• Published 9th Nov 2014
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Deadpool in Equestria - MrAquino

What happens when Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, lands in the magical land of Equestria? Same thing that happens in every cross story, but with more Deadpool!!!

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Satan appears. Only Draconequus: Discord.

"Deadpool!" A more kindly voice yelled for him. Deadpool turned around and saw Fluttershy running towards him. Fluttershy stopped near his feet. "I was looking for you!

"What's wrong?" Deadpool asked

"Nothing's wrong. I was looking for you to introduce one of my other friends."

"Let me take a guess here: Angel?" Fluttershy nodded her head in a 'no' way "Harry?" another nod "The Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"You're actually close."

"... hold up... I think I got it... BABS!!!"

"OH FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!" A voice boomed. The clouds darkened the sky, lightning stuck near Deadpool's feet, and a figure rose from his shadow. It looked like Deadpool's shadow stood up in front of him, but an antler, a horn, a muzzle with a large tooth sticking out, with a tail, and growing to be about 8 feet high!!!

"Oh! Discord!!!"

How is he a Cutie Mark Crusader?

I think the comics are canon in this world as well.

oh... think other famous O.C.s like Fluffle Puff can be here?

And make our quest longer? I hope not.


"Discord," fluttershy squeaked "was the introduction necessary?"

"A lot of things with me are necessary!" Discord replied while slithering around Deadpool, nearly constricting him like a snake "First impressions count as they say."

"Indeed." Deadpool replied, teleporting out of the constrictor and sitting on the bench in a relaxed position "Name's Deadpool, 'Merc with a Mouth' back where I come from, 'the guys that made the infamous Cupcakes' on the internet, and 'El Pollo Loco' in Mexico." Discord teleported next to him, also in a relaxed sitting position.

"Well then, I take it my introductions aren't needed at all, am I right?"

"Why yes, my fair good sir."

"Oh my! You are a gentleman to a gentle man!"

"Did you really have to bring Discord along?" Twilight asked

"Well," Fluttershy replied "He was curious about last night. He said that he was in one of the trees, watching Deadpool and Vinyl battling each other."

"wait, how come nopony saw him?"

"No, he was IN the tree."

"Oh!!! That makes sense." They heard Discord snap and a loud CRUNCH. Turning their heads, they saw a massive piles of tacos!!! Deadpool popped out of the pile, followed by Discord, but both were busy stuffing their faces with the tacos around them.

"OH MAN!!!" Deadpool said with a mouthful in his mouth and tears coming out of his eyes "THIS IS THE MOST MAGICAL MOMENT IN MY LIFE!!!"

"I know what'll be better!" Discord yelled



"*Gasp*!!! WITH US HAVING WEAPONS!?!?!?"



"AND WE'RE NOW WOMEN!!!" The two yelled together.

"I'm scared now." Spike commented. Discord snapper his finger: the Human and Draconequus, in a puff of smoke, were now women, as Discord, being a female Draconequus, had much lighter colors, a more delicate shaped muzzle, & long, white hair while Deadpool had a long ponytail coming out of the back of his/her mask, wasn't as muscular, but had, to make up for it, size F-G... boobs. Fluttershy, Twilight, and Spike stared at the two gender swapped people.

Oh...my... God... LOOK AT OUR KNOCKERS!!!

I hate to admit it, but this a dream FINALLY FULFILLED!!!

"Just look at how fab we are!" Deadpool said in a much sexier voice, female voice.

"I agree." the female Discord replied. "I think we've just out-fabulized Rarity!!!"

"I hate to see her face with us!!!" The sky began to darken, and, while looking up, they saw UFO's in the sky with what appears to be the Taco Bell Logo on each ship.

"Alright ladies," another human male enter, with a sort of leather looking face, medium sized curly hair, and in a suit. "Here's the deal: these are Alien Taco creatures I was going to use in the Ninja Turtles film earlier, but I then placed it in here: Dora the Explorer!!!"


"Hey, the other chick brought me here to make this film. Put these on." Michael Bay there them skin tight jumpsuits with what appears to be military looking, sponsoring Pepsi, and complete with Boobie shaped machine guns with the American Flag painted on it.

"You know I joked about bringing him in, right?"

"I actually didn't." Fem-Cord replied

"And," the evil director said "to make this all better, I've place land mines everywhere, the taco monsters are filled with TNT while operated by some Japanese babies in Tokyo that they made about a week ago, and we'll edit this to be my favorite afternoon shot."

"You're a monster!" Fem-Pool yelled

"Oh, and here's what you'll battle with when not using my specially made machine guns." He handed them what looked like spears, but repainted to look like, what else, the American flag, but with a brand by Busweiser on it. "Now... ACTION!!!"

The two fem fatals charged at the alien taco monsters coming down from the sponsored by Taco Bell UFO's in slow motion. Due to how terribly stupid this is, we will skip this whole segment, as it contains nothing but mindless action, racist and stupid dialogue, ECT. But, all the ponies in Equestira could see was this: A super masculine male and a super hot but dumb woman wearing military looking outfits on top of a new car, waving around their own American Flag around with, upon closer inspection, has every single mega corporation brand in it, followed by some airplanes flying right behind them, leaving behind explosions that form the pattern of Uncle Sam impaling every single country's leader with an American flag as he rides on a soaring Eagle that, in it's talons, has both an elephant and a Donkey, all happening while in an almost never ending sunset. At least... that's the best interpretation anypony could say.

Deadpool and Discord, both tired out and beaten while on top of a mountain of Taco monster corpses that are slowly dissolving to Mountain Dew, take their breaths. Satan (Michael Bay if you don't know) came up to them and slowly applauded.

"That was the best thing I've seen." He said "And for that, here's your check." He handed out a check for the two. Fem-Pool and Fem-Cord got up and took their check, looking at it.

"WHAT!?!?!?" The two yelled "20 DOLLARS!?!?!?"

"Oh come on, that's at least, I don't know, a couple hundred here. Perhaps I could make a movie off this Franchise... yeah... My Little Pony: Friendship is Manly."

"THAT'S ALREADY A VIDEO!!!" Fem-Pool yelled

"Shall I get rid of him?" Fem-Cord asked

"Yeah... but first." Fem-Pool pulled out a stylized purse with the Canadian flag on it.

"OOH! Let me join!!!" Fem-Cord pulled out her purse with what looked like it was made from Cotton Candy. The two knocked Michael Bay down to the ground and began to hit him with it, surprised to see how he cowered so easily, begging not to be hurt while the song "Whoop that Trick" played. After nearly a full two minutes, Michael was now unconscious from the purse beating.

"Shall I?" Fem-Cord asked

"Do it." Fem-Pool replied. Fem cord snapped her fingers, sending the evil dictator back to his homeland, but in a new area... A Palestinian Territory!!!

"Oh no!"

"'Oh no'? Oh no what?"

"My spell won't last long. We'll soon be men again!"

"Oh... it was... fun... at least."

"The taco army?"

"NO! Beating up the single most Evil man in all worlds!!! Look, how about... we do something that'll be much better?"

"Like what?"

"Oh, just wait and see!"

A few minutes later:

Fem-Cord made a stage for everypony to see. Fem-Cord and Fem-Pool hid behind the curtain. Fem-Pool had a red dress on with a long, yellow wig on her head while Fem-Cord had a green dress on with a, though shorter than Fem-pool's, long brown wig on her head.

"You know," Fem-Cord began "after this song, we're going straight back, right?"

"Yeah," Fem-Pool replied, pulling out her phone. "say... want to take a selfie while we're so fabulous!"

"Oh yes!"

"Yeah... this may be my last selfie... forever."


"Only have... 2% left."

"Well let me do this!" Fem-Cord snapped her eagle claw. The phone glowed a bit and, in a puff of smoke, a weird device was on it's back. "Ta-Da!!! Now it's both Solar AND Lunar powered!!!"

"This... is AMAZING!!!"

"No need to thank me. Let's take that Selfie!!!"

"Alright!!!" Both got into their picture, making a... duckface (Though Fem-Cord made their lips actually duckbills for this, before going back instantaneously.). the curtains opened, and everyone saw the two fabulous women inside.

"Is that Discord and Deadpool?" Rarity asked

"Sadly," Twilight replied "they are."

"They're... so... FABULOUS!!!" Music began to play.

"♫ You can dance!♫" the two sang "you can jive!!! Having the time of your life!!! Ohhh, See that girl! Watch that scene! Diggin' the Dancing Queen!♫"

Author's Note:

If any of you don't know, I am born in America and, I won't lie, I am a bit prideful of where I live, but I REALLY DO find Michael Bay to be frustrating at times. Need proof? Nostalgia Critic, fill 'em in.

And the song is Dancing Queen. Inspired from this:

But, enough of that. Who should Deadpool meet next?

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