• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 14,337 Views, 968 Comments

Dash of Humanity 3: Consequences - Kaidan

There are consequences to every action, but we can't always predict what they will be. I stay up at night wondering what I could have done differently, but I've already paid the price for my actions.

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10. Birds of a Feather

It had been a hot day and I was glad to get inside. The sun had seemed almost twice as big in the sky, but luckily the cottage had been expanded to accommodate Dash’s foal, and that included adding air conditioning.

I barely made it to the couch before I plopped down and sighed in relief. This baby must have added forty pounds or something to me, at this point I was surprised my belly didn’t drag along the ground. I rubbed my belly as I felt the foal inside kick, ready to make their own debut into the world.

“Welcome home Dawn,” Fluttershy said. She came over to the couch and wasted no time giving me a kiss.

“Hey Butterflanks.” I hugged her and rubbed a hoof on her flank, eliciting a giggle.

Dash called out from a rocking chair across the room where she was nursing her child. “You given up on working yet? They call it maternity leave for a reason, you’re supposed to leave.”

“Says the mare who went into labor because she just had to bust one more cloud before starting her leave?” I replied.

Fluttershy chuckled and looked at my belly, putting a hoof on it. “I don’t think you’ll be much longer, Dawn.”

“Yeah, did I mention how much I love you, Fluttershy?”

“Only every day,” she quipped. “Now why don’t I fry you up some bacon?”

“Mmm, that sounds good…”

I stretched my legs out and rolled over in bed, slowly waking up from a pleasant dream. By the time I got around to waking up each day, Dash and Fluttershy had usually already gotten up to start their days.

According to the clock Fluttershy would have been up half an hour by now so I headed downstairs to see if she’d made breakfast. As always, she seemed to know just when I would be coming downstairs and had some oatmeal and orange juice made for me. I pictured how perfect some bacon would be with the meal, but kept it to myself.

“Morning, Fluttershy,” I said.

“Hi Dawn, I hope you slept well?”

“Yeah, I had a pleasant dream. You?”

Fluttershy smiled and flew over to sit down and chat while I ate. “Oh, I don’t remember my dream. I’m just glad you and Dash caught up with the train or I’d have been up all night waiting for you two to get home.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I just wish we weren’t so exhausted from catching up to the train. I had a chance to talk to Dash, but not to you.”

“Hmm, what about?”

“I’ve decided to be a little more proactive and I realized there’s something I haven’t properly told you yet.” I ate a bite of the oatmeal and took a quick drink of orange juice. “I just want you to know I love you, and I can never repay you for what you did. I thought about it a bit yesterday and I’m not going to get a DNA test… as far as I’m concerned, this is our baby and I want the both of you in my life until the day I die.”

Fluttershy blushed and turned her head, hiding slightly behind her mane. “Oh my… that’s so sweet and unexpected… I love you too, Dawn.”

I took a few more bites of oatmeal and enjoyed watching her squirm and blush, clearly she was excited and I didn’t need to watch her present her wings to know it. “Yeah, you deserved to know it without the whole part where I get overly-emotional over what happened… I don’t know if I’ll be able to just put it all behind me, but somepony told me I should focus on the future instead. I can't think of a kinder, gentler, more loving pony to raise a family with.”

She nodded, face still red from the blushing, and tilted the pitcher of orange juice to pour me some more. “I’d like that. So, you told Dash this too?”

“Well yeah, I don’t really know what the proper customs are but I think we should start a happy family together all three of us and our two foals. I should probably ask Twilight, I bet she has a book titled My Mommy, Mommy, Daddy, and us.”

“Daddy?” Fluttershy asked. “Have you got your eye on Big Mac or something?”

I paused with the spoon halfway into my mouth and then chuckled. “Oh no, my humor is rubbing off on you… I just meant, when I change back. If I change back… but one hoof at a time here.”

Fluttershy nodded and got up to take my bowl, which I’d managed to finish off in record speed. “Do you want some more?”

“No thanks, if I eat too much at breakfast I get queasy, I’ll make up for it at lunch. Besides, I could swear I feel her moving around in there while I eat and it’s just so… odd.”

She cleaned the dish while continuing to talk to me. “Oh, well if that’s odd, you’re in for some more big surprises when you come to term.”

“Don’t remind me, if only they could use a teleportation spell for delivery this would be so much easier, huh?”

Fluttershy nodded and came back to sit down. “I suppose it would. So, you seem to be doing better and I’m really happy, you have no idea how worried we’ve been about you.”

I nodded. “Yeah, maybe a little idea, but I had some trouble focusing on anyone but myself.”

“It’s understandable. You just need a little time without a crisis to get back to normal, which reminds me… the Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking for you this morning. Apparently they needed a hoof crusading, I told them I’d pass the message along.”

I finished off my orange juice and set the glass down, wiping my lips with my foreleg. “Hmm, but I’m trying to avoid a crisis not, cause one.”

“They’re trying to get volunteer cutie marks for picking up litter,” Fluttershy explained.

“Oh, why didn’t you say so? I’m sure nothing could possibly go wrong,” I quipped. I turned to look at the clock. “Well there’s a lot to do… I want to ask Applejack about expanding the cottage before the foals get here. Rarity would probably love another visit to the spa to gossip, Pinkie no doubt has a party planned for Soarin’s bail being denied. Twilight could probably use a hoof double-checking her Dewey Decimal System changes. I need to go tell Lyra she was right, again…”

“Oh, you should really write all this down…” Fluttershy offered me a smile.

“Yeah, you can see how it’s easy to get overwhelmed? I have so much to do it’s been easy to procrastinate and ignore problems, like Soarin… I’m really not looking forward to the trial.”

“We will all be there to support you, and there are some things you just can’t get out of. Like it or not, I think his trial is one of them.”

I nodded, “It’d take an act of Celestia to get out of that trial.” I sighed, wondering if it really would have been so bad to give him a one way ticket the sun.

“Any idea what you’ll do first?” she asked.

“Well I suppose I could go pick up some litter.” I smiled and stood up, going over to give her a kiss on the lips and wrap my foreleg around her neck. After a moment her shock passed and she kissed me back. I let go, “oh I could learn to enjoy that.”

“D-Dawn…” Fluttershy blushed and nuzzled against my neck.

“Butterflanks,” I giggled and rubbed her side.

“Oh dear, I hope that nickname doesn’t stick…”

I headed towards the door and grabbed my saddlebag in case I needed any bits today. “Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure butter is non-stick.”

I wasn’t sure if things were going well because I was in a good mood, or if I was only in a good mood because things were going my way today. I shrugged and decided it couldn’t matter. Today felt like a good day, and until something happened to change it, I decided to treat everything that happened after the hearing like chapter one of my new life.

Author's Note:

Good thing about Slice of Life is more chapters because they're shorter and not full of explosions. Bad thing is less explosions. But, I'm going to write as much as I can while I'm in the mood.

Speaking of moods, I'm in the mood to kill ponies, so if you want a story about psychologically-disturbed young fillies known as the CMC turning into serial killers, check out my story Carnage and Murder Crew. Aside from this story, it's the only other thing right now I'm in the mood to write. Plus, if this whole "Happy slice of life" sequel has you down, I gaurantee the CMC story will get you right back to frown-town.