• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 5,165 Views, 142 Comments

Pinkamenace II Society - jmj

Twilight is sent to learn about the magic of friendship and ends up in the ghetto that is Ponyville.

  • ...

2:2 Return to Innocence?

Segment 2: Chapter 2

Sweetie Belle was not a morning pony. She wasn’t even sure how she had ended up in the apple orchard, but she had probably walked, or sleep walked, beside her teacher. Sacks of sand were pulling her eyes shut and her mane was sticking up at weird angles in several places as she fought to keep on her hooves as dawn broke the horizon and spilled tendrils of orange glow through the limbs of the living apple trees. Sweetie shook herself from sleep’s embrace as Twilight continued to pace back and forth and lecture the young unicorn on the mystical ways of conjuration, abjuration, and divination. Twilight hadn’t noticed that Sweetie had fallen asleep for a moment or two and the young unicorn filly did her best to come to attention and absorb the lesson that the lavender unicorn was teaching. Twilight was just so …

“… and the chief difference between detect magic and detect magical device is the conjunctionary magical tether. A scholar once asked, ‘What does the tether have to do with the slight difference between magic and magical device?’ The answer? A lot! It was believed 400 years ago that the constraints of magical practice, or the Sky Line agreement, led to malformed…”

… boring.

Sweetie Belle had been training under the magically talented unicorn for a few weeks and was taking particular interest in the illusion and divination schools. Sweetie had previously formulated a spell that let her transmit sound from her spell’s location to her mind and had used it against that brainless butch Scootaloo on several occasions, but there were far more exciting spells to learn. Sweetie began imagining the possibilities of spells that could deceive the eyes and minds of ponies. What promise. What power. What … Sweetie snored lightly as sleep jumped at the opportunity to overtake her wandering mind.

“… and that led to the reformation of the Ommadon Pact. With society embracing the benefits that the abjurer preached, Equestrian armorers began to lose business. This leads to why only the Royal Guard wears armor. The newly explored abjuration magic attracted many new students and soon flourished. Can you imagine being immune to the effects of heat or cold? Many uses were found for …”

Twilight continued to lecture for a few minutes before Sweetie’s snores rose to a level where the lavender mare was forced to take notice. The unicorn cocked her head to the filly and let out an annoyed sigh. This was not the first time she had been lecturing to a student and they had fallen asleep. In fact, on several occasions, she had been asked to read a report on magic or explain a project and her classmates had all but broken out pillows. “Sweetie!”

The filly stuttered and jerked awake, nearly toppling over as her legs reacted in different directions to the sudden vigor from the previously droning, monotonous voice. She rubbed her eyes with her hooves after gathering her balance. “Sorry, Twilight. It’s just so early and I don’t like conjuration or abjuration. Can we talk about something else until I’m fully awake?” The filly looked a little embarrassed and topped off her statement with a wide yawn, showing her tiny dangling tonsils to the mare.

“I suppose we could forego the conjuration lesson for now. Very well, what did you want to learn about?” Twilight’s annoyance turned quickly to interest. She smiled at the filly and waited for Sweetie to voice her magical appeal.

“Well, I really liked when we talked about illusion magic. I’ve been practicing it and I want to show you what I can do!” The filly jumped eagerly as she excitedly found a chance to show her newest trick.

Twilight nodded and prompted the filly to show her the trick she was so eager to present. Twilight was eager as well; Sweetie was a good little pupil for her age and had showed some promise in her magical capabilities. Twilight sat on her hind legs and motioned to the filly. “Please, show me what you’ve been practicing, Sweetie Belle.”

A smile spread across the young unicorn’s face and she set her legs apart to brace herself, just in case something went wrong and something exploded. Sweetie clenched her teeth and closed her eyes, her smile faltering under the concentration. Her horn began to glow a soft pink color and a small area between the two mares rippled as if it was a surface of water disturbed by an unseen force. The filly could feel her magic shaping and doubled her efforts, sweat breaking out upon her coat under the duress of her effort.

The intensity with which the afflicted area shuddered grew and slowly a form began to expand from within. Twilight was impressed by the display and encouraged the filly, “Keep going, Sweetie Belle, you’ve almost got it.” Twilight understood that the form was an illusion and had never once experienced a negative reaction from illusory magic, so she let the filly continue to shape her image.

Sweetie didn’t hear the older mare, her concentration tied only to her apparition. She began to growl under her breath and suddenly her tiny horn flared momentarily with energy, strobing the immediate area with flickering light.

From within the semi-invisible magic came the likeness of Twilight. It was crude, like a foal’s drawing, but nonetheless an image of Twilight stood between the mares. It stood perfectly still for a moment and then instantly disappeared when Sweetie Belle’s concentration broke. The filly huffed loudly, sapped by the expenditure.

“Wow! That’s amazing, Sweetie! That was a full torso duplicate image. It was a little rough, but very impressive for a filly of your age. I have never seen anypony as young as you perform such a magical feat. How long have you been practicing that?” Twilight couldn’t hide her thrill with the filly; the awe dripped with each word.

Sweetie breathed hard but smiled up at the larger mare with a satisfied disposition on her face. The filly had been working on replicating different images since her first lesson, but a duplication of a pony could prove useful. Honestly, this was the first time she had formed a full body. She had only marginal success on previous attempts. Tired, but pleased, the filly responded, “Since our first lesson that involved making images. It sure was hard, but it was good, right?”

“Very good. The image lacked definition, but really, Sweetie, I am impressed with your performance. If you keep to practicing you will only get better.” Twilight liked the young filly and hoped to encourage her to continue her studies. Twilight enjoyed teaching the unicorn, but more importantly, she enjoyed the time they spent together. Sweetie had sought her out on numerous occasions just to talk. Usually, she talked about the farm and having fun with Apple Bloom and how she was thankful that AppleJack let her pretty much live on the farm with them. Ponyville was a dangerous town and she didn’t like being there ever since her parents had been murdered. She wished Rarity could move out of Ponyville, but she didn’t make enough bits to move to a new town.

Also, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were apparently not getting along all that well. Twilight had noticed that the pair seemed eager to blame each other the first day she met them, but Sweetie had mentioned before, during one of her visits to Twilight’s room, that Scootaloo liked to try and have things her way by using her size advantage over the unicorn. Twilight had told the filly to express her thoughts to the fledgling pegasus and explain that Sweetie did not appreciate that kind of behavior; they were friends after all, and friends listened to one another. Sweetie had made an odd face in response and changed the subject. Twilight put the thought away; it was education time now, and later they were going to spend the day together in Ponyville with Rarity, Sweetie’s sister, and, ugh, JackSlap was going to accompany them. She still wanted to get this lecture in and attempt to broaden the young unicorn’s magic, but she would switch topics for now. There was still plenty of time and she had earned it.

“Okay, let’s talk about illusion, Sweetie.” Twilight grinned to the young unicorn and, when a satisfied smile broke across the young one’s face, Twilight began to speak. “So, in the Third Century a unicorn named Abracadazzle theorized that the co-support mechanism for belief was structured under the law of reality. This said that, if a pony could visualize an image, then they could believe it existed. The fundamental flaw behind this reasoning was ignored because…”

Sweetie’s smile faltered and she sighed as the tendrils of sleep began to take root in her eyelids and pour sand inside once more.


Even if it was in a safe part of town, and in the early morning when most of the dangerous ponies finally crawled into their hovels for rest, the grocery store was a frightening venture for Fluttershy. The butterfly cutie marked mare rarely left Sugar Cube Corner for any reason, but this was a special occasion, which prompted the skittish mare to embolden her fretful nature and venture out into the town. Pinkie and she needed supplies for her party.

Pinkie had yelled at her at first the night before, but then grew soft. Something had happened then that Fluttershy could not explain. She had watched Pinkie react as if she was hearing something in the kitchen. Fluttershy had cowardly hidden herself in the furthest corner of the den and watched the pink pony brave the darkened kitchen alone. She felt wretched, as if she had abandoned Pinkie to a terror unimagined, and things had grown quiet. Finally, Flutters had strengthened her resolve enough to poke her head in and flip the light switch. She found Pinkie staring into the refrigerator talking to herself. When she came out of her daze, the ex-party pony had been in tears and suddenly was receptive to the aspect of another party. She seemed so different. She had seemed hurt and scared, had cried her eyes out for a long while before, all at once, snapping from the sorrow, and began planning the party she had promised Fluttershy.

Fluttershy had gone to bed with Pinkie. They weren’t lovers, neither pony swung that way, but were close friends sharing a fire in the winter of their lives. Needing one another they embraced and gained strength from the other, renewing hope, that maybe things would be brighter the next day. It was a sentiment that probably would not come to pass, but at least for that moment they had each other. They were not lonely travelers in the cold, dark night.

Pinkie had not slept long apparently, remembering her next shipment of Pink Dreamz was due shortly. Fluttershy awoke alone in the bed and came downstairs to a red-eyed mare barely keeping herself awake as she mixed, formed, and cut the drugs that were their income source. Pinkie had been working hard all night and had nearly finished half of the shipment. Fluttershy had pleaded with the earth pony to get some sleep, but she had countered with needing to make a grocery run for Fluttershy’s party supplies.

Flutters had pleaded with Pinkie until the earth pony conceded. Fluttershy had told Pinkie that she could go get the groceries while she slept. Pinkie had hastily written a list of items they would need but stopped short of going into the bedroom.

“Are you sure you will be all right, Flutters?” the pink pony had asked with a worried expression crossing her features. “I know you don’t go out much and I don’t want to ask you to do something you are afraid to do.”

Fluttershy had to be brave. Pinkie was brave for them both. Pinkie, alone, bore the weight of her actions to satisfy the needs of the pair. Pinkie did so much, too much, for Fluttershy. Flutters could at least go to the store on her own and let the exhausted mare sleep.

“I’ll be fine. It’s morning; that’s when it’s the safest. I’ll go and come back quickly. You just go and sleep, Pinkie; you need it. We can party later, but you have to be rested to do it.” Fluttershy put on a confident smile and watched as the pink mare climbed into the bed. Shy took a moment to tuck her friend in and shut the door.

She strapped Pinkie’s saddlebags on, picked up the note, stuffed about 30 bits into one of the pockets, and walked to the front door of Sugar Cube Corner. Now she just had to find the courage to follow up on her statement. The door was her first step, but possibly the hardest. She timidly reached out as if the door might be scalding hot. Fluttershy closed her eyes, gulped hard, and swung the front door open.

Fluttershy’s first few steps had been hard to coax, but after that her hooves seemed to find a sort of jittery rhythm and the mare found herself a couple of blocks away before she realized it.

The yellow mare looked down every alley before she passed and stuck to the main streets on her trip to the market. She quietly judged each pony she walked by as dangerous or safe. Most were dangerous to her, even though they were the regular workers of Ponyville and not the crooks, drug pushers, pimps, and gangsters of the night; to Shy, everypony looked dangerous. She recalled the alley where she had been soaked in lighter fluid and nearly burned alive.

The yellow pony felt waves of panic sidling against the sandbag wall that was her quickly constructed courage. The storm of terror was pouring more fear into the flood that was already pushing apart the makeshift dam. As Shy passed a construction worker, he sneezed, causing the pegasus to squeak and break out in a full run that only ended when she galloped through the doors of the grocery store.

Taking a moment to calm herself, Fluttershy chided herself for her feeble resolve and regretfully donned a carrying basket. She sighed and pulled Pinkie’s list from her saddlebag. There were several items on the list: Eggs, baking soda, cinnamon, vanilla, flour, sugar, milk, chips, sugar, ginger ale, limes, orange juice, sugar, streamers, balloons, sugar, nutmeg, chocolate chips, marshmallows, sugar, cookies, sugar-cookies, and a turnip.

Fluttershy didn’t understand what use a turnip would be or why Pinkie would need several bags of sugar, but she was the party planner. She had done the job for so long she must know exactly what was needed. Shy felt better inside the market; her heart had ceased to race and she felt more at ease. She didn’t think everypony was out to get her, but she wanted to keep from conversing with anypony and to get out as quickly as possible.

Shy wandered into the produce section of the market, a modest to large building with aisles designated for different types of goods. She looked over various fruits and vegetables, most of which showing some sign of minor spoilage, until discovering a tray of turnips. She picked over them for a moment and selected one that looked the least overripe. She smiled slightly at the vegetable and placed it in the basket harness she wore, striking the item from her list and moving to the next.

The list was aggravating because, while it had every item Pinkie requested, there was little order to it and the yellow pegasus wandered from aisle to aisle until she had nearly every item on the paper. The market was mostly empty at this early hour and she only had to navigate around a few ponies stocking items. They paid her little attention, which was fine with her; she preferred to be left alone.

Fluttershy turned down an aisle for the last item on her list, the streamers. It was odd that the market had a small section of birthday decorations, but it did and Shy looked the section over for the long strings of colored paper. She found them and was faced with a decision. Should she buy rainbow streamers or pink? Pinkie would probably prefer pink, since it was her favorite color, but she was also a fan of multihued fanfare. Fluttershy, laden with supplies, looked back and forth at the two and tried to decide.

“This is simply not going to do. No, no, no! Really? Only five varieties of oats? This is an outrage! To think, the likes of I, have to deal with an impoverished marketplace such as this! Surely, Canterlot will have more … once those fashionally challenged ponies see the art of my beautiful wares.” A high-pitched, moderately whining voice screeched in anguish.

Fluttershy felt her heart stop. All of her former friends had changed, Applejack was a criminal overlord capable of wretched acts of violence; Rainbow Dash had, the last time Fluttershy had heard of her, been Applejack’s right hoof mare; and even Pinkie was capable of acts of murder when pushed. She hadn’t heard from the owner of that particularly spiteful voice since the changes had started to overcome Ponyville and dreaded what foul demon had twisted this friend. She held still and hoped that Rarity would pass her by. If she was still and quiet, then maybe …

“Fluttershy? Is that you?”

Too late.

“It is you! Oh, Darling, I haven’t seen you in ages. I thought you had left Ponyville for good. How are you?” The white unicorn fashionista sounded remarkably upbeat considering her melodramatic tirade over the choice of oats only a moment ago.

Fluttershy went cold, but turned to face the monster her friend had most likely become. She almost expected snakes to living in her mane and rows of sharpened fangs. Instead, she found Rarity to be almost exactly as she used to be. She was smiling and seemed genuinely happy to see Flutters. Her mane was still styled the same in that looping curved fashion with a coat that looked as if it was expertly cared for on a daily basis. The only difference was, and she dare not speak it, the slight wrinkles around the white mare’s eyes. They were worry lines. Stress was aging the unicorn a little more quickly than she should have naturally. Still, Shy did not wish to take chances. “Oh, umm, hi Rarity. I’m … fine. How are you?”

“Ghastly, Darling. This establishment does not carry enough options for a lady such as myself, but I suppose it is a sign of the times. What have you been doing? You are the last pony I expected to see in Ponyville. I visited your old home once, but it was a crater. I’m glad you were not caught up in the blast.”

“I didn’t … cause that. I left before then.” Fluttershy’s eyes flickered away from Rarity in indication she wanted to leave, but the unicorn didn’t seem to notice. On the other hoof, maybe she just didn’t care.

“If you are staying in Ponyville you simply must come by the shop for a visit. It’s so rare that anypony comes to see me. Even Sweetie is out,” she coughed and rolled her eyes, “… ‘playing’ with Apple Bloom over at Sweet Apple Acres. Of course, I know what really goes on out there, but that foal is incorrigible. Honestly, I worry about her, but it is safer there. Nopony goes there looking for trouble. I just hope she keeps her nose clean … in more than one way.” Rarity looked away momentarily as if troubled, but then looked back to Fluttershy as if nothing was wrong.

“Oh, Rarity, I hope Sweetie Belle is being careful. If you are worried about her, maybe you should bring her back home.” Flutters adhered to the worry in Rarity’s tone and wondered if those light wrinkles, so painstakingly covered with powder, were from worrying about Sweetie.

“The shop isn’t the safest place anymore. Not that I have experienced many criminal activities, but the neighborhood isn’t the best these days and many of the foals in the area have turned to gangs or drugs. It’s a tragedy what those poor foals are doing. I realize that Applejack may not be the best solution considering her new, um, business, but she promised to keep Sweetie Belle safe and away from her products. I think Sweetie knows, though … But, this arrangement will only be needed until my business takes off enough to let me move the two of us to Canterlot.”

Fluttershy nodded the entire time, eager to be away from Rarity. She didn’t like talking about Applejack. She feared her former friend and doubted the earth pony would show mercy to her old friends if she knew about Pinkie’s business. “Hopefully you will be able to, um, move away soon. I’d be afraid if I had a sister with Applejack.”

Rarity looked away again, her eyes dilating as she thought about something. Fluttershy took the opportunity and began to maneuver around the mare. The check out was just down the aisle; she could see it.

Rarity turned to Fluttershy suddenly. “Fluttershy, I … please don’t go.” The mare looked desperate. Her whole face screwed up from calm composure to a disheveled need. Fluttershy had been her best friend at one time. They used to have a weekly day together. They had shared the spa on multiple occasions and had modeled dresses ... She missed her friend. She needed her again. Rarity had been left alone and she hated it. Even Sweetie had left her despite her complaints. If she could just get her business going again, she would move away with Sweetie and be with ponies who cared again. Ponies who weren’t under the influence of drugs or gangs. She had been alone for too long with her worries and fears. She had started to unhinge a little from the stress but maybe there was hope if she could convince Fluttershy she hadn’t fallen prey to the evil infesting Ponyville.

“I know you are always afraid, Fluttershy. I know you, or knew you, too well to not recognize that look. You think I have turned into a beast like so many others. I haven’t. Please believe me. I … I miss having friends. Applejack … does what she does now, I thought you were long gone or dead, Rainbow might as well have died, and Pinkie is an anti-social brute, or so I have heard.” Rarity had come a little loose around the edges, but she couldn’t let this chance pass her up. It had been so long since she had been part of a real conversation with a pony with whom she felt at ease. She could only hope Fluttershy hadn’t gotten mixed up in the gangs. She had never been the type for that. She had always been the innocent in their group of friends.

Fluttershy’s kindhearted nature allowed her to see her friend’s pain, even through her own veil of fear. She had witnessed the same pain in Pinkie Pie all too often. She looked the unicorn in the eyes and she saw her pain and fear clearly. They had been best friends once and she could still read Rarity like a book. She could almost touch the instability working within her old friend’s mind. Fluttershy, the master of empathy, reached out to her friend on a spiritual level. Rarity needed somepony. “I … I believe you, Rarity. I want to be friends again too. I don’t know if I can visit you, but … maybe you can visit me?”

Rarity smiled a little and nodded. “Yes, Fluttershy, I’d love to. I … I can’t today, Sweetie is coming home to visit with a friend. That’s why I am here. I’m buying something to cook for their visit.” She quickly added, in a breathless tone, “But, I could visit you this evening, if you don’t mind me staying. I don’t dare venture out after dark. There have been too many shootings in my neighborhood.”

Fluttershy grimaced. She wanted to help Rarity, but what would Pinkie say? Would she be open to Rarity coming over for their party or would she be angry? It might be good for Pinkie to interact with another pony, but it might send her backwards instead of forward. The look Rarity gave her made the decision for her. She needed somepony. Pinkie needed somepony. She and Pinkie had been standing only because the other propped them up. Rarity had nopony to support her. “I’m staying with Pinkie Pie in Sugar Cube Corner. She’s not a brute, Rarity. She’s just sad. We’re having a party tonight, just for the two of us, but I’m sure it would be okay if you wanted to come over.”

“Pinkie Pie? You’re, you’re sure it would be okay? I’ve heard terrible rumors about her. She’s not … how do I say this eloquently, crazy? Well, I mean … in a violent way, not the usual, er, Pinkie way.” Rarity tried to not sound brash, but spending the night with a murderous psychopath didn’t exactly sound like a good time.

“Rarity, I’m trusting you. Please trust me. I know what Ponyville is like and what it has done to so many ponies, but Pinkie isn’t bad. She saved me, Rarity. She saved my life and took me in. There are so few ponies I can trust now. She’s the only one now, really. I want you to be part of my life again, but Pinkie is part of it too. She needs help, just like us.” Fluttershy’s sighed sadly. Her best friends were afraid of each other. How had that happened? They used to be so close.

Rarity bit her lip and weighed her options. She wanted to have friends again, but what if Pinkie was everything the rumors said? Fluttershy didn’t believe so, but Fluttershy was often naïve to such things. Still, if Pinkie Pie had not harmed the pegasus, and she had indeed done the opposite in saving her life, maybe she could find some mote of friendship again. She had to take the chance. The prospect of another night alone with only the occasional scream or stray gunshot to keep her company sent a shiver down the unicorn’s spine. “Okay, Fluttershy. I will be there before nightfall. I … I need to get home; Sweetie will be on her way by now. I look forward to seeing you again later.”

Fluttershy said her goodbyes and the pair parted. Fluttershy paid for her groceries and started home. She hoped she had not made a mistake. She was afraid Pinkie might hate her. She had been so temperamental and hard to predict lately. Fluttershy would have to find some way to tell Pinkie, but for now she had to make it back through Ponyville to Sugar Cube Corner. Ice formed in her stomach and she trotted a little livelier, trying to stay away from alleys and other ponies as she made her way home.


Twilight and Spike were excited to meet Sweetie Belle’s sister; a change of pace was a great thing for them. They had been cooped up on the farm for a full month and the dirt road to Ponyville was like an epic journey to the pair. They listened as Sweetie Belle sang a song she had been practicing and responded with polite praise.

“Don’t quit yer day job, Sootie.”

JackSlap apparently was not appreciative of music. The green earth pony looked annoyed and the distaste at being told to accompany the unicorns and their dragon friend wasn’t exactly what he had hoped to be doing with the day.

“Really, Mr. JackSlap, do you have to be so rude? Her voice is lovely. She has worked hard on that song,” Twilight responded to the crude stallion. Twilight already did not like JackSlap due to his frictional attitude, but stepping on a filly’s confidence was something altogether rotten. Twilight cast a disgusted look at the purple-maned stallion with tiny cinders burning in her eyes.

“Yeah? She should work harder ‘cause I’ve heard cats getting skinned alive that sounded better’n that.” The green pony smirked with a look that said, ‘I love being a dick.’

Twilight groaned in disgust, signifying that her tolerance of the stallion was wearing thin. Sweetie Belle had stopped singing and looked a little hurt, her head hanging a little lower and a displeased expression marring her pretty filly features.

Spike waddled up to the filly and smiled, patting her shoulder as he spoke soothing words. “Don’t listen to that mean old pony. He’s probably just jealous of your voice. It’s beautiful, just like a choir, except it’s just you instead of a whole bunch of ponies.” His words were awkward, but the filly smiled a little.

The road became a street soon enough and JackSlap took the lead of the group, muscling his way between the two unicorns just to reiterate who was in charge.

“Okay, dames, let’s get this over with as quickly as we can. I don’t exactly want to be here all day. I have plans for this afternoon. Stay in a group; if ya run off and something happens to ya, I ain’t liable for yer mistakes. Got it?” He was annoyed. JackSlap wanted to rough a few helpless ponies up. He had debts to collect, but he very well couldn’t collect on them while he waited on this lot of losers to have their little get together. Damn it, he really felt like slapping around somepony.

The two mares rolled their eyes and conceded the point to the stallion. Sometimes they just had to feel like they were in control. Twilight just wanted to shut the stallion up, while Sweetie just thought he was a complete dick. In fact she knew he was a complete dick. Jackslap was bound to Applejack because she had taught him the meaning of bullying and he fell in place behind her.

Sweetie sighed in annoyance. As if Sweetie didn’t make this trip, by herself, once a week. Nopony would mess with her. They all knew for whom she worked and where she stayed. That was also the reason Rarity’s shop hadn’t been victimized since Sweetie had become a part of the Apple Family. Rarity had hinted to Sweetie that she suspected the filly was doing more than playing with Apple Bloom, and she had no idea how correct she was, but Sweetie wanted to keep Rarity from worrying about her. She was fine. She was more than fine. She was making a life for herself, which while cruel, would be safe. The filly became quiet and thought about her sister.

Thoughts of Rarity quickly changed to thoughts of growing up in the old Ponyville and, then, to bitter thoughts about all she had lost. The purple-and-pink-maned filly missed her parents. Ever since the day they had been ruthlessly shot and killed for the bits they had on them, she had sought a refuge from the wilds of urban Ponyville. Applejack had given her that. She had also supplied safety to Rarity, though the dressmaker did not know it. Sweetie had acquired it for her. Sweetie had come a long way from the innocent filly she had been when she first came to Sweet Apple Acres.

At first, Sweetie really was just Apple Bloom’s friend. Sweetie, discouraged and depressed to her lowest point, had needed a place to be apart. She couldn’t take being near her parents’ scent. Even when she moved in with Rarity, the hole in her heart grew. For nearly a year, she had dealt with the longing for and pain over her dead parents. Rarity just wasn’t her mother, no matter what she did. Rarity, in desperation, had sought out Applejack, her comrade turned criminal, hoping to reunite their younger siblings. Applejack had accepted and invited Sweetie to spend a summer with them on the farm. Apple Bloom needed a friend and Applejack trusted Rarity. Sweetie had been staying with the Apples for several years since then and had become the best friend of Apple Bloom.

The sweet Apple filly suspected nothing underhanded from her farm and genuinely believed they were a legitimate farming family. Sweetie loved her; they were best friends. When the time came, Sweetie would help prop the innocent filly up. Learning the truth would be a mind-scarring event for her, but Sweetie would be there for her. She would help build her to be stronger than Applejack and would be her right hoof. She wanted to be. It was her goal. With that amount of power she could control instead of submit.

The only trade off was innocence. Sweetie had found a new home, but what had she given up? Ever since discovering Applejack’s secret and asking to become part of her mob, Sweetie had been privy to many new experiences, most of which she would have never dreamed she could be part of, but she had. The filly had witnessed murders, torture, and violence that used to wake her up at night, drenched in sweat and screaming herself awake. She had needed time alone to cry and deal with the images she had witnessed. Over time, she had steeled her resolve and, though not taking pleasure in the acts, found herself emotionally numb to the pleadings of others and the sounds of snapping bones.

Her only innocence left was when she played with Apple Bloom. The pair played most of the day, joined by the ignorant pegasus, Scootaloo. Ugh. Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe she had ever been friends with that idiot. Scoot had come to live with the Apples’ under similar circumstance. Her parents hadn’t been taken; they had abandoned her. Apple Bloom had asked if Applejack would, please, let Scootaloo live with them. She had nowhere to go and couldn’t stand seeing her friend disappear to an orphanage somewhere. Applejack had too soft a heart for Apple Bloom and had brought the pegasus to live with them. Scootaloo had begun training to be part of the Apple Family slightly earlier than Sweetie. Maybe that was why Applejack had accepted Sweetie. She was already building up trustworthy associates for her younger sister and who would be better than the two fillies Apple Bloom trusted completely? It made sense to Sweetie, but problems had arisen from it.

Buck that moron, Scootaloo. But, Sweetie pushed those thoughts away; she would get what she deserved. She thought about her mom and dad. They had been so caring to her and she loved them. She never thought the world could be so wrong until the day they had been taken from her life. That act had pushed her to where she was now, but … what would they think of their daughter if they were here now? She was safe, that was a plus, and she had set it up to be safe for life, with a career. But, it wasn’t something of which most parents would be proud. A mobster? A drug pusher? Would she murder the parents of another foal one day? Would she start a new circle of pain for that young pony? Her parents would be ashamed … She knew they would. The filly sighed deeply and wished they were on their way back to the farm. That’s where she belonged. Rarity was going to make these feelings worse. Her parents would have been proud of Rarity.

Twilight saw the filly looking morosely to the street. Jackslap, that jerk. He had hurt the filly’s feelings. If AJ hadn’t suggested his company for safety, Twilight would tell him to get lost but, given her only run-in with Ponyville citizens, his company might need to be tolerated for safety’s sake. Twilight eased over to her friend and pupil and bumped her playfully. She smiled to the filly when she looked up questioningly, tears formed in her eyes. Twi wanted to slap JackSlap for making Sweetie cry, but let it go, for now. “Your voice is beautiful, Sweetie Belle. Don’t listen to that jerk. Don’t get upset because of him. He probably didn’t get enough hugs as a foal.”

Sweetie listened to Twilight. She hadn’t realized she had started crying until Twilight mentioned it, in response to which she quickly wiped her eyes. Twilight thought she was upset because of JackSlap? She hadn’t listened to that loser’s opinions ever, but it was nice that Twi was trying to make her feel better. Twilight was so nice. She was the smartest pony Sweetie had ever met and her tutelage was really paying off. She really liked the unicorn. She hoped she would stay on the farm for a long time and be her friend and mentor. Sweetie Belle smiled and suddenly hugged the older mare. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”

“I’m proud of you, Sweetie. Let’s tell your sister how good a student you are. Maybe even show her a few tricks? I bet she’d be proud of you too.”

“Yeah, let’s do that, Twilight. I’m sure she’d like it.”Sweetie was silent for a moment. “Hey, Twilight?”


“Thanks. You know, for teaching me.”

“We’re here. I’ll wander around out here and make sure everything’s okay. If you ain’t back out here in two hours you can walk back to Sweet Apple Acres by yourselves.” JackSlap stood by the door to Rarity’s Boutique and surveyed the area.

The others were surprised to have arrived already and Twilight looked the building over. It once held splendor and beauty, but that time had passed leaving the building looking old and worn. Ponyville in general had that look to it. Twilight had seen a few nicer buildings in the distance, but that must have been near the town center, an area that was near the Royal Guard station. She knew this because she had taken the time to study a map of Ponyville. She had inquired about the town from several of the workers who came from town to Sweet Apple Acres. She would have a conversation with the Princess, after her task was over, about giving aid to Ponyville.

The windows held ponnequins with sunhats and glasses and swimsuits set in front of screens painted to depict the beach. Apparently, Rarity was appealing to the summer crowd, but why would a pony wear a swimsuit? Putting clothes on in summer didn’t make sense to Twilight. In her defense, the swimsuits were beautifully crafted with tiny frills and the hats were large enough to almost use as umbrellas themselves. She heard Sweetie knock on the door and a moment later the door swung open.

“Sweetie Belle! Oh come here, my little sister. I have missed you so much, darling!” Rarity, a white unicorn with styled long purple mane and tail, grabbed Sweetie up in a hug and kissed her cheeks. “Your such a precious thing. Have you been behaving? You simply must spend more time here. In fact, you should stay for the summer!”

Twilight chuckled to herself quietly as Sweetie struggled to get free of her older sister’s grasp. Rarity was pretty, but looked as if she took a lot of time each day to style herself. Rarity, Sweetie had explained, was only about 10 years older than she, which would make her only a year or two older than Twilight, but on closer inspection she seemed to have to use make-up to present herself her age. Twi supposed living in a town like Ponyville could age a mare quickly.

“You must be Sweetie’s new teacher, Twilight Sparkle, is that right?” Rarity smiled happily to Twilight who returned the expression and nodded. “Yes. It is nice to meet you, Rarity. Sweetie has told me so much about you. And this is my assistant, Spike.”

Spike was stunned. His mouth hung open as he gazed at the white unicorn. He had never seen any creature so beautiful in his life. He could feel his heart swelling and beating. He barely registered his name and then the ivory goddess turned her attention to him. She might as well have been a cockatrice because her stare froze him in place. The useless jargon that came from his mouth as he attempted to speak sounded like a different language.

“Ooh, a dragon. I don’t speak dragon, but it sounded divine.” She actually blushed a little. She loved foreign accents and Spike was a cute creature. “Spike, such a brutish name. Are you a conqueror or a knight in shining armor, Spike?” She had lived long enough to recognize Spike’s state as lovestruck. It wasn’t the first time it had happened when she met somepony new. She smirked and ate it up. It had been a long while since she had captivated the attention of another. “I bet you’re quite the little hero, Spike. Come in, everypony, please. I have lunch ready and we have so much to talk about.”

She held the door for them trio and looked out at JackSlap who smirked back at her, looking her up and down with lust in his eyes. “I’m not overly fond of you, JackSlap, but would you like to come in as well?”

“Do I get to be your little conqueror if I do?” His grin was sickening and his eyes traveled inappropriately across her body. Rarity shuddered at the thought of the green stallion ravaging her. He grinned in response.

“Have a good time in the heat then. Maybe the sun will bake some manners into you.” She slammed the door and went to take care of her guests.

JackSlap chuckled and watched as ponies went about their daily business. He watched three drug deals go down in the first thirty minutes and scowled as two of them involved the transfer of bits for little pink squares wrapped in cellophane.

To his delight, that cream-colored bimbo with the blue and pink mane made the last transaction. Bon Bon. She had barely made enough bits to pay the boss back so he didn’t get to rough her up again, like he wanted, but he was in a bad mood and he didn’t really need a reason to slap her around. It would be a nice little reminder. Anyway, she was buying those little pink squares. They were more affordable for the perpetually bitless. “Hey, Bon Bon! Let’s have a little talk about what you’re buying!” She turned, recognized him, and ran.

Good, the chase would whet his appetite for violence.


Pinkamena had slept well and felt full of energy. She had dreamed of the partying cupcakes. They danced, sang, and formed a conga line that ended with each one jumping into a bowl of jell-o, serving as a pool. It looked like so much fun and that jell-o pool was a great idea. She didn’t know why she never thought of that. The anticipation for their party was so strong that when she woke up, she burst from the bed to see what Fluttershy had bought at the store. She galloped into the den, causing Fluttershy, taken by surprise, let out a little shriek. Pinkamena chuckled at her. “It’s just me, Shy; I’m sorry. What did you get at the store? Did you find the turnip?”

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief and grinned to her friend, getting to her hooves and lifting a paper chain she had been making for the last couple of hours. It was simplistic, but colorful. She had cut strips from several colored stacks of paper, pink, yellow, and white, and used the strips to form a chain that spooled in an impressive pile on the floor. “Oh, um, I bought everything on your list, so, um, yes, I got the turnip. I have been making this since I got back. What … what do you think, Pinkie? You are the professional.” She held the chain out towards the somewhat less flat-haired pink pony for inspection. She had labored on the chain and hoped it would garner Pinkie’s approval.

Pinkie’s expression underwent a dark change. She scrutinized the paper chain, pulling length after length for inspection and cocking a disapproving eye to Fluttershy every now and again. She finally just dropped it and lifted a hoof to her forehead. She looked annoyed.

Fluttershy cast her eyes down sadly; she had failed Pinkie again. She thought she was doing such a good thing. “I’ll get rid of it, I’m sorry.” She gasped when Pinkie’s hooves wrapped around her as she chuckled and hugged the pegasus.

“Get rid of it? It’s beautiful! I can’t wait to see what else you bought! I was just pranking you a little, Shy.”

“Oh! I thought you were serious. You really like it?” The pegasus hugged Pinkie back and softly laughed at the prank.

“I couldn’t have made a better paper chain if I tried. It will look so good around this room. Don’t you think? What else did you get?” Pinkamena hadn’t been this excited in a very long time and broke the hug with a large happy grin. She looked at a shopping bag and smirked. “They are in there aren’t they? The streamers and balloons?” She hardly waited for Fluttershy to nod before tearing into them.

Fluttershy’s heart soared as she watched Pinkie pull out the streamers and the three bags of balloons she had bought for their party. Pinkie ripped one open with her teeth and pulled out a long skinny balloon. She immediately blew into it and watched it fill from bottom to top and stretch out to nearly three feet. Fluttershy watched Pinkie bend the specialty balloon into different shapes. The squeaking of the balloon’s contortion was music to her ears. She hadn’t failed. She had succeeded in making her friend happy. If it only lasted the night it would be worth it, but she hoped Pinkie would maintain the joy.

Flutters couldn’t exactly make out what Pinkie was turning the balloon into and cocked her head at it until Pinkie suddenly turned, with lightning speed, and pushed it down around Flutters’ ears. Flutters tried to look up as best she could and her eyes crossed upwards at the balloon. “Oh! It’s a hat.”

Pinkamena nodded and gathered the balloons together in her hooves. “Yeah, and bent into a butterfly, Fluttershy! I thought you would like it. I should still have a helium tank in the basement. Would you like to come with me and fill these other balloons up?”

Flutters had taken the hat off to look at the butterfly shape. It was a yellow balloon and Pinkie had expertly bent it into the shape of a butterfly’s wings. Replacing it upon her head, Flutters’ pulled a roll of streamers from the shopping bag. She was nervous about basements. “Um, I’ll just hang some of these streamers, if that’s okay with you.”

“Sure. It’s nearly three o’clock. I’ll fill these up and help you get this place decorated; then it’s going to take some time to bake the cake and other tasty treats. Your party is going to be the best!”

Fluttershy watched Pinkie dash from the room and heard the door to the basement slam. She chuckled and started unrolling the streamer when she remembered Rarity. Oh no … She had forgotten to tell Pinkie. Pinkie was in such a good mood, too. She really didn’t want to ruin it. Maybe … maybe if she waited until the party had started, Pinkie would be at the height of joy and would be more accepting.

Or, maybe the fall would just be greater.

Pinkie returned impossibly fast pulling an almost psychotic amount of balloons with her. Balloons of every color floated every which way around the room. Pinkie giggled and handed over control of the floating mass to Fluttershy. Pinkie was wearing a hat made from a balloon, as well. Her hat was a simple circular design, but had three smaller balloons tied to it in the color and arrangement of her cutie mark. They billowed back and forth from her quick motions. “Here, Shy! Put them wherever you want. I have another surprise!”

Shy had one too, but was having a difficult time spilling it. What if Pinkie cancelled the party because she had invited Rarity? What if she threw Rarity out when she arrived? Rarity was just like them, alone and needing a friend. She needed friends, too. There were so many questions running through Shy’s head that she was still just standing there with the floating party favors crowding around her when Pinkie grunted from the other room.

“Flutters! Help me, please … I must be out of shape. I can’t get this thing over the last step!”

Shy let loose of the balloons, which, sensing freedom at last, expanded across the ceiling and filled every corner of the room with their multicolored emancipation.

Shy entered the kitchen and dashed to help her friend, who was struggling with something at the basement door. Her teeth were gritted and her forelegs were holding something shaded in cobwebs. Shy wasn’t really much help, but together the pair rolled the device over the lip of the last stair and collapsed on the floor breathing heavily until their giggles began to replace the heavy breathing. Fluttershy sat up to see what Pinkie had brought up.

Pinkamena wiped the swaying cobwebs from the thing to reveal a faded favorite, the Party Cannon.

The cannon had seen better days, but Pinkie assured Fluttershy that it would work. She had checked it downstairs and everything was in working order; it was just covered in cobwebs and dust. She immediately began cleaning the party favor. By the end, the pile of cobwebs was impressive, but the device looked much better.

“Okay, let’s decorate!” Pinkie pushed the cannon into the den and gasped. “Oh Flutters! I love what you did with the balloons!

“Thanks, Pinkie. Um, I need to tell you something.” Flutters followed Pinkie and watched as she loaded the Party Cannon with streamers.

Pinkamena was mumbling to herself, a bad habit she had picked up while being alone for so long, “Thirty degrees to the left. Not enough decorations … need confetti.” The pink earth pony was lost in thought and began tearing a roll of streamers into pieces and stuffing them into the cannon, at one point sliding her front half down into the barrel and stamping the party ammunition tightly into the back, only her waist and rear swishing back and forth in front of Fluttershy.

Flutters blushed a little with embarrassment for her friend as she clearly was in the party zone and had not heard what Flutters had stated. Shy hated to burst her bubble, but she needed to know. “Pinkie … I invited Rarity to our party. I saw her at the store and, oh dear, she was so sad, Pinkie. You should see her. I had to invi-”

“I can tell you’re talking, but I can’t hear you, Shy. Oof! Um ... I’m stuck in here. Can you pull me out?” Pinkie wiggled and wriggled to get loose, but she had climbed so deeply into the cannon that her hooves no longer touched the floor and she could not gain enough leverage to pull herself free of the device.

Fluttershy blushed a deeper shade of crimson, but took Pinkie’s tail and pulled on the pink mare until she was able to set her hooves against the mouth of the Party Cannon and came out with a loud POP! She fell on top of Fluttershy and giggled just before hugging the pegasus again and helping her to her hooves.

“Shy, thank you for helping me.” Pinkamena sat on her haunches and looked deeply into Flutters’ eyes.

“Well, um, I couldn’t just leave you inside of there.”

“No, I mean …” She sighed and looked away in embarrassment or shame, Flutters could not tell which. “… I mean, pushing me to have this party. I … I don’t know what is going to happen after tonight. I am having such a good time right now, but Ponyville is still rotten. It’s not the same as it used to be. Tomorrow I might wake up and come in here just to stomp on every balloon. This party doesn’t change what is going on outside of Sugar Cube Corner, but for today I really feel happy again. Thank you for helping me feel this way again, even if it’s only for tonight.” Pinkamena felt a tear drip down her muzzle and turned away suddenly.

“But that’s tomorrow, right Fluttershy? Tonight is in the future and the present is now. Let’s not ruin it with this mushy stuff.”

Flutters was touched and moved to Pinkie’s side, hugging her gently. Tonight’s the future … let Pinkie be happy for now. If Flutters ruined everything by inviting Rarity, let it be ruined later and not now. Pinkie was right. “Right, Pinkie. Let’s just have fun for now and let tomorrow be in the future. It doesn’t matter right now.”

Pinkie smiled and nuzzled Fluttershy. “Well, let’s start it with a bang!” The pink pony smirked and yanked the ignition on the Party Cannon.

Streamers and confetti exploded across the room; balloons blasted back against the wall and rebounded back across the room from the force. Pinkie was an artist whose medium was a party. How she inherently calculated the mathematics to so perfectly decorate a room with a war device was beyond the scope of any pony in Equestria, but the room had totally changed. The alteration from dismal and gray to an assault on the senses of color and joy in the span of one explosion was a miracle, but the newly awoken party pony had done it.

The party room was ready. It was time to get baking.