight forward. Ah, Mr. And Mrs. Rich just like Diamond and Dinky said. Next to the door was a strongly build elderly woman with white hair tied back in a bun. Granny Smith, why is she doing here?

“I see, well, we have almost all the teachers here, a member of the staff, representees for the P.T.A and now students. I have called you all here this morning because we may have a solution to the parking lot issue we are currently having.” Principle Star swirl played with his long white beard.

“Well old sport,” Mr. Rich started. “What’s the problem? Isn’t the city going to pay for it’s repair?”

“No, they said that they do not have the money in the budge to re-pave our school parking lot as well as Crystal Prep’s parking lot.” Principal Star Swirl said.

Twilight and Sparkler could hear the up roar from all of them.

“Crystal Prep is a Private School!” A crotchety man in a tweed suit, fake brown tupay snarled. His face took a stronger look of anger on his face. He was sitting on an old beat up coach the same color as his suit.

“Correction, Mr. Doodle, they changed to a Carter School.” A woman with cherry pink blossom hair and a smile on her face said. Dressed with a daisy print skirt, a white bow and brown vest. She was nestled in the corner with a kitchen cabinet on one side and a window on the other.

“Funny way of saying a Private school that can getting public money, Ms. Cheerilee. They’re a Private School.” Mr. Doodle snapped back.

“To your corners,” A big, brawny, bulky man with spiky blue hair and a nose ring. He waved a beefy hands to the two of them. He was dressed in a red and black tracksuit.

“Coach Iron Will understands your issue with Crystal Prep, but Coach Iron Will does not understand why we are here?” The big man said in his gravelly voice.

“Celestia has a bug up her 6th because Rookwood and some local business owners wanting to pave the parking lot.” A woman, who looked just like Ms. Cheerilee, but her hair was short and spiky and in athletic clothing. She was leaning up against a wall between two window with her arms crossed. “We shouldn’t be here at all, it’s just Celestia trying to be Ms. Puppet Master again. Like when she was trying to stop my sister for helping student after class.”

“Ms. Cherry Blossom, That was a mistake. This on the other hand, we shouldn’t be this casual about Bikers making dirty deal. Even if they are for our children’s sake.” Ms. Celestia said.

“Evil Bikers? Land sakes Celestia, Mr. Rookwood is just a weekend warrior and those other, are Mr. Fix-it and Mr. Heavy Traffic.” Granny Smith broke in with a huff. “Just as bad as when you dragged my grandson’s name throughout the mud...,” She gave a pause made a harrumph and started again. “Remember when you thought Big Mac was up ta’h something with Ms. Cheerilee. You thought they were sweating between the sheets and... What they were really doing was home work!”
“I’d hardly say they are dirty business men, that’s usually reserved for me,” Mr. Rich chuckled. “What’s the specific? I mean of said deal.”

Principal Star swirl nodded. “Mr. Rookwood would helped Mr. Fix-it perches a piece of equipment for Mr. Heavy Traffic. In turn Mr. Heavy Traffic would use it to repave our parking lot, free of charge.”

“So that’s it?” Mrs. Rich asked.

Principle Star Swirl nodded. “So what do you think? Ms. Sparkles? Ms. Doo? Or is it Rich now?” Principle Star swirl looked at them.

The student looked at each other, then Twilight spoke up. “This parking lot is a mess, I am afraid that my car could be damage. So, I guess if we get a parking lot fixed for free then I guess it’s OK.”

“Is anyone listening to this? How is this not sound sketch to any of you ” Ms. Celestia asked aloud.

“We are listening and we need the parking lot fixed,” Coach Iron Will broke in. “But that parking lot is almost impassable. Fortunately, Coach Iron Will drives an SUV hummer.”

“How can you drive something like that?” Ms. Cherry Blossom asked him.

“Think of it less of a vehicle and more of an insult that you drive.”

“My car is in a hole!” Mr. Doodle added.

“Mr. Doodle I think that’s a little extreme.” Ms. Celestia said with a wave of her hand.

Mr. Doodle pulled up the blinds to show the parking lot in old it’s damaged glory and an old Packet in a hole in the back corner. “Really?” Mr. Doodle grumped.

Mr. Rich had been quiet for a long time but then said with a smile. “That sounds like a good deal. I’ll get a hold of Mr. Heavy Traffic so I could pay for all the material he needs for the paving. I think having the owner of Rich’s Barnyard Bargains a local business leader should help with any problem that could come up.”

“Yes. Yes that would due nicely,” Principle Star swirl nodded. He looked over a Ms. Celestia. “I am sorry, but I was only humoring you in having this debate, but in truth I’ve had Vice Principal Luna, Mr. Rookwood, Ms. Harshwhinny and Mr. Hoyte-toydie looking for alternate parking for students and staff. That is why they were not here in this debate.”

Ms. Celestia opened her mouth to protest but Principle Starswirl lifted his hand. “I will not stop your Chores Practice tonight. I believe that the old conservatory will work for your needs. Now, I believe that is the end of this conversation. So I suggest that we all get back to our work.”
Twilight looked at Ms. Celestia. “So should I tell the others that we are meeting at the conservatory?”

Ms. Celestia nodded to her students. “Yes, Twilight text the others that we’ll meet in the conservatory but it will be a long practice to make up for the fact we may not have another for a few days.”

“That’s OK, Ms. Celestia, but I need to watch my sisters this evening so I’ll need to leave early.” Sparkler said to her teacher.

Ms. Celestia smiled. “That’s Fine Ms. Sparkler.”

Twilight texted her friends about the Conservatory.

The day came and the sun went down, Twilight and her friends had a great practice. It was dark in the parking lot the lights were just coming on as they made their way to their vehicles with the CMC’s where in tow.

“Hurry up, scoot your caboose, Apple Bloom!” Applejack shouted as she slipped into the cab of the truck.

“My shoe’s untied.” Apple Bloom replied.

“We are so going to rule in the compaction.” Rainbow Dash Cheered. She pulled a spare helmet from he saddlebags and tossed it to Scootaloo.

“That’s right Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo affirmed.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity Chimed up. “Wipe your feet before you get into my car.”

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle whined.

“Spike,” Twilight called over to Spike as he was messing with his phone. “Spike are you almost done?”

“Yeah, just one moment Twilight.” Spike called.

Twilight watched as Fluttershy was putting her pet rabbit into his carrier, then he put a toy car in the spare carrier.

“Where did you get that toy car Fluttershy?” Twilight asked her shy friend.

“Oh, well someone was just going throw it away so I thought I could donate it.” Fluttershy strapped on her helmet on before mounting her vespa.

“That’s so sweet of you Fluttershy.”

Everything became silent, it was like the sound was sucked out of the area. The air seemed to give off a low rumble as a faint glow started to come from the far edge of the sky. As the rumble grew louder so did the glow, a blue glow. Soon a bright, eire blue ball came into view. Twilight could see clearly that it was some type of comet. But there was no comet schedule for tonight? She thought. Instinctively the girls ducked into there cars, the light became so bright as a blinding blue light came into view. As the light came closure a burning blue spire spiraled over their heads. With a bright flash of blue light enveloped Twilight’s view before everything went dark.
Twilight regain consciousness, in a dark place, she felt squeezed and confined. “Twilight, Twilight.” Rainbow Dash’s voice came to her.

“Rainbow?” She asked weakly.

“You’ve got to push, then I think you can get you out!” Rainbow shouted to her. Twilight lifted her hands out words until she felt something touch her palms. It felt like she was touching metal on metal and she pushed it open. That’s when she saw the lavender sheen on her arm it was metallic. I’m a robot? She thought. She looked up at her friend, Rainbow was also robotic. The feminine robotic design was a cyan blue, with metallic rainbow hair, a gray metallic mask covered her mouth and nose but along one side was what looked like a car's’ gas cap cover. Her upper body had aspects of a Kawasaki motorcycle.

“Rainbow, Your a robot?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Then your one too and it looks like your car gave birth to you or something.” Rainbow retorted.

Twilight looked at herself, she too was robotic but her upper torso was part of her beetle but unlike Rainbow she had a metallic horn sticking out of her forehead. She touched it and examined her own hands. “Are the other like this?”

“Sure are Sugar cube.” A familiar twang reached her ears.

“Apple Jack?” Twilight asked startled. Her robotic body also had aspect of her truck, he upper torso was like the hood of the truck, the tow hitch was attached to her back as her ponytail became part of the tow cable itself. The steel plow was bisected each arm had a part of the plow covering it. She too had a gray metallic mask covered her mouth and nose but along one side was what looked like a car's’ gas cap cover.

“Sure is sugar-cube,” Applejack answered. “Looks like you’re just like me too.”

“So am I, so am I!” Shouted Pinkie Pie she came bouncing into beside them. Her robotic body made Pinkie look like a samurai. The sliding doors of the truck covered one of her shoulder while the other was covered with the automatic stop sign. The front of the truck was reduced in size and acting like a helmet on top of her poofy hair, her gray metal mask didn’t seem to cover her mouth properly. They watched a Pinkie Pie cartwheel around them frantically and with reckless abandon

“Yes, darling I think I’m fine but I’m in the same boat.” Rarity said. They all looked at the mare and she too was similar to Twilight in design but her color the horn had a point that was made from two ribbons of metal curved into an angled shape, looked more like it was from an art student then auto maker.

“Angel!” They heard Fluttershy cry. They all looked at over at there friend just like them, Fluttershy looked similar to them, but more like Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy’s upper body was composed of her scooter a fixed to her back was an animal carrier. She had a metallic mask and the she was colored just like her scooter. The thing that seemed, out of place was a little rabbit that was fused into what looked like a toy race car. The Rabbit racer zoomed around Fluttershy’s legs playfully, almost happily.

“Are you OK Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

Looking up form the her transformed pet the shy girl was visabley scared. “Twilight, that happened?”

“Don’t worry we’ll figure it out...” Twilight told the girl but she was unsure of everything.

“You think Angel will be OK?” Fluttershy asked.

“Twilight! Are you OK?” Twilight looked down to see her adopted brother Spike, he was looking up at her. Twilight could see that he was scared and he needed to be soothed.

She wanted to make him feel better but the words would not come.

“Applejack that really you?” Apple Bloom shouted.

“It’s me Apple Bloom. I feel fine but it is just so weird.” Applejack boomed to her little sister.

Ms. Celestia walked out from under the school’s opining, she stood in front of them. “Girls? Are you OK? What happened.?” She looked at her former students with horror and amazement.

“We don’t know Ms. Celestia, this is all so strange.” Twilight answered her.

“Yeah, there was this flash of light as and...” Pinkie Pie started the group noticed that she was bouncing around but not like her normal way, she had gigantic springs on her feet like a strange cartoon characters.

“ Pinkie? How did you get those springs on your feet?” Twilight asked astonished.

“Oh, I was just messing with this leaver by my hip and when I pushed it down and...” The other girls watched as she bounced into the air. “Ta-dah!”

“I want to check this out!” Rainbow Dash shouted and reached to her shifter. She pushed it down and a set of metallic wings the shape of a falcons expanded from her back.

“Look at this I bet I can fly with these.”

“Now look at this!” Apple Jack shouted the girls looked over at her. She too had pushed her shifter in the down position and her toe ridge had extended and he ponytail chain had unspoiled. Applejack head chain-hair in her hand. “I bet I can move anything with this.” Applejack boosted.
Before anyone else could examine their new powers, the sound of crashing wood, scrapping metal, and baking bricks.

“Wahrahaha!” An earthly roar sounded.

Fluttershy went rigid and shouted. “What was that!”

“Don’t know sugar cub.” Apple Jack tried to calm her down.

“I Don’t know” Twilight said with equal part worry and analytical wonder.

They heard the sound of breaking buildings again and screeching metal. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called up to the flying girl.

“Yeah Twilight!” Rainbow called as she raised into the air.

“Can you see anything?” Twilight called.

“Something’s happening in the city building next door. Can’t see what over the buildings but something...” She seemed to pause and before anyone could ask her what’s wrong she shot out of the way and followed it up with. “Incoming!”

The girls scattered as a form came crashing down. With a small plum of dust the form stood up. “Ain't that?” Applejack said pointing a finger forward towards the finger.

“It couldn’t be right?” Rainbow Dash added.

Twilight could tell right away what the girls were talking about. The form had metallic qualities, it was a robot like creature, they were. This one was slightly taller, with metallic wings like a bat but embedded in them were a set of adjustable props. Twilight could see that the figure was male and that like Rainbow Dash one of its shoulder were like a motorcycle but not just any a Harley Davidson Motorcycle. It was the same one that their teacher Mr. Rookwood owned. The dust cleared and Mr. Rookwood was standing there, the intent midnight flame design on the metallic surface. He was just like them but there were differences, the frames of his glass were fused to the metal mouth cover and while one shoulder had his bike light and fender the other had a set of complicated exhaust pipes . A length of barbed chain extended out of his right wrist and was wrapped around his left hand a spiked cross hung from the open end. Clutched in his right hand was a golden bell with black cross etched on it.

“Rookwood!” A female voice road from somewhere else.

“Luna! I’m OK just knocked back into school yard,” Mr. Rookwood shouted. He turned to them. His eyes went wide with surprise. “What?!”

“Rookwood is something wrong?” Another form crashed next to him, with metallic bird like wings flailed. It was a female and they knew this one too.

“Vice Principal Luna?” Twilight Shouted.

Luna’s form was like theirs and was made from a midnight blue with her front chest made from a ford Mustang. Unlike them Luna had extra armor on her arms, legs, shoulders, hips and an armored crown with an angled horn sticking out, her long hair seemed to move on it’s own.

“Twilight!” Luna shouted she looked surprised but it shifted to anger as she looked down at the tiny Celestia. “What did you Do!”

“Luna forget it we need you to keep your mind one what’s happening!” Mr. Rookwood shouted. He started to swing the length of chain preparing it for combat.

“Find! Girls?” Vice Principal Luna shouted. “Take your cars and the others to the matinees garage and shut the door! You will be OK if the vehicles are OK.” A set of curved bladed swords extended out of her writs and as the handles came to rest in he palms she tested them with by swirling them in the air.

“What’s wrong!” Rainbow shouted.

“We’re under attack!” Mr. Rookwood shouted.

“What!” Everyone shouted.

Author's Note:

It's been a long time but I got the chapter up. I hope that no one will mind that I did this.

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