• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 17,050 Views, 1,922 Comments

Deadpool in Equestria - MrAquino

What happens when Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, lands in the magical land of Equestria? Same thing that happens in every cross story, but with more Deadpool!!!

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The Shipping is Real. 176 and 177: Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger

"Come on Sky, you can do it!" A light green-white pegasus mare with an even lighter blue, green, and yellow mane cheered. Above her dark blue pegasus stallion with a green mane that had a near white stripe in it. Of course, both were in Wonderbolts outfits, and both were training in the next show. It was a long day for the two, and the stallion landed, mimicking Spitfire's landing. Some clapping came next to the mare. She turned and jumped as Deadpool was sitting next to her.

"Whoo! Superhero Landing!" He cheered. "And yes, that clip has my audio. You're welcome, folks at home."

"...Uh... hi." The mare spoke. Quickly, Deadpool picked her up.

"Oh, iz zis ze young Vapor Trail?"

"...Uhhh-" Deadpool pulled out a vape pen and vaped... though he when he exhaled, he coughed in a near choking way.

"Ah S**t!!! What the f**k are in these things!? Ass!? P***!? The tears of all those Somalian children becoming pirates!?" He threw the device over the edge. "Yeah, so long you piece of s**t! Seems like becoming a f**kboi isn't going to become a part of my various addictions".

Booty ~ Definitely!

Cocaine ~ In Between chapters

Mario Bros. ~ Plays like the last game. 8/10

Call of Booty. ~ Plays like the last game. 2/10.



"Oh yeah! I'm not into that, people. It's pretty overrated."

"Is that... Deadpool!?" The Stallion asked.

"Sky Stinger! Holy s**t! Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail! Both together in front of me!"

"...what?" He grabbed both by the back of their heads.

"Now Kiss!" Both Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail were taken off guard as what he was doing and held their heads back. "Come on! You both want to!"

"No... we... don't." Vapor spoke "We're... just... friends."

"... I wouldn't mind." Sky blurted.

"What!?" Her guard was down and she fell onto Sky Stinger. Deadpool pulled out his phone and recorded it.

"Come on! All the Bronies are gonna love it!" He spoke, hoping for the kiss.

"You want to kiss me!?"

"Ever since we were little." Sky answered. Deadpool leaned in.

"That's it... closer now... perk the lips, and go the blow!"

"... I need some time." Vapor flapped her wings and flew away.

"No! Wait! Come back!" Sky Stinger spoke, but sighed.


A fate Worse than death... to you guys, at least.

Deadpool leaned in to Sky's side.

"So... you want to impress a fine lady as her?" He asked

"Leave me alone." Sky spoke, standing up and walking away. "I blew it. She probably doesn't want me anymore."

"Nonsense! You just took a bad step! Lucky for you, I know the many secrets to wooing a lady and making them drop their pants faster than Joe Rohde's ear during the news of how they're going to change the Tower of Terror., and some little tricks for when you get to Cloud 9."

"...Cloud 9?"

"Yep! You'll both be-"

"But that cloud is off limits." Deadpool blinked.

"... Different meaning. But the best way to woo a lady is with a love song. Have any songs you'd like to use?"

"Uh... well... I have this song in mind." Deadpool leaned in.


"...We used to do this as foals."

"That's a good start."

"She always loved doing it."

"Ooh, so good!"

"And, it involves my sweatshirts and-" Deadpool slapped Sky Stinger across the face.

"NO!!! NONONONONO!!! NO SWEATSHIRTS!!!" A Hissing came. "Oh s**t! You brought the demon in!" Popping out of a bottle of bleach was the demon that looked like a more demonic version of Stingy from Lazytown, Jacob Sartorius. Deadpool pulled a broble out and wielded it in one hand while holding the Twitter Logo in the other. "BACK!!! BACK TO THE DEAD VINE FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!!!"

"When you sing at night... When you wake up in the morning!" Jacob sang in a voice that made the scratching on a chalkboard sound like Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. Sky Stinger fell to the floor and covered his ears.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" He begged

"I'm trying to!" Deadpool yelled as the demon continued to sing it's horrendous song. "Gotta... find... the... A-HA!!!" The living sweatshirt Jacob had crawled it's way back to it's master, in a way that made both The Grudge and The Ring's girls shrieked in fear. Deadpool pulled a flamethrower out. "GO BACK TO HELL, YOU BEAST!!!" He fired away, burning the sweatshirt into ashes. It screamed in pain, shaking the world, and it's master stopped, grunting in pain. Deadpool threw the twitter logo at him, followed by pulling out a machine gun. "EAT HILARY CLINTON'S DELETED E-MAILS!!!" He fired away, all of the emails fired like that of a machine gun (which also held her votes to becoming president). It weakened the beast, but it wasn't finished, as was Deadpool. "Now, for my finishing move..." He rushed to Jacob, finishing it by grabbing her in the p***y. "DONALD TRUMP JOKE!!!" The Darla-Lewis look-a-like screamed before exploding into more bleach. It's soul... or whatever you want to call it, flew away... until Deadpool pulled another Vape pen out and caught it. "There, now, to label it correctly." He attached a label that just read 'Bleach'. "And to sell it online!"

Sky Stinger shook, unsure what just happened.

"... W-what just happened?"

"Cancer. And I know a way to make your love life work... without this thing."

"O-okay... please... n-nothing like that."

"Relax. James Gunn will be proud."

Sky Stinger stood near Vapor Trail's house. Deadpool and his Taco Squad hid in a nearby bush.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" Sky asked

"Trust me," Deadpool spoke. "You can thank the MCU for making this song relevant... especially for the a**holes that made this popular! Just knock and we'll be ready." Sky turned to Vapor's house and sweated a bit. He walked to the door and, though cautiously, knocked. Vapor answered the door.

"Sky?" She asked "What are you doing here?"

"Let's do it!"

Various 'Ooga Chacka's were heard. Sky Stinger pulled the piece of paper out and began to sing.

♫I can't stop this feeling

Deep inside of me...

Girl, you just don't realize...

What you do to me

When you hold me,

In your arms so tight,

You let me know...

Everything's alright

I'm hooked on a feeling! ♫

Vapor was surprised. She almost danced to the music

♫I'm high on believing,

That you're in love with me!

Lips as sweet as candy...

It's taste is on my mind...

Girl, you got me thirsty,

For another cup of wine

Got a bug for you girl

But I don't need no cure

I just stay a victim,

If I can for sure

All the good love

When we're all alone

Keep it up girl

Yeah, you turn me on

I'm hooked on a feeling!

I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me!♫

The Ooga Chackas returned as they leaned their heads to each other.

♫All the good love

when we're all alone

Keep it up girl

Yeah you turn me on

I'm hooked on a feeling!

I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me!

I'm hooked on a feeling!

And I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me!

I said I'm hooked on a feeling!

And I'm high on believing

That you're in love with me!

I'm hooked on a feeling!♫

"...Sky?" Vapor spoke, leaning her head in.

"Yeah?" Sky asked, also leaning in.

"I've always wanted to tell you something."


"...You have something in your teeth."

"Oh... right... uh-"

"And I love you."

"Oh! Uh... yeah... and I love you too. Look, I'm sorry for earlier... I didn't know how to-"

"It's okay... how about you and I meet each other on Cloud 9?"

"...Isn't that place off limits?"

"Since when have you been a by-the-rules stallion?"

"... Fair enough." They both flew into the sky. Deadpool looked above with a pair of binoculars, watching as they both entered a cloud, in which it started to bounce.

"They're gonna have beautiful babies." He said. "And Now, I shall head to my next chapter! But since we're on the subject of love, give these Russian animators some love in the Author's Notes below! I dance with Nick Valentine, Gordon Freeman (Or Heisenberg), Sans & Papyrus, that Cowboy guy, that silver guy, and brown trench coat guy, along with ponies!"

Author's Note:
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