• Published 25th Dec 2014
  • 1,723 Views, 4 Comments

Quicksilver - PredictableOffender

2nd Person Story! How can a convict save the world with the power of Friendship? Not much but his love for a certain fashionista can bring him a long way.

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You stand up to try and hear more of the chaos outside, you start something that sounds like a giant stomping that completely overtakes the screaming and gunfire. You jump up to grab the bars on the window, you lift yourself up to get a better look. You don’t see much else other than the shiny wall, although you hear a whistling that is rapidly getting louder.


You smell stone and smoke, your head hurts and you are lying on what feels like a pile of rubble. You didn’t have to open your eyes to understand what had happened, something blew up your little cell. You open your eyes to see that whatever it was had blasted through the wall, narrowing missing you, and melted your cell door and left a melted hole of bubbling rock in the middle of the outside of the cell block. You carefully walk outside the cell door and and see the three other cell doors in the circular room.

One is empty and the other has a solemn looking man with long black hair sitting in the corner.

“Hey buddy what are you in for?” you say to him.

“I attempted to reclaim land that was rightfully mine.” The man says in a deep and threatening voice.

“Don’t try to scare me when I am trying yo get you out of here.” You try to rattle the door open but it doesn’t budge.

“It’s no use. We are Dear Princess Luna’s personal prisoners.” The man continues stands up to reveal he is clad black King-like robes.

“Well I did steal her entire gold supply.” you grab a spear that was lying against a wall. “Watch out!” the man doesn’t move but you thrust at the lock as hard as you can, the lock easily breaks. “They are sure weak from this side.” You open the door and the man doesn’t move.

“You are quite strong and from what I can tell more than a little greedy.” the mans says as he stands in place.

“Yeah you can flatter me when we’re free.” you turn around and motion for him to leave, you doesn’t move and you spend an awkward moment staring at eachother.

“I see our Dear Princess hasn’t decided how you are to pay your penance.” The man reaches his hand out to shake yours. “I have resigned myself to my fate, you seem like the despicable character worthy of me.” A little confused, you reach you hand out and shake his.

The moment you get a grip on his hand a torrent of wispy shadows surrounds you and the man disappears.

“Shall we get going.” the man’s voice seems to come from below you. When you look down you notice that a sword, complete with a scabbard and a belt to hold it had appeared on you. You take it out and inspect the sword, it looks like a standard historical longsword with all black features and a darkened blade with a matching scabbard.

You have only one thought on your mind.

“What the fuck?”

“I was cursed to have to serve a master until they die, I was originally meant to serve Luna in this form but she had forgotten that swords are obsolete and her intentions for me are less than desirable.”

“You’re a fucking sword.”


“Alright let’s go. We don’t have time to waste.”

You and you new talking sword run towards the staircase and into the rest of the castle. You run up a spiral stairway that leads to what you assume is the Canterlot Castle Courtyard, you notice that the background noise had completely died down and all you hear is dead silence. The castle looms over you, it is heavily damaged but no one is trying to repair it or even nearby. The white marble of the outer wall is charred on your side and has several holes in it It looks like a battle took place here but there isn’t a single body or person. You cautiously walk towards the town.

At this time you would be relieved to see a guard or police officer but you made it to the front gate of the castle. Canterlot is a small town compared to some of the other places in the nation but the main street is completely empty there isn’t a soul in sight. You begin to make your way down the street and see damaged and destroyed building to your left and right, the normal bright color of the city feels muted.

Then you see your first person, a woman in torn clothing wandering the road like a zombie. You call out to her but she doesn’t respond, you run up to help her but you see a blank expression on her face and eyes are completely grey.

“Jesus what the fuck!” you jump back and the woman doesn’t even register your presence.

“Interesting.” your sword says. “They don’t have a trace of magic inside them.”


“I can feel life-forces nearby but no magical energy anywhere near us.”

“That sounds bad.” A wave of fear overcomes you when the idea of being turned into a zombie like creature come into mind.

“I can assure you that whatever it was may not be able to affect a Buffalo Tribesmen.” You realize that Rarity may be in danger.

“We are going to ponyville!”


Getting to Ponyville proved to be harder than imagined. It turned out that every ounce of magic had sucked out of Canterlot and the only cars that worked were Gryphon made cars that used nothing but mechanical energy to move. You sword assured you that there is magic still coming from Ponyville so the two of you drove towards the town.

As you causally drive down down the road to Ponyville in a utilitarian pickup, you can’t help but continue to glance over at Ponyville to check it its still in one piece. It looks untouched every time you look over to it. Your sword does not say a single word the entire time.

Ponyville looks normal but you notice a Royal Guard Barricade so you take an alternate route into town. This route takes you near your house so you decide to stop there first, there are a number of vans parked outside and a huge number of guards but they all are wandering like the zombies in Canterlot.

You get out of the car and at least twenty cops ignore the escape felon in a stolen car. You realize you are still in your uniform and head to your room to change into less conspicuous outfit, you grab a jacket to hide gun inside of.

You are here for a few things in you house but you start to find a number of heist related objects are missing from your home. You find them in the vans labeled “Evidence”. You see the magical jammer that was used in the train heist in one of the bags and grab it.

“What is that?” your sword says.

“Magical jammer, I have no idea how it works or where it came from.” your sword says nothing further.

You gather all the essentials for a criminal on the run, a gun, a pile of cash, a prepaid cellphone and a suitcase full of other supplies. You take your stolen car because retrieving your E100 would be just asking to be caught again.

Rarity’s place is near the river so you take a choice of back roads to avoid downtown and any law enforcement. You drive slowly and avoid detection until you find yourself driving alongside the river where people normally relax and play but you don’t see a single soul outside. You feel worried but you don’t say anything to the sword, besides if things were off he would tell you.

You pull up to the boutique and notice that Rarity’s car isn’t in the driveway. You step out of the car and look up at the building styled to look like a carnival carousel ride, some of the lights are on but it looks like no one’s home.

“There is a single completely healthy human being inside that building.” your sword states.

“Great.” that could be anybody. “You have any other magical abilities?”

“I have a range of close range attacks and ranged magical attacks. My primary role in combat.” the dark evil voice still freaks you out a little. A few silent moments pass.

“Come to think of it I never introduced myself. Silver Creek, legendary hiester and former police officer.”

“I am the former King Sombra”

“Sombra?” he was in jail with you so you expected to have heard of him but you really have no idea who he is. “Thats a badass name for a sword.” the sword goes silent.

You look back at the Boutique and wonder what you should do next, should you wait here or go looking for Rarity? How will she react to seeing you free? Would she forgive you for lying about who you are? You know and possible love Rarity and her drama queen nature is going to make a reunion a little difficult.

Okay now you have to figure out what you want now. You know you want to see Rarity above all else, second you want to somehow live freely with her and most importantly you want to keep all the wealth you risked your life for. Then a crazy thought entered your mind, Discord got pardoned so maybe you can earn a pardon if you can stop whatever is causing this random chaos.

“Silver!” Sweetie Belle’s voice brings you back to reality, before you could respond you could feel her collide into you and hug you as hard as she can.

“Sweetie....” you say solemnly.

“Rarity said you weren't ever coming back!” Sweetie says in an excited tone. “I knew you would come back!” Sweetie softens her grip and you place a hand on her back. “Rarity said you left us but Applebloom told me that you went to jail....” she loses all the excitement in her voice.

You take the time to explain to Sweetie what exactly happened and who you really are. She reacted weirdly well to the news she said that she was just happy to see you back but Rarity didn’t take the news nearly as well. Sweetie doesn't know anything about what is going on, all she knows is that everybody was ordered to stay indoors.

“I’m so happy that you came back!” Sweetie leaps at you again and hugs you.. “When Rarity told me to stay inside I wanted to go to Appleblooms house to see my friends, I’m worried about them.” Sweetie pauses. “Something bad is happening and I want to know if my friends are okay!” she bursts out.

“Okay.” Sweetie is shocked at your words and tried to respond but she can’t find any words.“Remember I’m a bad guy. A bad greedy guy that gets what he wants, I want you to be happy. Besides its probably safer at the Apple’s farm.”

With very little words you both get back into the stolen car and drive off towards Sweet Apple Acres. You realize you are now a felon in a stolen car with a child, the police are now likely to shoot on sight.

Getting to Sweet Apple Acres undetected without a police scanner was hard but you manage to avoid the authorities. You roll up the driveway the way you did many times before when you were going to hang out with Mac and Caramel. Sweetie stays quiet while you drive up to the familiar red farmhouse and park alongside the other cars. Caramel’s truck, Mac’s truck are the only ones present.

You see Mac walk out onto the front porch, you exit the car the moment you see him. Sweetie gets out and runs after him. Sweetie begins barraging him with questions before he can even acknowledge you. You slowly walk up to the porch with Sombra on your belt, partly for defense and partly to show him off. Mac looks up from the little girl attached to him and got a look of fear on his face when he saw you coming.

“Long time no see!” you call out as you approach the house.

“What are you doing here?” although you are insulted by his tone of voice he has a good question.

“Looking for the bastard turning everybody into Zombies.” You flash Sombra.


Mac rushes Sweetie into the house and tells her to get Caramel, he then takes a seat on a nearby rocking chair. Caramel soon exits the building, he looked shocked to see you but not surprised.

“Twilight was right about you after all...” Caramel says as he sits down on a bench.

“Okay you already know who I am but I need a little information.”

“I mean I want to help you escape but...” Caramel says, Mac grunts in agreement.

“No you idiot this is not what I’m asking. Besides do you really think I am that bad at evading the law?”

“You were arrested”

“A stopped clock is right twice a day. Anyway we could be wasting time. I want you to explain exactly what is going on right now” Mac then grunted.

“Caramel ain’t gonna know much about this but here is what Applejack told me.” Mac then began to tell you a story about the return of some Lord Tirek and how he is stealing the everyone's magic, Mac then had to explain the basics of magic to you, and the last time he saw Applejack was when she told him this and ran off to the center of town.

“Well that explains what Sombra told me.” The moment you say that the Mac and Caramel are immediately shocked. “Oh Sombra is my talking sword here. It’s too strange to explain.” They nod in agreement. “We should find Applejack and her friends and help them out”

Author's Note:

I am trying no not Volition(my other more relevant story) up the story and making it 8 times longer than I planned it to be. So what that means in English is that this story will be short