• Published 7th Nov 2014
  • 1,685 Views, 112 Comments

The Final Sunset - Wonder

What would Equestria be like if Twilight never existed.

  • ...

Dance of the butterflies.

As the night went on, the party grew larger. Ponies were either talking to each other excitedly or dancing to the beat of Vinyl’s music. The centre of the library had been quickly converted into a dance floor and was now full of energetic ponies.

“Come on Fluttershy!” Pinkie begged. “It’s fun. All you have to do is walked in wiggle your booty like so,” Pinkie shook her rear in the and and did a twirl. “and walk out. No one is gonna notice. Just have some fun.”

Fluttershy inched under the table till only her eyes and ears were showing. “Um, I don’t know about this. I don’t really dance, plus what if someone notices me and makes fun of me.”

This time it was Applejack who spoke. “No one is goin’ to make ya. We’re all grown ups. If it makes ya feel any better Fluttershy, I’ll dance with ya.” The workhorse smiled at Fluttershy.

The timid pony looked around at her friends. “There’s no way out if this is there?” She sighed. “Fine I’ll dance.” She nervously got out of her seat and followed Applejack to the dance floor. She stopped at the edge of the lighted floor, looking at Applejack for support.

The orange mare saw her expression and smiled. “It’s alright, sugarcube. There is nothing to worry about. I’ll be with you the whole way.” She grabbed Fluttershy’s forehoof in hers and pulled her gently into the crowd. “Just keep your eyes on me, ok?” The pegasus whimpered in response.

Fluttershy focused her attention on her friend’s eyes. “Ok, Fluttershy, now just copy what I do.” Applejack started moving side to side with the beat, bobbing her head slightly. Fluttershy did the same, mimicking her friend’s movements. “Okay, now all you have to do is change the way you move a bit from time to time, so it doesn’t get boring.” Applejack added a few dance moves into the mix. Fluttershy tried to copy her but found it too difficult. Fluttershy let out a nervous squeak “Don’t worry gal. Just make up your own moves. Just close your eyes and move to the music. I’ll be right here.”

Fluttershy stared at her friend for several seconds before obeying her and closing her eyes. The ponies around her disappeared and only the music remained. She smiled to herself, feeling like she was just listening to music back at her house. She started moving her flank to the music, imagining her animals cheering her on.

The orange mare watched as her friend danced. At first she has simply swayed on the spot with her eyes closed but now she was in full swing. Fluttershy was now jumping on the spot, pumping her hoof in the air, a wide grin on her face. Soon a circle formed around the pegasus. Most ponies, if not all, had never seen Fluttershy dance before and damn was she good! Applejack watched her friend dance, smiling to herself, before noticing the crowd surrounding her. Oh no, this isn’t good.

Fluttershy kept on dancing, oblivious to the horde of ponies surrounding her. Her moves soon became more elaborate, even to the point that everyone in the entire library was watching her, cheering her on. The beat of the music picked up and so did the speed of Fluttershy’s dancing. The crowd cheered her on, shouting out words of encouragement. The pegasus kept on dancing, lost in the moment. In her head she saw her animals cheering for her, their exaltation encouraging her to continue. There squeak and jitter forming... words? She listened carefully. “-ttershy. go go, Fluttershy. Go go, Fluttershy. Go go, Fluttershy.” The words chorused over and over.

The yellow pegasus inched open her left eyes, and then opened them both in shock. Her scream filled the whole room. She was surrounded by a mob of ponies, all of them judging her, telling her to go away. She bolted out of the crowd tears in her eyes. “Fluttershy, wait!” Applejack called after her. The scared pony headed for the first door she could see, opened it and ran into the space behind it, the door slamming shut behind her. The music stopped. Everyone watched the door. Silence ensued.

No one spoke for several minutes. From the center of the crowd, Derpy finally broke the silence. “She does realise that’s a broom closet, right?” Everyone stared at her. “What? I’m just asking.”

Another mare spoke up. “Why did she run off like that?” More ponies joined the conversation.

“She was pretty good.”

“Where do you thing she learned to dance like that?”

“Do you think she will be willing to teach me?”

Applejack addressed the party. “You all continue with the party, I’m going to talk to her.” She turned to Vinyl, who was fiddling with her soundboard. “Put the music back on and get the party goin' again.” The DJ nodded, grinning to herself. If anyone could bring a party back to life it was her... or Pinkie. She alabaster mare flipped a few switches and the ground started to shake with bass. The speakers blaring back to life. The party was soon back with a vengeance.

Fluttershy was hunched over in a fetal positions, hugging her tail while also stroking it, quivering with fear. It's going to be ok, Fluttershy. They will forget this. You mean like at flight school? Fat chance! There never going to forget this. You're going to be the laughing stock of the town. Maybe it won't be that bad. Of course it will. Everyone is going to laugh at you forever.

A knock on the closet door halted her train of thought, or to be more accurate, cause the whole trail to derail and fall off a cliff. Fluttershy went stiff. All her muscles froze as she held her breath. “Fluttershy? Are you alright in there? Do you mind if I join you?” Fluttershy didn't respond, she only hugged her tail tighter. “I'm comin' in.” The door creaked open as Applejack poked her head around the corner. “How are you holdin' up?” Fluttershy buried her face in her tail. A squeak emanated from it. “It wasn't that bad, sugarcube, you were actually pretty good.”

Fluttershy kept her face hidden. “Then why were they telling me to leave?” She let out a sniffle. Applejack tilted her head, obviously confused.

“What are you talking about? They were cheering you on.”

“The-they were?” Fluttershy's ears perked up a bit, no longer remaining flat against her head.

Applejack grabbed Fluttershy's hoof. “Come back to the party. I promise I won't make you do anything you don't want to.”

The timid pegasus blinked a few times to clear away her tears. “You promise?”

“I would never lie to you. You're one of my best friends.” Applejack beamed. “Now c'mon, let's get out of her. A pony like you don't belong in some broom closet.” Applejack nudged open the door and trotted out. Fluttershy followed, but at a much slower pace.

The two ponies joined their friends back at the table where silence reigned for the next 5 minutes. Naturally Pinkie was the one to destroy the idea of silence. "Sooooooo. I'm gonna go get some punch, you girls want any?" She didn't wait for an answer.

"So how long till we have to head over to the town hall?" It was Rarity who spoke. "I wanted to be there a bit early for some last minute decoration. Applejack just stared at her.

"Why didn't ya just do it all why you were there?" Applejack sometimes found Rarity to be almost as confusing than Pinkie... almost.

"I work best under pressure, dear. It helps me to think faster." Rarity began tending to her mane idly.

Applejack muttered under her breath. "Obviously not as clearly though."

Author's Note:

This chapter was meant to be where Nightmare moon showed up, but I was getting kind of tired of using Sunset as a main character so I decided to show what the party was like when Twilight would have been in bed.
Even I don't get whats going on in my head .:applejackunsure: