• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 1,401 Views, 51 Comments

Chaotic Touch of Harmony: The life and times of teenage Alicorns - Boldish42

Violet Spark and Aurora Sky are alicorns. Worshiped by an entire religion alongside their mother. Beings of vast power. They are also teenagers trying to figure out what they're going to do. These are glimpses into their lives.

  • ...

Go for it Aurora!

“So you’re literally grounded huh?”

“Ugh, not that old joke again. You’ve been cracking that one since fourth grade.”

Aurora Sky walked down the sidewalk beside her best friend Frieda Duncan, a human girl whose parents worked at Trinity General Hospital.. Not as doctors, but still, they worked there. Frieda brushed some of her black hair out of her face and blew Aurora a raspberry. “So touchy now that you can’t teleport, and it must be driving you crazy not to fly huh?”

“Teleporting is a hassle, and flying? Please, I’ve seen this little town a million times from the air, I’m not missing much. I can scratch the itch to spread my wings when I practice maneuvers with dad. It’s the car I’m missing.”

“You can warp space and fly under your own power and you complain about the car?”

“You wouldn’t get it, but driving is so easy. You get to sit and look cool in your car, taking it easy while all your stuff is in the back seat ‘cause you don’t have to carry it!”

“Oh wah. Look at me, I’m so sad because I have to carry things with my reality twisting powers. Boo hoo hoo! For a magical princess you complain way too much.”

“I’m not a princess, not really anyway.” She countered dismissively.

Frieda gave her an unconvinced look. “Uhuh, Your mom’s a princess, most cases I know that title’s hereditary, but then you’re also an alicorn. Are there any alicorns that aren’t princesses? Didn’t think so. How’s that worshipper thing going by the way?” The grimace on her friends face said it all. “Face it, you’re a princess by birth, nature and ponies’ will. Should probably get used to it Miss Magic.”

Aurora was going to put on her ‘annoyed’ face, but she thought of a way to change the subject. Quickly an ‘interested’ look grew across her face as she embraced the tangent. “You know… There is this spell I’ve been looking at that could give you a carbuncle...”

“And explain to my parents why I’m suddenly short and furry? No thanks, that’s right up there with getting pregnant and tattoos, trouble wise. Remember the tail?”

“Come on! You wouldn’t become a pony, uh well not completely anyway. Besides you said you liked the tail.”

“It was sweet.. but no.”

The two friends continued discussing the pros and cons concerning tails as they came to a small park. A group of guys were playing basketball, and some people were playing various games at the tables dotting the park. One table in particular had Aurora’s attention.

“There he is! Okay, it’s time, let’s do this.” Aurora turned to Frieda, “Did you bring the stuff?”

“I told you, Sky, this is a bad idea.”

“Did you bring them or not?”

“Yes I did, but come on! This isn’t like you, Sky, this is more Violet’s thing.”

“Hey I’m allowed to do stupid things too.. which this totally isn’t.” Frieda raised an eyebrow, “It isn’t! Shut up.” Frieda smirked, “I don’t sound like her. Don’t you dare laugh! Just.. come on.”

With that stunning rebuttal, Aurora led her friend into the ladies bathroom. Checking all the stalls making sure that they were alone, Aurora sealed the door with her magic. Their privacy secured, Frieda brought out her backpack and dumped the goods on the countertop. The two friends sorted out the pile: make up, scissors, and clothes arranged in an easy order. Aurora could have gotten them herself but it might have raised some questions around the house. Especially the bra.

“This seems like a lot to just impress a boy, is all I’m saying.” Frieda once more tried to warn her friend, “My mom says all the time ‘If you have to change who you are to get someones attention then they’re just not worth it’. Which always seemed kinda shallow to me, but I don’t think she was talking about this kind of change.”

“If I don’t do this I’m not going to be able to get Greg’s attention.”

“You’re a freaking Alicorn, trust me he notices.”

“But not the way I want! He’s human so he doesn’t think of me like that, just as a curiosity. Look, I’m doing this.” With that final proclamation Aurora Sky lit up her horn.

The bathroom lit up in Aurora’s magic, blinding Frieda. The young Alicorn had intended to cast the spell focused on just herself, but if the itch in Frieda’s ears and tail were any indication, she had failed.

“What did I just say about tails!?” The irate teen rubbed her, thankfully, still present fingers in her eyes to clear the spots away.

“Sorry, I thought I had it more contained, but never mind that, how do I look? Woah!.. Oww.”

Frieda finally pulled her hands from her eyes to see Aurora flat on her back. The young Alicorn’s alabaster fur was gone, but her skin had kept the color. She still had her horn and wings, which were spread out behind her. Brand new fingers graced her freshly formed hands, but her legs still ended in hooves, in fact the legs themselves had only changed a little. Frieda looked down at her own feet, only to find her shoes shredded around her new hooves.

I just bought these, dad is going to have a fit. Wait how am I still standing if my legs bend that way? No, don’t think about it, just go with it. Ohh but it feels like I’m standing on my toes.

The teen turned her attention back to her floor bound friend. “You kinda look a little naked. Come on, let’s get you decent.” She reached down to help Aurora, who responded in kind, only to find a new complication. “Sky, you have to close the fingers.”

“Um, how do I do that exactly?”

Frieda stared at her for a moment in exasperation. Then she got an idea, and pinched Aurora’s fingers, who reflexively closed her hand.

“Ahh! What the heck!”

“See? Those muscles, use those.”

It took eighteen minutes and four failed attempts before Aurora could stand on her own. It would have taken less time, but the youthful, strong, and independent princess suddenly became determined to stand on her own after her compatriot tried to pinch her some more. Frieda spent this time making a hole in her underwear and pants for her tail, then inspected the horn she had missed in her initial look over.

“I think my eyes are bigger, nose too.”

“That’s great, now, please help me with the clothes?”

Frieda faced her friend and bowed deeply. “Yes your majesty, right away your majesty, would you like some tea with that majesty?”

Taking on a bad British accent Aurora replied. “No, I think the clothes will do for now Jeeves, however I would like some of those delightful cucumber sandwiches of yours.” The skirt impacting her face stopped her from continuing.

Despite Aurora’s inexperience with human clothing, and getting dressed therein, she managed to get them on without incident.


“Frieda, do you have anything bigger? The bra you brought is too tight.”

“Seriously?! You don’t even have breasts normally! How is it you’re bigger than me?!”

“Hey I’ve just got what genetics and magic blessed me with.”

“Cheater.” Frieda grumbled.

After a few minutes for Aurora to get walking down (she didn’t want to trip after all), they were finally ready.

So it was incredibly disappointing to find the table Greg and his friends had been occupying empty. Fortunately the basketball players were still there. Granted they were staring at the two of them in slack jawed disbelief, and the pegasus stallion playing was... locked up. Still, maybe they knew where they went.

An hour later Aurora and Frieda had finally tracked Greg and co. down to Starbucks. Just not the one on Fifth that they checked first, no the one across town on Pine. Oh and not Tommy’s house like the ball players thought, or the hobby shop, or at the Fuel & Food.

There he was, talking about a game or something; her prey was finally cornered, so she moved in for the strike. Greg saw her coming, she was soon the focus of all the boys’ attention, actually make that the whole building. Despite Trinity being magic capital of Earth, anthropomorphic pony people just weren’t seen, well, ever really.

“Hi Greg, um, so I was wondering-”

And that is when Aurora’s spell ended. The sudden shift in form filled the store with a bright light, and left the pony proto-princess in suddenly ill fitted clothes. Right in front of her crush. She was pretty sure she could have just died right there.

“...Want to go on a date? Or, you know whatever…” She squeaked.

Greg just kinda blinked for a moment, made sure that, yes this was evidently a thing that was happening, and made his reply. “...Sure, when?”

Aurora had no one word to describe exactly what she felt, there were simply too many things galloping through her head. Ecstasy was probably the closest, though panic and frustration were pretty close. Sadly Aurora realized she didn't have a plan for this, honestly she kinda focused on the spell and forgot to actually think about the date part. Well that and HE SAID YES!!!

Frieda strode up beside her frozen friend “Great, now I gotta walk home barefoot, with a hole in my pants. Hint hint. Sky? Hello? Great, she’s broken. This has just been a super afternoon.”

Aurora was coming back a bit, but it was slow going. He said yes! She was so beyond happy right now. “Uhhh, how about Friday?”

“Sounds cool.” Greg replied.

“Umm, Sky aren’t you grounded? How are you going to-”

“What?” Aurora checked a clock on the wall, and immediately began to panic. “Oh I am soo late! Gotta go! We’ll talk later ok? Figure this all out.” She yelled over her shoulder as she galloped out the front door.

Frieda headed toward the door too, picking up all of Aurora’s discarded clothes along the way. “Yep, just the best afternoon ever.”