• Published 17th Nov 2014
  • 14,327 Views, 968 Comments

Dash of Humanity 3: Consequences - Kaidan

There are consequences to every action, but we can't always predict what they will be. I stay up at night wondering what I could have done differently, but I've already paid the price for my actions.

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4. No Pony is an Island

Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie.

I looked around at my six close friends as I sat on the sofa. They’d come to visit me and we had already been talking for hours and enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. Outside, snow was still falling. We had all warmed our bellies with spiced cider and s’mores. Twilight and Rarity were able to easily roast the marshmallows to perfection in the fire.

“Dawn, have you thought of my offer to come work for me?” Rarity asked.

“Oh.” I recalled Fluttershy mentioning it in passing. “I’ll consider it, but Fluttershy has plenty of chores right now for Dash and me.”

“Should you two be working so hard with buns in the oven?” Pinkie asked. “Mrs. Cake took time off work—maternity leave. It’s good for the foals.”

“Yeah, Dash, when are ya gonna stop pushin’ yourself and take a break from weather duty?” Applejack asked.

“I’m a little exhausted, but it’s easy, AJ. It’s just snow,” Dash stated. She looked brave, but from where I was sitting, I noticed her wing twitch, a subtle tell I’d learned. Anytime she got nervous she had trouble sitting still. “I could probably handle the wrap-up by myself if I wanted to. Being pregnant is a piece of cake.”

“Ah was thinkin’ how you shouldn’t be workin’ so hard. Ah figure when you two are ready Ah can help ya deliver the foals,” Applejack said.

“Huh?” I looked at her with my head tilted. “You’re trained to deliver foals?”

“Well, Ah helped deliver Apple Bloom.”

Her sister did seem to turn out alright, but for some reason all I could picture was Applejack shouting at me to breathe, and Big Mac saying “eeyup”. I shook my head and tried not to chuckle. “No, I mean, it’s too soon to think about and all…” The conversation so far had managed to avoid sensitive subjects, which I was immensely grateful for, but thinking about the foal wasn’t something I was quite ready to do.

“Well, Ah’ll be helpin’ Dash deliver her’s first. Seems to think she can deliver it in ten seconds flat.”

“Ha, I bet I can do it on my own. How hard can it be?” Dash asked. “Can’t be any harder than a sonic rainboom.”

“Let’s hear ya say that a few hours into labor.” Applejack chuckled and I had to join in, knowing from past experience that women in labor experienced great pain. I stopped laughing and became sober after realizing I would also be going through it too.

“Oh, I thought I’d help, it’d be much easier on Dash and the foal,” Fluttershy stated.

“We’re going to have a doctor there too, right? It’s not as easy or as pleasant as you make it sound…” I trailed off, skirting the edge of the subject. We didn’t know yet whose foal I’d be delivering.

I sighed and looked around, eager to join in on a different conversation. Twilight mentioned something about a discovery and I latched onto it. “What discovery, Twilight?”

She turned from Rarity to face me. “Oh, I was bored and did some organizing and came across a book on quantum mechanics. I did some light reading before bed and have hypothesized a new super-heavy element that hasn’t been discovered yet.”

Rarity smiled at me and shrugged, it was clear this conversation was already headed over our heads. Even if I didn’t understand it, I knew enough to know it’d be interesting and probably involve cool machines. “So, you’re going to build a particle accelerator and prove the existence of it?”

Twilight blinked and took a second to reply, perhaps a bit shocked somepony had a response other than asking her to repeat it in Equestrian. “Yeah… something like that. The magic needed is complex and would take at least a dozen unicorns, but I’ll have plenty of time to plan it out this winter.”

“I thought winter was the time to relax from work and enjoy yourself.”

“Oh, I am having fun. This is just my hobby.” Twilight blushed as she looked around at the others. “I’m still Princess of Friendship after all, and while you were out I sorta got a castle and all…”

I nodded, recalling something to that effect. “Must have been quite the undertaking, castles don’t grow on trees.”

Rarity chuckled. “They did this time. I’ve been busy every week trying to decorate the place and there are still rooms I haven’t gotten to.”

“Yeah, Ah had to find Granny Smith when she got lost in that darn castle. If her hearin’ weren’t so bad she mighta heard me calling for her.” Applejack chuckled as she shook her head.

“I’ll have to check it out sometime, maybe teach you how to build a moat full of alligators.” I gestured to Fluttershy. “I bet she’s got plenty of them looking for a home.”

“Actually, I do,” Fluttershy said. “Maybe we can talk about that later, Twilight.”

“Dawn, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask, and Applejack’s comment reminded me of it.” Twilight wasn’t smiling and wasn’t making eye contact.

I had a feeling it might not be something good and took a deep breath. “What’s on your mind?”

“There’s something coming up that you need to know about and I haven’t been sure how to tell you. Soarin’s hearing—”

A pit rose from my stomach and I glared at her. “No.” It was all I could muster as a swarm of emotions rose up inside me, all wanting to be acknowledged. My heart raced as I tried to keep a level head. “There was only one thing I didn’t want you asking about today, one thing!”

“Dawn,” Fluttershy said. Her voice was drowned out as Twilight tried to explain herself.

“They need somepony to testify why his bail should be denied, somepony like you,” Twilight stated. “If you don’t go, it’ll likely be approved.”

The emotions coalesced into anger as my memories firmly planted themselves back in the cell, my body being beaten and broken. “Celestia damn it! Have her banish him, what the fuck do they need me for?!”

Dash got up and approached me, likely the only one not afraid to lay a hoof on me to restrain me from doing something stupid. “Calm down, Dawn.”

“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said anything yet, but it’s this weekend.” Twilight frowned, looking around at the others for some sort of support. “There’s no time to waste.”

I pushed Dash’s hooves away from me. I could feel the sharp pains in my ribs, despite them having healed. I could feel my sore muscles and flanks, despite the bruises vanishing. I tried not to think of the horrible things that happened but it was a losing battle, all because Twilight couldn’t keep her mouth shut.

“I won’t do it! Get out!” I yelled. I jumped up and flew to the stairs, running up to the bedroom and slamming the door.

I made my way to the far corner of the room behind the bed and dresser. I sat there and held my knees, curling up in a ball as I began to cry loudly. Never in my life had I been prepared to face emotions this strong, this uncontrollable.

The worst emotion, the one I was least willing to face right now, was my guilt. Deep down I knew this was all my fault, that I’d brought it upon myself, and I just couldn’t face this fact. I had to bury it, to deny it, to find some proof that it wasn’t true... but I couldn’t. Not yet. I couldn’t face it or beat it. I had to ignore it. I had to be stronger.

I hid my face between my hind legs as the door slowly creaked open. Whoever it was, I didn’t want them seeing me like this, the one time savior of Equestria now a sobbing, broken mare. It would have been preferable for me to have a deep hole to crawl into away from the prying eyes of my friends.

A hoof began gently stroking my back, and instead of speaking, the pony just began to hum a lullaby. I recognized the voice, though she was the last pony I expected to catch singing or humming.

Dash continued to comfort me without a word spoken, letting her hoof caressing my back speak volumes. She continued to hum, until at last I felt calm enough to uncurl myself.

The first thing I did was latch onto her, wrapping my forelegs around her and hugging her tightly. I breathed in the familiar and comforting scent, the one I had known so well. We had shared so much, I knew she understood, I knew she would keep me safe.

I don’t know how long I sat there, but the humming never stopped. It took all my effort to repress the emotions, to push back everything I felt I just wasn’t ready to deal with yet. It was tiring work, but eventually I succeeded.

Dash gave me a simple smile as I looked up at her, waiting for me to speak.

“I’m… I’ll be fine.” I offered a weak smile, barely raising a single corner of my mouth, but it was all I could muster. I didn’t even believe those words myself right now.

“Your friends are all worried, you know. Twilight’s sorry she brought it up,” Dash explained. “She was gonna come up herself but she didn’t have a helmet.”

I chuckled and felt a little of the tension dissipate. “I don’t recall the last time I tried to hit her working out too well.”

“Huh, I don’t remember that.”

“Didn’t we take a swing at her when she kidnapped us to exorcise the demon from you?” I asked.

“Oh.” Dash chuckled, recalling the event. We’d been whisked away to her basement for experiments in a rather suspicious manner. “Heh, I guess you’re right.”

“You probably expect me to open up to you now, huh?”

Dash squeezed me more firmly into her embrace. “No, Dawn, I expect you to open up when you’re ready… but I won’t lie, you worry me, Dawn. Not wanting to talk about it for a little while is healthy, but when you get that upset at just mentioning it… it makes me think something much worse is wrong that you don’t trust me with.”

I nodded, turning my head until I could hear Dash’s heartbeat with my ear. “I trust you, I just can’t control it.”

“The temper?”

“The emotions, the guilt. It comes on too fast, that’s why… Dash, I can’t, not yet.”

Dash nodded and let me go, helping me to sit up straight with her forelegs. “That’s fine, Dawn. I don’t care if it’s me or Fluttershy or Pound Cake, but when you’re ready, you have to open up to somepony. Not a day goes by we don’t worry.”

“I know, I know… please, just make somepony else go to the hearing, I don’t care who, I just can’t face him yet.”

“Come downstairs, I’ll tell Twilight later and see if she can go in your place. We’ve got guests and you need to say goodbye before they go home.” Dash lifted my chin up to make eye contact and smile.

“I look horrible.” I gestured to my face, which was stained with tears.

Dash glanced around for a moment for a solution, then got up and grabbed the glass of water from the nightstand. She poured it onto her face. “There, now I look horrible too.”

I began to chuckle and it quickly turned to full blown laughter. “You look like you fell face-first in the shower!” Her attempt to make me feel better worked, perhaps better than she hoped as I fell back laughing, stress and worry evaporating with each passing second.

By the time I had settled down, Dash had come back with a more practical solution, a slightly damp towel. She had already cleaned her face and I got up so she could clean mine.

“Thanks, Dash. I needed that.”

“We’re in this together Dawn. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.” It didn’t take her long to clean me up and toss the towel into the laundry bin.

She draped her wing over me and led me back downstairs. As we entered the living room, I saw all my friends looking at me to see if I was okay. I gave them my best smile as I walked down the final steps of the staircase.

I swallowed the pit in my throat. “I’m fine… the, um, hearing… later okay? It’s been a long day.” I finally reached the couch and fell onto it, scooting forward to rest my head on Fluttershy’s lap.

She blushed and began to fix my mane, which had gotten ruffled while I was upstairs. “Thanks for coming, girls, I think Dawn needs some rest.” Fluttershy looked at Dash. “Can you get the door?”

“Sure thing,” Dash said.

“We’re all very glad you’re okay, Dawn,” Rarity offered. She headed towards the door speaking in hushed tones with Pinkie and Applejack.

Twilight was the last to get up to leave. “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry, Dawn.” Already, she must have thought the same thing I had. I just nodded to her once as she left.

Once the door had closed, I heard Dash walking back over to the larger sofa on which Fluttershy sat and I had laid. “I’m proud of you, Dawn. Everypony was so happy to come see you were okay and… and it’s okay to let your emotions out, we’ll never be mad at you,” Fluttershy stated.

Dash sat down by my flanks and helped tuck my hind legs up onto the sofa, against her side. She then leaned over and began to preen my wings, leaving me safely positioned between the two mares who had taken to watching over me.

“Thanks. You’re both so amazing to me…” I let out a loud yawn as I stretched and got comfortable between them.

I was quickly falling asleep and was truly exhausted from the long day. I could hear Dash and Fluttershy talking, but I wasn’t registering their words. It was like a gentle background noise, heard but without meaning, as I slowly drifted to sleep.

“Was she okay, Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, just still struggling to come to terms with what happened,” She replied. “I wish there was something to do, but maybe she’s right. Dawn’s different than us, maybe we do just need to give her space.”

“We can’t let her ignore it forever, but I can’t bear to see her in pain.” Fluttershy sighed and continued to gently stroke my mane.

Dash continued her gentle preening in the places she could reach, the sensations helping push me closer to sleep. “She’ll get there, and when she’s ready to talk, we’ll both be here for her.”

My mind began to wander until my body finally switched off for the night and I fell asleep. The gentle background noise of that ongoing conversation lulled me deeper and deeper until I reached a blissful, dreamless sleep.