• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 2,530 Views, 34 Comments

A Dream of Cupcakes - goldenmoonpony

Twilight and Pinkie have gone around in circles trying to admit their feelings to each other.

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A Letter's Words


** While this may have the same title as my old chapter, due to the many people disliking it, I've redone it, and I hope you appreciate this version more. The ideas for this chapter have come from the wonderful Fox-sama. Thanks!**

Sky blue eyes began to read the letter.

My dearest Pinkie,

The eyes widened. Skimming across the letter, and pausing at all the parts that made her heart skip a beat, Pinkie reached the final line.

Pinkie Pie, I love you.

Pinkie Pie, I love you... I love you... Love... you... The words were echoing inside a cotton-candy maned head. even though the meaning was clear, she was still in shock, making it hard to grasp the full meaning. I love you...

A short gasp was heard. This was why Twilight had give her that nickname - Pinks. The party pony could hear her heart in her ears. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump. It was racing faster and faster, as if attempting to run a marathon. Hurriedly, she stood up, wanting to go to Twilight to admit her love. However, a little voice stopped her.

But... but what if it turns out badly? Like... A silent tear was shed. Like with Pokey?

Squeak. "Oh no! Put it back in, put it back in!" Pink hooves rushed to stuff the letter back into the envelope, and then into the purple saddlebag.

"Pinks! Ready to taste some cup- What are you doing?!" With Pinkie speed, Twilight rushed over to her stuff, and levitated out the letter. "How much did you read?!"

"Oh, um... all of it?" By now, Pinkie was pinned up against the wall, gulping loudly. "I-I'm sorry! When you were going to the bathroom, you knocked over your bag! So, I was trying to be nice and put it all back for you! Then, I saw a letter addressed to me! Since it was mine, I thought it would be okay to do so, and we're here now!"

"Well... so... umm..." The librarian was stammering, looking at Pinkie for an answer. "D-do you... like me back?" She swallowed loudly, nervous.

Pinkie sat still, staring straight at the purple pony. "I... I..." She couldn't get the words out. She was afraid to love. Too nervous to admit her feelings. Slowly, her head drooped in shame as she realized the fact. "T-Twilight... I..." Again, she tried, and failed. Looking up, she tried to convey her emotions through her eyes to the other pony.

Tears began running down purple furry cheeks. "Ok, Pinkie. I see how it is. I-I'll just leave you alone now." Sobs were racking the unicorn's body despite her efforts to hold them in. Pinkie now knew the other pony had assumed the worst. The purple pony soon put her matching saddlebags across her back, and then began to back away. A bubblegum pink hoof tried to get her to stay, pulling her to the floor so they could talk. This attempt also didn't succeed. "I... I have to go." Reddish magic was sparking on the tip of her horn, but never reaching the required magic levels to achieve a teleportation spell. After a minute of trying and not succeeding, Twilight decided on an easier method of escaping. Running full force, the unicorn was heading back to the Library.

Sitting in shock, Pinkie finally realized what happened. "WAIT!" She began to run out the door after the unicorn. "TWILIGHT! I'M SORRY!"


Pinkie Pie was panting. She was running as fast as she could, trying to catch up to her friend. This time, the pink pony was determined to tell Twilight her feelings. No matter how embarrassing, or odd they were. And... Pinkie gulped... Why se was so afraid to love.

She was going to tell Twilight about Pokey Pierce.

Nearing the door, a canter slowed to a trot. Sweat began to bead on a pink forehead. What if Twilight made fun of her? It really was a stupid reason why she was afraid. And besides, she's probably too upset to even talk to me. At that moment, Pinkie almost turned tail. Shifting, she suddenly stopped. No. Twilight was a better friend then that! The [arty pony would insist on seeing her and talking it out. Nothing would make her leave until it happened.

"Twlight? Are you there, Twilight? It's Pinkie! I have something really really important to talk about with you!" An ear was pressed against the door. There was shuffling inside. The knocking intensified. "Twilight! You're going to want to hear this! I-it involves us!" At that moment, the door swung open.

On the other side was the purple unicorn, her face flushed with wet tears streaks running down them. Normally purple eyes were now tinted red, swollen with matted eyelashes. Soft sobs were still being admitted by the pony. "What?! What do you want?! Isn't it enough that you rejected me?! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"

Wow. This is really hitting her hard. I must be the first pony she's ever really, truly loved.. "Listen, Twi, I-I have something to say. May I come in?" She rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. "Oh, and... and I'm sorry. But just hear me out! I promise it'll make everything better! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" After the gestures were made, the eye poked, Twilight stepped aside, trying to compose herself.

"Ya, whatever. Come on in." The words were mumbled, muffled. "I'll be right back." She shuffled to the bathroom, a washcloth and hairbrush closely following.

"Oh, ok. I... I guess I'll stay right here!" With fake cheerfulness, Pinkie plopped herself down on a chair. You can do it Pinkie. Just explain it all, and tell her you love her. Not hard at all, right? Even her normally peppy pep talk couldn't cheer her up.

"So... sorry for my over reaction. It was just painful, y'know, going through my first rejection." A nervous laugh was uttered. "Okay, so what did you want to tell me? Spike won't disturb us. He's busy helping Rarity at the Boutique. He's just never going to see that it won't work out will he?" They both shared a chuckle.

You can do it Pinkie. Deep breath... in... and out... Okay, so- "I love you!" Well, I could have done that with more grace. Pinkie laughed in spite of herself.

"You what? And you let me believe you didn't?!" Slowly, Twilight raised herself up, hyperventilating.

"Wait, wait, I have a reason why! I didn't tell you! It's a good reason, I promise! J-just listen!" To be honest this Twilight was scaring Pinkie.

"It better be." She sat down again in the wooden chair.

"Well... I, uh, used to have this boyfriend, Pokey Pierce. Before him-"

"Pokey? Isn't he, like, married now to that pegasus- Flitter, I think her name is? Don't they have a foal together? Omigosh, were you two having an aff-" A hoof was promptly stuffed into her mouth, shutting Twilight up.

"As I was saying, before Pokey, I'd dated many other colts. Like Big Mac. It only lasted for a week, though." She gave a sheepish grin. "I even got drunk once and tried to seduce Mr. Cake."

"Pinkie! How could you?" Twilight gasped loudly, a hoof to her chest.

"Hey! Mrs. Cake has cheated on him many times! Don't tell me you haven't seen the looks she's given Blues!" Twilight nodded in response; she had seen those alluring looks given by the mare.

Pinkie continued her tale of romance. "It didn't matter anyway, he rejected me. The next morning, hungover, I decided to go buy a calla lily from Roseluck. And was it delicious! On my way back here I ran into Pokey He apologized, but I insisted it was my fault, but he kept saying it was his. So, we agreed to meet up at Sugarcube Corner the next day for treats. When I got home I realized it was a date."

"Oh, wow, you must have been so excited! I know I would have been." Stars twinkled in her purple eyes as she dreamed of romances. All traces of resentment and sadness was now gone.

"Of course I was! I woke up extra extra early so I could style my mane and tail. I bet you know how that went." They both laughed. It was a common fact that her poofy mess of a mane was untameable.

"When it was noon, I went downstairs to start my shift, and he was there! I was super excited, and kinda nervous because I still wasn't sure if I looked alright. I mean, he was an hour early! When I went to serve his table, he saw it was me, and admitted her couldn't wait to see my big beautiful blue eyes." Unconsciously she batted her eyelashes. Twilight almost swooned. "After I brought a tray of cupcakes, in fact the same recipe we baked today, we sat and chatted."

Twilight interrupted again. By now, it was obvious she was a hopeless romantic. "About what? Your love? The future?"

"Well, everything! He's just about as much of a party animal as I am. I-it was nice, being with somepony who could understand me."

"But Pinkie! We're you're friends! We understand you too." She had a hurt look on her face.

"I know, but sometimes you don't. He's just really got me." The pink pony hugged her. "But thank you."

"What was your first date like? Where did you go?"

Pinkie's eyes sparkled. "Oh, we went to the most magnificent place! It was... the amusement park."

"Huh?" This confused Twilight. "You'd never been to one, had you?"

She shook her head. "Nuh-uh. I never knew such a place existed! When I told Pokey he just laughed at me."

"What was your favorite ride? Mine's the merry-go-round." It was true. Twilight loved all the carousel animals. Especially the ponies. They just looked so regal and majestic, like her mentor.

Pinkie started to chuckle. "Twilight, I'm never going to finish if you keep interrupting!"


"Well, I loved the roller coaster. I went on like eight times. He got off after the four. Just couldn't handle it, I guess." She rubbed her foreleg with a hoof. "An-and then we went on the Ferris wheel. When we got to the top, it stopped. I'd never been up that high without jumping, and I was scared! He held me in his arms... and... and..." Pinkie flushed. "Pokey kissed me."

"Omigosh! What was it like? Sweet? Short? Passionate? Hot? I've read about kisses in books, but I've never got to experience one!" Twilight was bouncing on her hooves around the room, eyes big.

"It-it was short and sweet, I guess. I just don't like to think about it." The normally happy-go-lucky pony turned away.

Twilight stopped, and put a hoof around her shoulders, nuzzling the party pony. "I'm sorry Whatever he did was pretty harsh, right?" In her chest Pinkie nodded. Feeling tears begin to run down her cheeks, she sucked in a breath to steady herself. Sitting up, she tried to explain.

"We were together for a little while, at least three months. This was my longest relationship. Before this, my record was a week. I thought we were going to work." A crystal tear matted her pink fur.

"You know, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I have to. So I can apologize for not saying that I loved you earlier. And so you know why I didn't."

"Ok. Just continue when you're ready."

After a few more deep breaths, the sugary voice started to talk again. "It was our anniversary. On the way to lunch, he was stopped by a pegasus filly in the middle of the road. She threw her hooves around his neck, and they... they kissed!"

"Wow. Harsh."

"I know, right!? Well, he introduced her as Flitter, and that she was pregnant. With his foal. Then, he continued on to tell me that he was leaving me for her, and that he'd been having an affair. Then he started away." Her tone began to et angrier. "Before he left, he turned and told me that he'd fallen out of love with me a long time ago."

"Wait, so he broke up with you on your anniversary, but he couldn't have enough courage to tell you he was bored with you for awhile?!" At Pinkie's look she grinned sheepishly. "Heh. Sorry."

"No, no, it's alright. You couldn't have stopped it. And besides, you're right." She began to shed wet tears.

Twilight sauntered over and hugged Pinkie with a delicate touch. "Hey, Pinkie, I know how must that must have been for you, but... Do you want to give this a chance? Us?" A hopeful look and tone was used by the unicorn.

Pinkie smiled upwards. "I'd love to, Twi." Stretching her neck, she kissed Twilight.


Comments ( 14 )

The [arty pony

Random bracket from nowhere.

Yes, I like this version of the chapter much better. Only thing that I would criticize now is, Sugarcube Corner burning is presented in such a way that makes it obvious that it's a plot device.

Any suggestions on how to fix it?

A real simple one is to slow down the plot. Let the 'burning kitchen' be dealt with next chapter. It's partly the fact that you have Pinkie confessing love, and Pinkie conveniently acquiring a reason to move in with Twilight, in the same chapter, that makes it so obvious.

The other part is how abruptly it happens. Don't the Cakes have some positive feeling for Pinkie? Maybe even considering her somewhere between friend and family? It would help to comment on this (either through what the Cakes say, or their internal dialogue). Even if she's just "that employee who's alternately endearing and alarming", there's some reason for internal conflict, right?

I said you did not have to thank me, I just like helping is all.

Much better, still needs some work, but a lot better. send me a message latter and we can go over a few things.

A vast improvement. The "adulterous Mrs. Cake" is a thing that wears on, but it's such a minor element that I can be happy with all the good things, including Twilight and Pinkie growing closer :pinkiehappy::heart::twilightsmile:

A hopeful look and tone was used by the unicorn.
It was very effective ^^

Hoof-fulls and hoof-fulls of flour flew through the air, covering each from head to toe in a blanket of cream. A blanket of cream?

Anyway, a few grammar mistakes here and there but I enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

is this still alive?

Heh. ya. I've just been busy with school and other things. Plus. I'm writing all the chapters before I release them, so I'm just going to finish the story and then publish one chapter at a time.

good to know, any guess how long it's gonna take? a few months? a few years?

NOTE: i said GUESS, because i know you can't give an exact time and any time you give is most likely wrong

This fine story is: Awesome, Cool, Random, and lots of funny! its really good fic me like keep up the good job!
(oh and it need a bit moar romance thats what Twi says :twilightblush:)

MOAR!! Um... If that's not to much trouble... :fluttershysad:

First of all, massive red flag for the mrs.cake cheating thing. Second, I never got to read the first edition of this chapter, and the fact that this one was an edit was very clear. This chapter was very different in terms of word choice and overall tone. I realize that pinkie was telling of a sad experience, but it honestly sounded much different than your other two (which i enjoyed). other than that, i like it. i would never try to write romantic pinkie dialogue because I know i would fail, but yours was good.

Holy shit that was totally not what I was expecting... :rainbowderp: Upvoted and favorited...

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