• Published 25th Jan 2024
  • 456 Views, 5 Comments

Vacation - 8_Bit

Vinyl’s choice of location for a holiday hides a big secret.

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Peace & Tranquility

I must admit, Vinyl chose a fine location for our holiday.

When we first set hoof on the sun-kissed shores of this paradisiacal island, a sense of sheer opulence enveloped me. In the week we have been here, it has utterly failed to yield its grasp. The gentle caress of the warm, balmy breeze whispers perpetually through the palm fronds, beckoning us into a haven of tranquillity and solitude.

Our villa, an architectural marvel draped in elegance, stands proudly against a backdrop of azure skies and turquoise waters. Its exterior, a harmonious blend of colonial charm and contemporary sophistication, showcases pristine white façades adorned with ornate wooden detailing. A sweeping veranda extends a gracious invitation, offering an unrivalled view of the lush tropical gardens that encompass the residence.

Front and central to the villa is an enormous private pool, surrounded by plush sun loungers that sing sultry invitations to bask in the island's embrace. The air carries the intoxicating fragrance of tropical blooms, and the rhythmic murmur of the ocean provides the perfect soundtrack to this symphony of serenity.

In this haven, time seems to stand still, allowing us to savour each moment in the lap of unparalleled luxury. Beneath the cloudless sky, my sunbed sits at the edge of the crystal clear pool. Nopony around to fight for a good space, on account of the villa being a private one. I nestle myself into place, adjusting my black sunglasses, and teetering on the verge of sleep as I bathe in gloriously warm sunlight. Sweet, sumptuous isolation.

"Hey Octy," Vinyl calls out, trotting towards me with two drinks served in coconut shells aloft in her magic. "I think I just saw some parrots having an orgy in their nest. Wanna come see?"

Unparalleled luxury it most certainly is, even if my company is not well-versed in the fine art of tact.

"I dare say, as tempting as that sounds, I'm quite comfortable here Vinyl," I say, taking my drink from her as she settles into the sunbed next to mine.

"You sure? I've heard talking parrots before, but you shoulda heard the stuff these ones were saying."

"Hard pass, but I'm sure you'll tell me all about it at some point anyway."

"Ehh, your loss," she says with shrug, lowering herself to a laid-down position and raising the coconut to her mouth to drink from a straw.

I chuckle softly, shaking my head. "Vinyl, I must admit, your choice of entertainment has often struck me as rather peculiar, but this is a new extremity. I came here to relax, not indulge in scandalous bird tales."

"And I came here just so I could have your pretty face all to myself for a few weeks," she retorts, leaning over to nudge me with her elbow. "Funny birds are just, y'know, a bonus!"

"Ever the masterful deflector."

"You're worth it, sweetie. Love ya!"

I sigh, raising my own coconut to my mouth to sip at the fruity punch. "I love you too, Vinyl."

She takes another sip from her coconut shell, her sunglasses doing little to disguise the slight lowering of her eyebrows that accompanies her mischievous smirks. "You know, Octy, these islands are rumoured to have mystical sea ponies that grant wishes to those who find them. Think we should go on a quest?"

I chuckle at her suggestion. "Vinyl, dear, I believe you might be confusing the serene beauty of our surroundings with the fantastical tales of foals. Besides, after how things went in Trottingham, I thought we agreed that we needed a holiday of tranquillity. Not mythical quests."

Feigning disappointment, her face contorts into a pout. "Aw, come on, Tavi! Imagine the stories we could tell our friends back in Ponyville. Octavia and Vinyl, the legendary sea pony questers!"

My eyebrows rise, though her enthusiasm does amuse me. "I highly doubt that anypony would find our tales of sea pony quests as captivating as you do, Vinyl. But who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon something extraordinary during our stay."

Vinyl grins. "That's the spirit! Adventure awaits, even in the lap of luxury."

As she drifts off into her own world of whimsy, I take a moment to appreciate the polar opposite stances. Vinyl, loud, brash and outgoing? Seeks to utilise our tropical paradise to its fullest extent, searching out the mystical within the beautiful. And myself, cool, calm and admittedly much more introverted? I'm simply content to unwind in peace, quiet, and sublimely beautiful surroundings. Our ideal ways of passing the time are portraits to our most basic natures.

Vinyl nudges me again, breaking my reverie. "Hey, Octy, do you think this place has karaoke? I could totally rock a tropical-themed performance!"

I can't help but laugh at her perpetual energy. "Vinyl, I highly doubt anypony on this island is prepared for your particular brand of musical enthusiasm. Let's stick to enjoying the serenity for now, shall we? And perhaps we may do some exploring in the evening, after sunset. You know, when it's not quite as hot out?"

She sighs dramatically, but a mischievous grin remains on her face. "Alright, Octy, but just wait until we get back to Ponyville. I'm throwing the most epic tropical-themed party, and you're the guest of honour!"

"I'm looking forward to it, Vinyl," I say, with a roll of my eyes. "Just promise me there won't be any scandalous bird tales involved."

Vinyl covers one eye with a hoof. "Pinkie promise, Octy. This party will be all about the music, the fun, and the apologies."

"Yes, I'm sure that..." I pause for a moment as I process the last word she said, then tilt my head to look at her for clarification. "The apologies? What apologies?"

"Hmm? Oh, my apologies."

Has she gone barmy? "Apologies for what?"

She fixes me with a glare. An evil glare. "Oh, for... this!"

Quick as a lightning bolt, she rolls forward and pushes herself up with her hind hooves. Using her sunbed like a springboard, she arcs through mid-air, before folding herself up into a neat little ball as she flies towards the swimming pool. Time seems to freeze, from my perspective, as I realise her horn is glowing. Then, I am yanked out of my sunbed, and my entire field of vision turns blue as I torpedo headfirst into the water.

In the fraction of a second I am airborne, I manage to maintain just enough clarity of mind to hold my breath before I go under. In the magnificent sunshine and not-inconsiderable tropical heat, the temperature of the water is quite pleasant. However, owing to my unfortunate angle of attack as I enter said water, a substantial quantity of it is forced up my nose.

As I resurface, sputtering and blinking against the sunlight, Vinyl's laughter rings out in the air. She hovers above the pool, her Cheshire grin wide as can be, as the aura of her magic suspends her inches from the rippling surface. The mischievous mare, who I am currently trying to remind myself that I am in fact in love with, has turned our serene moment into a spontaneous dive. I can't help but shake my head in exasperation.

"Vinyl Scratch, must you always resort to such theatrics?" I chide, though a smile betrays me by twitching at the corners of my mouth.

She grins down at me, pushing her shades up to glance at me for dramatic effect. "Gotta keep things interesting, Octy! Wouldn't want our vacation to get too boring, now would we?"

I roll my eyes, swimming towards the pool's edge. "I was under the impression that tranquillity and a lack of surprises were the primary goals of our holiday."

Vinyl shrugs. "Well, sure, but where's the fun in that? Besides, I thought you'd appreciate a refreshing dip in this pool that we've got all to ourselves."

There's no denying it, the water is indeed refreshing. Vinyl's antics may have momentarily disrupted the tranquillity, but there's an undeniable charm in her ability to inject spontaneity into even the most peaceful moments.

"Fine, Vinyl," I concede with a playful smirk. "But let's not make a habit out of it, shall we?"

She salutes me with a hoof, descending to the pool's edge. "As you wish, milady! No more surprise dives... for now."

We share a laugh, the playful energy of the moment lingering. As I climb out of the pool, Vinyl disarms my annoyance with a well-aimed kiss to my cheek. She's getting too clever for her own good, she knows I can't maintain annoyance when I'm blushing so furiously.

We return to our sunbeds, the warmth of the sun and the gentle rustle of palm fronds creating a comfortable ambiance. Water dripping from my coat leaves dark stains on the paved slabs of the poolside, and soaks into the cushioned seating. Vinyl reclines on her sunbed, still wearing her satisfied grin.

"Alright, Octy, I promise no more surprise dives," Vinyl says, reaching for her coconut drink. "But I make no guarantees about other surprises."

I chuckle, settling back into my own sunbed. "I suppose I'll have to be on guard, then."

Vinyl takes a sip of her drink, her expression thoughtful for a moment. "Hey, Octy, you never did answer about the sea pony quest. Think we should give it a shot?"

My eyebrows rise slightly as I glance over to her. "Vinyl, you can't seriously believe in sea ponies granting wishes, can you?"

She grins at me. "Who knows, Octy? Stranger things have happened in Equestria. It could be a fun little adventure."

I shake my head in amusement. "Vinyl, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I believe our holiday is best spent enjoying the peace and luxury this island has to offer. No mythical quests, just relaxation."

Vinyl pouts playfully. "You're no fun, Octy."

"Perhaps not your kind of fun, Vinyl. But let's make a deal, shall we? No quests, just the two of us enjoying the paradise around us. And when I say 'enjoy', I mean we'll relax, explore, but avoid any suspicious figures offering us coin to embark on a magical quest. Deal?"

Vinyl smirks, clinking her coconut against mine in agreement. "Deal, Octy. Just promise me you won't get too mad if I find a hidden karaoke bar or something."

I sigh in mock exasperation. "I make no promises, Vinyl, but I'll do my best to indulge your love for unconventional entertainment."

Early-afternoon trudges imperceptibly past mid-afternoon, and we're soon in the throes of late-afternoon. Sunset certainly won't take place for several more hours, but the sun does sit far closer to the horizon than it had done earlier. The tint of the sky has softened, ever so slightly, making the whole poolside area feel intimate and cosy. Rhythmic sounds of waves crashing on the nearby shoreline provides a delightfully soothing backdrop to our afternoon. Laid here, with my eyes closed, and Vinyl by my side...

Except, she isn't by my side.

For a brief moment, my senses pick up on the most subtle shift in the air. I open my eyes, and there she stands. With a remarkable burst of dexterity, she daintily positions herself astride my waist. She straddles me, her very touch sending shivers down my spine. In the golden hues of sunlight that highlight her, our moment of intimacy shines with an almost surreal glow.

"Oh... oh, Vinyl," I gasp, my cheeks burning. "Not out in the open!"

She leans down, her lips brushing against my ears. "Come swim with me," she whispers.

The heat in my cheeks persists, and my thighs give an involuntary spasm as she steps off of me. She knows exactly how to elicit... certain responses from me. Without looking away, she steps backwards as she gently bites her lip. She lowers herself down until she is treading water, then floats over towards the middle of the pool.

With a small smile, and my heart bursting out of my chest, I stand up from my sunbed and make my way to the edge of the pool. The water's surface feels cool against my hooves as I ease myself in, the clear blue depths inviting me to join Vinyl in the centre. As I approach her, her grin widens, and she paddles over, meeting me halfway.

"Decided to take the plunge willingly, huh?" she teases, her voice a playful melody.

I chuckle nervously, feeling the water's embrace around my body. "Well, it is our holiday, after all."

Vinyl reaches out, wrapping her forehooves around my waist as I join her in the deeper waters. The touch of her coat against mine sends a tingling sensation through me. We find ourselves floating gently, facing each other, the pool cradling us in its liquid embrace.

Her seductive expression shifts into something softer, something tender. Even through two pairs of sunglasses, I feel her gaze pierce me with a ferocity that transcends words. In the hushed atmosphere of the late afternoon, the only sounds are the soft ripples of the water and the distant murmur of the ocean.

She leans in, capturing my lips with hers in a gentle, lingering kiss. The sensation is electrifying, sending a wave of warmth through me that mirrors the tropical sun above. Vinyl's hooves tighten around my waist, drawing us closer, and I reciprocate, allowing myself to be lost in the moment.

Our kiss deepens, becoming more passionate and fervent. Vinyl's tongue dances with mine in a silent symphony, and the world around us fades away. The tranquil paradise becomes a backdrop to our own private universe, where the only thing that matters is the connection between us. The water supports our bodies as we tread, creating a sensation of weightlessness. The sun dips inexorably lower towards the horizon, casting longer shadows over the pool, but the warmth between us only intensifies.

Vinyl breaks the kiss, her breath mingling with mine as she ignites her horn. She lifts both of our pairs of sunglasses up, and she gazes into my eyes. A playful glint twinkles in her red irises, and she smirks. "Told you swimming with me would be a good idea."

I roll my eyes, but the smile on my face betrays any attempt at feigned annoyance. "You and your surprises, Vinyl."

She chuckles, nuzzling against my cheek. "You love it, though."

"I suppose I do," I admit, returning her affectionate nuzzle.

"I love you, Octy," she whispers, causing a chill to run from my neck to my tail. "So, so much."

"I love you too, Vinyl," I reply, my voice a soft melody that harmonizes with the gentle lull of the waves. "More than words can express."

Her grin widens, and she pulls me into another sweet kiss. The world outside this moment fades away, leaving only the two of us in this paradise of our own making. Every hardship I have ever lived through, every dark day of my life, every moment I wanted for nothing more than the strength to carry on, it was all worth it for me to be here with her.

As we break the kiss, I can't help but let out a contented sigh. The late afternoon sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink. Vinyl's forehooves are still wrapped around me. We continue to float in the tranquil pool, the water cradling us like a comforting embrace.

"Vinyl," I murmur, my gaze fixing on the horizon. "Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day could be like this? Just you and me, no other worries of life plaguing us."

She nuzzles against my cheek, her touch gentle and affectionate. "Totally, Octy. No crazy gigs, no stress or chaos, just us chilling out together forever and ever."

"And hopefully," I add, leaning into her nuzzles. "No more unexpected surprises, huh?"

Yes, I just had to go and tempt fate, didn't I?

A shrill, deafening wail of a siren pierces the air from all around us. Vinyl and I pull apart, fixing each other with stares of perplexity as the tranquillity of the pool area is shattered. Bells and shrieks of different pitches, combining in a hideous orchestra that is impossible to ignore.

Vinyl's grip tightens on me, so tight I feel her heart hammering in her chest. "What's happening, Octy?"

As if in reply, we are both rocked in place as by a small wave as a faint rumbling noise hits my ears. Barely perceptible, but somehow impossible to ignore. What with my ears pressed tightly to my head in the yowling shrieks of sirens, it takes my senses a moment to catch on to what's happening. But I seem to spot it at the same time as Vinyl.

"We're moving," she gasps, looking around.

"No, the whole pool is moving," I correct.

Slowly, surely, the pool is in fact sliding. Water, basin and all, as if a desk drawer being pulled along by mighty mechanisms. Vinyl looks all around her for confirmation, and she must see the truth in my words as I feel her pulse quicken. The water around us is rippling and sloshing in wild protest against the impossible movement. And yet, it must be possible. It is happening. Whatever mechanism is at work, it seems to be pulling the entire pool towards the villa. The basin itself appears to be tucking underneath the poolside tiling, out of view.

I twist my head around to glance at the opposite end of the pool. From our low angle in the water, it's difficult to fully judge. In the dark void left behind as the pool basin rumbles aside, flickers of orange beacons seem to claw outwards into the daylight. Further warning sirens echo upwards from the abyss. Vinyl and I, we're accomplished musicians. Wildly different branches of music, but we're both familiar with acoustics. And I know, just as I know she knows, that the void goes deep. I can tell by the echoes of the siren.

This pool? It is a disguise, covering something. My heart plummets into my gut as the words 'launch pad' linger in the deepest recesses of my brain.

"Vinyl..." I murmur.

"I think we should run," she replies simply.

Her words hang in the air, resonating with a sense of urgency that shatters the tranquility we had just moments ago. The sirens continue their blaring symphony, and the once-serene pool now feels like a precarious vessel adrift in the unknown.

Without a second thought, we abandon the calm waters that had embraced us just moments earlier. We kick and paddle desperately towards the edge, our movements fueled by fear and the instinct to escape the unknown. The water, once a source of relaxation, becomes an obstacle, hindering our progress as we fight against its resistance.

Vinyl's magic ignites, propelling us forward with an extra burst of speed. The distant orange beacons and echoing sirens become a constant reminder that time is of the essence. Every stroke feels like an eternity as we strive to reach the edge of the pool, our hearts pounding in tandem with the sirens' wails. My mind races with questions, yet the urgency of our situation stifles any attempts at coherent thought.

Her magic flares brighter, aiding our efforts. The water churns with our chaotic movements, creating waves that reflect the turmoil within us. Fear grips my chest, but alongside it, determination fuels our desperate swim to safety.

Finally, we reach the pool's edge, and with a surge of adrenaline, we pull ourselves out of the water. Gasping for breath, we lie on the poolside, the hard tiles providing a stark contrast to the gentle embrace we had enjoyed only minutes ago.

But our sanctuary is short-lived. A sudden, deafening roar fills the air, instantly overwhelming the noise of the sirens. A deep, throaty rumble that emanates from the void below what had been the swimming pool. Vinyl and I share a glance for a fraction of a second, and then we're on our hooves again. Exhaustion be damned, panic takes over for both of us. We simply run.

The roar loudens by leaps and bounds behind us, taking on a high pitched whine as if a thousand jet engines screaming out in unison. A symphony of raw thrust and power. All around, the very air quivers for but a moment. The ground trembles as it resonates a deep bass that courses through my veins. A fiery crackle begins to whip about, lashing out as the monstrous beast rises from its slumber. True sensory overload, these noises all occur within a fraction of a second.

And then with an almighty whoosh, I am lifted off my hooves by a thick cushion of dry, burning air. In my periphery, I see Vinyl also go airborne as I am sent sprawling forward like a leaf in a tempest. Together we tumble. Cartwheeling away from the pool in an infernal vortex, I catch glimpses of the dreaded machination that had damned us to this.

A pointed red nose. Its bodywork, dark blue and sharply angled, with swept triangular wings. Gigantic jet engines at its base, whipping up the fire of a billion hearths as it pushes itself up against the unyielding force of gravity. And emblazoned on its hull is its solitary marking, a large white number one.

From the exact moment Vinyl and I pulled ourself onto the poolside, to us coming to a stop as we're thrown into a thicket of shrubs, no more than five seconds have elapsed. And from my position upon landing, gawking upwards into the sky, I have a picture perfect view of the navy rocket rising higher and higher into the sky away from us, its engines crackling and whining as it flies onwards. Apparently with little care, or worse, any knowledge about the damage its lift-off just inflicted upon us.

"Vinyl!" I call out, my voice strained against the lingering echoes that ring in my ears. "Are you alright?"

She nods, her sunglasses slightly askew. "Yeah, just shaken up. What the fuck just happened?"

I cast my gaze upward again, the azure sky now disrupted by the dissipating trail of the ascending rocket. "That rocket... it launched from beneath the pool. We were on top of a hidden launch pad."

Vinyl's eyes widen in disbelief. "A launch pad? What kind of vacation spot has a secret rocket launch pad?"

"I have no idea, Vinyl," I reply, scanning the surroundings for any signs of further danger.

Though apparently, somepony else has the same idea.

In the waning sun, a ray of light gleams off of her regalia as she steps up to the pool. She surveys the edge of the water with an expression of satisfaction, watching as the mechanism runs the opposite way and the pool begins to close up again. As she levitates a clipboard in front of her, she scribbles down some notes. Then she turns to leave, but pauses when she spots us. Her eyes widen.

"Oh, oh dear," gasps Princess Twilight Sparkle. "I... err... I forgot we had guests staying here."

Author's Note:

Inspired by this comic by bobthedalek on DeviantArt, who was himself inspired by this travel company commercial from the early 2000’s.

I wonder where that rocket is even going...

Comments ( 5 )

OK, the story is pretty good.
Well written, no typos or grammatical errors.
But aaww . . i had thought Vinyl would propose to Octy ._.

Comment posted by taylorcurran deleted January 26th

The atmosphere and chemistry was really well done. I admit, the Thunderbirds ending took me by complete surprise and made me chuckle.

I mean... she did, in the previous story. This is a non-canonical part four to a series, not a standalone.

I'm glad it's not canon also all the BS the other ponies have to put up with around here.

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