• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 5,627 Views, 84 Comments

I'm Afraid I Haven't Told You Everything... - Teyeson Bee

Celestia tells the Mane Six about the true story behind her and Discord's mysterious past, and how they were once the best of friends.

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A Misunderstanding

It had been two months since the Tirek incident. The day that Twilight and her friends defeated the soul-sucking beast and got a new castle to go with a princess status. Twilight had realized her role as the Princess of Friendship and everything was at peace. With the girls being living embodiments of the Elements of Harmony, they were able to fully protect Equestria full-time. Everything was just fine...or was it?

It was a simple, sunny afternoon as Twilight trotted down the streets on Ponyville. As she trotted, she hummed a happy tune. She was on her way to the bookstore to acquire a new Daring Do book that had just hit the shelves. Nothing too much out of the ordinary. When she arrived though, she noticed that the bookkeeper was outside, and it looked like he was locking the door and turning his "Come in. We are Open" sign to the "Sorry. We are Closed" side. Twilight tilted her head in confusion. She was well aware that the bookstore didn't close until 8 pm, and the sun was still shining. Curious, Twilight went up to the bookkeeper.

"Uh...excuse me," Twilight said, catching the bookkeeper's attention.

"Sorry, Princess," the bookkeeper said as he put the keys in his vest pocket. "We just closed."

"I can see that," Twilight stated, "but why are you closing so early? Is it a holiday or something?"

The bookkeeper looked at Twilight with an equally confused look. "What do you mean early? It's after 8." He then lifted his hoof to reveal a watch strapped around it. Twilight looked closely, and sure enough, he was right. "It's 8:15 to be precise," the bookkeeper continued, "though it's weird. I don't know why the sun's still up, but hey; curfew is curfew. See you later." And with that, the bookkeeper trotted away, completely emotionless in his expression.

The same could not be said about Twilight. As soon as she saw the time, she blanked out. Her mind was racing with questions. The biggest one was; if it's 8:15, then why was the sun still up. Celestia was never late when setting the sun. Something was definitely up. Twilight quickly let out a deep breath as she tried to stay calm. Maybe the Princess was busy with something important and she just forgot. Twilight then reached into her saddle bag and took out a quill and some parchment and wrote a notice to Celestia. After finishing, she used her magic to teleport the letter and waited. A few minutes passed, but still no response. Twilight was starting to really get worried. Celestia was always good at responding to Twilight's letters quickly, but not this time. After 10 minutes of nothing, Twilight was starting to sweat. She looked back up at the sky, and the sun was still in the same place. It wasn't even close to being lower. Twilight couldn't take it anymore. She waited long enough. She had to see if the time was right and if her dates matched up. Not wasting any time, Twilight galloped as fast as she could back to the castle.


The doors of the treehouse castle burst open as Twilight came running down the hall and into the throne room with a look of absolute panic on her face. Spike, who was asleep on his throne, jolted awake and fell on the floor in surprise. He groaned as he got up. "Well, it WAS a good afternoon nap," he grumbled to himself. He then looked over at Twilight, who was hastily going through a stack of books. She then came across her calendar and quickly turned the pages. As she stopped on the page of her choice, she looked up with panicked eyes.

"Spike," Twilight softly said. "What season is this?"

"Fall," Spike responded.

"And what time is it?" Twilight asked in increased volume.

"Uh...8:30," Spike replied as he looked at the clock on the wall.

"AM or PM?" Twilight asked practically shouting.

"PM," Spike hesitantly answered.

"Spike," Twilight said going back to her soft panicked tone. "If the time is 8:30 pm and we're in the middle of the fall season...then WHY IS THE SUN STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SKY?!"

Spike looked out the window, curious at what Twilight was talking about. Surely enough, the sun was still shining bright in the sky as if it was still early afternoon. By now, the sun would've been gone to make way for the moon. "That IS bizarre." Spike calmly stated.

"Bizarre? BIZARRE?" Twilight hastily questioned. "No no no! Having your alarm clock go off five minutes early; that's bizarre. This is...BAD! This is REALLY bad! Celestia should've lowered the sun by now, but as we can see, she HASN'T! This is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!"

"Thank you Rarity," Spike stated sarcastically. "Have you tried writing to the Princess and asking what's going on?"

"You think I would be panicking if I hadn't?" Twilight responded. "This is serious! If the sun isn't lowering, and I can't get a hold of Celestia, then that can only mean one thing!"

"What?" Spike asked.

"Celestia is GONE!"


Twilight had gathered all of her friends together at the fields on the outskirts of town to go over the situation. The other elements were gathered around Twilight; Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. Once Twilight had told them, they were just as stunned as Twilight was. "Ah don' understand," Applejack said, scratching her head. "Why is this happenin'?"

"I don't know," Twilight answered. "All I know is that I was walking down the street, on my way to the bookstore to check out some new material. When I got there though, it was just closing. I asked why they were closing so early, and the clerk said that it was after 8. After they said that, I was curious, so I wrote a letter to Celestia, and she didn't respond within the 10 minutes I waited. I know that she ALWAYS responds within at least five minutes, so I knew that something must be wrong, so I ran back home to check if the dates matched up, and unfortunately, they did!"

"What do you think happened?" Rarity asked. "You don't think she's sick do you?"

"I don't think so," Twilight responded. "She would've said so if she was."

"Oh," Fluttershy whimpered. "I hope she's not lost. Or missing!"

"Ah don' know 'bout that," Applejack said. "The Princess knows Equestria like the back of her hoof! She couldn't get lost!"

"What if she's not lost, but she's still missing!" Rainbow chimed in. Everypony turned to face her with expressions of worry on their faces. Was she saying what they thought she was saying? "What if she was...captured!?"

"RAINBOW DASH!" Rarity shrieked. "To bring up such a possibility..."

"Besides," Pinkie interrupted. "Who would have the ability to capture the most powerful pony in all of ponykind?"

"There's only ONE pony that comes to mind," Rainbow said through gritted teeth. "Actually, not even a pony. One creature. A certain creature who has the power to do anything! Who's had a vendetta against Celestia before!" The others stared at her confused, trying to put two and two together. Finally, a shocked expression came across all of their faces when they found out who Rainbow was talking about.

"Ya don' mean..." said Applejack.

"It would make sense!" replied Rainbow.

"But he hasn't caused any harm in a while." stated Pinkie.

"More the reason for him to make a move!" responded Rainbow.

"NOW WAIT A MINUTE!" Fluttershy spoke sternly as the others pulled their attention to her. "If you're thinking who I think you're thinking Rainbow, then you better think again! There is no proof whatsoever that he is behind this!"

"What more proof do you need?" Rainbow asked impatiently. "This is just the kind of thing he would do."

"But he's reformed!" Fluttershy argued.

"Yeah, that's what he said last time," Rainbow responded. "I would've thought that you of all ponies would be the most affected by his betrayal during the Tirek incident. If he's shown us anything, it's that he can't be trusted." The girls looked at each other uncomfortably. Fluttershy was right in saying that there was no proof yet of him doing this, but he definitely was capable of it.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask him," Twilight said. The others nodded in agreement. Since they had become living embodiments of their elements from the Tirek incident, the Six had means of summoning him as they had been able to do before with their element necklaces and crown. The group gathered around in a circle as they closed their eyes and focused hard. Pretty soon, all six ponies began to glow and rise up from the ground. As they hovered in place, a ribbon-like trail of rainbow magic traced its way along the six, creating a circle. In a flash of rainbow light, a figure appeared before them. He was tall, had the head of pony, and the body of...well...anything else. It was Discord; the former Lord of Chaos.

The timing of his summoning, however, was not the best. When he appeared, he wasn't his usual "naked" self. He wore a blue baseball cap with the letter P on it, on one paw, he wore a giant foam finger with a #1 on it, and in his other paw, he held a little waving flag. "C'MON UMP!" Discord shouted as he appeared. "WHAT ARE YA, BLIND? That ball was right down the-" He suddenly stopped as he realized that he wasn't at the Pitch-Ponies' baseball game anymore, but in Ponyville. He looked around a little before he spotted the six ponies surrounding him. His eyes fell on Twilight first. "Ugh! Twilight!" he groaned. "I thought you said you were gonna give me a heads-up before summoning me! It's the bottom of the ninth!"

"This'll only take a second Discord," Twilight said calmly but sternly. "We have a bit of a crisis on our hooves. Have you-"

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE PRINCESS?" Rainbow yelled as she got right in his face. So much for just asking. Twilight facehoofed herself as she shook her head. This was not how she wanted things to go down. Discord, however, chuckled as he snapped his fingers and made the baseball stuff disappear.

"What ever are you talking about my dear?" he asked.

"Celestia's gone missin'," Applejack said just as sternly as Twilight. "That's why the sun's still burnin' bright!" Discord looked up at the sky to see that she was right. The sun was indeed still high as if it was the afternoon. Discord then snapped his fingers to produce an old grandfather clock in front of him. The time on it read 8:00 pm.

"Well that explains why it's still so bright out," he said as he made the clock vanish. "What? Did Celestia sleep in today?"

"Don't play dumb with us Discord!" Rainbow snapped. "There's only one creature in all of Equestria who can kidnap the Princess, and you're it. So where's the Princess?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy gasped. "I thought we weren't going to accuse him!"

"Now now Rainbow, I appreciate you thinking about me so much," Discord calmly joked, "but I haven't even seen the Princess in a while. Besides, did you forget that I'm reformed?" A halo then appeared over his head as he placed his paws together in an angelic pose.

Rainbow slapped the halo away. "Yeah right! That's what you said the first time, and we all know how THAT turned out!" She then turned to the others. "He betrayed us once. Whose to say that he wouldn't do it again? Remember, he IS the Lord of Chaos!" The others looked around uncomfortably. They didn't want to jump to conclusions, but Discord had shown that he can easily break their trust again. The only one who didn't have that look was Fluttershy. Discord's face dropped as he looked at the expressions of the ponies that he called friends.

"Wait. You all don't think that I would do this, do you?" he asked. The girls just looked all over with uncertainty. Discord's expression changed to that of shock and disbelief. "No! No I wouldn't! Not now! You have to believe me, I didn't do it! Applejack?" The orange pony turned her head away silently. "Rarity?" Same response. "Pinkie Pie?" Though she didn't turn away, she DID hang her head. "Twilight?" A moment of silence passed as Twilight glanced from Discord to her friends.

"I don't know anymore," she finally said quietly. "I want to believe you, I really do. But...if you didn't take her, then who did?" Discord couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sure he did stuff in the past that he now regretted, but he was trying to make amends. And now, the ponies that were supposed to be his friends were now accusing him of kidnapping the Princess. Another awkward silence passed by the group as all looked in different directions with a combination of disbelief and uncertainty. Suddenly, the silence was broken with the sound of running up from behind. Everypony turned to see Spike, running toward them at full speed, with a scroll in his claw. When he finally caught up to them, Spike was panting like crazy. Everypony stared as he caught his breath and straightened up.

"Twilight!" Spike said excitedly. "I have news! You're not going to believe this!" He then opened the scroll and started to read it aloud.

My Dear Twilight,

I bet by now, you and the rest of Ponyville are wondering why the sun hasn't been lowered yet. I can explain. It turns out that my dear sister had been working really hard today, and had decided to take a little nap. Unfortunately, the nap lasted much longer than she expected. When I saw that the sun wasn't lowering to make way for me to raise the moon, I got worried. When I reached the castle, I found Celestia sleeping like a rock. We both had a good laugh, and that was it. The sun should be lowering at any time now. Sorry to make you all worry.

Yours Truly,

Princess Luna

When Spike had finished reading, he looked up to see that everypony's face had changed dramatically. They all looked absolutely relieved. At that moment, everypony looked up to see the sun starting to finally set. A huge sigh of relief filled the air as the ponies smiled. After Twilight thanked Spike for the news, he made his way back home as the others turned back to each other.

"Well that's a load off my back!" Applejack said.

"Yeah," Pinkie agreed, "I was really starting to get worried."

"AHEM!" Everypony stopped and looked over to see Discord with his arms crossed and his cloven hoof tapping on the ground impatiently. He did not look happy. At that point, everypony blushed furiously as Discord glared at them. "Well?" he said bluntly. "Isn't there anything you'd like to say?"

"Sorry Discord," Twilight said calmly. "We were just panicked. We weren't thinking."

"Well that makes it all the better!" Discord snapped sarcastically. Everypony straightened up at Discord's outburst. "Y'know, I know that I've done some terrible things in the past. I know that I've cause chaos on more than one occasion. But you know what? I've been trying to make amends for what I've done. You guys are supposed to be the elements of harmony, spreading friendship wherever you go, but it seems the only one you DON'T want to friends with is me!"

"Come on Discord," Pinkie chimed in. "That's not true!"

"Oh no?" Discord asked with a raised eyebrow, "Every time something goes wrong in Equestria, I'm the first one you blame. Oh no! The dam's gonna burst! It must be Discord! Oh no! A house is on fire! It must be Discord! Oh no! There's a pony behind on their taxes! It must be Discord! You guys have done NOTHING to at least try and trust me. Even after my first time reforming, you all have had nothing nice to say to me!" He then snapped his fingers and produced a magic TV screen that started to show moments with the six and Discord.

"Don' play dumb with us Discord! We know you're really behind this!"

"Yeah right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!"

"Drop the act, buster! We're onto you!"

"I say we blast him back to stone!"

"Whatever color you are is the color of trouble!"

"And good riddance!"

As the screen disappeared, the six ponies looked at each other with shame. They really hadn't said anything nice to Discord after his reforming. The only one to really show him kindness was Fluttershy. "You see?" Discord continued. "No matter what I try to do, I'll never be seen as anything...but a monster! But I guess I'm used to that. I mean, I was seen as nothing but a monster even before my first takeover of Equestria! Even before I did anything wrong!"

The others looked at each other confused. "What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked.

Discord scoffed. "Why don't you ask your precious princess of the sun? If I know her, she hasn't told you anything about what REALLY happened all those years ago! Do you think I just started out this way?" The six looked at each other again. They hadn't really thought about it. "She probably made me out to be the bad guy from the start," Discord chuckled as he turned. "Well, if you have nothing else to accuse me of for today, I think I'll take my leave. THANKS FOR NOTHING 'FRIENDS'!" And with the snap of his fingers, Discord was gone, leaving the Mane Six with only their thoughts.

"Poor Discord," Rarity said softly as the six walked back to Ponyville. "I guess I never really thought about it, but we HAVEN'T treated him very kindly lately."

"And we're supposed to be the Elements of Harmony," Pinkie sulked.

"Well ah feel darn right embarrassed," Applejack mumbled.

"You should feel more than that!" Fluttershy scolded. Everypony jumped as they turned to face her. They had seen Fluttershy agitated before, but this time, she looked furious and hurt. "You all should feel ashamed! He's right you know. You guys have been nothing but unkind to him since the beginning of his reformation! And YOU!" She pointed towards Rainbow, who in turn, straightened up. "You just showed the exact opposite of your element! I know Discord has done stuff in the past that hurt others, but how can he move on, if you keep reminding him of the bad he had done?" She then turned back to the others, whose heads were all hanging in shame. "We are suppose to spread friendship across ALL of Equestria. What would the Princess say if she saw us holding a grudge to the creature that needs friendship most of all? I can only imagine how hurt the poor thing is feeling right now."

"Ah guess we've never thought about it that way," Applejack said. "We've all seen Discord as nothin' but a villain, but we've been too blind by our grudges to try and bury the hatchet."

"I don't see what burying a hatchet has to do with forgiving Discord," Pinkie chimed in. "Where are we supposed to even find a hatchet?" The others rolled their eyes as Rarity noticed that Twilight's head was still hanging, but the expression on her face was different. It was a face that the girls were all too familiar with. She was in deep thought.

"Twilight? Are you alright darling?" Rarity asked. Twilight snapped out of her thought and raised her head to meet with her friends.

"Yeah I'm fine," she answered, "but I can't help but think of something. What do you think Discord meant when he said to ask the Princess about what REALLY happened all those years ago?"

"Maybe he was just making stuff up," Rainbow stated bluntly.

"RAINBOW!" Fluttershy scolded.

"Sorry! It's a habit!"

"I don't think that's it," Twilight pondered. "I could tell that there was some real hurt in his voice when he said that. I think that something happened with him and Celestia a long time ago that led him to become what he is today!"

"You think that Celestia's keeping information from us?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't know," Twilight responded. "I mean, I would hope that the princess would tell us everything, but what if something happened that she was so ashamed of, that she didn't want us to think badly of her. What if SHE had something to do with Discord turning evil!"

The others gasped in shock. "You really believe that?" Rainbow asked.

"I don't want to, but what else did he mean by, 'Do you think I just started out this way'?" Twilight answered. "I think that it's time to ask Celestia for the whole story. What REALLY happened with Discord all those years ago."

"What are we waiting for?" Rainbow said. "Let's go get some info from the Princess!" The others started to leave, before they looked up to notice the moon completely out. With everything that had happened, they had forgotten that it was later than they thought.

"On second thought," Twilight snickered, "maybe we should go first thing in the morning." Everypony nodded in agreement. "Ok everypony, we'll meet at the train station to catch the 9:00 train, go to Canterlot, and THEN we'll find out what really happened with her and Discord."

After everypony had said their goodbyes, Twilight made her way back to the castle. As she walked, she couldn't help but think of everything that had happened. She was feeling a whole bunch of mixed emotions. Embarrassment for accusing Discord, shame for not showing her true element towards him, relief that the Princess was ok, and confusion about what happened in the past. All the emotions made her feel rather queasy, so as soon as she entered the castle, she went straight to her room and plopped down on the bed. The rushing thoughts running through her head, however, were more than enough to keep her up. She just couldn't believe that the Princess would keep crucial information from her, but it was a possibility. What REALLY happened with her and Discord? What REALLY caused Discord to take over Equestria? Did she have something to do with it?

These questions haunted Twilight until exhaustion finally took over. Slowly but surely, Twilight's eyes shut as she drifted off to sleep.