• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 1,721 Views, 4 Comments

Quicksilver - PredictableOffender

2nd Person Story! How can a convict save the world with the power of Friendship? Not much but his love for a certain fashionista can bring him a long way.

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Silver the Criminal

Yet another turn of the key only produces a the pathetic whine of the starter trying desperately to do its job. You sigh and lean into the steering wheel then let out some choice words and try to start the car yet again. It was no hope it wasn’t going to start, your attempts to repair it earlier was completely useless. Celestia’s sun shines painful rays straight into your eyes, somehow mocking you through the colorful fall canopy above.

Rather than deal with the legal process of disposing of a car you get out and remove the licence plates and place them in your bag. You begin to gather anything you need for the long walk ahead of you while taking care to wipe anything that links you to the car. You have experience in doing this so it didn’t take long. You have the cash to buy twenty brand new ones anyway.

This is why you doubt people who say crime doesn't pay. You and your brother's crew just successfully pulled a string of jewelry heists. You are all over the news right now so you are heading to a safehouse for rest and a place to lay low. Your job is dangerous but its this or poverty.

You had broken down in the middle of the Everfree Forest Parkway. You are now stuck in the middle of a rarely used road that was likely filled with aggressive wildlife, with a long walk ahead of you. Luckily you had taken your old double barreled shotgun with you as a little piece of home. Leaves crunch under your feet as you take your first steps down the road towards your new home. You prefer pump shotguns for aesthetic reasons but this was the only one your brother would give you.

You had packed light, which was easy because you didn’t own much any way. The Everfree is a cold, damp and still forest so as the journey drags on you stop appreciating the scenery. Each step you got to see more and trees and multicolored leaves, you are getting exhausted and something could jump out at you at any moment so you decide to take a break.

You sit down on the side of the road and began rummaging through your backpack for anything to eat. You didn’t find anything to eat but you still have your all more or less pointless nostalgic nick-nacks. You still need a rest so you waste some time cleaning your shotgun. As you handle the weapon in your hands you realize if something does attack you it would the first time you had actually fired the gun, you just maintained your brothers guns.

It wasn’t easy not being a tough guy back on the rez. You thank the gods for your brother’s kind heart and thick skull.

Feeling a little more energized you get back up and continue on your journey. As the road goes on the road becomes more serpentine and mountainous, which is not to be surprised because Ponyville is on the other side of the mountain range obscured by the forest canopy that you only know about from memory and road maps. You only have about an hour until you reach the a gas station so you forge ahead.

You don’t believe your eyes. about one hundred meters ahead of was an old 70’s looking gas station. You walk up to the parking lot where two trucks are parked one old, one new. The gas station sign said you were now entering Scruffy’s Gas. Once you enter you see a pair of men who are clearly father and son watching the news on a TV behind the counter. The young mans runs past you and out the door.

“Sir where is your car?” The young man returns with confusion on his face.

“Ohhh uhhh....” you are kind of embarrassed and determined to abandon the turd on the side of the road. “I’m a hitchhiker that couldn’t get a ride.”

“Well A’h ain't surprised.” The older man stands up. “Only people that use this road are tourists and loggers and the logging companies are dealing with a strike right around now.”

“Oh thanks.” You begin to look around.

“Nice gun you got there.” The older man comments.

“My brother gave it to me when I left home.”

“It has been three weeks since the gang of jewel thieves last robbed a jewelry store in Las Pegasus.” The old man turns his attention to the TV.

“Lucky Ponyville is too small to be bothered.” you chuckle at the man’s words.

“You’re right.” Small towns don’t have much to rob.

“I swear if I see those guys I! I! don’t know what I’ll do” you respond with a nervous chuckle.

“Now what brings you around these parts boy?” Truth isn’t an option so you decide to begin spinning a web of lies.


Before you knew it you are riding in the old truck with the young man. His name is Caramel and you got along fine with him, although he is a little chatty and you soon learned quite a bit about life in ponyville. It was cool and charming at first but you soon learned about nearly everything Twilight Sparkle.


You wave goodbye to the old truck driving away from you down the dirt road in the middle of the everfree you now call home. Your new home stands tall in the middle of a lot, it wasn't anything too impressive. It was charming anyway and you wouldn’t mind using it as a permanent home.

However you are now incredibly tired, everything can wait until the morning. You walk up the steps and open the door, you immediately impressed with the construction of the place. It was built like a proper house with insulation, electricity, water and strangely a garage, Gramps sure delivers.

You didn’t give any thought to exploration and you immediately walk towards the bedroom and stumble your way in. Once you see the bed you toss your stuff on the floor and fall into bed.

Sunlight was soon stirring you from your slumber, you quickly get out of bed, excited to explore your new home. It was minimally equipped and you didn’t find much of interest so you turn your attention to your phone. You have Caramels number and he promised to show you around town, you grab your phone to find you don’t get service out here. You had a day of shopping planned and Caramel's truck will we be helpful, however you discover a bicycle in the garage, you take the bike and leave for the town.

The path leading into town leads out of the forest then onto a neighborhood that quickly brings you to the town square. The town was built in an old English style as per most older towns in the country.

The centerpiece of the town is the beautiful town hall, it was surrounded by a ring of turn of the century shops. In fact the further from the centre of town the newer the buildings get at rate of about ten years every two blocks. You phone alerted you to a few texts from caramel, he was asking for your help in exchange for his help in moving.

You catch a glimpse of yourself in a nearby window. The old tattered hoodie and jeans you are wearing combined with your unkempt hair disgusts you, you’re rich now you better look the part. You cancel todays plans and decide to go on a bit of a shopping spree. Caramel seemed distressed but you really don’t care, you will take what you want at anybodies expense.

First on the list was a haircut, a look in another window reminded you why, you looked like fucking Homeless Squanto. Back home you never cared but you now have a chance to change that, so you pedal towards the fancy looking barbershop you saw in the town centre. You pass a luxury car dealership and immediately stop in your tracks, you are buying a car right now.

The purchasing of the car was boring but you soon owned your own luxury sedan, a Pyromancer E100 AMG. It is pretty much a Crystal Kingdom muscle car with a fancy interior. The engine’s first roar put you in a great mood and you soon are speeding down the road towards the barber shop in your new monster of leather and steel.


Cars aren't allowed in the Ponyville town centre so you had park in a parking garage, and find a place to park on the first floor. You notice another massive luxury car park nearby, you didn’t care much until you saw who got out of it.

She was absolutely stunning, a brilliant shimmering dress that reflected light just like a diamond. Long purple curled hair leading down to her back, even from this distance you could see her beautiful sapphire eyes, looking in your direction. Now is a better time than any to talk to her.

With the confident swagger you so meticulously copied from your brother you open your car door and exit the vehicle. You audibly laughed when you saw the expression on her face when you exited the car, she looks away from you in embarrassment. You were gonna abandon the idea of approaching her when you notice her taking two large suitcases from the back of her car.


“Need a little help with that?” you call out to her.

“Oh! Why yes I do?” she seems flattered.

You walk over to her silver car you take one of the heavy suitcases, she tries to take the other one but you deftly take it before she can. She takes a step back before fanning her face with her hand, she stops when you turn to her. They were heavy but nowhere near as heavy as a duffel bag filled with gold and diamonds.

“I’m surprised you can lift those easily” crap you gotta make up a story.

“I need to keep in shape for my job.” the beautiful woman looks at you, confused then turns her attention to your car.

“Oh please do tell.” you fucked that up, think fast.

“Soldier of fortune.” you are only slightly lying. You have hurriedly shoved jewels under Police fire before.

“You’re a mercenary then?” you can't help but smile after seeing how cute that inquisitive look on her is. “I’m surprised a mercenary can make that much money.”

“It depends on the contract and how much the employer is willing to shell out. Renting your own private army is expensive.” judging on how well this is going to be a lie you are going to stick to for a long time. You already had a cover story but whatever.

“Pardon me asking but what is your name.” alias time.

“Silver Weld.” Your real name is Silver Creek. Your mom is Equestrian so she gave you an Equestrian first name.

“Rarity Belle. Shall we?” she motions to the exit of the parking garage.

“Lead the way.”


The suitcases got heavier as the blocks went on but she eventually lead you an old building with an tree that must have been growing so long it had partially merged with the building. Rarity runs ahead of you and knocks on the door, you bring her luggage next to her.

Fuck me sideways.

Prince Shining armour, captain of the guard and Equestria's top law enforcer is standing right before you. You and your brother are all over the news, you and your brother are among Equestria’s most wanted and are now within arms reach of Prince Shining Armour. Just stay calm and don’t let him recognize you.

You almost had a heart attack when Princess Twilight Sparkle appeared behind him. Your criminal instincts are telling you to get the hell out but that would suspicious as hell. You should ask some questions and gather some info on how close the cops are getting to you and your brother.

“Are you okay?” The Princess says to you with concern to her voice. You respond bowing deeply to her and her brother in an excuse your anxiety about being face to face with Equestria best law enforcers.

“Hehe... ” Princess Twilight walks up to you. “I’m Princess Twilight Sparkle.” she extends her hand towards you.

“I’m uhh.. Silver Weld.” you shake her hand.

“I’m terribly sorry I really am. I’m just so used to seeing them.” Okay you thought this Woman is important but geez.

“I’m well... sorry but I gotta leave, I have stuff to do.” No way in hell you are staying in the same building as those two. You wave goodbye to the group, just when you turn to leave you feel a dainty hand grab your shoulder.

“Wait!” Rarity screams at you. She turns red when you turn to face her.

“Take this.” she hands you a slip of paper.

“Thanks.” You know exactly what is it is.

You walked away from that place with a huge smile across your face. Although it melted when you realize you are gonna have to spend more time with Caramel if this is the same Twilight Sparkle.


One new wardrobe, one new haircut and a swaggin new car had completely transformed you. You had never seen yourself with short hair, although the expensive clothes definitely made the difference, you kind of look like a prince. All the wanted posters don’t really look like you but they all got one detail right, unwashed Indian who dresses like a hobo. You see yourself cracking an evil smile.

“You must really like this shirt!” Caramel comments.

“Something like that.” You are going to be living here while the heat dies down, who knows how long that is.

The next few days pass in peace until you remember the slip of paper Rarity handed you, you had left it on your table. Just as you suspected a phone number was written on it, you are bored so you should probably call her.

“Hello?” she sounds busy.

“Yeah... sorry for not callin’ earlier.” You hear Rarity gasp for a moment. “I've been kind of busy ”

“With what?” Jesus her curious tone is cute.

“It’s errr... been a little busy moving in.” you weren't doing shit.

“It sounds like we both had busy days.” she heavily sighs after she says that.

“I’ll errr... cut to the chase. You want to have dinner together?” you hear her take a sharp breath. “I’m done everything so you can pick the time. ”

“How about seven today?”

“Sure.” your clock says 5:30. You should get ready.

“I know this great little diner near my boutique. The Eglin Street Diner.”

“Alright great I’ll see you there.” You had better get dressed.


In your rebranding of yourself you had decided to really your class levels. All of your clothes are fancy and you even styled your hair. With a confident stride you step into the driver’s seat of your car, start the engine and make your way into town. You still can’t help to admire the car, everything about it is amazing.

Once you reach the location the that your phone directed you to it was obvious which one was the Diner. The building is one of the classic prefab buildings wrapped in stainless steel, an old 50’s sign proclaimed the place “The Eglin Street Diner.”. You see Rarity’s car so you decide to park beside it and enter the building.

The interior looks exactly like you expected it look like, although there are pictures of the restaurant dating all the way back to 1955. It didn’t take too much scanning to find Rarity sitting alone at a table with mug of coffee and her eyes fixated on her phone. You take a seat opposite her.

“Like the new look?” Rarity looks up at you and cracks an inquisitive expression and begins to intensely study every single inch of you.

“You shouldn’t have cut your hair.” you frown at her appraisal.

“I think it makes me look more civilized.” you think it makes you look less like the wanted posters.

“Still you did a great job with the clothing, although I can see plenty of room for improvement.”

“You sound like a real professional.”

“Well I am!” she huffs.

“You are?”


“So what do you do?”

“I’m a fashion designer. A rather successful one at that. ” is she offended you haven’t heard of her work?

“I made my living guarding wealthy Gryphon Kingdom warlords and shooting monsters.... and occasionally people. ” you have never fired a gun in your life.

“So you are a man of danger and adventure?”

“Was. I quit being a mercenary.” and you have Gramps working on fabricating documents to prove your new cover story.

“Really why did you do that?”

“That Gryphon Kingdom mist, it was driving me insane. Monsters everyday and barely enough ammo.” you did plenty of research and have enough stories prepared to spit out.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” you feel some sympathy from her.

“What’s past is past, I’ve been looking for a new job.”

“You shouldn’t be so frivolous with your money.” she motions to your car.

“My savings will last me for another couple years.” your savings will last you another two decades, but you still want more. “It’s just owning a car like that is a bit of a life dream of mine.”

“Is your ‘New Look’ part of an effort to reinvent yourself?”

“Yeah my entire life I was the typical dirty injun so when I moved here I decided It would be nice to actually look civilized.” Rarity slightly winces every time you use the harsher language.


“I grew up on a reservation. It was hard to leave but I had to if I wanted a better life, not too many opportunities outside of gangs back home.” you are more of a freelance criminal.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Ehh it’s alright, anyway what’s your story how did you get here?”

“I was born here.”

“I was asking for a uhhh... jot notes version of your life story.”


“You don’t need to apologize.”

“I am sorry.” you sigh “Anyway I have been here my entire life. I have always been interested in fashion, so much so I am now a one of Equestria’s top designers.” she looks very proud of herself.

“That explains the analytical look you gave me earlier.”

“I am a seasoned professional I know what I am doing.” she smiles as she gives you another once over. “Anyway things really got interesting once I met Twilight Sparkle. ”

“Can I take your order?” the waitress asks.

“Give me todays the special.” you say to her.

“The Breakfast for Dinner Special.” Rarity Orders.

“Where was I... Oh yes!” if you hadn’t meet The Princess and her brother themselves you wouldn’t have believed any of her stories. She had apparently done things from getting kidnapped by diamond dogs to confronting a Dragon. She is also apparently a close friend of Princess Celestia and fucking Discord. You are speechless the entire time, so amazed that you didn’t notice your food arrive.

“You have been silent the whole time. Are you okay? ummmmm....”

“Silver. Its just uhhh you are so much more impressive than I thought you were.” you smile at her because you really have nothing to say.

“Shall we?” she motions to the food.

You really enjoy her company and she seems to enjoy your company. You entertain her with some stories about your life back on the reservation and she details more of her friends exploits. Apparently Caramel never mentioned any of this madness because Twilight herself asked him to. Funny thing they are both enamored with each other but they are both too shy to do talk to each other.

Time raced by and you soon found yourself leaning on you car, watching Rarity drive herself home.

You have a feeling you are going to be seeing a lot of this girl over the next while.