• Published 11th Nov 2014
  • 2,414 Views, 12 Comments

Starfall - AuroraScribe

To right a wrong of long ago, Princess Celestia and Luna use their magic to return an exiled pony during the spring starfall festival.

  • ...

Epilogue: A Return to Once Was

Star Flare walks up to the top of the hill then takes shelter from the midday sun under an old tree, still trying to shake the notion of this being an incredibly odd place to meet. She stands for a long while, but with nopony showing up she eventually lays down to rest in the soft grass.

Just when she's certain the others are pulling some kind of prank she hears someone coming up the hill from the other side. With the sun in her eyes she spots a pony with a rainbow mane.

"Dash, why did you make me wait so long? Are the others… coming?" Her heart skips a beat. The sun is playing tricks, or maybe she hit her head on the lakebed harder than she thought… An agonizing mix of hope and reality swirl through her, the sensation making her feel flush and lightheaded. She could swear it was Skystrider coming up the hill… But that's impossible. She immediately spins around looking in the opposite direction. As sweet and wonderful as it would be, she refuses to indulge an illusion; her heart can't take it.

"Star… Is that really you?" A voice she knows says.

Star Flare trembles. It can't be. There's no way… But… What if? Tears start to flow and she sniffles loudly. "This is a very cruel trick to play."

Next to her, the rainbow-mane pony sets down a starlight blossom he picked from the castle garden, the flower glowing feint blue under the shade of the tree.

She closes her eyes and is suddenly fully aware of the world spinning and starts to fall over. But he catches her.

"The others told me you've been through a lot…"

She sniffles once more as she puts her forelegs around him, then, no longer able to bear it, looks at his face. It is Skystrider. "You're… here? You're really here with me?" Not giving him a chance to answer she pulls him close hugging him as tightly as she can.

She banished him, using a spell she barely understood, magic she shouldn't have been able to use. "How… is this possible?"

* * * * * * * *

Applebloom sets down a pair of binoculars as she giggles and high-fives Sweetie-bell and Scootaloo. “It worked!”

Scootaloo smirks, “I told you this would be the best way!”

Sweetie Belle nods, “and the flower was a nice touch.”

Princess Celestia and Luna both grin at the fillies then turn to Twilight.

It’s probably best…” Celestia begins.

“If we give them some time.” Luna finishes with a warm smile.

Twilight nods. “Well, I guess over a thousand years have gone by since they last saw one another, so I’m sure they have a lot of catching up to do. But… what happened to the dragon that returned with Skystrider?”

“Without my magic to protect Crimson, he was stopped before doing much damage… However, he fled capture and managed to escape the city. I do not believe we will see him again... ”

“Still, there’s one thing I don’t understand… How was their banishment broken in the first place?”

Celestia ponders for a moment. Though she doesn’t know it, Star Flare had cast a displace-time spell, not a banishment… when her horn was shattered the spell was broken and Skystrider returned, she thinks. “While I’m not certain, I’m sure this could give you some answers.” She nods towards the old spellbook sitting on Twilight’s desk, opened to the last page. At the bottom, she notices the signature of an old friend and smiles. Star Swirl.

Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all giggle then sigh as they look outside once again. Luna squeezes next to them to get a peek as well.

In the distance, Star Flare and Skystrider look into each other’s eyes then kiss deeply.

Celestia giggles, “For now, little pony… I think it’s safe to say it was the magic of love.”