• Published 23rd Nov 2014
  • 1,399 Views, 51 Comments

Chaotic Touch of Harmony: The life and times of teenage Alicorns - Boldish42

Violet Spark and Aurora Sky are alicorns. Worshiped by an entire religion alongside their mother. Beings of vast power. They are also teenagers trying to figure out what they're going to do. These are glimpses into their lives.

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Violet's scheme

Violet Spark watched her aunt Beth work, moving about her office/lab, continuously ignoring her best pouting face.

“She just doesn’t understand! Why doesn’t remember what it’s like to be a teenager?!”

Beth looked up from some papers to give her furry niece a deadpan glance. “Really? That’s going to be your argument? Cause I can see a couple problems with it right off the bat. Alex having never been a teenaged alicorn, or a mare for that matter, is just the start.”

“She was still a teenager at some point right? She should understand how cutthroat school popularity is!”

“It’s different for guys, and she never was popular or unpopular or had a cause. She just went through school with Q. The fewer friends, the fewer battles. Besides, it’s not like you’re being punished for something you didn’t do. You ripped open time if I understand properly, doesn’t sound like the safest activity to me.”

“...You’re doing a horrible job of taking my side aunty.” Violet glowered.

“I sure am.” Beth smirked to the young pony, her smile turned a bit concerned when she noticed the time though, “Don’t you have a curfew? It’s getting pretty late.”

Violet had a smirk of her own, “Actually I found an out. I have no curfew if I have a job that needs me at night.”

That got Beth’s attention. “You got a job? You, Miss I-wanna-be-a-Princess?”

“What is so unbelievable about it?! You are, like, the twelfth person today to say that.”

“Soooo. Where is it? What do you do?”

Violet flicked her hair back, and proudly proclaimed her new career with a confident smile. “I am one of a few select, chosen to be Customer Service Liaison Officer at one of this fine city’s up and coming trendy night spots.”

Beth took a moment to translate in her head. “...You’re waitressing at a restaurant?”

“How do you always know what I’m talking about?!... It took me all day on figuring out how to make that sound good too.”

“So where? Where exactly is my dear, fuzzy little niece selling food? Ooh! Wait I know! the Burger King, right? No, nonono, close but wrong…Hmmm.” Beth brought her hand to her chin and regarded Violet. “Ahhh! It’s Dairy Queen isn’t it? Violet, are you… The Dairy Princess?” Beth broke into a giggling fit and had to support herself against a counter.

Violet gave her aunt a flat frown as she tried to salvage her composure. “I’m working at Cluckin Bell, actually. I was going to try to get some modeling work, but any job I get has to be from a list approved by Tune family parents. This was the best I could get, apparently I didn’t read the fine print on the job clause of my ‘Grounding Article’ in my contract.”

Once more Beth started giggling, her sister’s herd had come up with quite the novel way to keep their kids in line. The whole thing had started as Loki’s idea, she had argued that all the children of The Royal Herd would be public figures in one way or another. Whether they wanted it to or not, things would soon get tricky trying to keep the kids in line. Having four parents needing to be united in their stance on punishment was another major factor. And so The Contract was formed. In exchange for allowances and certain other privileges, the foals would sign documents entailing grounds for, and the execution of punishments. The Contract was tailored for each child and also contained many other facets, but the ‘Grounding Article’ was the part that was important at the moment. Twice a year The Contract would come up for renegotiation, Beth had stayed for the day once just to hang out while this occurred. The sheer amount of favors, bribery, attempted blackmail, and weaponized puppy eyes that were flung around that house in attempts to gain better deals would make hardened lawyers run for the hills.

That’s not to say that The Contract dictated everything. Love, kindness and forgiveness were the driving forces in the herd, it just helped to have something to fall back on, and possibly train the kids in negotiation.

Beth was pretty sure it had turned into some kind of game for them all. Finally she managed to get her giggles down. “So you picked the Cluckin Bell huh? Any particular reason?”

“Actually Mom hoof picked it practically. None of the other jobs seemed to be available when I went looking.”

Alexia the rising Chessmaster strikes again. Beth mused. “Well, here’s hoping for a nice night for you.”

Violet began perking up, “Yeah... I figure I just gotta stay positive right? Keep a good attitude and be pleasant, that’s all right? I can totally do this.”

She couldn’t do this.

Oh sure, the evening started out fine, but when do things ever stay that way? Violet had been careful about who she told about her job, the wrong people could make it a nightmare after all. Her first few customers had been fine, but word travels quickly, and when you have the chance to be served by The Violet Spark you apparently storm en masse.

Her whole plan was to do something easy to ride out her sentence, and make some extra money for when she wasn’t grounded. Maybe if it was a good job she’d keep at it, but honestly she’d rather keep her extracurricular activities instead.

This job she couldn’t leave fast enough. Of course her mother had thought of that too, she was signed on at the Cluckin Bell, at least until her grounding was over. Oh, and apparently the manager/owner, Mr.Cluckin, was in agreement with Alexia about not going easy on her.

“Violet! Break’s over.” Mr.Cluckin leaned into the backroom where Violet had been seeking refuge. “Table nine needs assistance please.”

Violet sighed, lamenting her expired break, she hadn’t been able to even take one until late because of how busy they had been. “I’m on my way Mr.Cluckin.” Gathering up some menus in her magic Violet made her way to table nine.

What kind of name is Cluckin anyway? Especially for a human. Wonder where he got it from, no way it’s his actual family name, he must have changed it, right?

Distracted as she was by her inner musings, Violet didn’t notice who was at table nine until she was there.

“Check it out girls. Seems the rumors are true, miss princess is waiting tables.”

Violet could swear she felt her blood freeze. Her eyes focused on the table’s four occupants: Vanessa Jennings and her friends. Exactly who she didn’t want to see. Well, actually as a group they rated number three on her list, but honestly they were the most likely to show in her top five.

Vanessa was the living image of the blonde white alpha bit-...teen. "Well are you going to take our orders or what?" She smirked, you could actually hear it in her voice.

Violet plastered a broad smile to her face and got to work passing the menus. "Hello and welcome to Cluckin Bell! I'm Violet Spark and I'll be your server tonight, we have a special on our Pizza Poppers all week long, would you like an order for the table?"

“Yes please!” Everybody looked with either looks of confusion or exasperation at Peach Pit, the ever happy Earth mare beamed at Violet. “We’d also like some Nigerian Nachos and an order of Shanghai shrimp.” She didn’t even need to look at the menu.

“Uhh, anything to drink?”

Vanessa clearly had a snappy remark at the ready, it was just a shame that her friends were thirsty and a bit quicker than her.

“Water for me.” The exceptionally tall redhead Brianna Harrison replied instantly.

“Peach tea please! Oh! Iced please.” Peach Pit added.

Sitting beside Vanessa was Jet Stream, a pegasus mare, staring at her menu intensely. She could be heard muttering, trying to decide on a drink. “But what about? No.. No maybe.. But!..Yes! Yes! I will take a Coke!” Everyone’s blank stare told her all she needed to know. “I did it again huh? Well they give you the menu and immediately ask for your order! I don’t get why the rest of you don’t feel the pressure.”

“Maybe because it’s just drinks Jet.” Vanessa said blandly. With all her friends orders out of the way she finally had an opening. “So what kind of princess has to work at Cluckin Bell? Aren’t you still living with your mommy’s herd, or are things just not as good as they seem in the royal manor?”

“I’m just trying something new is all, you might want to try it. As for things at home, well I’ll admit we don’t have quite as much as you probably do, what with all those fat alimony checks your dad pulls in. Anyway, what can I get for you ma’am?” Violet strained to keep a small smile.

“... I’ll have an iced triple mocha cappuccino with whipped cream and caramel.”

Violet took a moment to write down the order. What doesn’t Mr.Cluckin serve here? “Now, pardon me, but are you sure I can’t interest you in something more slimming? You look like someone who’d appreciate something more diet.”

“I’ll be fine thanks.”

Violet started on her way back to get their order, but couldn’t help but overhear bits of a conversation.

“- sucking up to her cause you worship her, or her mom?” Vanessa hissed.

“But I’m a Buddhist.” Was Peach Pit’s reply.

“You’re such a liar! You go to the Triad church every Sunday!”

“Yeah, cause my parents are Trinitists, I’m Buddhist.”

“Uh huh, and last week you were Methodist.” Brianna dropped in.

Safely in the back Violet groaned, finally let her face relax.

“Know those girls?”

Mr.Cluckin had been standing beside the door silently, so it was a little startling when he spoke up. Fortunately Violet was too tired to jump in surprise and only managed a short squawk. “Don’t do that!” she swatted him with her wing. “Uhh yeah I do, was kinda hoping not to run into them.” She admitted then moved on to fill the order.

Mr.Cluckin stood there contemplating the worn out teen, it really hadn’t been the best first day for her. Finally he seemed to come to a decision. “Violet… I promised your mom I wouldn’t go easy on you, but how about I take over that table for you? The Gleesons are at table three, why don’t you help them out, they’re always easy to please.”

It was a tempting offer, she seriously considered it for a moment. “Thank you Mr.Cluckin, but no. I’ll finish table nine, can’t run away, not this close to my shift’s end. Really though, thank you for offering.”

Mr.Cluckin gave her a smile and left. Violet almost regretted her decision. Drinks ready and the appetizer orders placed Violet headed back out. If there’s a bright side, it’s that I’ve only got the one table. Looking around, it was almost jarring how empty the restaurant had become in such a short time, the dinner rush having all left.

“Here are your drinks: water, iced peach tea, a coke, and an iced triple mocha cappuccino with whipped cream. The appetizers will just be a moment.” Violet turned to walk away.

“Oh My Gawd!” She knew it was too easy. Vanessa looked at Violet with disdain, her drink shoved away from her back toward the purple pony waitress. “Are you, like, the princess of getting my order wrong? I said I wanted caramel, who drinks iced triple mocha cappuccinos without smooth caramel to balance it out?”

Violet held on desperately to her bland smile. “Maybe someone who likes chocolate coffee and doesn’t need a bigger belly. But nevermind me and my theories, please allow me to fix that for you.”

“Well excuuuuuse me princess for wanting to actually get what I ordered!”

Ugh, got to watch the comebacks, that one was too much and not all that clever either. Come on Vi, almost there. Just hold on a little longer.

The next forty minutes were a herculean feat of control for the teenage alicorn. Her only reaction was the occasional potshot counters to Vanessa’s snotty quips. Forty minutes, as they slowly picked at Peach Pit’s appetizers (Her treat!), it felt like hours. Finally though they were gone, and fifteen minutes of clean up later, Violet was on her way too.

Only to meet the quartet in the parking lot. Vanessa was at the head of the group. Her face held a superior smirk… for all of five seconds and then it dissolved into worried concern.

“Violet… So how did I do!? Was it too much? It felt like it was too much. I told you I would be terrible at this!”

“Vanessa! Relax, you did fine, I was mostly trying not to laugh the whole time. I wasn’t expecting you guys at work is all. Kinda went a little ‘Valley girl’ there huh? ‘Like, Oh My Gawd!’” Violet said with her first genuine smile of the night, her friends all chuckled at her impression . Despite what an outside observer would have seen in the restaurant, Vanessa Jennings was in fact one of Violet’s closest friends. “I hope I didn’t go too far with the crack about the, uhh, alimony thing.”

“Nah, it’s fine, she’s a... jerk.” She finished lamely. “After all she did… You won’t be hearing me defend her… Thanks though.” She gave a weak smile, the pain from betrayal was still painful, no matter what she said.

“Jerk?! That’s the best you got? After all she put you and your dad through, just calling her a jerk practically is defending her!” Jet burst into the conversation. “She was a total bitch! Com’on say it with me now.”

The whole charade of catty remarks was actually a game the girls came up with. Violet wanted to get used to people slinging insults at her in case she ever did manage to get into a position of authority. The ability to absorb, deflect, or counter such barbs was one she wanted to have at the ready. Vanessa meanwhile had dreams of becoming an actress, but she had issues with standing up for herself as well. To put on such a nasty malicious personality, so opposite of her actual self, was fantastic practice.

“So how come you didn’t tell us that you had a job?” Brianna bluntly entered the conversation.

“It… It was embarrassing alright? I kept bragging about how I’d outsmart my mom and get such a great job. Then it turned out that I’d walked right into her own little trap, and ended up working at Cluckin Bell. I figured that maybe I’d at least get some better practice at the job before you guys showed up, then I could show off how great I was at it. Instead you show up on my first day working solo. I’m pretty sure I’d get in trouble with most of my comebacks that I shot at you.”

Peach Pit hopped up to Violet, throwing a hoof over her shoulder. “That’s just silly Vi! This way we get to see how good you’re going to get at the job and spend some time together. Hey, do you think Mr.Cluckin has anymore openings? Then we could all work together! Though you might want to watch what you say to customers, some of those things you said could hurt someone’s feelings and then you’d get in trouble and have to clean up everything on your own or even get fired! And then your parents would be all disappointed and then they’d increase your punishment and then we’d never see you for years and then-.”

“I get it Peachy! I’ll watch what I say in the future alright?”

Everyone grouped together as they started to walk back toward the streets their houses were on. They didn’t get very far before a car pulled up beside them, the driver window rolling down to reveal Violet’s mom, Alexia. “Hey girls. Would you like a ride home?”

The friends debated the ride for a moment, some wanting to walk together to spend more time with one another, until someone mentioned that they could avoid getting in trouble for being so late if Princess Alexia gave them a ride home. That just looks good for your argument if a responsible adult was there, and what could convey more responsibility than the Alicorn of Life?

It was pretty quick, much more so than Violet would have liked. All too soon Vanessa was walking into her own home, and Violet was on her way to the Royal Manor.


With her mother.

The silence didn’t last very long. “Soooo, how was work?” Alexia nudged her purple pubescent progeny.

“Eh, okay.”

“Oh don’t give me that, you couldn’t stop talking when your friends were here. Come on, spill. Tell me all about it.”

Alexia soon found herself glad that the ride was a short one.

“-and then I replaced the syrup in the soda machine, which decided to spray me down with soda water somehow. And that’s how my second hour went, now the third...”

“I got it. It was a rough day, still you seem to have handled it just fine. Particularly that one guy that wanted Pepsi for whatever reason.”

“Yeah! Right?! Who wants Pepsi when there”s Coke? It just tastes… That was in hour four, I only told you the first two… You were spying on me!?”

“Spying is such an... inelegant word.”

“But accurate.”

“I wanted to make sure you were doing alright! You’re the first of all our kids to get a job, and I was worried.”

“Dusty has a job, you don’t tail him do you?”

“Dusty’s self employed so it doesn’t count, besides I didn’t have to, Crimson and Loki took turns shadowing him for a week when he started his little ‘company’.” They sat there in the driveway for a moment in silence, “So, what are you going to do? You going to stick with it?”

“I thought I was committed?”

“Please. I can’t force you to keep doing any job, and I certainly can’t force you to do it well. So…”

Violet thought a moment. It had easily been one of the toughest days she could think of. Her whole body was sore and aching, as if she just went through sparring practice with her parents three times in a row. She felt frazzled, sticky and just plain tired. Also the tips were terribly lacking. Still…

“Yeah, I think I’ll keep at it, at least until I serve my time.”

Alexia smiled, proud of her daughter’s conviction. It had been a rough day, monstrously so, and she honestly wouldn’t have blamed her if she wanted to rethink her plan. Then again, Violet was a tough and stubborn mare.

“Come on let’s go get some ice cream and relax a bit, I can tell you about my first day of work.”

Violet smiled at that, though she couldn’t resist teasing her mom just a little. “Oh great. Another ‘In my day’ story.”

She smiled even as Alex swatted her face with her wing. Oh it feels good to be home.

Author's Note:

Got four more chapter ideas, just got to write'em.