• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,414 Views, 12 Comments

Starfall - AuroraScribe

To right a wrong of long ago, Princess Celestia and Luna use their magic to return an exiled pony during the spring starfall festival.

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Chapter 1: Reunion

Two Weeks Later

Rainbow Dash bouncily lands on a cloud then turns to look at Cloudsdale, the city of the pegasi floating majestically in the distance. With the sun having just risen, the rays of sunlight make the city glow brilliant shades of reds and yellows, almost as if the city were made of light. Indifferent to the stunning view, with a wry grin she turns to look in the direction of Ponyville. “I bet I’ll be the first one there!” She says with smug confidence as she begins to stretch. Confident she’s ready; she kneels down with her wings spread out then takes off, the burst of air turning the little cloud into white mist.

For a short time, she streaks in and out of the cloud line with incredible speed, then with a quick loop begins heading towards the ground. Bringing her front legs forward, she pushes harder and harder, causing the swirling air around her to begin shimmering, almost as if she were attempting to pass through the wall of a bubble. In an instant, the roaring sounds of wind fade to a whisper as the slipstream envelopes her, then it happens.... An explosion of sound and vivid colors, a sonic rainboom resonates through the sky.

She pulls up just above the ground then spins to fly backwards looking above to check out her handy work. The colorful waves of the rainboom are already vanishing in the distance and every cloud has been cleared, leaving the morning sky crystal blue. "Guess they'll know I'm here." She laughs then spreads her wings to slow a bit then level herself out.

Crassshhhh! A blur of purple and blue tumble and then splat, right into a large mud puddle.

Dash rubs her head then woozily gets up. "Uh, woops… I'm really sorry about that! I was, uh, kinda distracted..."

"Well, it’s not the first time you’ve done it..." A voice Rainbow recognizes responds. She turns to see a mud-covered unicorn with a large book magically hovering above her, a purple glow stripping the mud from her face. "Not that a less painful - or less dirty - greeting wouldn't be appreciated..." Twilight Sparkle's voice drifts off.

Rainbow can't believe her eyes and with a squeaky laugh tackle-hugs her friend right back into the mud. "What's the chance of us...uh, bumping into each other like this?!"

Their laughter is cut short by another familiar voice. "I'd say pretty good, sugar cube...." Applejack begins, setting down a large picnic basket in front of her. "Considerin' we were all spose’d to meet here at the park. But, why are y'all pony-playin’ in the mud?"

"Because that mud isn't mud. It's chooooocolate." Just overhead in a tree, Pinkie Pie's head pokes out from the branches sending leaves in every direction. "At least, I bet it is. I know I'd take a dip in a chocolate puddle, so who could blame them? Not me!" The pink pony jumps out of the tree and nods, giggling as she agrees wholeheartedly with herself.

"Riiiight." Twilight laughs then rolls her eyes. "Wait… what were you doing up there? Actually, never mind, you know what… I don't even want to know." She waves her hoof, as if to dismiss the thought.

Pinkie just shrugs and makes her tail twitch, as if that explains everything. Suddenly curious, she moves over to inspect the large puddle.

"Well, even if it was chocolate I don't think it'd be any less messy... I'm really sorry Twilight. We're a disaster." Rainbow spreads her wings then hops out of the puddle. "I'd go and find us a raincloud… but there's probably none close by now." She looks up to check, just in case.

Pinkie gasps loudly, everyone turning giving her a confused look. "Uh, you guys... This isn't chocolate. Not at all." She announces, finishing with a pout. She gently pokes the mud with a hoof, as if it may change at some point.

Twilight and Dash look at one another then sigh.

Applejack clears her throat. "Well, do you ponies wanna go get clean then come back t'meet? I’m sure the others will be here soon.”

Twilight shakes a bit of mud off then steps out of the puddle, the large book still hovering above her. “Well, I think I have an idea….” She closes her eyes then in a flash of purple magic teleports a few feet from where she just was, the mud that had coated her stays suspended in the air for a brief moment then splashes to the ground. Twilight looks herself over, her hair and coat now perfectly clean. “Much better than rainblow-dry.” She giggles.

Everyone stares till Dash, somewhat jealous, finds her voice. “I wish you could teach me how to do that.”

Twilight smirks. “Well, I sorta can… I do have a new spell I’ve been wanting to try.”

Dash gives an expression that almost says she regrets saying anything.

“Just take this…” Twilight slides the Element of Magic from her head then places the gemmed tiara onto Dash’s mud-covered mane.

“Wait, what are you doing with an element? I thought Celestia had all of them locked up in Canterlot?”

“Oh, well the princesses let me bring them for the festival tomorrow. In fact, Celestia and Luna both requested we all wear them for the big celebration. I have them all back at the library; we can swing by and pick them up later,” she pauses to think for a moment. “But for this spell to work, I need you to wear mine for the time being.”

“Uh… okay.” Dash looks around, seriously considering taking flight.

“Now, I just learned this… it’s called spell channeling. It lets me cast magic through you, as if I were you.” Twilight closes her eyes and her horn begins to glow soft purple.

“Uh, Twi…. I can just go find a lake to dive into or something, you don’t have-“ Dash nervously starts to say but is cut short. In a flash, she glows bright purple then teleports just like Twilight had moments before then reappears perfectly clean a short distance away as the mud splashes down where she previously was. “…to do this.” She finishes then looks around, confused.

Everyone breaks into a fit of laughter as the rainbow-maned pony shakes her head, still in shock it worked. After a moment she slides the Element of Magic off then passes it back to Twilight. “That’s pretty amazing… but you need that to make it work?”

Twilight looks down at the shiny tiara then gives a light sigh. “The spell isn’t supposed to require it… but so far it’s been the only way I can get a strong enough connection to make it work.”

Applejack clears her throat. "So, Twilight? What is this festival spose’d to be for, anyhow?”

"It's somepony's birthday!" Pinkie chimes in. "That's why she brought that book, it must be a gift!" She cartwheels then plucks the hovering book out of the air.

Twilight flails, trying to grab the book back but has no luck. "No no, Pinkie it's not a birth-" She begins.

Pinkie gasps yet again, this time everyone thinks it's because of the book. "You guys!"

"What is it?" Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack say in unison, all moving to huddle around her.

Pinkie hops up. "That means we should have a party!" She happily bounces out of the group and spins to face Twilight. "But whose birthday did we forget?" She gives a serious look of concern.

"Uh... I think she was about to say somethin' about that." Applejack nods to Twilight.

"Well, I was just going to say it's not a birth-" She starts again.

"But why wouldn't you wrap your gift?" Pinkie interrupts once more. "I mean, at least give it a bow. Whoever gets this isn't going to be surprised. Not even a little." Pinkie sits back and reads the cover, "Mastering Time and Space - Enchantments and Spells of the Upper Order." She states boldy. "And they'll know what it's about, no need to guess." She concludes with a tiny sigh.

Twilight looks shocked. "Pinkie, it took me days to decipher that… it's written in ancient Equestrian. You can read it?"

"Well, duuuuuh. Can't everypony?" Pinkie moves up close to Twilight. "Want me to wrap it? I'd be happy to." She concludes cheerfully.

"It's nopony's birthday, Pinkie," Dash bumps her. "I think Twilight wanted to show us that book."

Twilight smiles in relief, nodding. “Apparently it’s very special, it’s part of the reason Celestia sent me that letter a few weeks ago asking me to come visit her in Canterlot. It’s supposed to be full of powerful magic thought to have been lost to the ages… and she wanted me to have it.” She starts to say happily, but then her shoulders slump. “That is, if I could learn anything from it… It’s incredibly complex. So far I’ve only learned the one spell, and I had a lot of help.”

“Well, don’t give up sugar cube. Princess Celestia wanted you to have it, so that means she has all the confidence in the world in you.”

“So, Twilight… about this festival? We’re watching stars or something? In that letter you sent me, I wasn't really sure what to make of it.”

“Falling stars, actually… And well, it used to be a big deal long ago; it’s even older than the Mare in the Moon tale. Apparently most of Equestria would gather to watch the falling stars on the first new moon of spring - which for us just happens to be tomorrow night - and it was called the Starfall Festival.”

“So, yeah… we stay up late and look at stars?”

“With games, food, and bonfires… it should be a lot of fun, I think. Plus, the princesses said this one was extremely important… but, come to think of it, they didn’t tell me why just yet. I think it has something to do with the Elements of Harmony.”

“Well, I guess it doesn’t sound too bad…”

"A night party!? It sounds great to me!” Pinkie bounces.

“Well, I like the idea.” Applejack nods. “While we wait for the others, let’s get the picnic ready.”

* * * * * * * *

In the distance the sounds of yelling and cheering can be heard, voices Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike all instantly recognize.

“Oh my, it sounds like everypony is at the park already.” Fluttershy says as she tilts her head to listen.

“Spike, dear?" Rarity stops abruptly. "We did get Rainbow Dash's special dress, the new design, correct?"

Spike juggles multiple white boxes stopping when he's certain he has the correct one on top. On the cover, dozens of tiny rubies, emeralds, sapphires, along with many other various gems intricately spell out, Rainbow Dash. "I think so… wanna check just to be sure?"

Fluttershy gently lifts the cover and says in an excited whisper, "it's soooo pretty!"

Rarity, now somewhat flustered at the compliment, can’t help but take a peek as well. "Ah, yes, that's the one." Satisfied, she takes a moment to seal the gift then turns and smiles at Fluttershy. "As I was saying before, I made a special dress for each of us. This is apparently a very special occasion and we should all look our very best!”

* * * * * * * *

Rainbow Dash takes off to fly a few feet in the air and instantly spots Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike coming up the path. "Hurry up, slowpokes! Or Pinkie's going to eat all the cake!"

"Too late!" Pinkie shouts then giggles. In a single bite, she devours a huge slice of cherry-apple crumb cake then looks around wide-eyed, noticing her friends staring. "Dat... Dat relvy wavn't alluvit, wuzit?" She mumbles.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight all laugh uncontrollably.

"Shucks no, I brought enough to feed an army." Applejack says, still laughing. She points at the large picnic basket she had sat down earlier and notices Pinkie already lifting a flap, peeking inside.

"Or one Pinkie Pie." Dash says as she lands, sending everyone into another fit of laughter. “By the way, look who I found.” She points a hoof then waves.

Fluttershy and Rarity with Spike walking beside them wave then rush up to meet their friends.

Spike sets down the packages then runs up and hugs Twilight. “Gosh I can’t believe I haven’t seen you for nearly two weeks! How was your trip to Canterlot?”

“It was great, Spike!” Twilight grins. “How was it staying with Rarity while I was gone?”

Spike begins to blush but before he can say anything Rarity speaks up. “He was wonderful! He helped quite a bit with these,” she points to the packages that Spike had just set down. “When I received your letter I just couldn’t help myself…”

Excited, each of the girls pick up a box with their name on it and takes a look at the dress inside.

Twilight’s eyes widen. “Rarity… I only sent you the message a week ago… you made all of these in that short of time?”

Rarity looks around, feeling embarrassed. “I... I did. Does it show? Do you not like yours?” She reaches to take it away, suddenly ashamed that Twilight had even seen it.

“This. Is. AWESOME.” Rainbow Dash takes off then spins while holding her dress, the material a beautiful mix of light and dark blues with diamonds for sparkles. “And it’s aerodynamic!”

“Oh yes, I kept that in mind this time… All of the dresses are night-themed for this festival; it just seemed to make sense.” She turns and looks sadly at Twilight. “I’m so sorry you don’t like yours, maybe I can change something and it’ll be better?”

“No, Rarity… I love it! I just can’t believe how much work you can do in such a short time. This dress is beautiful, thank you so much!”

Rarity begins to feel feint and as she starts to wobble Spike runs behind her to prevent her from falling over.

“Um, Twilight… What’s the reason for this festival?” Fluttershy asks while looking at her dress.

Twilight looks over to the old spellbook sitting next to the picnic basket. “I have a lot to tell you guys…”