• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 1,616 Views, 91 Comments

Knights of the Everfree - Lightning Shaker

This is the story of how a small group of foals grew into something more than what they were, the story of how these foals faced the darkness of the Everfree, and survived. This is the story of the Knights of the Everfree, and how they got there.

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Hospitals and Sleep


of the Everfree

Chapter Three:

Lightning Shaker woke up with a start. Wherever he was, it was much too dark to see. He looked around but there didn’t seem to be anything. The blackness surrounded him. The young Pegasus could feel the ground beneath his feet; it felt soft and malleable. His right forehoof hurt as he put weight down on it, so he decided it was better to only walk on three legs rather than use the hurt one.

Lightning briefly considered flight, but figured it was a bad idea. He couldn’t see anything above him and that was dangerous. Though there was really nothing he could see. A few experimental flaps of his wings showed that they were too damaged for flight right now anyway. “Hello, is anypony there?” He called out, more than a little worried about his present situation. He looked down; he could see himself somehow, even though he couldn’t see anything else, not even the ground, he limped on slowly.

“Lightning Shaker, come here.” A familiar voice said behind him. He turned to look, and thought in the distance he could see some faint light. Eager for answers, and to not be alone in the dark, he tried to gallop but instantly remembered his hoof. If he kept putting weight on it, it would never heal right. So he slowed down to a slow, wobbly – but relatively safe – trot. The light in the distance seemed far away, and it only took a few minutes before Lightning Shaker felt exhausted, but he pushed on. As he moved, he gave some thought to what was going on.

The last thing he remembered was being in a hospital, his guardian Melody Spring crying over his broken body, Dash telling him that he had been saved by somepony. “Ok, I’m not dead then, right?” He asked no one in particular.

“No, you are not. Not yet, anyway.” He heard the voice again. It seemed much closer this time, though he couldn’t see the pony speaking, the light was getting nearer. It seemed to be coming from the ground in front of him.

“Who’re you? And where am I?” Lightning asked, looking around trying to spot the source of the voice.

“You will see soon enough; continue toward the light.” Something about the way the other pony spoke was irritating him for some reason. It felt like they were choosing their words carefully and being deliberate with how they enunciated each word.

Lightning was close enough now that he could see the light was coming from a pool of water. Whatever it was beneath the surface of the water, what drew his attention more was that the ground around the pool, as best as he could tell, was still black; the light wasn’t making anything easier to see. Now at the pool, Lightning looked around, he still couldn’t find the source of the voice. “Hello? I’m here, where are you?” He called out his voice shaking slightly.

“You truly are pathetic.” The voice said, its tone the same, save for a slight shift to mocking. “You seem scared by this place, young colt. You are not as brave as you would have others believe.”

Lightning Shaker snorted, lowering himself into an aggressive position. “I’m not scared; I just don’t like people hiding from me.” Lightning’s defiant tone was belied by his eyes nervously looking about.

“Do not be so simple Lightning Shaker, look down, and you shall find me.”

The voice seemed to be right in front of him; Lightning gulped and looked down at the pool standing on its edge.

He saw his own reflection. Somehow, he was disappointed.

“Oh don't be like that.” His reflection mocked. It was then that he noticed his reflection was wearing armor. He instinctively looked himself over and saw that he wasn’t.

“No Lightning Shaker, you are not me, and I am not you, at least I am not you as you are now.” There was disappointment in the reflections voice as he watched it speak he noticed more things, his reflection was clearly older. “I am what you would have become, at least you would have had you not failed to live up to your own dreams.” The reflected pony said sadly. Lightning Shaker looked confused, what was the reflection talking about, it had said he failed to live up to his dreams, of what becoming a knight? As if reading his thoughts his reflection smiled at him. “Not just becoming a knight, you have failed to protect her as well. You are beaten, and broken. I am afraid there is no more use for somepony like you.”

“W-what do you mean no use for 'somepony like me'? I’ll get better, and I’ll keep trying, you can’t tell me I’ve failed!” Lightning shouted angrily, the reflection looked dismissive.

“I am sorry, Lightning Shaker, but I cannot trust in your conviction.” The reflection stated calmly in that annoying voice, looking at one of its hooves with a bored look.

Out of the corner of his eye Lightning saw three Nightmares appear, the glow from the flames lighting up the area around them, even though everything was still the same indefinable black landscape. “What do you want, then?” Lightning asked, his anger rising even though he suddenly felt fear as the creatures began to approach. “What do I need to do to prove that I’m going to be the knight I set out to be?!”

Lightning looked back down at the pool, his heart filled with dread when all he saw was his own broken body. He was shocked to see just how bad he looked. His forehead was bloody, a large gash just under his mane seemed to be pouring freely, a jagged burn mark on his side surrounded by singed fur. Most worrisome was his left wing hung limply at his side.

Lightning realized the glow was all around him now. As he looked up, he saw the Nightmares were all around him.

Panicking, he tried to run past them. He immediately felt the heat as one of the creatures lashed out burning him. “Somepony help me!” He shouted, running away, his hoof screaming in pain as he desperately fled the Nightmares. As Lightning fled his attackers, he looked around for any way to escape, tears falling from his eyes as he realized there was nowhere to go. The Nightmares were outpacing him, one moving in front to cut him off.

There was suddenly another light as he heard humming, followed by a tune. The words were hard to make out, but he didn’t care, there was another pony here maybe they could help him. Lightning ran towards the sound of the voice; the song sounded familiar but he couldn’t figure out why. “Sleep, sleep, sleep, you know you have to rest; You’ve fought so hard, my little one, but now is time to end your quest.” He knew this one, he couldn’t remember why, but he knew it. “Sleep, sleep, sleep, you know you have to rest; Just look at you, my little knight, I know you did your best.”

It hit him. He did know this; it was a lullaby his guardian had sung to him when he was just a young colt. "The Earth ponies toiled in their vast field, but the land they farmed gave little yield." He said quietly, but then started singing the next part of the song. “The harvest was good, the crop so full; thanks to you the land was healed.”

Lighting was engulfed in a white light.

The young Pegasus opened his eyes and looked around. He was in the recovery ward at the Ponyville medical center. “Mom?” He asked, looking to the singer of the lullaby his guardian had sung so many times to him.

To his surprise, Rare Charmer giggled, interrupting her singing. She looked up from her book and smiled at him. “I’m a little young to be anypony’s mom.” She gave him a soft smile as her giggles died down. “How are you feeling?” Her face fell into sadness as she asked.

Lightning put on a brave face. “I’m fine; it’s not nearly as bad as it looks.” He sat up a bit and tried to puff out his chest, but his broken ribs were having none of that. He coughed a bit at the sudden pain in his chest.

“Are you okay, do you need anything!?” She asked, sitting up in a panic.

“No, no I’m good.” He said, easing down a bit and giving one last cough. “I forgot my ribs were broken.” He smiled sheepishly.

“More than just that.” She said quietly, her face fallen as tears began to fall from her eyes. “You got hurt so bad trying to protect me. And I couldn’t do anything to help you.” She cried, tears falling steadily onto her forgotten book.

“Hey, that’s what knights do.” He said, trying to reassure her with a smile. How could he let this pretty filly cry over him? “Besides, I said it’s not that bad, I’ll be better in no time.” He raised his hoof to his chest, the heavy bandage on it made it awkward to move.

The white-coated filly took off her glasses and levitated those and the book to the table as she reached over and hugged Lightning, his face suddenly buried in her pink mane. She held him as though she thought he’d break from the contact as her body shook with uncontrolled sobs.

It took the colt a moment to get over the sudden shock, his joy at being hugged at war with his terror; he didn’t know what to do to get her to stop crying. Lightning hugged her back awkwardly, his limbs stiff and the many bandages making it hard to move. He saw there was a bandage around his chest, probably for the ribs. It connected to his left wing, which was wrapped thickly in bandages and held in place by a splint.

A cough sounded from the other side of the room. Lightning looked up and saw Melody Spring standing in the door with the nurse. “How is my little colt doing?” Melody Spring asked, her white coat slightly dulled and her mane looking like she hadn’t brushed it in days.

He smiled, finding the need once again to reassure somepony. “I’m doing fine,Mom, I’ll be better in no time. It doesn’t even hurt anymore.” He lied but got the reaction he wanted when his guardian looked relieved.

“How would you like some fresh air? We can get you a wheelchair and take you outside for a while.” Nurse Redheart said with a wink. The doctor looked at Lightning, seeing the lie but choosing to ignore it, a small smile on his face for the way the young colt handled that.

“Outside sounds good, how long have I been in here?” He asked, realizing he had no idea how much time had passed since he was brought in.

“You’ve been in and out of consciousness for a few days now.” The doctor responded.

As they arrived outside in the courtyard, Lightning being pushed in the wheelchair by Nurse Redheart and flanked on either side by Melody Spring and Rare Charmer, he had to squint from the sudden brightness. As his eyes adjusted, Lightning could see several other ponies in the area, some doing physical therapy others just sitting and enjoying the warm sunny day.

“I have other patients to check on, but I’ll be nearby, just holler if you need anything.” Nurse Redheart said, walking off.

“I’m going to get us some drinks,” Melody Spring said, smiling. “Miss Charmer, could you watch over him for a few?” She asked, seeming much happier than she had been before.

“Of course ma’am, I’ll stay with him.” Rare Charmer waved as Melody walked off to get some drinks.

She looked at him a small blush on her face. “Would you like to sit on the grass?” She asked.

Lightning nodded and she helped him down off the chair being careful not to bother his wing, when it felt like she was going to lose her grip she steadied him with her magic, her horn glowing with a soft brown aura. “Thanks, this is much better.” He said giving her his best impression of someone not totally flustered by her presence, leaning slightly into her with the excuse of; “I need to keep my wing propped up, if it hangs it feels kind of heavy.” She seemed to buy it.

They sat there a while, she reading her book, and he simply enjoying the feeling of her pressed up against him, her soft breathing causing him to doze slightly.

“Oh!” Rare cried out in surprise. “Let me help you.” She said moving aside slowly. Lightning woke up and looked around. An Earth pony had fallen. She was missing her right foreleg.

“I’m fine, no need to help.” The orange filly said, looking embarrassed. Lightning got up too to help her, wincing as he put weight down on his leg. She looked at him as he tried to help her up, surprise on her face. “You’re hurt too, why are you helping me? Wait, you’re that Pegasus that got hurt in the Everfree forest, aren’t you?” She asked, her turquoise eyes showing surprise.

“Yeah, I am, and it’s ok, I can help you up.” He said. Something about her eyes seemed off for some reason.

“Thank you, both of you.” She said shyly as they got her back on her hooves.

Rare Charmer floated the crutch she had been using back to her. “Of course, we couldn’t just leave you lying there.” She said as she attempted to reattach the straps that held the crutch to the Earth pony’s missing limb.

Lightning Shaker noticed she was missing a tail too, maybe she had lost it along with her leg? Either way, he felt it best not to ask, suddenly feeling a bit dizzy and tired he made his way back over to his spot to lie down. “Thanks again, you guys.” The Earth pony said, a slight blush on her face. “I’m Little Gear, by the way.”

“It’s not a problem.” Rare Charmer said as a nurse came up to help. She noticed Lightning having gone back to lay down and went back to him. “You okay? Are you feeling tired again?” She asked, fretting slightly.

“I’m fine, just a little hard to move around right now is all.” He said, looking a bit winded.

Rare Charmer took her place back at his side allowing him to prop his wing against her again as Melody Spring returned with some drinks. She was surprised when she was given one as well. “Oh, you didn’t need to bring me one.” She said in a surprised voice.

“Hush dear, you’ve spent as much time here at the hospital as I have, and I heard what you did… I owe you, so enjoy.”

Rare Blushed at the mention of her attacking the Nightmares; she remembered her angry shouts and magic, which was distracting, but didn’t really hurt them. “I didn’t even do anything.” She said shyly. “If White Star hadn’t come by…” She trailed off quietly.

The mare patted her on the head, careful not to disturb Lightning who had once again dozed off. “Don’t think like that, you saved my boy. Even the condition he’s in now is so much better than what it could have been.” Melody said, her eyes glistening over with tears once again. She had cried so much the past few days, it was a wonder she still could.

Rare Charmer cried along with her softly, trying hard not to wake Lightning Shaker up. Despite her best efforts, her body trembled as it was wracked with sobs. She yelped in surprise when she felt her cheek being nuzzled. She looked over at Lightning who was smiling at her.

“I never did get to thank you, Dash told me how you saved me. Things would be so much worse if you hadn’t done that. Thank you, Rare.” She couldn’t hide the blush on her face; he was smiling at her, and thanking her.

Melody Spring coughed and looked away. “Hmm, I think I need to ask the doctor about something, I’ll be back in a little while.” She said, finishing her juice and carrying it off, a knowing smile on her face.

The two ponies continued talking for a while longer, simply enjoying each other’s company as the sky darkened, the weather patrol having scheduled a rain for the evening. They went inside to Lightning’s room. “Thanks for being here, Miss Charmer.” Lightning said, his blush standing out against his blue fur.

“Miss Charmer? That sounds so formal, why not Rare, or Charm?” She asked, matching his blush.

“Charm, I can get used to that.” He said, stifling a yawn. Clearly he would be sleeping a lot in the next few days.

A nurse came into the room. “Visiting hours are over. You’ll have to let him rest now, little filly.” She said in a voice that seemed much too happy.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. You rest up, okay?” Rare Charmer said, waving.

Melody Spring came into the room. “I’ll be in the lounge area if you need me, Lightning.”

He yawned. “Thanks Mom, but you should go home and get some rest. I’ll be fine.”

“Well it has been a few days since I’ve been home, Celestia knows what sort of trouble Dream is getting into.” She looked uncertain. “Are you sure?”

Lightning yawned again and smiled, giving a wave of his hoof. “Yeah, you go on, I’ll be asleep for a while anyway.”

“My brave little boy.” She nuzzled his cheek and patted him on the head before the three ponies left the room. Lightning sighed, looking at his injuries one last time before laying his head down and drifting off to sleep once again.