• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,530 Views, 34 Comments

A Dream of Cupcakes - goldenmoonpony

Twilight and Pinkie have gone around in circles trying to admit their feelings to each other.

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Twilight groaned. Another sleepless night, caused by the same reason.

Why couldn't she stay out of her head? Over and over, the exact obnoxious, infectious giggle, the constant repeat of words being chanted...

Cross my heart and hope to fly... Stick a cupcake in my eye... Cross my heart... hope to fly...

Again and again, never ceasing. Compared to other nights, it seemed amplified compared to other nights, perhaps by the taunting of the next day's activities. Finally, abandoning all hope of rest, Twilight heaved herself up, and lumbered across the room. Using her magick, she levitated a quill, parchment, and ink flask to her writing table. Forming the first words in elegant script, she began to write a heartfelt letter to the pink party pony who had stolen her heart.

My Dearest Pinkie,
I've wanted to tell you my feelings for a long time. I only realized my feelings for you a little while ago, after the wedding of my brother. After I left, my heart began to ache. Ache for what, I did not know. Until I saw how happy Rarity was with Big Mac, Applejack and Caramel... I was jealous of them. After observing them for a little while, I saw how perfectly they matched up. Both alike in their owns ways. Problem was, I had nopony like that for me here. Or anywhere, really. Slowly I started to slip into depression, never letting myself think that there could be somepony for me. Until I started to investigate the instance that my match maybe wasn't my perfect half... but my polar opposite. As I came to my senses, I knew that it
was you. Still tentative, I've not pursued my feelings until they've swelled so much that I can't contain them any longer.

Pinkie Pie, I love you.


Twilight Sparkle

Crossing the room back to her bed, the letter was dropped on her nightstand. Somehow, it seemed that just the act of writing that letter had put her mind, and heart, at ease. Slipping under the covers, she snuggled her head into her star-printed pillow, and let out a large yawn. Within seconds she was asleep and dreaming of tomorrow.

Spike snored on.



A satisfied sigh escaped Twilight's lips. She had gotten her first good night's sleep in weeks, maybe months. She lifted the soft covers off of herself, and bounced out of bed. Trotting over to the dresser, she opened a drawer, and hoofed out a brush. She was still slightly groggy, ad knew that her magick didn't work well when she was in this state. Brushing her hair with slow, deliberate strokes, wanting to look as presentable as possible. A few minutes passed, and she decided that this was the best her hair was going to look. Besides, at this rate, she was going to rip all of it out! She was still not fully awake, she went into the bathroom and ran her face under the faucet.

"Mhmm~ That's better. Now, if Spike would just fix breakfast, everything would be positively perfect." So, she slipped on her saddlebags, and quickly went downstairs.

Downstairs, a delicious smell wafted through the air. In the kitchen, she found Spike fixing hay waffles with a raspberry drizzle. Powdered sugar was lightly dusted on top. Twilight's mouth watered at the sight.

"Oh, Spike! Those look delicious!" She lifted a fork to her mouth. "Ooh, and they taste even better then they look. You really outdid yourself this time."

Polishing off her plate, she was tempted to ask for seconds. However, a quick glance at the clock soon abolished that hope. If she didn't get moving at that second, she was going to be late for her very special date!

"I'm sorry to leave so soon Spike, but I've got to meet Pinkie at Sugarcube Corner." She started to run out the door. "Bye Spike! Take care of the Library for me!" Spike started to say something, but all that was left was a cloud of dust.

"Oh Twilight..." He started to clean up her mess, then stopped, and listened. "Phew, she's finally gone. And you know what that means..." He walked over to the freezer. "Oh, my delicious love, my life was a rocky road before you."A spoon was soon found, and loaded up with some of the creamy dairy. "Mhmmm."


Right as Pinkie got up, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Another peaceful night, another glorious dream. Of a certain reclusive unicorn... Getting up to brush her teeth, she laid out her day's plans in her mind.

Ok, so first I'm gonna have a cupcake for energy... And then make some more to replace my breakfast supply, boy am I running low, and then have a Red Bull for energy, paired with another cupcake... Oh, right, I'm getting low on those too... and this afternoon, I have only one plan.

Pinkie gasped out loud. "I'M GOING TO BAKE CUPCAKES WITH TWILIGHT! Heehee." She bounced around gleefully, forgetting to rinse off the toothpaste bubbles from around her mouth. "I'm gonna bake cupcakes with-" Another loud gasp interrupted her happy-go-lucky chanting. "Omigosh, I haven't figured out what cupcakes to bake! Oh no oh no oh no." Hurriedly she rinsed off her face and zoomed downstairs.

Quickly choosing a cookbook from her collection, more specifically, The Romantic's Cookbook, she flipped to the section on pastries. Turning pages rapidly, Pinkie decided that all the cupcakes were wrong, wrong, WRONG. She needed something that described the relationship she wanted with Twilight. Yes, she was usually outgoing, but a few bad relationship mishaps had left Pinkie very shy when it came to love.

She stomped her hoof down on a page. These ones! They were red and white with little motifs on them, like kissy lips or XOXO. Perfect! In fact they were almost... naughty. But she didn't want that with Twilight! Nuh-uh. Pinkie shook her head in agreement to her thoughts. This, however, led to the thoughts of what relationship she wanted with the librarian... Definitely one with lots of snuggling and kissing. Not too much though. She also wanted a majority to be having fun, whether that was baking or watching the stars or babysitting.

A little nagged at the corner of her mind though. What... What if I'm not ready for this? I'm still a kid inside... No. Pinkie stood in defiance on her stool. She was mature enough for a relationship, and she wanted one! Her mind was soon brought back to the task at hand. Quickly glancing at the list of ingredients, she went into the pantry to fetch the items. But not without a little daydreaming in between...