• Published 27th Nov 2014
  • 2,491 Views, 12 Comments

Blue Moon - The Infinity Doctor

They knew the risk they took when Rarity's friends tried to free her from Nightmare Moon's hold, and decided to take that chance. Lost and nowhere to go, both the Nightmare and Rarity find themselves in an unfamiliar world.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Robin blinked wearily, finding herself in her own bed. Tiredly rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she crawled out of bed, and to the dresser in the far corner of the room. Half-awake, she pulled out the top drawer, and removed a sweatshirt, then closing the drawer shortly after. Making an attempt to bend over, Robin pulled out the drawer below the first, a cache of jeans inside. After yanking out a single pair off the top, she tossed both articles of clothing onto the bed. Shucking off her top, as well as her pants, she tossed them both into a 'clean-later' pile in the corner. She pulled the sweatshirt over her head, then proceeded to do put the jeans on when a small knock came at her door.

"Um...hello?" she called, blushing furiously as she hurried to pull the jeans up.

She only needed one guess as to who was on the other side of the door.

"J-Just a minute!" she called.

The door's knob twisted, and I don't mean turned, I mean, full-on twisted. The brass object squealed as it bent, leaving marks in the door itself. The knob popped off the door, landing with a soft thump on the carpet. My jaw refused to work, staring in denial at the object on the floor. The woman entered a short while after, pushing the door open with ease.

My gaze stared up at her slitted pupils, rather meekly, I'm ashamed to admit. I vaguely became aware of the fact that the woman was in the room, and I had yet to fully pull my jeans up to my waist.

"Like what you see?" I asked sarcastically, furiously blushing in a rare moment of stupidity.

Her usually-navy face became as red as a tomato's. She covered her muzzle as she backed out of the room, hobbling more than anything else.

'For god's sake...' I grumbled to myself, buttoning my jeans.

Exiting my room, and reminding myself to freak out about the doorknob later, I entered the living room, finding the woman to be in the process of limping to the couch.

"Do you...do you need any help?" I asked quietly, causing the woman to yelp as she nearly tripped over the coffee table.

The woman apparently didn't, as she sat herself somewhat gracefully on the nearest end of the couch. The two of us shared a beat of silence, starting at each other awkwardly. Coughing into my fist, I then tried to talk to her.

"I...um...are you h-hungry?" I asked "I can...I can make you something..."

The woman seemed to think for a moment, then nodded slowly, the thick curls of her hair bouncing a bit as she did so.

"Okay...um...what would you like?" I asked.

'What does her kind eat, anyway? Aside from hay and grass?' I wondered as I waited for the woman's answer.

The mare/woman pantomimed something with her hands, which of course, was wholly and entirely lost on me.

'Frozen waffles it is, then.' I thought, turning to head into the kitchen.

I suddenly stopped, much to my surprise, as a dark glow took hold of my body. It was as if someone had taken a picture with a camera filter, my vision laced with the anomaly. My body jerked backward, nearly snapping my neck as my feet ignored my commands. Falling forward, I landed on the couch, across the woman's lap. Blushing, I tried to stand, only to find that I was being held in place. The glow finally disappeared, and I flipped over, trying my best to end the awkward encounter as fast as possible. Staring up at the woman's face, past her chest, I found her eyes to be as thin as daggers, smiling with a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth. Gulping, I froze, unsure of what I should do, or how the hell I managed to get into this. An actual tear slipped down my face, afraid of what this maniac was going to do to me.

I lay there, my eyes screwed shut, as I waited.


Taking a peek, I discovered her dagger-like pupils to be...uh...less...dagger-like? Instead of looking like she wanted to eat me, the woman now looked like she was just as surprised as I was. A moment later, her expression changed into one of sympathy and compassion, befuddling the ever-living-hell out of me (what little I had left, anyway).

Rolling out of the woman's lap, I brushed myself off.

"Just what in the hell was that about?" I asked, turning around to face her.

The woman said nothing, and instead looked abashedly off to the side, trying as hard as possible to hide herself. Rolling my eyes, I flopped onto the seat next to hers. Her frame looked like it was a good foot taller than mine, making me feel teeny compared to her. Taking initiative, I placed a hand on one of her own, rubbing comfortingly. The woman's hand twitched beneath mine, as if she wanted to pull it away. She and I stared at each other- I lost track of just how much time was lost with both of us locked in a staring contest. The look on her face was sort of a mix between surprise, shock, and curiosity. Already feeling awkward, I spoke.

"It's uh...okay..." I said pathetically "I'm not...hurt or anything..."

Her mouth opened, as if she wanted to say something, and just as I thought she was about to speak, she clutched her throat with her other hand, letting out nothing more than a pained grunt.

"Are you okay?" I asked, then face-palmed.

'Stupid! Of course she's not okay!' I thought.

"Your throat hurts?" I asked dumbly, standing.

The woman glared at me, still holding her throat.

"Right...right...I'll, um, be right back..." I stated, shuffling into the kitchen.

'Did you really have to do that?' Rarity asked, gently massaging her sore throat 'The poor thing is scared of us, now.'

'It was offending our presence, ignoring us like that-' Nightmare stated haughtily 'and to think, she showed such excellent servitude.'

'I would be grateful if you would show a little respect to our host,' Rarity replied 'especially after what she just attempted to do.'

'I will not show gratitude for false gestures and empty words.'

'You should at least be thankful that she has shown us kindness- we would most likely have been taken to the nearest authorities if she had not taken us in.'

'Kindness...just like dear Fluttershy.'

'You...you be quiet.' Rarity seethed.

'Why? Do I remind you of the mistakes you made? Of the friends and family you left behind?'

'If I didn't have such a refined persona...I'd slap the hay out of you...' Rarity growled.

Nightmare was silent, not bothering to respond to the petty threat made by the former-unicorn. A high-pitched whistle soon assaulted her ears, making her wince as the sound quieted, dissipating almost as soon as it had begun. 'Robin' entered a moment later, a coffee mug in hand. Steam rose from the mug, indicating to her that the contents were hot.

"The only kind I had was chamomille, and I didn't know if you wanted honey or not..." Robin stated, setting the mug on the coffee table.

'That smells heavenly...' Rarity thought, sniffing at the faint scent that was given off by the mug's contents.

'Most likely sewer water from outside.' Nightmare hissed.

'Darling, be positive for once.' Rarity sighed, carefully picking up the mug.

'I would be, if I didn't have to constantly put up with being mistreated.'

'Is the mighty queen of the night, pouting?' Rarity smirked, gently blowing on the mug to cool the tea.


Nightmare's sudden shout surprised Rarity, causing her to drop the mug. The hot tea sloshed out of the mug, landing on her dress as the mug itself landed on the carpet. Rarity shrieked in pain, standing. Two things happened at once; Rarity bashed her head against the ceiling, resulting in yet another jolt of pain blossoming in her head, and what little of the tea hadn't already been absorbed by the fabric of the dress, spilled onto the carpet, joining the mug.

Robin rushed forward, taking her by the hand.

"L-let's get you into the bathroom...I-I-I'll bring you a change of clothes..." she said, leading her past her room.

The bathroom was a bit more cramped than the hall, especially given Rarity's height. Robin closed the door, giving her privacy.

"I knew I should've let it cool..." I muttered to myself, searching my dresser for anything that might be big enough to fit my guest.

Of course, I found next to nothing, save for a single pair of cargo pants with an elastic waistband.

'This might do the trick...but what about a top?' I wondered.

My question was soon answered, as the woman stepped into view. I shielded my eyes as I devolved into a string of incoherent babbling. I had no clue if this...this mare/woman had any inkling of dressing herself, but the way she was 'showing off'- you wouldn't think she did.

"H-H-Here..." I stated, my eyes still covered as I held out the pants.

I felt her take them, her fist taking the pants into her possession, leaving me with a fistful of air.

"I...I don't have anything else that'd fit you..." I stated, hearing the woman shuffle a bit.

More shuffling, followed by a ripping sound filling the air. I actually did look up, in time to see the woman tearing two perfectly good shirts, one blue, the other yellow. Both of the articles of clothing were encased in the same dark glow that held me earlier, and it had crossed my mind at one point...that I used to live a perfectly normal life. The two shirts surrounded her entire upper-body, and fused together, creating an entirely new, larger shirt out of the two smaller. The woman, looking satisfied with herself, looked through my bedroom door, directly at me, a contented smile on her face.


I've got such a way with words, don't I?

Comments ( 6 )

I'm confused is Robin a girl or a guy :derpyderp1:

I thought my English was bad but in the end was the chapter ... :pinkiegasp:

5332446 So...the chapter was bad?
5331823 Robin is a girl.

Perhaps you should add a few more tags to this because so far I'm seeing "Slice of Life" stuff.

Not bad :)
A new chapter anytime soon?

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