• Published 16th Feb 2015
  • 5,628 Views, 84 Comments

I'm Afraid I Haven't Told You Everything... - Teyeson Bee

Celestia tells the Mane Six about the true story behind her and Discord's mysterious past, and how they were once the best of friends.

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Times with Discord

"Wow Princess," Twilight said with a soft smile. "I never knew you and Discord were THAT close. It's kinda cute how you two were so inseparable."

"More than cute!" Rarity sighed dreamily. "It's...so romantic! Like one of those tragic love stories!"

"Bleh!" Rainbow gagged. "All the lovey-dovey talk is making me nauseous!"

"Rainbow!" Twilight snapped before turning back to Celestia. "So, what happened after that Princess?"

"Well," Celestia continued, "after that, it seemed that our relationship had gone up tenfold. Like we were even more inseparable."

Discord could make me feel...secure. When I was around him, I never was afraid. It got to the point where one evening, I was tossing and turning in bed. I couldn't sleep. When suddenly, a crash of thunder echoed into my bedroom, and I jolted awake. It was pouring outside, and lightning was flashing all around. At that time, I was still a bit nervous about thunderstorms. The power of the sound made me feel like I was so vulnerable and weak. So, I got out of bed and journeyed down to Discord's room.

"Discord?" I whispered as I creaked open the door. Discord jerked a bit before leaning up from his pillow and looking at me.

"Celestia? What <yawn> what's wrong?"

"Well...I can't sleep because of the storm. I was wondering...if it would be ok if I...slept with you?" A moment of silence passed as Discord and I looked at each other. Then, Discord smiled.

"Of course," he whispered as he scooted over. "Come on in." I gave a toothy smile as I trotted in, closing the door behind me, and climbed into bed with him. Though I started out staying on my own side, I couldn't help but scoot over and snuggle next to him. His warm body made me feel so comfortable and relaxed. In an instant, I was out.

"Whoa whoa WHOA! Time out!" Rainbow interrupted. "You...SLEPT with Discord?"

"Rainbow!" Applejack scolded as she slapped the back of Rainbow's head. "Get yer mind outta the gutter! It wasn't like that!" Her face then gave an unsure look towards Celestia, "It wasn't like that right?"

"No no," Celestia giggled a bit, as a slight blush came across her face. "It was never like that. I just slept in the same bed as him is all." Applejack gave a huge sigh of relief.

After that, every time I felt scared or just couldn't sleep, I would end up going to Discord. Funny how I would instantly fall asleep knowing that he was beside me. As the years went by, Discord and I spent even more time together, and he was always able to help me feel relaxed. Everyday I would have Princess Etiquette lessons, and I remember how they were SO boring! But then, afterwards, Discord always had some plan to help me unwind and forget my princess duties for a while. I remember one time, I had just gotten done with the lesson, Etiquette with Tea. It was as enjoyable as it sounded. After spending an hour and a half learning about the proper ways of sipping tea, sitting, and polite conversation, I wearily traveled back to my room, only to find that it had been modified. In the middle of the room was a large, blue, oval table with fancy-looking teacups and saucers on it. There was also a unique teapot that had three different spouts to it, little bowls with sugar and cream cups, and a crazy-looking cake with bright pink icing. Sitting at the table was that silly draconequus, wearing a bright blue suit and top hat, a monocle, and a twirly mustache. As soon as I opened the door, he turned and smiled.

"Ah-HA! So happy for you to join us Lestia!" he announced in a mockingly proper tone. "Come! Sit and be merry!" How could I not help but giggle as I saw this go down? Being one who loved to play along, I bowed and strutted in and sat beside him. "Would you like some tea?" he asked.

"Why thank you good sir!" I replied in the same mockingly proper tone. He snapped his fingers as the teapot levitated toward me and literally squirted the tea into my cup. I looked at the contents and giggled. "Why Discord. I hardly think that THIS is tea."

"Of course it is my dear!" he replied. "It's a special tea!" I took a sip and giggled as the contents hit my taste buds. As expected, it was chocolate milk.

"Ah. Chocolate tea," I said with a sigh. "My favorite. Oh Discord, how did you know?"

"Let's just say that I have an act for this," he replied as he twirled his mustache. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started laughing so hard, tears started to fall. After we talked a bit, he made the teapot and cups dance in my honor, complete with mini fireworks to complete the image. Each moment made me smile and just pushed every duty I had off of my shoulders. Just like the other times, Discord had helped me completely forget my stress. The party would've gone on longer, but Royal Scroll came through and kicked Discord out so that I could "work on more of my studies."

"Y'know, this Royal Scroll guy sounded like a real meanie!" Pinkie chimed in. The others nodded in agreement.

"Indeed," Celestia nodded. "It seemed that no matter what Discord tried to do to prove his gentleness, Scroll just saw him as a monster and a bad influence to me."

"They why didn't you just fire him?" Rainbow asked.

"I wasn't an OFFICIAL Princess yet," Celestia responded. "Until my coronation, Scroll was technically in charge, and he took advantage of that every moment he could. He started his own 'Fear Discord' campaign, and spread lies around about Discord, like how his magic is black magic, how his kind was feared among all others, and so many other things. It was because of him that the town would never give Discord a chance. There was even a time when he actually tried to banish Discord from the kingdom."

It was when I was 20 years of age. My coronation was just a year away, and Scroll summoned me for an emergency meeting to talk to me about the preparations. While going over everything, he soon brought up the subject of Discord.

"Your Highness," he said bluntly, "I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I just can't have that beast in the castle anymore. He is NOT a good influence on you, or your future as a ruler of Equestria."

"But Scroll-"

"I know that your father let him in, but things have changed. He may seem harmless to you, but he is a monster, and will always be a monster. His name speaks for itself! Discord means 'disharmony'! Surely you know this!"

"Of course I do, but-"

"Then I can't have a creature in this kingdom whose destiny is to cause disharmony amongst us. I have made a decision to banish him."

My eyes went wide with shock. "You can't do that!" I shrieked.

"You'll see that I can," Scroll answered. "You're not the official ruler yet. Not for another year. So until your coronation, I am in charge, and I say that it is time to unleash the beast into the wild, where it will never harm anypony-"

"NO!" I shouted. Scroll stopped and looked at me with surprise. "Firstly, I will NOT permit you to call Discord an 'it'. He is a living being, and a male at that, so he is a 'he'! Secondly, Discord's name may mean disharmony, but he has been nothing BUT harmonious since I met him. He has done NOTHING to deserve the title of a monster, and you have NO RIGHT to address him as such!"

"With all due respect Celestia-"

"Your Princess is SPEAKING! Thirdly, I may have not had my coronation yet, but were you NOT the one who announced me as the kingdom's new ruler after my father died?"

Scroll's eyes darted around in nervousness. "Well..."

"Were. You. Not. The one. Who. Announced me?"

"Yes your Highness."

"Then let it be known that I will defend Discord's honor with my life, and if he goes, I GO! Now you wouldn't want the ponies of Equestria to know that you drove out their future ruler, would you?" Scroll lowered his head and grumbled in defeat. He had nothing to come back with.

"No your Highness," he responded through gritted teeth, "I understand. The mons- I mean...Discord will stay."

"Wonderful," I said with a proper tone, "The meeting is dismissed." Scroll bowed and trotted out of the Grand Hall, the door slamming shut behind him. I didn't let him see, but my legs were shaking so much I could barely stand, and my heart was racing about a mile a minute. That was the first time in my life that I had really shown the properties of a ruler. Taking charge and being assertive. It was as if more of my fear was gone, and I was even more ready to be the ruler. As I happily trotted out of the Hall, I noticed Discord standing right outside the doors with a big smile on his face. I also noticed a small tear in the corner of his eye as he looked at me.

"Thank you," he said softly.

"I meant every word," I replied with a smile.

After that day, my lessons as Princess were going much better, with less stress than before. With every day, I became more and more proper and eloquent. Of course, that didn't mean that I stopped my after-class sessions with Discord. Just because I wasn't as stressed, it didn't mean that I didn't want to see my best friend. Everything was just as I wanted it to be, and it seemed that nothing could get in the way of our happiness.

The year had finally arrived. It was the eve of my coronation, and I was quite nervous, but still excited at the same time. Ironically, we had the coronation scheduled on the same day when Discord and I first met. Of course, that could've just been good timing by me. To celebrate not only our 'anniversary', if you will, but the eve of the coronation, Discord planned a picnic for us, right on the hill that best overlooked the stars. The same hill where we sat after dancing in the chocolate rain. He had packed all of my favorite foods, right down to, you guessed it, chocolate milk. Discord really showed that his magic had increased as well, because he was able to produce beautiful candles, a few instruments that played on their own, and even made a giant rosebush appear beside us. He knew how much I loved roses. It was such a charming sentiment. As we sat and ate, we talked about all that we had been through, and he cracked some jokes about politics that made me laugh out loud. It was a wonderful evening.

As the night winded down, Discord and I sat and looked at the stars. Nothing to bother us. Just in our own little world.

"So," he said softly, "tomorrow's the day huh?"

"Yes," I answered.

"Nervous?" he asked.

"Maybe a little," I replied.

"Don't worry Lestia," he said with a smile. "You're going to be a great ruler! You're kind, generous, caring, brave, and gentle as a spring breeze. I wouldn't think of anypony better for the job!"

I giggled a bit at the charming compliment. "Thank you Discord. You're such a good friend. I can't imagine that I'd be here today, feeling this relaxed, if it weren't for you." I looked at him and he blushed a bit and turned away. I didn't show it, but I was nervous too. It was strange though. I had known Discord for so long, and not once got nervous around him, but for some strange reason, as I sat next to him that night, it was like I had a hundred butterflies in my stomach.

"I...I wouldn't be here either if it weren't for you," he replied. "You're the first pony to ever look passed the body and into the heart. I guess a monster CAN have a happy life."

"You're not a monster Discord," I said, "and someday, everypony will see that. Someday." He smiled as we turned back to the stars. So many beautiful constellations were up that night. I remember it so well. As a moment of silence passed over us, Discord turned to me and gulped a bit nervously.

"Uh...Celestia?" I looked up at him, gazing into his yellow eyes, "I...got you something for the occasion. Think of it as a late birthday/early coronation present." He then snapped his fingers and a small object appeared. He lowered it down to me and I gasped in delight as I saw what it was. It was a small, golden brooch, with clear crystals all around it, and had a small figure of me in the center.

"Oh Discord," I said with wonder as I levitated it to me. "It's absolutely beautiful!"

"That's not all," he continued. "I added a bit of my magic to it. Press that little button on the side." I looked on the side to see a small button standing out. I pressed it, and the brooch began to shine. I looked to see that my little figure self, which had its head and wings down, had lifted both as a miniature sun rotated above and around to the other side of the figure. I smiled softly as I watched it work, and felt a small tear come to my eye. I looked at Discord with silent awe.

"I love it Discord," I said as my excitement and happiness escalated, "I love it, and I love-" I stopped. Discord's face turned to curiosity as I turned away, blushing furiously. I had never been so embarrassed. I must've looked like a complete and utter fool around him. But just as I felt my embarrassment embody me, Discord put his paw on my shoulder and turned me back around. As I looked into his eyes, I saw that the moonlight had magnified the glow within them. I was hypnotized.

"Celestia?" he said softly, almost like a whisper.

"Yes?" I asked just as softly.


"Yes?" My heart started to pound harder as my brain was thinking of what all he might say.

"I...I...really wish you the best of luck tomorrow."

My mind stopped. "Oh," I said, still blushing, "Thank you." Well THAT was enough to add to the awkwardness. The two of us went back to looking at the stars, now too embarrassed to even look at each other again. Suddenly, as I sat there with my thoughts, I realized that I had to do something. Something I will never forget. I turned to Discord and leaned my head up towards his.

And then, to his surprise, I kissed him lightly on the cheek.

I could instantly see Discord start to blush as he turned to face me, his eyes as wide as dinner plates. All I could do was smile and lay back down, cuddling close to him. I had to show him how much he meant to me somehow, and I think that got my point across quite well. He responded by sitting back in his reclining position and letting out a happy sigh. Nothing more had to be said. We were as happy as two creatures of Equestria could be.

As Celestia finished the sentence, she looked at the six and giggled as she saw all the dropped jaws and wide eyes. She didn't expect any less of a reaction from them after hearing THAT.

"You...KISSED...Discord?" Twilight asked in pure shock.

Celestia smiled and nodded.

"You really HAVE been keeping stuff from us Princess!" Rarity said.

"I think it's so sweet," Fluttershy responded with a sigh. "I knew that Discord had some charming qualities in him. But Princess, I do have a question; Why is it that when I was reforming him, Discord referred to me as the first friend he had? Clearly it was YOU who was the first!"

Celestia's expression dropped as she looked away. "Because of what happened next."

Twilight and the others looked at each other nervously. They didn't like the sound of that. What could've happened that would cause Discord to push aside the thought of his very first friend?