• Published 28th Apr 2012
  • 5,160 Views, 142 Comments

Pinkamenace II Society - jmj

Twilight is sent to learn about the magic of friendship and ends up in the ghetto that is Ponyville.

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2:6 And Fades

Segment 2: Chapter 6

Sweetie Belle was dead…

Or at least she wished she was. She had lost consciousness to panic and pain as Scootaloo mounted the unicorn and brutalized her with an impressive display of melee aptitude. In other words, Sweetie had been held down and punched in the face until she had been knocked out. The filly, however, did not recall the fight immediately.

She had awoken shortly after, alone and enduring pain like she had never experienced. The white filly with a cotton candy purple and pink mane hauled herself to her hooves, hearing the party in the distance, and dragging herself towards the farmhouse. Her mind was lost in a sea of pain with a thick fog of confusion preventing much of her memory from being easily recalled. On top of that, it felt as though she had an apple tucked inside each of her cheeks and her left eye refused to open.

She wondered, in her confusion, if she had been stung by yellow jackets. She had once stepped into the ground nest of yellow jackets and had swollen up like a balloon from the stings. Her body had ached and remained puffed up for days and this felt very similar.

The filly reached the house and climbed the stairs, seeking the bathroom. She had to see what was going on with her body. She used her hoof to flip on the lights as she stumbled into the restroom, her head swimming suddenly, nearly causing the young mare to fall. She righted herself and lifted her front legs to rest on the sink, looking deeply into the mirror that rested behind it.

She gasped in terror, mistaking her reflection for the image of a zombie-pony from one of Apple Bloom’s favorite movies. The realization that this was not some monster created to terrify young foals, but her own reflection caused her to cry. With tears pouring from her good eye she took a closer look at herself.

Her left eye was black and swelled shut, rich purplish veins standing out across the dark brown and black of the pooled blood just under the surface of her skin. Her lip was split nearly a full inch from her bottom lip towards her chin, congealed blood glistening black against her bloodstained coat. Her muzzle was intact, but both nostrils had drained blood and the evidence stained most of the bottom half of her face a dark red color. Both of her cheeks were swollen and discolored, throbbing mightily, sending painful waves surging back through her bones and into her neck. Her one open eye dribbled tears and she began to sob, slipping down to the floor and curling up into a small ball, sobbing from the piercing throes of anguish and reflection.

Sweetie was concussed and her thoughts were disconnected and floating freely in her head. It was as if a thick wool blanket wrapped around her brain and suffocated her thoughts. She lay in the floor for nearly an hour, the cool tile soothing the hot aching of her wounded face. Slowly she began to place herself and the memories slipped out from the fog of her mind. After a time, her memories returned and her heart turned to ice.

Scootaloo… that brutish bitch.

Sweetie had gone to make peace between them and found her upset. The unicorn had tried to ease the pegasus’ forlorn emotions but met with hostility. Losing her temper, Sweetie had made one comment too many and Scootaloo had assaulted her. The memories of being held to the ground and thrashed by the orange pegasus jumped from the hazed regions of Sweetie’s mind and her body filled with hate.

Adrenalin coursed her tiny body and the veil of confusion lifted from her aching mind, allowing the whole scene to play in pristine definition through the lens of memory. Sweetie wanted to do more than beat Scootaloo up for this. She wanted to see her lifeless corpse spread out on the ground, a feast for buzzards. Tears of unmitigated rage dripped from the unicorn’s eyes, stinging her scraped cheeks fiercely, but she didn’t care. She wanted to injure Scootaloo. She wanted to make her regret every blow she had landed. She wanted to see her hopes and dreams crushed underhoof. Sweetie wanted revenge.

The white unicorn filly stood and looked into the mirror again, her poor face. She studied it, taking in every knot or bruise. She despised the pegasus now. She wanted to see her bruised and bloody, just like her. She wanted to find a heavy blunt object and catch the pegasus asleep. She would wake her up with several hard blows to those wings of hers. That would teach her. If her wings were jagged and broken bones pierced through the flesh she would regret taking advantage of Sweetie. The problem was Scootaloo was much stronger and she had already proven twice that in a fight she would emerge victorious. Even Sweetie’s magic hadn’t been enough to keep Scoots from using her size and strength to the advantage. How could she return the favor? What could she do?

Sweetie Belle needed rest and the adrenalin was wearing off, pain gradually returning to her damaged body. She would figure it out, but first she would sleep. Maybe the swelling would be down in the morning, her mind was still hazy and she would need to think clearly in order to divine a fitting punishment for that pegasus.


“But, you have to believe me Twilight! You’re in danger here! We need to get out while we still can!”

Spike had relayed his story about what he had found in the shed to Twilight. The unicorn had doubted him and so Spike had led her to the shed in question, peculiarly finding it unguarded. The dragon led her to the door and braced himself, swinging it wide open to reveal several barrels marked as insecticide. Not only was there no bloody chair in the center of the building, there was no bloody anything! The whole structure was free of all traces of the gore that Spike had discovered the night before. Twilight had given him a look that was not only disappointed but also irritated. She had angrily demanded that they have a talk about his attitude.

Spike and Twilight stood in the apple cellar of Sweet Apple Acres, a chill biting their hides as they stood inside of the dank room. Twilight had wanted to exit the shed before somepony caught them snooping where they had been warned not to tread. The farmhouse was empty in the late morning and Twilight knew that the cellar would be safe and she could speak her irritated mind to the dragon in private. “I’ve had enough of this, Spike! I’m tired of listening to your crazy theories about Applejack and the other ponies of this farm. Have you listened to yourself? You sound insane.”

Spike sighed and looked to the concrete floor before looking up at Twilight, an inner fire igniting inside the dragon. Spike only wanted what was best for his friend and companion. He had never steered her wrong before and suddenly she had stopped taking his opinion as valuable. His eye narrowed slightly. “I saw it, Twilight! Those barrels weren’t there last night. Somepony cleaned up all the blood since last night!” A thought occurred to him. If somepony had cleaned that bloody room, they had done so after he had visited it. Maybe they had just found the lock melted, but maybe they had seen him go in. Goosebumps sprouted across the dragon’s body as that thought sank in. “We have to get out of here, Twilight. We have to tell the Princess!”

Twilight sighed, rubbing her temples with her forelegs. She was getting tired of Spike’s conspiracy theories. She wished he would just stop trying to drag her away from Ponyville. She knew he was frightened of the town, so was she, but making up wild stories about Applejack being a murderer was going too far. She had to put an end to this now. She sighed with a deep annoyance, “No. Just stop. I’m not leaving and these wild accusations aren’t going to pull me away. If you are so afraid, then go. Go back home to Canterlot!”

The unicorn’s words had been seething with irritation and devoid of friendship. They were full of disdain and ripe with a toleration pushed to the limit. These words did not belong to the Twilight Sparkle he knew. This place was taking a toll on her, he had suspected that she hadn’t gotten over their rough arrival into Ponyville and this clenched it. Twilight’s happy nature was waning to the aura of despair and depravity of Ponyville. He worried for his friend, but the unicorn struck his feelings and it hurt.

Spike was genuinely hurting. The words stung his heart and brought tears to his eyes. He had known Twilight his entire life. She had hatched him and he saw her as his sister, being too young to be his mother figure. It was as if she had just slapped him across the face and abandoned him. For a moment, her didn’t know how to react and just stood, eyes brimming with tears, until part of him rebelled against the mare. He had always only held her best interest at heart and had built her up to the idea of finding the magic of friendship. The hope that the lonely mare would make friends, true, lasting friends prompted the dragon to usher the unicorn along this path. He regretted it now. Twilight was too ambitious. She didn’t want to make friends for friendship’s sake. She wanted to use that bond to show off her intelligence and promote herself to Princess Celestia.

Spike had always known that Twilight suffered from some degree of narcissism mixed with the great fear of inferiority. Twi had always felt she had to produce better than any other pony and display her natural intelligence and talented magical nature, but this was getting to be too much. Her fear of failure was blinding her to her closest friend and advisor. Spike was always there to prod the mare along unfamiliar terrain and tell her when an idea was losing touch with the goal in mind. This time wouldn’t be like the others. There wouldn’t be a somewhat humorous spell failure or admixture mishap that left the lavender mare an ugly shade of green for a couple of days. This time her hard head and narcissistic ignorance would lead her to an early grave. Spike didn’t want to leave the mare but he was hurting and angry from her constant rejections and refusals of his reasoning. With contempt in his heart, he bit back his tears and angrily began to retort. “Fine! I will! You are sick of me? I’m only trying to help you, Twilight. That’s all I have ever done! If you won’t listen to me, I’m going to leave! I’m trying to help you, if you’d just stop acting so superior for once!”

Twilight couldn’t believe her ears and she felt her coat bristle at the slight insult, which was the best Spike could do. “I am superior, Spike! I’m going to show you, the other ponies in class, and the Princess that I am the best! Just leave! I don’t need you!” Her heart ached as she spoke those words but she was riled and defensive. At that moment, she just wanted the dragon to leave, to let her be alone. She had too much work to do to listen to this.

Spike opened his mouth the dispute the mare but found a stone in his throat, his hoped dashed and his heart heavy. He just wanted to be alone. He wouldn’t let her see him cry though. He tensed his little dragon body and straightened up, facing the mare with the last of his ire. “FINE! I’m leaving tonight! Just after dark! If you stop being so egocentric I’ll wait for you on the far side of the field surrounded by the stream. I can’t stay here any longer. If you are smart you’ll come with me.”

With those words, the dragon turned and walked away, quickly running up the stairs and into the bedroom he was currently using. Tears flowed down his purple scales and he hated the unicorn he loved at that moment. He just wanted to be alone, finding the solace a comfort. He would leave tonight. Hopefully Twilight would value his opinion and come with him. He had to hold out hope that she would see his fear for her safety and make the right decision. He had to believe that the real Twilight would come back to him.


Sweetie Belle lay on the bed she shared with Apple Bloom and that despicable Scootaloo. She had crawled into bed after discovering the extent of the wounds she had taken at the hooves of Scootaloo, wanting to drown her pain with sleep and hoped to wake up feeling better. She had not.

The swollen faced filly had awoken when Apple Bloom stirred to a morning of aching. She had quickly covered her injured face before Apple Bloom could catch a glimpse of the black eye or swollen cheeks. There was no need to trouble her best friends with her problems. Sweetie had not heard Scootaloo and assumed she had slept with Rainbow Dash in the cellar, which had become a custom lately. She had faked sick and talked through the pillow, imploring Apple Bloom to get a head start on the day and Sweetie would join her when she felt a little better. Apple Bloom was trusting and sweet and had wished her a speedy recovery, offering to get her some oatmeal before she headed out to check on her apple trees. Sweetie declined and lay still, holding the pillow against her head to “block the sun” until Apple Bloom had left the room.

Sweetie sighed and touched her face with her hooves gingerly once she was alone. The swelling had gone down some but her face still felt puffy and her nose bellowed with pain when she grimaced. Her lip similarly ached, a thick split marring her lower lip and her eye was still unable to open. She felt a tear drip from her injured eye. She hadn’t felt so weak in a long time, her mind bringing back images of Scootaloo holding her down and delivering blow after blow to her prone form. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t deserved it. She had tried to fight the pegasus, to hurt her with that heavy rock she had magically swung so viciously. She just hadn’t planned on the fight. She had gone to Scoots wanting to resolve their issues but had ended up in a serious fight when things turned sour. She knew she wasn’t innocent; she would have hurt Scootaloo if she could have. If she had connected with that rock, Scootaloo would be waking up hurting this morning. Despite the situation, she loathed the pegasus. It didn’t matter to her that they were both willing participants in the fight. She wanted revenge for her beating, for the weakness she felt. If nothing else, Sweetie would make sure that Scoot woke up hurting soon.

She thought about how she would get her revenge for a while, watching the sunrise in the distance. She couldn’t risk another fight with the pegasus. She would have to resort to deception, trickery, or ambush. She needed to know more about Scootaloo’s daily habits, weaknesses, and fears. It would be hard since Scoot spent so much time with…Rainbow… That was it.

She could plant a spell that would allow her to listen in on the private conversations Scoot shared with Rainbow. Since they shared a bed now Sweetie surmised her best chance of catching the pegasus unaware would be in her bed. Sweetie snuck downstairs and planted a spell inside the Apple Cellar. The spell was designed to let her listen in on conversations within the range of the spell as if she were in the same room. Scootaloo wouldn’t suspect this since nopony ever came to see Rainbow Dash but her.

Sweetie Belle had been listening intently for the voices of the pegasi for hours when voices clambered into her mind from her planted spell. She had hoped to spy upon the pegasi and had been surprised to hear a pair of other known voices. Sweetie’s spying spell was broadcasting an argument between Twilight and Spike directly into the bruised filly’s mind.

For a moment, Sweetie debated cancelling the spell and re-enacting it when her mentor and her assistant moved to a new location, but that would require making the trip back down into the cellar and she was still terribly achy and sore. Her body almost seemed more painful now than it did the night before when she dragged herself into the farmhouse. She didn’t want to travel back into the cellar to cast the spell again but she didn’t want to eavesdrop on her teacher either. It wasn’t a nice thing to do. She was in the middle of banishing the spell when she heard Spike mention a bloody shed.

She sat frozen, her mind raced as the implications of this event played in her mind. If what Spike said was true, and she was certain it was, it could spell a number of sinister situations for the Apples. If Spike went to Celestia, the alicorn could send a force of the Royal Guard to investigate and put an end to Applejack’s operations. Applejack and everypony involved would be taken and jailed, banished, or possibly executed for the many crimes that went on daily on the farm.

Sweetie would probably be sent back to Rarity because of her age but that just meant living without the protection of the Apples. The street gangs would fight for control and many ponies would be hurt. She couldn’t go back to the fear and helplessness that was her life before the Apples. Her involvement kept Rarity and her safe. Without Applejack’s support, Rarity’s shop would have surely been targeted and unspeakable acts of dominance and cruelty performed on them. Sweetie shuddered at the thought.

She couldn’t go back to that life of fear. She listened to the argument, breathing deeply as panic set into her heart. She waited and listened as closely as she could, picking up every detail and nuance of the conversation. She pushed her thoughts away for the moment, just drinking into the emotions of the words echoing in her mind. She waited until she heard the dragon not only leave the cellar but the clip clop of Twilight’s hooves getting farther away as well.

Sweetie’s breathing became rapid as she let her focus falter, her body panicking for a moment, mind burning through possibilities. She calmed herself, trying to think rationally about the situation. Twilight did not seem to believe what Spike was telling her. Twi had said she was going to stay. Only Spike sounded as though he would leave, which could still spell disaster if he went back to Canterlot with stories of what he had witnessed. Sweetie had to stop this. She had to keep Spike from going back to Canterlot. She had to tell Applejack, she would know how to handle this situation. AJ was a master of handling situations.

Sweetie Belle hopped from the soft bed and rushed to the door, peeking out to make sure it the hall was empty before moving along, searching for the pony who kept her safe. AJ needed to know about this.


Applejack had more pressing problems than Rainbow Dash. In fact, she wished the multicolored mare would just shut up and leave her alone. The mare had come into her office just as she was finishing the clean up debriefing with JackSlap and making sure that Twilight discovered nothing was more important to her than anything Rainbow Dash needed wished to discuss.

She saw the smirk JackSlap gave her as he made room for Dash to enter the room, he had, after all, discovered them in that moment…the one AJ was trying hard to forget. It kept coming back to her, haunting her dreams, and seeing Rainbow caused some of those feelings to dredge back from the ground from which she had buried them. AJ steeled herself, putting her barriers in place against the mare who stirred those emotions. “What d’yall want, Rainbow? There’s some mighty big problems goin’ on an’ Ah need ta think on’em. Ah ain’t got the time fer ya, right now.” She sounded cold and dismissive, hopefully that would send the pegasus away.

Rainbow didn’t even shirk at the tone of AJ’s voice. She had heard much worse, felt much worse, in the past. She wanted to change AJ, to bring her back from the depths of her despair. Rainbow wanted to see her friend restored to the good and kindly pony she once knew, but the way would be treacherous and she felt her best hope was to make herself available again. She had to prove that she was fit enough for the business of advising, as she had once done. If she could prove herself she just may be able to convince the cow-mare that her current line of business would lead only to disaster. The danger was over, they could use the bits already made to relocate or repair the soil. Hell, they could import whole new trees and start over as the farmers they once were, but she needed to get Applejack’s ear and to do that she needed to prove her worth again. “Applejack, let me help.”

AJ paused for a moment, her eyebrow cocking upward in a questioning way as she bore her eyes through the multicolor mare. “Yeah, if’n ah need somepony to use a whole mess of drugs Ah’ll call ya, Dash. Y’ain’t no count. Not like ya used ta be.”

The determination of Dash doubled and she furrowed her brow, gaining an air of serious composure and she brought forth a glare of resentment and long subdued irritation set free. “I’m serious, Applejack. I used to be your right hoof. I want to be again. I’m better now. I don’t use sweets anymore and I don’t plan to. You’re having problems that I can help solve. I want to be part of the family again. I want to be with you.”

Applejack’s nearly dead heart thumped and a miniscule blush graced her cheeks. AJ’s walls were cracking somewhat. Damn Rainbow. She always made her resolve weaken. Her mind filled with images. Rainbow Dash standing with her, the strength of the mare matching her tenacity. It had been a very long time since AJ had witnessed those qualities in her friend. A small grin attempted to break her grimace. What else did she say? ‘I want to be with you’. The tiny smile spread as AJ’s mind wrapped around those words and her heart and loins suddenly warmed. AJ wanted to be with her too. The moment they shared came back to her mind, warming her insides with the heat of the summer sun. She had dreamed again after their tender moment. Rainbow walked with her, their bodies so close they could feel each other’s heat. She had leaned over and pressed her lips…

No…not now. She couldn’t think of that or she would fold again. AJ's eyes fell to RD’s lips and felt herself quiver at the thought of them. She growled and the barriers attempted to mend. She needed to get Dash out of her office soon. She couldn’t be alone with the blue mare and keep those images from her mind. She weakly objected, “Ah don’t need yer help Rainbow Dash. You’ll just…”

“Yes, you do!” Rainbow interjected to the deny and pressed harder, “Your business is suffering and Golden Harvest’s gang is getting stronger. How long before they can make a move on us? How long before the ponies you love start getting hurt? I can help you, Applejack. Please let me help!” Her voice was strong and rigid. Her expression of concentration and concern as she plead her case.

The multicolored mare was standing with purpose and , for a moment, her weakened frame strengthened and Applejack could see Rainbow, once again in her prime, and not asking, but telling her she was going to make things right. AJ wanted things to be right. She was stressed badly; another war was brewing, which meant more of her family losing their lives in order to continue the survival of the farm. The sacrifice had already occurred once when they fought the Cloud Kicker Gang and won, but so many of AJ’s family had been lost in that costly campaign. The cow-mare didn’t want to lose any more. Her mind was pulling apart individual courses of action but only one seemed likely to bring about an end to the rise of power of the Trotters and leave the Apples largely unharmed. They had to find the source or many would die.

The orange earth pony’s stress ate at her and the tough routine began to fall apart. Applejack’s shoulders sagged and she looked to her friend, suddenly naked of her armor. The eyes so cold and dark, peering and frightening faded to worry and fret, trembling slightly as they filled with water. She wasn’t sure where her strength had gone, but she felt it leave her. Everything was hitting her all at once, her heart grew heavy and fear crept through the folds of her mind, devouring the beams that supported her bravado.

All of the worries, fears, and stress weighed upon what remained of her soul and for a moment Applejack found herself again; alone, frightened, and desperate. The orange mare tried to shake the feeling from her body but could not. She merely glimpsed up to her pegasus companion and felt a tear roll down her cheek, leaving a warm trail of bitter need in its wake. Even monsters were susceptible to the discord of Ponyville. Her eyes lit on her oldest friend and she barely contained the urge to reach out to her.

Applejack didn’t have to reach for Dash, the multicolored mare’s heart broke at the sudden and shocking state that Applejack devolved into. Rainbow gently stepped to her friend, wrapping her neck with her forelegs and hugging her tightly. She sighed and felt the quivering muscles of Aj as the mare returned the embrace. Rainbow closed her eyes and placed her lips next to the upset pony. “It’s alright, AJ. What’s wrong?” The country pony surprised her. Not once had she ever witnessed Applejack fall to such a state. She must be burdened with a great amount of problems to fall so hard so quickly.

“Dash… we gotta stop’em. Y’all remember the last time. Ah don’t want ta bury anymore of mah family. They’re all Ah’ve got. Ah’ve done it all for’em, to keep’em safe. Ah can’t lose the farm, but Ah’m plum horrified the only way ta save it will be ta take the fight to the Trotters if we can’t find their supplier. We’re runnin’ outta time. They’re not gonna play nice forever. They’ll make a move fer dominance soon. Ah can’t let’em take over, Dash. Ah can’t!” The poor Applejack sobbed out, decorating the bony neck of her oldest friend with warm tears, heaving her lungs by the racking sobs. AJ could not speak to Mac or anypony else this way, weakness was not tolerated. Strength was the key to controlling the fear of the gangs. If she lost her composure and word got out she would be perceived as an easier target and such a label at this moment in the struggle for power could have devastating repercussions. In her moment of weakness, she tightened her grip on Dash, taking solace and comfort in the warm body of her friend. The world was killing her, breaking her down. Sometimes even those in power needed a release. Dash was her release and she took in every detail of the pegasus’ soft touch.

“We will stop them, AJ. Sheesh, you and me together? Who can stand up to that?” Dash nuzzled into the country pony’s mane, taking in her sweet scent. Hay, Apples, and sweat all mingled in Applejack’s natural odor. It was sweet and tangy and filled Dash’s nostrils. Dash’s heart picked up its rhythm from the delicious fragrance, exciting her loins and bringing a flow of desire and satisfaction. The muscled body of the farm pony ignited Dash’s soul and stirred her emotions up. This was what Dash’s purpose was: to be there for the Apple mare. Her rock, her friend, her lover.

Dash nuzzled Applejack softly until the cow-mare’s sobs passed away, their embrace still shared. Dash’s heart was full and the intimacy filled her mind, rectifying her doubts and bathing her in the love that billowed from within. She was lost to the moment and gingerly brought her lips to the neck of the orange mare, kissing softly the tight muscles. She didn’t know what to expect from Applejack after the moment they shared before; it had been like heaven. Dash knew the possible reactions AJ could have but was too lost in the moment, bringing her lips to meet the nape of her neck again, experiencing the sweet taste of AJ’s body.

Dash felt Applejack stir beneath her, realizing she had gone to far she drew her lips back from the Apple mare’s coat, her cheeks blushing and her eyes embarrassed. “AJ, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…” However, her apology was cut short by Applejack’s mouth connecting with her own and pressing deeply, her soft tongue finding its mate inside of Rainbow’s lips. Surprise took Dash but she didn’t fight it and happily returned the passionate kiss.

The moment went unbroken, the mares enjoyed one another’s taste, and love, their forelegs wrapped around each other’s body drawing passionate energy from one another as the love hidden for so long went unabashed and undisturbed. Applejack finally pulled herself from Dash long enough to awkwardly and with a hint of embarrassment exclaim, “Ah need you, Rainbow Dash. Ah’ve always needed ya. You’re the apple of mah eye.”

Rainbow’s heart felt as if it would explode and her cheeks filled with a deep blush. Her dreams were becoming real and a tear rolled down her reddened cheek. “Applejack…,” she just couldn’t put to words all of the happiness that overwhelmed her and her eyes spilled another pair of tears. Her voice had been robbed and so she brought her lips to AJ’s again, savoring the dance of their tongues. Her body would have to explain the love she had for Applejack.

The mares brought all of their hidden desires and passion out. They lovingly explored one another and for a brief moment in the black sea of troubles found refuge within one another’s hooves. Undisturbed the pair shared more than their bodies with one another; they shared their hearts and souls. Intertwined among the perpetual blackness, the pair found peace and happiness, if only for an instant.


Applejack sat underneath the large Family tree in the orchard in deep confusion. She brought her troubled eyes up to the names carved into that tree over generations of her family. She saw the names of all of her relatives. She traced her ancestry up the tree and then back down, her eyes falling upon the scratched out name of her cousin Apple Twist. Her name was barely legible through the cuts that marred it, erased it from the Family tree.

Apple Twist had admitted her homosexuality to the Family and she had been cast out, banned from the Family and summarily thrown away for her deviant behavior. AJ still remembered the day she had been proscribed from the Family.

AJ was a filly nearing adolescence and heard the muffled argument through the sturdy door of what would one day be her office. Her ears flicked to the thick tone of her father’s voice angrily arguing with what sounded to be her uncle, Sour, and aunt, Brown Betty. She had rarely heard her father sound so agitated and wanted to help ease the problem. She tried not to eavesdrop but curiosity was getting the better of her. She couldn’t make out anything being said, however, and nearly jumped out of her skin when the door swung open to reveal her father, glaring angrily back at her uncle and aunt. “Y’all go get’er right now. This family don’t put up with such disgustin’ things. Bring her to the yard immediately!”

He hadn’t noticed Applejack right away and nearly fell over the filly when he came stomping out of the office. His hooves crossed as he suddenly realized his daughter was only inches from him. “AJ! Watch out, girl.” A look crossed his troubled features and he glared down at the orange filly. “Y’all be eavesdroppin’?”

Applejack knew that eavesdropping was rude and she nearly stuttered an excuse but it just wasn’t in her, back then, to lie. She cast her eyes down to the floor and admitted, “Yes, Daddy. Ah was just wantin’ ta make ya feel better. Ah don’t like when yer so riled.”

Her father looked over his shoulder to her aunt and uncle again, fixing them with a mean glare. “Y’all go get Apple Twist and her friend and meet us out in the yard.” Sour Apple and Brown Betty passed by the pair with their eyes to the floor, something was definitely wrong. Once they had left the upstairs of the farmhouse her father began his descent of the stairs leading to the main floor of the building. “Let’s go, AJ. Everypony is gonna see this.”

Applejack followed her father to the yard of Sweet Apple Acres where he rang the dinner bell repeatedly. He was calling a meeting of the family and ponies began collecting from all across the different areas of the farm. It took several minutes but finally the entire family had gathered in a large circle around the dinner bell. Her father looked around at the gathering and nodded.

“Today, family, we are brought an instrument of evil in the form of one of our own. Temptation and deviancy has found its way into our family.” Many gasps from the crowd and hushed whispers began but the stallion continued his speech. “Wholesome and Strong is the family way. We are not the corrupt of the cities, nor do we want their taint and soiled values of our own. We cannot and do not harbor the evils of the world here in our family, am Ah right?” The crowd agreed in a confused cacophony. “Homosexuality is a sin. It is brought from the soulless, unscrupulous ponies of the cities in their disgusting deviancy, am Ah right?”
Once again, the crowd agreed but this time with more fervor. The corruption of the city folk was always a topic of discussion for the family.

Applejack looked up at her father and wondered what it was he was talking about, the filly did not understand what he meant by ‘homosexuality’ and just looked around the group, finding her older brother Macintosh heartily agreeing with the crowd with his typical ‘eeyup’. AJ’s tiny brow furrowed and she waited for the group to quiten before asking, “Daddy, what’s homo…umm… homo sexulty?” The word was strange to her and she mispronounced it, gaining the attention of her father who grinned and used her question to fuel his fire.

“Ya see family? My daughter, Applejack, is unknown to the corruption of the world. Our way is the way of decency and respectability an’ now Ah’ll have ta explain the sickness that one of our own has committed. Same sex relationships are a blight to the face of Equestria and ruins all it touches. Our cousin, Apple Twist has been found in the throes of passion with another mare!” The gathering gasped in awe and disgust. Several murmurs and words Applejack had never heard before rippled through the crowd. Words that sounded bad, as if referring to a criminal. Words such as ‘gay, lesbimare, and faggot’ meandered through the gathering. “Please come to the center Apple Twist.”

Apple Twist was a green mare with a red mane and she looked around in embarrassment and shame as the crowd parted for her. AJ could see her aunt and uncle moving towards the front of the group and another pony, a unicorn mare of yellow coat and purple mane that always seemed to be near Twist. They must have been good friends, since they were almost always together, Applejack thought. She watched Apple Twist take the center of the group and heard more sinister hissings of those words.

“Apple Twist, y’all were found with another mare in an act of sexual deviancy. Such an act is disgusting and vile. Do you deny it, “Applejack’s father questioned the young mare with a hint of loathing in his voice.

Apple Twist brought her head up, her embarrassment pushed aside by irritation. “No. Ah don’t deny Ah was with Jumping Bean. Ah love her, but Ah do deny that it was disgusting or vile. Ah love her and she loves me!” the green Apple mare fixed her stare on Applejack’s father and then looked harshly at the gathering of her family. “Ah LOVE her!”

“I…I love you too, Twisty,” the yellow unicorn responded as she moved to the center of the circle as well, coming to the side of her lover and mate. It must have been hard for her because she could barely keep her head held up.

“Filthy perverts,” the leader of the Apples continued. “The family offers ya one salvation Twist. Renounce your deviancy and never again see this vile thing that has corrupted your mind… or else.” His words seethed and dripped of offense and he glowered upon the pair of young mares with an expression of disgust.

‘Ah will not. Ah love her,” Apple Twist retorted to the cry of anguish and loss of her mother. “Ah don’t care what you do to me, but Ah will not leave Jumping Bean. She means the world to me. She accepts me for who Ah am and loves me back. My life is with her.”

“Then your life is not with wholesome ponies. Leave now, banished forever from Sweet Apple Acres and the family.” He watched as Twist looked around at the group, her eyes pouring tears as she looked upon her family accusingly. She only received nasty sounding words and looks of contempt. The pair began walking, the gathering opening for them as they made their way to the exit of the farm. As they crossed the threshold AJ’s father continued, “Homosexuality and deviant lifestyles are unnatural. Let her name be stricken from the Family Tree and forever forgotten.”

Applejack watched her cousin walk away from the farm forever. She had never seen Apple Twist again and the fear of being alone settled upon her. How could somepony survive without their family supporting them, loving them. To the young filly it seemed a fate worse than death.

Sitting under the Family Tree and observing the erased name brought many questions to Applejack. She had committed the same deviancy as Apple Twist. If Big Mac and the others found out would her name be stricken from the tree? Would she be cast out into the hostile world alone? Well, she wouldn’t be alone. Rainbow would come with her, she was certain, but what would happen to the family? To Applebloom? The orange mare couldn’t think of being without her family. They were her life, her reason for being. She had given so much to keep them safe. If she were to be rejected from them she was certain she would die. She needed them to survive.

AJ leaned back against the trunk f the tree, feeling it’s bark scratching at her coat as she closed her eyes and thought about what to do. She and Dash had made love and it had been wonderful. AJ hadn’t felt so at peace in years. It was a welcomed distraction from her troubles, but it brought more problems of its own. What would she do? How did she feel about it?

They had made love and fallen asleep in each other’s embrace on the floor of her office. She had woken up first and had been confronted with confusion clouding her mind. They hadn’t spoken to each other afterwards, the act had worn them both out and AJ left Dash sleeping, needing to be alone to analyze what had happened. It had been everything she had ever wanted, a culmination of her dreams and hidden emotions. She had enjoyed each touch and kiss they had given one another but she was certain it had been wrong. She was a deviant, a sick corruption to her family. How could she lead them while letting them down so?

It was Dash’s fault. That slut had pushed herself on her and taken advantage of the moment to get what she wanted. Dash had used her for her pleasures and reduced her to a disgusting homosexual. Her defensive walls were trying to restore themselves, the thoughts found their way into her mind. Blaming the whole accident, because that’s what it was an accident, on Rainbow Dash. AJ didn’t really want to be a lesbimare. It was all of the stress and that opportunist Dash taking advantage of her. She would have to pay. She would have to be taught a lesson about it. Dash had raped her. That’s what it was… Applejack sighed softly and put her head in her hooves. That wasn’t what had happened and she knew it. She had wanted it to happen just as much as Rainbow Dash. Dash… what about her? Applejack had never suspected RD of being a lesbimare. What if she had lured Dash into this? What if Dash hated her because of it?

Applejack looked up at the sky through the branches of the trees, letting the sunlight speckle her face. Nopony could know what happened. She would have to keep it quiet, which meant discussing it with Dash and making sure she kept her mouth shut. If the family found out, she would be a laughing stock and probably banished and then she wouldn’t be able to help her family. Mac would take over and he would be too headstrong and get many ponies killed.

It was settled. Applejack would keep what had happened a secret and convince Rainbow to do the same. She would take Dash back as her right hoof and keep her close. That could work. She could keep an eye on Dash that way. In more ways than one. she grinned to herself. If it was a secret then they could do it again. Nopony would question her valued advisor being at her side all the time. it could work. It really could work.

“Applejack!” A high pitched voice broke at its crescendo and jolted Applejack’s thoughts back to the present. She almost started but caught herself, fixing her eyes on the mess that was Sweetie Belle’s face. AJ gasped and grimaced at the filly.

“Sweetie! What happened to you? Who did this to you? Did you get beaten up in town, is Twilight okay?” AJ surmised that Sweetie had followed Twilight into town on a trip to visit Rarity and been beaten up, she worried for her friend. If somepony harmed Twilight they would die, no matter who it was.

Sweetie Belle turned her bruised face to the ground and sadly looked away. ‘No… I’m... I’m okay. It’s nothing you need to worry about, Applejack.” Sweetie knew she was beaten up pretty badly but seeing another pony react to her hideously damaged face filled her with embarrassment for her failure … and hate. She didn’t want Applejack to punish Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle would punish that orange bitch. She would make the pegasus pay.

“Are you sure Sweetie,” Applejack asked as she put her softer side away. She had to be hard and tough again. Something was wrong and she would deal with it. Somepony would get hurt if need be.

Sweetie noted through her one eye that Applejack had seemed pleasant for a moment, as if she were happy, but suddenly the business pony was back. Her body language was iron and the scowl that replaced the momentary empathy frightened the unicorn filly. She stuttered as she began to speak. ‘Sp…Spike found the torture room and told Twilight!”

“Buck…did she tell you that?”

“No, I used my magic and heard their conversation. She didn’t believe him and they got into an argument. She told him he could leave if he wanted because she was tired of him trying to make her go back to Canterlot. She is really trying to help Ponyville, Applejack. She doesn’t want to leave. We can’t let her leave.” Sweetie’s lips hurt when she spoke and her body ached from the search to find the cow-mare. It had taken her hours to find AJ and it was late evening. She had tried her office but only found Rainbow Dash asleep inside. She had wanted to kick the blue mare for training Scootaloo. In a way it was Rainbow’s fault that the orange pegasus had gained enough confidence to fight her without fear of repercussions.

“She ain’t goin’ nowhere, Sweetie. So tell me everythin’ ya heard. I need to know it.” Applejack listened closely to every detail as the wounded filly explained what she had heard. This was bad. Spike needed to be kept quiet. If he left and talked to Celestia about what he had seen… things could get bad on the farm. He had witnessed too much, the only positive aspect was that Twilight, according to Sweetie, did not believe him. AJ knew that having JackSlap clean the discipline shed was smart. It had bought them time. Spike would have to be dealt with, but how? An idea crossed her mind and she grinned. It might work, just maybe.

After a moment, she smirked at the unicorn. “Why did you have a spell like that in Rainbow’s room?”

Sweetie made a grimace and gently rubbed her swollen eye. She thought for a moment about not telling Applejack the truth, the pain had caused her to slip out that she had been listening in on Rainbow’s room. She decided against it and doubled her efforts to get control of her aching body so she would divulge no more information accidentally. ‘Cause…cause Scootaloo beat me up.”

Applejack loved Sweetie’s magical ailities and had gotten many reports from Twilight on her abilities; especially the uncanny power to duplicate images of nearly anypony is exact detail. A plan was coming together but Sweetie might need to be pushed into her role. Applejack grinned as Sweetie told her who had hurt her. “Too bad, I really thought you would be the one to be Applebloom’s right hoof. I guess Scootaloo is tougher though. Oh well, I guess you can still learn dressmaking, Sweetie,” Applejack mused, setting Sweetie’s hopes on herself. AJ knew the filly was afraid of Ponyville and wanted to become strong with the Apples. Sweetie had potential, a lot of potential, and AJ had enjoyed the rivalry between the two fillies. She could now use it against the unicorn.

“What? No, Applejack. Please, I’m better than she is. She just got lucky.” Sweetie’s fears bit her from beyond and she fought to stay in AJ’s good graces. “She doesn’t even want to be here anymore! She told me! Please don’t send me back to Ponyville.”

“What? Why? You failed didn’t you? Scootaloo is obviously a stronger candidate.” Applejack’s business side was completely back and the thrill of using Sweetie’s fears against her thrilled her. Maybe after this mess was cleared up she could get some more “advice” from Dash.

“She’s stupid. She’s just a bruiser. She might be good as an enforcer but she’s too stupid to make intelligent decisions. Please, you have to see that,” Sweetie pleaded her case to Applejack, the threat of being cut off from the protection of the Apples and her future jeopardized was too much for the injured young filly.

“And yet you were not smart enough to keep from getting beaten up. What should I think? Do you have any other talents, Sweetie?”

Sweetie felt her future slipping away and it terrified her. She would end up a corpse on the streets, victim to the mob, just like her parents, if not worse. She knew what happened to some fillies. She had heard the stories about the pimps who kept fillies for purchase. “Magic! Twilight is teaching me to use magic as well as her. My magic will be strong one day, even Twilight thinks so!”

“Hmph. I see your point, Sweetie. Twilight speaks very highly of your skills. Maybe you will be useful later on.” Applejack baited the young filly.

“Thank you, Applejack. I promise I won’t disappoint you. I want to help Applebloom be…”

“But you have to pass a test for me, Sweetie.”

The filly looked confused and the stress that began to drain from her tiny form began to swell again. “Oh….ok. what kind of test?”

“I have a job for you. If you do it I will forget about what happened with Scootaloo and guarantee you a position with the Apples.” AJ saw a light of hope in Sweetie’s eyes. The filly could guarantee her position. It was such good bait for the frightened unicorn.

“You promise? I can really be part of The Family?” Sweetie was willing to do anything for that. She could make sure Rarity and herself were safe for life. She hadn’t expected to be given a chance so soon, but whatever this job was it must be important.

“Ah promise. Now, all y’all have ta do is…” The bright sunlight had given way to the orange of evening and soon the sun would be down. Applejack’s plan could go into motion if she hurried.


Spike waited in the field on the far side of the farm. It was the same field Rainbow and Scootaloo used to practice and was surrounded on three sides by a snaking stream. The dragon had watched the sun go down and waited impatiently for Twilight. He hoped she had come to her senses and decided to go with him back home to Canterlot, to give up the lost cause of Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres. Spike knew what he had seen and knew they had to get out of Ponyville while they could. He was dumb-founded by Twilight’s disbelief in his story and more than a little hurt, but he cared for her and wanted her to be safe.

The dragon watched the moonrise and looked around the field hoping to see the lavender unicorn. She was his closest friend. She had hatched him and in some ways he felt as if she were his mother, but he also felt that he was far more mature than she was at times. Twilight’s view of the world was clouded by her ego. She sacrificed a lot to placate her position to the Princess to the point it was unhealthy for her. Her inability to relate to real world events and ponies had gotten her into trouble in the past and was getting her into something on the farm from which she could never escape. Spike wondered if the Princess could help.

The dragon’s plan was to inform Princess Celestia of what he had seen on the farm and in the town. She was the ruler of Equestria and surely she had the best means of dealing with the problems and crimes of an individual town far better than Twilight did. If Twilight did not show up he would rush to the castle and beg the Princess for help. Celestia was a goodly ruler and would do anything for her subjects; certainly, she would help Twilight out of this situation and talk some sense into her. Twi would be upset with Spike but at least she would be alive. That was the dragon’s greatest fear, that Twilight Sparkle would be killed in Ponyville. They had already dodged the bullet once and this new situation would be far harder to dodge. Applejack was potentially a cannon and cannon balls were harder to dodge than bullets.

The moon rose higher and little by little the hope that Spike had began to wane. Twilight had forsaken his warnings. He had not believed that she was serious when she told him to go back home alone. They had been together every day since he was born and after an hour past his time of departure came and went, he finally submitted that Twilight was not coming to join him.

His small heart ached and he felt as if he was a failure and only two inches tall. He could not convince his closest friend of the danger of her well-being. He knew deep down that it was more of a pride problem with twilight. She always had to be the best student. She was convinced that she could save Ponyville with the magic of friendship. He supposed he could not blame her for her issues. She was a loner except for him, but he really thought he meant more to her than this. They were best friends and partners for life. A deep sigh escaped the dragon and he pitied Twilight, always subjected to her own inadequacy issues. Being the best was causing her problems. Spike stood and turned towards the dead trees on the far side of the field. It was going to be a long walk but once he was on his way it shouldn’t take more than a day to follow the road up the mountain to Canterlot. He could still save his friend, but by going through higher powers. Powers Twilight really respected, not him. He took a few steps towards the tree line and sighed.

“Spike! Wait spike, I’m coming!” The voice was unmistakably Twilight. The unicorn appeared at the edge of the woods closest to the farm.

Spike grinned and waved to his friend, all the bad thoughts flushing from his body. She loved him. She did respect his advice and had come to escape with him. “Twilight!” He ran on stubby dragon legs towards his friend.

Twilight smiled and as the dragon came closer to her called out, “I have proof Spike! Help me with it so we can show the Princess.” The lavender mare turned and ran back into the woods, leading the dragon towards a group of trees forming a circle, their huge dead husks darkening part of the forest to an almost inky blackness.

Spike rushed to catch up with his friend, his stubby legs pumping wildly as he chased Twilight. “Wait up, Twilight.”

The unicorn stopped at the edge of the almost palpable blackness in the forest, looking back to the purple dragon. “It’s in here, Spike. Princess Celestia has to see this.” She stepped inside the darkness just as Spike closed in on her.

Spike stopped at the edge and attempted to peer inside the collection of dead trees but the darkness was almost magically black. He looked up into the sky and saw that the moon had hidden behind some clouds, that would explain why it was so much darker inside this grove of trees than the others of the forest. “I’m coming in, Twi. What is it?”

The dragon stepped into the darkness. He stumbled on roots and fallen limbs that he couldn’t see, his sight robbed by the inky black. He kept his claws out in front of him as a precaution to the void-like dark. “Twi? I can’t see you. Where did you go?”

“Over here. Keep coming.” Her voiced floated from in front of him, with an almost ghost-like echo wisping from it.

Spike stepped cautiously towards the voice. He felt uncomfortable inside this tree grove. The air was cold and stale as if the wind never blew into the thicket but just simply passed around it. The silence of the grove was troubling. He didn’t even here Twilight’s movements, but she was just out in front of him. He had heard her voice so clearly. “I can’t see anything, Twilight. Are you there?”

“Yes, just a little further. Come on.”

Spike was getting uncomfortable in this place, chill-bumps broke out on his scales and a thick feeling of dread enveloped his mind. He didn’t know what he was afraid of but something was definitely wrong with this place.

The voice came from right next to the dragon causing him to jump. “This is the place Spike. This is where the proof I found is. Can you get it?”

“Sure. Use your light spell so I can see what it is I am getting.” The dragon’s voice quivered, he had not expected Twilight to be so close, her movements were so quiet he hadn’t heard her walking at all.

Suddenly a strange masculine voice answered. ‘You’re getting bucked!” Spike started to scream but something heavy connected with the back of his head, knocking him nearly unconscious, the sound was like splintering wood.

Spike lay on the cold floor of the forest dimly aware that the back of his head hurt. His brain couldn’t process the information correctly but he was on his stomach and somepony must have been pouring warm water down his back because he could feel the liquid running in rivulets along his head and upper back. He tried to flip over but found his limbs were unresponsive.

Light suddenly flooded the thicket from Sweetie Belle’s horn, revealing JackSlap with a crowbar, the sharp end coated with blood nearly three inches from the tip and Spike’s body laying facedown on the forest floor with a nasty wound in the back of his head. The hole was deep and pouring thick red blood down Spike’s still form. Worse yet was the tiny pieces of skull that had fragmented and stuck from the dragon’s busted open head, some grayish matter hanging from the vicious wound.

“Wait! What are you doing here JackSlap? Oh my, you’ve killed him!” Sweetie Belle who had been projecting the image and voice of Twilight with her magic cried out, surprised by the sudden appearance of the green earth pony. She was shocked and her heart beat fast in her chest.

“Taking care of loose ends, Sootie Bowl, just like the boss wanted.” JackSlap lifted his crowbar in his mouth and straddled the dragon’s body.

“Twilight…it’s so cold.” The dragon mumbled out, lost in whatever vision his dying mind was making.

Sweetie Belle screamed as JackSlap brought the crowbar down again with a sickening thud, making Spike’s body jerk and his fingers and toes twitch erratically. ‘NO! Applejack said to bring him here so we could talk! She never said anything about this! STOP! PLEASE STOP!”

“Shut up, Sootie. Go home. Your job’s done,” JackSlap growled at the filly and raised the crowbar up again, crashing it down into Spike’s head again.

A disturbing thumping sound could be heard as Sweetie ran back towards the farmhouse. She was supposed to lure Spike with images of Twilight into the thicket where the night would hide Sweetie Belle and she could use her duplicate image and auditory spells to convince Spike not to return to Canterlot, even using a small charm spell she had learned to suggest Spike stay on the farm. JackSlap wasn’t supposed to be there. He wasn’t supposed to kill the dragon! Sweetie ran as fast as she could, her stomach turning loops, forcing her to stop and vomit. Tears streamed from her good eye and she made whimpering sounds. She had lured Spike to his death! JackSlap had killed him! SHE had killed him!

From the thicket, a loud cracking sound erupted with the cruel laughter of JackSlap celebrating. “That got it to pop!”