• Published 29th Nov 2014
  • 2,370 Views, 61 Comments

Ponies Watch Anime - Choral Note

Every wonder what ponies think of anime? Here are my ideas...

  • ...

choral nte watches vocaaloid

"omg, I don't havde anything to do today." choral not e said. "I should totaly watch some animeee." she went over the computedr to listun to vocaloid musec.
"Eloise," said her brother because he was normal and wasn't trolling the readers. "Don't you have math homework to do?"
"sence when do yu care about my homwurk" noet said. "I need voculoid music to listin to."
"Note," her friend tech-net said. "Vocaloid isn't an anime-!"
"IDUNCARE." noote yelled and fell aslep on the keyboard.


Author's Note:

Happy April Fool's day! If you couldn't tell, this is just sort of a troll. It's amazing how many spelling errors you make when you type too fast. Believe me, I almost make plenty of spelling mistakes when I'm NOT trying to. :ajsleepy:
Also, this is kind of based off of one of those memes with Patrick saying, "Is mayonnaise an instrument?" Except it said, "is Vocaloid an anime?" No Patrick, Vocaloid is not an anime.
Except my friend who Tech-Net is based on is planning to make a fanfiction of a Vocaloid magical-girl anime.

I have no idea in Tartarus what drove me to make this. Maybe it's because I only have one prank planned for today. :applejackunsure: Anyway, I hope you like this April Fool's chapter! I swear, the new actual chapter is on the way!
Rarity: No, it isn't.
Shut up, nopony asked you.