• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,370 Views, 61 Comments

Ponies Watch Anime - Choral Note

Every wonder what ponies think of anime? Here are my ideas...

  • ...

Applejack watches Foalmetal Alchemist

Author's Note:

Man, it's been a while. Sorry this took so long, I was sick for, like, ever, so I didn't get a chance to work on this chapter until 12/10. I hope you enjoy it!
Also, my pony pun of Japan is "Japone".

The clouds were particularly lazy in Ponyville today, which threw the weather team into a fit. Applejack, not being able to work with all the fog, reluctantly took a day off. She glumly sat inside the farmhouse, looking out the window at all the fog that made it impossible to see any apples or trees.

"What's wrong, sis?" Applebloom asked her gloomy sister. "Are yah sad 'cause a' the fog?"

"Naht so much the fog itself, but the fact that Ah can't work 'cause of it," Applejack sighed in response.

"Ah know what'll cheer yah up!" Applebloom suddenly exclaimed, jumping a bit. "Spike told me 'bout this thing called 'anime!' Sort a' like Japonese cartoons! Ah'm pretty sure there are some on Hoofflix!"

"Ah dunno, AB." Applejack said. "Ah mean-"

"How about Foalmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Ah've heard it's better than the first anime series." Applebloom suggested, already on Hoofflix.

Applejack sighed in response to her sister. She looked at the anime description. "Yer not plannin' on watchin' this with me, are yah, Applebloom? It doesn't seem appropriate fer such a small pony." Applejack regretted the words as soon as they were out of her mouth. She knew Applebloom hated being called a little pony.

"Ah told yah, sis! Ah'm a big pony!" Applebloom pouted defiantly. "Ah can watch this anime with yah if Ah want to!" With that, she stubbornly sat on the floor and began the first episode.

Applejack sighed, knowing her sister could be as stubborn as she was (a trait gotten from their father), so she decided to let Applebloom watch, and maybe she'd learn her lesson. She plopped down on the couch and fell under the spell of the animation.

"Tsumi no saigo wa namida janai yo, zutto kurushiku seo tte kunda!" Went the theme song. "Deguchi mienai kanjo meiruni dare wo matteru no."

Applejack didn't pay much attention to the plot of the episode. She basically got the gist of the anime. A colt named Edward and his little brother Alphonse had tried to resurrect their late mother using alchemy, and while Edward only lost a front leg and a back leg, Alphonse lost his physical body and his soul was bonded to a suit of armor. From the episode, she did get that there was plenty of blood and some minor cussing, which would be a bit much for Applebloom. She looked at the back of her sister's head. She couldn't tell much from that.

After the episode ended, Applejack walked over to her sister as the credits played.

"Well, AB?" Applejack asked. "What didja think?"

Applebloom looked like she was in utter shock. Then, without another word, she ran up to her room, looking a bit green. Applejack chuckled at her sister.

"Eeyup. Ah think she learned her lesson."

"It wuz amazin'!" Applebloom cheered into the phone. "Of course Ah'm gonna watch more! ...No, not while mah sister's there. I fooled her into thinking Ah'd 'learn mah lesson', or somethin' like that. ...'Kay. Later, Sweetie Belle."